Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:May:08 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2001/5/8 [Uncategorized] UID:21204 Activity:nil 66%like:21206
5/7     So what's wrong with the breasts thread? Is it really that
        A: ...
        B: ..
        C: .. 34c is perfect! .
              \_ 6.5" is perfect too! :)
        D: ..... 34dd, mmm
        > D:
        \_ Only if they're malformed.
        \_ If they're more than a handful, she's more than a handful.
        \_ Anything more than a mouthful is wasted
           \_ yer on crack.
2001/5/8 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:21205 Activity:insanely high
5/7     Mummy Returns - typical hollywood cookie-cutter trash.
        \_ Did you pay $7 at a theater or did you d/l it? If you d/l'ed
           did it suck bad enough that you feel the time spend getting
           it could have been used to get a better movie?
        \_ Mmm, cookie-cutter trash.  Is hollywood trash really that much
           worse than foreign cinema sentimentalism?  Sometimes, between
           watching some artsy french film (in fuzzy black & white) dealing
           with the effects of losing a cat, and watching a certified
           brainless hollywood trash film with all the standard jokes, I'd
           rather go with the latter.  Unless the cat happen to belong to
           militant prostitute lesbians on a mass murder binge, of course.
           \_ that's almost funny enough for me to reconsider. hollywood's
              efx laden eye-candy are only midly interesting and
              overpaid stars are utterly disgusting. one day a bomb will
              go off in teh academy awards and wipe the slate clean
              \_ Upon reconsideration, I realized that I'd rather see the
                 lost cat film afterall.  But the point is, Hollywood trash
                        \_ less artsy, more fartsy!
                 has its place--in the gutters of society, maybe, but some
                 people enjoy it.  For that matter, so do Hollywood celebrity.
                 Everyone idolizes _something_.  It may not be a blond
                 bombshell with fake boobs, but it might as well be.  I mean,
                 are people who idolize Nietzsche that much better than people
                 who idolize Britney Spears?  If you think so, you might as
                 well be a nazi.
                 \_ This is intellectual relativism.  Nietzsche is a person,
                    with a mind.  Britney Spears is a vagina + marketing.
                    You are a troll + too much time on your hands.
           never seen before. The Mummy Returns provided most of that.
                    \_ Regardless, britney is hot, Nietzsche, still dead.
                       \_ what about us necrophiliacs?
                    \_ Britney is in the Mummy Returns?
                 \_ "everyone idolizes something" != "for each thing, there
                    is someone who idolizes it"
        \_ There's just as much junk in the foreign film / Cannes / independent
           market. It's just not enough people have seen those to know there's
           crap there too. I'm not really trying to defend Hollywood, but can
           it really be all that bad when they give me exactly what I want? I
           go to theaters to escape reality, to have fun, to see stuff I've
           never seen before. The Mummy Returns provided most of that. After
           spending 50-60 hours the past week overloading my brain with C++
           at work, do I really want to continue using my brain to discover
           the meaning of life from rotting cheese from some overemoting actor?
           No. I just wanna turn off my brain and enjoy over-the-top action
           \_ After loading my brain for 50 - 60 hours, I would go mountain
              biking.  The problem with many Hollywood movies is that they
              are no longer "fun" and "never seen before".  However I did
              liked Mummy, so I am going to give Mummy II a try.  Maybe it's
              because I have always liked this Egypt/Archaeologist/Raider's
              of The Lost Ark genre.  Yes, I hate boring and meaningless art
              films too.  They should be meaningful and preferably
              entertaining too.  I am not as interested in style without
              of The Lost Ark genre.  Yes, I also hate art films that are
              boring and meaningless.  They should be meaningful and
              preferably entertaining too.  I am not as interested in style
              without content.  Pure style has its place but it's not for
        \_ I was disappointed with Mummy Returns as well.  Hopefully the 3rd
           installment will be much better (like the Indiana Jones trilogy).
           Have you seen Deep Rising?  That's another film my Stephen Sommers
           that I really enjoy, it's pretty much your ultimate big-budget
           B movie.
2001/5/8 [Uncategorized] UID:21206 Activity:very high 66%like:21204
5/7     So what's wrong with the breasts thread? Is it really that
        A: ...
        \_ Why do A and AA bother with bras ?
           \_ That's the great beauty. They don't (some at least).
           \_ Padded bras make them look bigger.
        B: ..
        C: ... 34c is perfect! .
              \_ 6.5" is perfect too! :)
                 \_ if Cs are the equivalent to 6.5"...
              \_ 36c!!!
        D: ...... 34dd, mmm
                  \_ 34d is very good too.
        > D:
        \_ Only if they're malformed.
        \_ If they're more than a handful, she's more than a handful.
