2001/5/10 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:21219 Activity:nil |
5/9 I am looking for windows 98 exploits. Where's a good place to start? |
2001/5/10 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:21220 Activity:very high |
5/9 Congratulations on the fifty sixth anniversary of the great victory of the Soviet people over the german aggressors. \_ soviet who? \_ what battle was this? -ig'nant \_ This was the Great Patriotic War, also known as World War 2. \_ Little Troll, in order to attract attention you must stick with topics people think they know something about or have an opinion on. Your implying that the Soviets did all the work in WWII to put down the Nazis, that the Allies weren't even there and further that the Soviets were some sort of innocent victims headed by that benevolent butcher Stalin is wasted on the ignorant masses on the motd. Those of us who know what you're talking about know better. You can't rewrite history like this. Maybe you could get someone upset for about 3 seconds if you denied the holocaust. 3 seconds. \_ I beg to differ. Judging by the responses below, that was a hell of a troll. \_ There's a difference between getting hyped up about it which was the intent of the troll and educating him. I seriously doubt he wanted lessons on WWII from half the motd authors. \_ Ah, but I am not rewriting history at all. The point is, Russia does celebrate May 9th as V-day. And it does so happen that it was Russia that broke Wehrmacht's back, and took Berlin (at a great loss of life too, 20 million was a state figure, it was more like 50 million). Now, I certainly don't think Stalin was benevolent by any stretch of imagination, but the russians did win, bad leadership or no. And I give credit where credit is due. Now, what did Americans do during the war besides providing attrition for the U-boat torpedo bays with their endless supply of trading vessels? \_ Uh, Americans took Normady, Sicily, North Africa and the retook the philipines and most of south asia. As I recall, American and Russian forces entered Berlin on the same day. \_ Americans took Sicily from Italians who knew very little about war (incidentally Italians and Romanians were the rear units of the Army Group assigned to take Stalingrad, they were easily overrun and destroyed by the Russians, completing the encirclement.) The Allies didn't take North Africa from the Axis for as long as Rommel was there, kicking ass and taking names. \_ Rommel got his ass kicked in N.Africa. Try again. Americans did take Normandy with some loss of life, and I admit it to have been a gutsy move on their part. My point is, all these operations were minor at best, and had no tangible influence on the outcome of the War that was essentially fought on the Russian steppes. \_ It's your point, yes, but it's also complete nonsense. \_ There's a reason it was called an "alliance". Without the Americans (and British, Canadians, etc, etc) pulling forces away from the east, the Russians would have been lucky to lose only 50 million and it would've been a miracle if they didn't get totally crushed even under the weak military leadership Hitler provided. That the Russians have a holiday for something hardly makes it a historical fact that they single handedly defeated the Nazis while the West watched from the sidelines. Your last line about uboats is historically inaccurate and your entire revisionist line is a reinvention of reality. At least this time you tried to provide some facts even though your baiting was still based on a flawed understanding of history. Read a book not published by the producers of the People's Daily World some day. For true trolling you would have posted more numbers without any citation and taken them as gospel. You're getting better but still need some work. I'm changing your D- to a B-. \_ Troll schools are hard up for teachers, aren't they? Check http://uboat.net for the gory details of the U-boat war that american propaganda does not talk about. Germans measured U-boat success in thousands of tons of shipping sunk. As in 80 this month, 200 that month. Do you realize how much that is? As for the West 'helping' the only real help they provided to russia was very limited material assistance via Archangelsk (which they could certainly have done without). By the time the Allies joined the war in 1944, it was already won, the russians were chasing germans across eastern europe back into Berlin. \_ Yeah, the Russians did the most fighting, but even before normandy, the other allies absorbed some German forces in north africa, the balkans, battle of britain, bombing of Germany, etc. \_ True enough, Rommel and his Afrika Corp was kept somewhat occupied trouncing British forces (which outnumbered him and had far more supplies). The poster I was replying to, though, was claiming that without Allies Russia would have likely lost, which is ridiculous. America deliberately sat on the sidelines to let Russia and Germany bleed each other. This is a fine political strategy, but please don't have the gall to claim some sort of value or military worth for America's participation in WWII. \_ Rommel got pounded in North Africa. He wasn't "kept somewhat occupied". \_ well, you have to admit that russia got its ass kicked hard up until stalingrad. the germans failed at stalingrad partly due to factors caused by having to deal with the other allies on the other fronts, and having their airforce wiped out, and being bombed to hell by massive fleets of US bombers. if the germans had been able to bring the full blitzkrieg on early enough, with full support, it's doubtful the russians would have made it through that winter. \_ Russia did get its ass kicked hard. But the victory at Stalingrad was entirely Russia's. The bombing that early in the war had no appreciable effect, Britain's Bomber command was taking it's heaviest losses at that time. The real reason Russia won Stalingrad was Hitler's stupid insistence on taking the city (as it was symbolic, being named after his adversary), as well Russia's first use of sophisticated pincer tactics in delaying the bulk of German forces in Stalingrad's rubble, while using fresh divisions to surround, break up, and finally destroy Paulus' forces. \_ Russia hardly invented pincer tactics. The Romans were flanking their enemies 2000+ years earlier. Good try. \_ You didn't parse my sentence correctly. I didn't claim Russia invented pincer tactics, merely that Stalingrad was the first time Russia used such tactics. \_ I agree. I have a lot of respect for the Russian tenacity in breaking the Wehrmacht. I agree that Russia would likely be able to defeat Hitler even without the western front being opened, as can be seen from Stalingrad and Kursk. However, US and Britain did make the job much easier and less costly with the landing at Normandy and subsequent actions. US involvement also prevented western Europe from becoming Soviet's protectorates. Also, we must remember that WWII started when Hitler and Stalin decided to divide up Poland. Finally, US did help win the War in Asia. \_ Russia probably could have helped herself a lot more by not signing a treaty with the Nazis in 1939, dividing Poland between the two of them, and sitting on their collective asses while Western Europe was overrun in the blitzkrieg. \_ Wouldn't have worked. Even before his rise to power Hitler felt that russia could not be trusted and would need to have been eliminated. \_ General Patten (sp?) felt the same. \_ well, then they probably wouldn't have ended up annexing said half of poland, and east prussia. i bet stalin didn't really give a shit about the tens of millions of lost lives. strategically, the war was quite good for russia and made them a superpower. \_ Um, isn't (s)he talking about some specific event, like that time when they led the Germans in really deep over the cracking ice so they all froze and drowned? \_ Dude, that event is Alexander Nevsky's victory over the mute Germans. That happened like in the 14th cent. or sth. \_ Hmm, this sounds like how they defeated the French army under Napoloen. \_ A little known meteorological fact: The worst winters in Russian history were in the years 1812, and 1943. \_ How lucky the Russians were! \_ "Lucky." \_ It's not that the Russians were lucky, it's just that evil people like Napoleon and Hitler were unlucky. Napoleon's real bad luck was that he fought a Britain that just started undergoing the industrial revolution. |
2001/5/10 [Computer/Networking] UID:21221 Activity:kinda low |
5/9 netstat -upl, run as root on a Linux box: Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Local Address Foreign Address PID/Program name udp *:32768 *:* - udp *:799 *:* - udp *:800 *:* - udp *:sunrpc *:* 110/portmap Is there any way of determining who is listening on 32768 and friends? I don't think I've been 0wn3d...? \_ lsof -i :32768 \_ losf is probably trojaned, so is netstat. You will never be able to track it down. Reinstall while you still have a chance. \_ Victim could build and copy in tools from somewhere else but if Victim was really hacked, you're right. Reinstall and do a better job securing the box next time. \_ So, what, go OpenBSD? \_ Or maybe just stop running random and useless services you don't need or use that are known to come from a bad code base like wu-ftpd. \_ "lsof -V -i UDP:32768" produces: lsof: Internet address not located: UDP:32768 |
2001/5/10 [Recreation/Celebrity/MichaelJackson, Recreation/Food] UID:21222 Activity:high |