        \_ Anything more than a mouthful is wasted
                \_ I dont subscribe to the 'handfull' theory, for me they
           \_ yer on crack.
           \_ There is such a thing as too big.
                \_ I dont subscribe to the 'handful' theory, for me they
                   need to be big enough to titty-f. Granted they'd need to
                   be at least C's. I like D's.
                   \_ it works both ways.  if your hands are too small,
                      then you shouldnt try to take on too much.
        \_ Of all the followups this thread has generated, I'm willing
           to bet that 99% were posted by g33k5 who have yet to get any.
           to bet that 99% were posted by geeks who have yet to get any.
           \_ I got some from yermom!
              \_ MILF!
2001/5/8 [Uncategorized] UID:21207 Activity:nil
5/8     cyber problems public:
2001/5/8 [Finance] UID:21208 Activity:high
5/8     debt be gone!
        \_ Bzzzt. Try again!
        \_ Long term federal deficits are good. It limits the ability
           of the feds to screw around and spend our money on bs social
           welfare programs. Weak central gov. good!
2001/5/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21209 Activity:high
05/06   I'm considering using and am investigating the speed
        reliability and clue of the company. Under
        it says that is running Microsoft-IIS/4.0 on Solaris.
        I find this hard to believe. What are your opinions of this bank?Thx.
        \_ Search for L4Switch or Load Balancer on google
2001/5/8 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:21210 Activity:nil
5/8     is there somewhere I can d/l FreeBSD CD images?
           \_ yes, I'm an idiot.  thanks.  I don't know why I didn't see the
              images before.
2001/5/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:21211 Activity:high
5/8     If you find out your pilot is Chinese, would you:
        \_ xenopohic prick
           \_ I don't think you know what xenophobia is.  Look up "xeno".
              Then look up "phobia".  Only then will you be ready to play.
              \_ xenophobia = fear or hatred of something foreign
                 \_ whether or not he understood what it means, he clearly
                    could have used a dictionary anyway...
                    should have used a dictionary anyway...
              \_ Yes they can, just not commercial jets.  Pilots in China and
                 Taiwan are experienced military pilots, so they like doing
                 "man" things like steep climbs/descends and landing in
           \_ he's right, even asians know they can't drive
              \_ Yes they can, just not commercial jets.  Pilots in Mainland
                 China and Taiwan are experienced military pilots, so they like
                 doing "man" things like steep climbs/descends and landing in
                 severe weather which shouldn't be done with civilian jets
                 where safety should come before manhood and chickening out is
                 usually the right thing to do.
        wait for the next flight:       ..
        hop on-board and pray:          .
        make fun of him:                .
        ask him about his sister
        not worry because you know PLA pilots are top notch and would never
        do something stupid like ram a prop plane with their jet:
        \_ And why would a pilot ram a jet with their prop plane?
          \_ cuz the commie scum saw american movies and is a wanna be
2001/5/8-9 [Health] UID:21212 Activity:nil
5/8     Dear Doctor Science,
        I am an especially unattractive person, and all my life I've had to
        deal with people who hate me just because they don't like the way I
        look. How can I free myself from the hatred I feel for these people?

        -- Ray Mullen from Swisher, IA

        Unfortunately, there's little you can do to let go of such a justified
        resentment. Electroshock may help you to forget, and thus forgive, but
        it may also have unintended side effects, like death. Have you thought
        of starting an ugly persons support group? It might give you a sense of
        community you've been missing all your life, though I imagine the
        meetings would be pretty hard to stomach.
        \_ Who's Ray Mullen?
        \_ Apply to EECS at Cal, you will among others of your type.
2001/5/8-10 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21213 Activity:high
5/8     Does anyone have any good/bad experience with electricAmerica (formerly
        Commonwealth Energy Corp.) as the electric service provider?  I'm
        thinking about signing up to get some green power.  Thx.  -- yuen
        \_ We've had Commonwealth for over a year. We haven't had any problems
           with them. As far as I know they haven't dropped us yet but
           I don't know if they're taking anyone new.
           \_ Thanks.  I'll call them to find out.  -- yuen
        \_ I thought all the third party providers bailed on CA?
           \_ I don't know.  The web site only says they're currently not
              taking any new customers in the San Diego area.
      -- yuen
              \_ I read that all the 3rd party power providers dumped their
                 customers back on pg&e and the SD power co (whatever its
                 called) and gave up on the entire state.  Not only are they
                 \_ SDGE, strangely enough
                    \_ It seemed better to admit ignorance than guess and be
                       wrong.  Something other motd writers might consider.
                       \_ well said! -SDGE poster
                 not taking new customers, I don't think they have any old
                 ones in CA anymore either.
                  \_ Then you read wrong.  We still get our monthly power
                     bills from Enron (which of course show that PG&E pays
                     Enron about twice what we do thanks to CA's fucked up
                     \_ Big deal. So there's still one left.