5/9 Boy howdy isn't he delicious? http://www.geocities.com/asianprince213 \_ that must be the love child of Michael Jackson and Little Richard. \_ yum! http://www.geocities.com/asianprince213/Possibly.htm \_ Omigawd! It's President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo with a mustache! Got chocolate milk? -brian \_ The one named "George" is fake. It's the picture of an actor in Hong Kong. \_ actually I've also seen this guy with his own personal web ad. |
2001/5/10 [Science/Space, Science/Electric] UID:21223 Activity:high |
5/9 You realize that if the people in LA stop running the 8hr swimming pool motor, we wouldn't have this power crisis? Of course their pool is gonna be moldy, but who cares... \_ You realise that per capita, Californians conserve more power than any other State's citizens and that we need more power plants? \_ Would somebody verify this? I've seen it in an email forward but I don't believe it. \_ Californians live in California, which needs heating and cooling less than any other state. -tom \_ Which means there isn't much more conserving to be done. We're already using less power than if we were in Texas during summer or Maine during winter. You can't squeeze blood from a rock. \_ Not necessarily. It *could* mean that we can cut back even more on heating and cooling given the relatively mild climate, as long as we are willing to tolerate a bigger temperature range with our bodies. Just set back your thermostats a little, and turn it off when you're not there. Also turn off the monitors and lights when you leave your office. All are just simple easy steps. I have a friend who lives alone in a 2400sq ft house in Santa Clara. He leaves his AC on 24hrs/day. I asked him why he doesn't turn it off when he goes to work to try to conserve, and he said "oh, because electricity is cheap." \_ This simply means he isn't paying what the power really costs. Ask him again at the end of July when he sees that month's bill how cheap his power is after the next rate increase. Anyway, your one friend is hardly representitive of the average CA citizen. Resources are a supply/demand problem. I find it silly to attack the problem from only one side. Yes, people should not waste power on stuff (like turn off the lights when you leave a room, duh), however we should be increasing supply as well. Note that a lot of the problem is that the so-called de-regulation (it wasn't) disallowed the signing of long term low cost power contracts so pg&e and sdge(?) got stuck buying spot power at short term daily rates. Ooops. This situation is not the fault of the consumer. \_ And don't leave your computer on just because you want to process more SETI@home units. That defeats the original purpose of the project which is to utilize computer uptime that are otherwise wasted. \_ I think employers should fine their employees who don't turn things off when they leave work. \_ We call this "layoffs" or "firing". Fines are for the government not your employer. \_ Search for "California ranks 48th" and you can find the chain- letter in all kinds of chat sites. I think that's just what it is -- a chain letter. \_ They could run the motors at night, when the load isn't peaked by all the damn air conditioners. PG&E and/or Edison was supposedly offering $20 rebates (peanuts, IMHO) to people who do this. \_ on an unrelated note, how is generated electricity stored? Curious mind wants to know. \_ Giant capacitors \_ wrong. \_ It was a damn joke fool. \_ I guess stored by pumping water upward as potential energy. \_ wrong. \_ This is definitely one of the ways. The State Water Project pumps water back into some of the reservoirs during off-peak hours so that they can use the water for generating power during peak hours. -ulysses \_ Human batteries \_ wrong. \_ that's the problem, for the most part, it isn't stored \_ wrong. \_ all electricity goes from the electric company to your house and back to the electric company. it's a big scam. \_ correct. \_ morons. |
2001/5/10 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:21224 Activity:nil |
5/9 I'm having trouble getting vi on OpenBSD to load .exrc/.virc. Anyone have a similar experience? \_ Make sure you do not have an $EXINIT or $NEXINIT environment variable set. \_ Thanks! I think that worked. |
2001/5/10 [Health/Men] UID:21225 Activity:nil |
5/9 The X-Men are coming soon! Mutant kids everywhere! http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,487857,00.html |
2001/5/10 [Finance/Shopping] UID:21226 Activity:kinda low |
5/9 Anyone have any opinions on video projectors? I need to buy one and cost is an issue. I've only ever used the fancy, schamncy ones that cost over $5k. In particular, are the cheaper Infocus models any good? -payam \_ used a cheaper-end Infocus machine to display the Boston Aquarium cam on the wall of our office for a while: worked fine, easy to set up, power cable pretty much interchangeable with that of any number of office machines-- doesn't handle resolutions above 800x600 too well |
2001/5/10 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21227 Activity:nil |
5/9 The SOUTH will rise again. \_ Dammit, yermom is on the computer again. \_ yeah she got tired of being on you. \_ She never gets tired of being on me. - #1 stunna \_ Example of bad troll. No one on the west coast gives a shit about the civil war, the south, the confederacy or anything else related. \_ Y'all come back now, y'a hear? \_ All the non-black "minorities" don't care? I do. -- asian \_ You care about some nonsense about "the south rising again"? Get over it. Asian or otherwise. \_ WTF is a minority? There are only two types of people in this world Americans and non-Americans. I belong to the former. What about you? \_ That makes you a minority as most of the world fits into the "non-American" category. :-) \_ They're too busy being stuck in traffic to be rising anywhere. \_ http://www.theonion.com/onion3613/south_postpones.html |
2001/5/10 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:21228 Activity:high |
5/9 Does anybody have clearer photos on how to perform either the "cog-trick" or the "knife-trick" disk swap on a ps2? The demonstration photos on the web are abysmal. It's too bad they haven't figured out a complete, external usb plug-in other than the sbox plug which...doesn't help very much. Much obliged. \_ sign your name so we can send out the Hunter Killer Aibo to give you a personal demonstration. -jwang@playstation.sony.com \_ it's not that hard to figure out from the pictures on the web. imo, the knife method is easier if you use a nail file. grab the file from sgt. dan's site (http://ps2.sgt-dan.com/)...and i'm not afraid to sign my name. -uctt \_ the photo I've seen of how to remove the front panel of the drawer isn't THAT clear. And admittedly, I am a bit leery about accidentally breaking off the tab that holds it in place. I mean, it'd still work...but it'd be like if you had a new car and then proceeded the next day to dent the front end by hitting a tree or something... And jwang, I got one thing for you. No, make that two: 1) =P PPPPPPLLLLlllllllllllllllt! Neener neener neener you can't catch me. I'll do whatever I damn well please. 2) (__)(__) Kiss my ugly deformed ass, motherf******!!! \_ You're such a twink. --!jwang \_ <DEAD>ps2central.pika-power.com/main.html<DEAD> has good pictures |_ How about a ps2 mod chip or workaround ? \_ it's really hard to get that cover off without breaking off the little tab. i was real careful and got it out without breaking but it later ended up breaking off anyway. there are ps2 chips (sbox and neo2 are the most popular) but there's really no need to get one at this point. the chips aren't that great and you still need to swap disks with gameshark 2. just get a gameshark 2 to play your backups. -uctt |
2001/5/10 [Uncategorized] UID:21229 Activity:kinda low |
5/8 How do I make majordomo not send me 2 copies of emails sent to lista@foo.com and listb@foo.com when I'm on both mailing lists? I have perms on http://foo.com, but dont want to go from 1.9.4 to mj2 \_ Unsubscribe from one of the lists. :-) |
2001/5/10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:21230 Activity:very high |
5/10 From McVeigh's own words, censored by the US Media: \_ censored my ass. this is old news. "Therefore this bombing was meant as a pre-emptive (or pro-active) strike against these forces and their command and control centres within the federal building. When an aggressor force continually launches attacks from a particular base of operations, it is sound military strategy to take the fight to the enemy. Additionally, borrowing a page from US foreign policy, I decided to send a message to a government that was becoming increasingly hostile, by bombing a government building and the government employees within that building who represent that government. Bombing the Murrah federal building was morally and strategically equivalent to the US hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq, or other nations." -FC \_ Why would anyone bother to censor crap like this? And if it was censored, how did you get the quote? \_ How do we justify calling it crap? I'd like to see him hanged, but his statement above doesn't seem illogical. \_ He's a whack and a mass murderer and his 'statement' about being some sort of warrior for good and the american way is, at best, just an incredibly lame rationalization. It's crap. \_ us bombing iraq is a state taking action against another state. someone bombing a us building, is a citizen against the state. the rules of engagement are different and methods of enforcement are different. also, if iraq could, it would retaliate against US. in the same way that US it retaliating against mcveigh. \_ I dont understand what the problem is about paying some schmuck $1mil to do exactly what mcveigh did, and leave the country. If mcveigh did that, he never would have been caught. But apparrently iraq doesnt wish to waste its money like that. Its not a "cant", its a "wont". Because if they did that, and iraq was discovered as the instigator, the US would bomb the crap out of iraq. This whole iraq "issue" would have been resolved a long time ago if there was all-out war between the US and iraq. \_ Who really cares what a whack job like McVeigh thinks? |
2001/5/10-12 [Science/Electric, Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Display] UID:21231 Activity:kinda low |
5/10 I remember reading that flat-panels work best at their singluar native resolution (usually something like 1024x768) and looked not as good at other resolutions. Do current flat-panels still have such issues? \_ Yes. It's funadmental to the design. -tom \_ I just bought a Dell Inspiron 8000 with a native resolution of 1400x1050 and although the display does not look as sharp in a non-native resolution (like 1280x1024 or 1024x768) it is more than acceptable. I don't see any strange artifacts of things of that nature, I believe the technology for doing this has advanced in recent years. -eric \_ The only way you could ever have one that looked (nearly) as good as a CRT is if you had a high enough resolution such that you could use even multiples of scaled pixels to simulate the lower resolution. i.e.: you can't "do" a clean 640x480 with a 1024x768 monitor, but you could with a 1280x960 screen (use a square of 4 pixels to simulate a single larger one), and it would look just fine. \_ I assume you mean LCD displays? there are also plasma flat panels. LCDs obviously have a native resolution. \_ plasma displays are cell-based too. but w/ additional color fidelity than lcds, they usually show fuzzy resampling artifacts instead of the interleaved integer pixel expansions of lcd panels at non-native resolutions. |
2001/5/10-11 [Health] UID:21232 Activity:moderate |
5/10 Watching TV one'd think that Americans are in a lot of pain because of all the pain killer commercials. Tylenol, Advil, etc. Just how often do Americans get headaches? I for one can't even remember the last time that I had a headache. a couple times a day: a couple times a week: a couple times a month: once a month: <none, there are no females who read the motd> Only when I'm sick: . I can't really tell cuz yermom is sitting on my face: . have headache but don't take pain killers: . |
2001/5/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:21233 Activity:kinda low |
5/10 Some motd cleaning. Go to the archives if you care. \_ Where? |
2001/5/10-12 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:21234 Activity:high |
5/10 Is it too much to ask: I'm looking for an open-source accounting/ inventory controll application. suggestions? If there are none (i've been unsuccessful searching) is that an inditement of open- source. (i.e. boring but usefull sofware will not get made in an all open source world). \_ boring is in the eye of the beholder. \_ spelling is usefull [sic]. Your troll is pathetic. Open-source is \_ Shouldn't that be trolll? \_ heh. A+. not equivalent to "developed by volunteers". And the lack of a particular kind of software is no more an inditement [sic] of open-source than the lack of a closed-source "mutt" is an indictment of closed-source. In this particular case, the MOTD has already given you multiple open-source solutions. -tom \_ Yes, "spelling" allows one to write a word which others will understand to be the same word. Oh, but you did understand. Close Enough: Hand Grenades, HorseShoes and Spelling. SQL-ledger was exactly what i was looking for (thanks below) I had not seen it on the MOTD before. \_ Yes, I understood that you're a fucking idiot. If that's the message you're trying to get across, good job. -tom \_ wasn't this answered in a previous motd question? \_ sql-ledger |
2001/5/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21235 Activity:high |
5/10 I know this sounds like a troll, but seriously.... There's a sticker on the gas pump at my local station that says, "This product contains MTBE which is known to the State of California to cause environmental harm". Ok, knew that. But the idea was supposed to be that we add MTBE to protect the environment. But here we are with MTBE laden fuel that costs more but doesn't protect anything. What gives? Is there a real explanation for this? Why are we using MTBE? \_ MTBE lowers hazzardous air emissions, but contaminates ground water. EPA misadvised the Bush Sr. Administration which signed off prematurely and corporate lobbies pushed MTBE through before we knew the later facts about ground water in detail. \_ Ok, so what does MTBE do for the corporate lobbies? What do they care? And why can't we dump it now that we know better? \_ MTBE clean up for a gas station is extremely expensive. \_ So they don't have to do any cleanup as long as they put the stuff in the gas and continue poisoning the water supply, but once they decide to stop ruining the water, it suddenly becomes expensive? \_ Cleanup is now required by state law. \_ I read that MTBE can be substitued by ethanol. Eliminating MTBE can mean either increase (if air standard is still required) or decrease (if air standard is lowered) ethanol demand. Ethanol is made from corn. Corn in US is politics. -- yuen \_ MTBE is a by-product of the refining process, so otherwise the refineries would have to dispose of it. That's why they want to keep selling it |
2001/5/10-12 [Industry/Jobs, Industry/Startup] UID:21236 Activity:high |
5/10 I've been having a hell of a time finding any summer jobs. Is anyone here hiring programmers for the summer? \_ Unfortunately not. I've been trying to push our company to hire a few interns this summer and its almost impossible. No one wants to spend money on *anything* including interns. \_ No. \_ shit is tough right now, I've been looking as well... \_ Think, "dotcoms bomb, programmers everywhere". Kid there are so many unemployed and underemployed coders out there with years more real world experience than you that you should forget about any sort of technical job this summer and just find a nice beach. In fact there are plenty of very talented and highly skilled people out of work right now willing to take almost anything. You just can't admit to yourselves that you are not that bright. \_ Stupid dotcom programmers everywhere. I don't know a single intelligent programmer who is having a hard time finding work. The last time smart people had problems with work was 1930s. \_ I think it has less to do with how smart the person is and more to do with how "on the money" the company itself is. if the company is a loser, it doesn't matter how "useful" you could be because you're expending your smarts on stuff that really doesn't matter to the people paying the bills, which is ultimately the customers. Of course, it's harder to get a job at a good company because you're competing against the other smart people. And obviously, this is because smart people look at the business plan and don't go work for a loser. Ergo, dotcommers are NOT smart. QED. I guess I just contradicted myself. Whatever. \_ Yes, it's easy to use 20/20 to say what was good and what was bad. If I was employee #1 at Netscape or Yahoo or others I'd be a genius, right? No. There's a lot of luck involved. Research and business plan examining only goes so far. If it was that easy, then every business plan would be a success as no one would ever have a bad plan. You're not making sense. \_ Well, Netscape had a crappy business plan; they were a stock only company. I for one never saw anything to it, it was clear early on that the value of the browser was only strategic; since Netscape didn't have anything to leverage the browser with it was pointless. Yahoo is a decent company because they actually have a business model and are useful. But it's a web site; they don't need armies of developers. Most of the failed dotcoms were hyped bullshit and many people said as much at the time. \_ Netscape was selling the server, not the browser. You *could* buy the browser but that wasn't their point. Yahoo is just a web site? You've never actually looked at all the different shit Yahoo offers, then. Go look around their site at all the services (whether you find them personally useful or not) and tell me that doesn't take a lot of coders to write and maintain? \_ it was the browser that had the value. since they didn't take advantage of it when they had the chance, i attribute it to poor management. those "servers" obviously weren't demanded by the market. the browser was; but it doesn't make money on its own. i guess it's true that microsoft killed them, but then who didn't see that coming once IE 1.0 came out. as for yahoo, it's a portal, they are a good one with a large customer base, but that business model just doesn't support a big overhead. how many is "a lot" of coders to you? most of it looks like monkey work. \_ How many is "an army of developers" to you? This is all beside the point. The front office girl at NS retired a multi millionaire. Was she a genius or she just get lucky? The point being that you can't *know* for certain if a small company will make it until it's all hindsight and the post-analysis geniuses crawl out from under their rocks and claim they knew it all along. \_ Yes, you rule the universe. \_ No, but we are smarter than you. \_ No, I'm certain you rule the universe. Afterall, it's a fact that anyone who ever worked for a company that did layoffs or went out of business is a no-talent moron, right? \_ You are making a clumsy strawman, no wonder you can't find work. No, smart people get laid off too, but unlike mediocrities like you, they can easily find another job. \_ I didn't make the strawman. Just rewording the one that was already there. And because I know you're concerned, I'm gainfully employed. Thanks for showing concern. Are you one of the academic employees here who mistakenly believes that skilled people always easily get a new job and lesser talents don't? The world isn't like that. \_ No I am not, I am merely a programmer who was not laid off (because I was actually useful to my company). \_ Silly boy. A lot of programmers who are useful to their companies got the axe. No one is immune. You honestly \_ I am immune. \_ Only if you work for a company of one and maybe not even then. --------------/ My company is an obvious counterexample (60). The basic point you seem unable to comprehend is, despite what managers tell you, in times of belt tightening the fat, not the muscle, gets eliminated. If you were eliminated you were not useful. If you are still working, you are useful. End of story. Stop hypothesising (incorrectly) about the possible state of my company, or else continue sounding the fool. \_ 60 people? You work for a tiny blip of a company and think your company is immune to the economy and the marketplace? I've seen perfectly good people get axed at several companies. You're fooling yourself if you think your tiny little speck of a company is some magical wonderland immune to a bad economy, management mistakes, overhiring, changes in the market which make your product/service obsolete or unnecessary or any of a million other causes of company downturn and layoffs. Is this your first job? You sound a lot like my friends who thought their first job was magic, too. \_ My first job sucked. \_ If times get too tight even you will go. \_ Sure, along with the whole company. This will happen if we have another 1930s style recession, then it will suck for everyone, even smart people. Right now, however, only idiots are let go. \_ That's all I ment by the statement that no one is immune. \_ 1930s was a depression. \_ What's the name of this special place you work for (currently)? I'd like to judge for myself how long you'll have a job. \_ I ll know in a year if the company succeeds. \_ *laugh* Not if you get laid off first! \_ No way! think the people doing the cutting even know who the hell you are or that you exist as anything more than an employee number, a title, and a number on their salary spreadsheet? You'll figure it out one day. No one important at your company knows who the hell you are or gives a damn. \_ Everyone important knows who I am. It's not a large company, of course. Stop hypothesising (incorrectly) about the possible state of my company, or else continue sounding the fool. \_ URL, please? \_ Not quite. The large number of idiots currently in the job market make it harder for employers to spot the worthwhile job applicants. Also, many companies are currently under hiring freezes, which make it more difficult for them to hire worthwhile people when they *do* identify them. \_ Kid, I hear the mall is hiring. Try Mrs. Field, they're always hiring. \_ And think of all the free cookies you and your friends can get. Since your friends won't have jobs either, they'll really appreciate the free cookies. \_ In Portland all my friends had retail food jobs. Rent was very low (less than $300) and we never had to buy food due to our network. Our rent may not be low here, but remember it pays to make lots of friends and always give out free things if you can afford it. It will help you through tougher times. -brain \_ It's a good summer to do research and take summer school... \_ I'm hungry. Go make me some fries. \_ I'm not just making a burger. I'm making your burger. \_ go work in las vegas. \_ Those fishing boats up in AK might hire. \_ Slave labor is always available in good times and bad, yes. |
2001/5/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:21237 Activity:kinda low |
5/10 McVeigh exterminated for not being an interesting topic. \_ we should air the execute primetime just like the good ole days in france. that's about the only thing the french ever did that was useful/good/beneficial to humanity, that and inventing the white flag (only they could come up with that). \_ McVeigh may not be executed. http://www.drugereport.com |
2001/5/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:21238 Activity:high |
5/9/1945 Germany exterminated for excessive suck. \_ boring! go back to that infamy guy. |
3/15 |