                        The others are gone.
                        \_ No, there are many left.  You're just wrong.
                        The answer to the whole thing is more nuclear plants,
                        ditch the MTBE gas which is poisoning the water
                        permanently instead of the air temporarily and costs
                        more, and get rid of all the resource using
                        hypocritical tree hugger extremists.
                        \_ You do realize that, despite your semi-lucid rant,
                           your previous answer was still wrong, yes?
                           \_ If you hadn't edited my comments instead of just
                              adding your own I would give you a real reply.
                              But since you seem more interested in "winning"
                              a motd debate which isn't going to be here by
                              tomorrow and you didn't actually say anything
                              beyond "you're wrong" without providing any
                              reasoning, I'm happy to leave it as it is.  It's
                              very hard to discuss anything with someone who
                              falls back on third grader "I'm right and you're
                              wrong cuz I said so!" line of reasoning.  You can
                              be "winner" if it makes you feel good.
                              \_ 1) I didn't edit your comments
                                 2) The comment you're replying to wasn't the
                                    original poster's or whatever.
                                 3) Have a nice day.
2001/5/8-9 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:21214 Activity:high
5/8     Berkeley Critical Mass this Friday, downtown Berkeley BART
        gather 5:30 PM to depart after 6 PM. Sound system, water
        pistols, movies after.
        \_ And please drink and drive your SUVs.
                \_ And bring out your guns.
        \_ puleeze. more underpowered twinks who will get themselves
           killed thinking they can mix in with regular traffic
          \_ they also bitch and cry when their handle bars get stuck
             on someone's mirror. only an idiot and careless biker
             gets that close to a car.
        \_ while waiting on a red light on Market St. in SF couple of weeks
           ago, a woman  tried to squeeze between my car and the sidewalk. She
           ended up toppling over as her bike hit the sidewalk. I tried damn
           hard not to laugh, but was quite unsuccessful. Oh, and it's not
           like she couldn't have ridden her bike on the sidewalk... there were
           hardly any pedestrians and the sidewalk's 20 feet wide.
           \_ so if you ride on the sidewalk, you get a ticket.
              if you ride between cars, you die.
              if you ride your bike in traffic and take up the whole
              lane, you get harassed.
              \_ Cyclists should do what motorists do. If you see a bunch of
                 cars behind you waiting to pass you, pull over to the side
                 and let them pass. For the most part, this is convention on
                 the highways and should work for cyclists as well.
           \_ How typical, a motorist advocating that cyclists break the law.
              \_ They do anyway without any help.
                 \_ Like not stopping for pedestrians at stop signs (and even
                    red lights) while whining about car drivers not stopping
                    for them.
                    \_ Like the 4 cars that sped through red lights just
                       this morning on my walk from bart to work.
                        \_ yeah, but bicyles don't weight 2 tons, cars do..
                          all the more reason to respect their power even if
                         there are morons behind it.
                         \_ Some cyclists are fucking stupid (crossing against
                            a red light, etc), but this is hardly the
                            behavior most cyclists have.
              \_ I'm saying she should've ridden the sidewalk for her own good.
                 Fine by me if she wants to risk hurting herself. In fact, I'm
                 glad she fell on her sorry ass.  If she insists on sharing the
                 road, she could've waited like all the other motorists instead
                 of squeezing through.
                 \_ I agree, and tend to take the whole lane when I'm
                    riding on Market.  Which is really the right thing
                    to do. --dpassage
                 \_ the right answer is 1) stay the hell off the sidewalk and
                    2) obey the rules of the road (such as the CVC) when riding
                    and if you can't be bothered to do either, suck it. --jon
        \_ Bring 'em on. I just got a new grill on my Suburban and a little
           blood will help give it color!
        \_ Wow. A little bicycle advocacy seems to bring out more
           than any recent trolling. That's fine. Yer cure when
           yer angry. -ulysses
           \_ ulysses? who names their kid ulysses?
2001/5/8-9 [Uncategorized] UID:21215 Activity:high
5/8     Check out Mayday Reclaim the Streets,
        Massive renegade street party!
        \_ "Bay Area Reclaim the Streets (RTS) is part of a global,
            decentralized direct action movement. Direct action means
            that, rather hoping and waiting for the powers that be to
            make the world all better, we personally set about the
            urgent task of reclaiming the streets (and the planet and
            our lives) from the destructive tyranny of global capitalism."
        \_ "Bay Area Reclaim the Streets (RTS) is part of a global, decentralize\
d direct action movement. Direct action means that, rather hoping and waiting fo\
r the powers that be to make the world all better, we personally set about the u\
rgent task of reclaiming the streets (and the planet and our lives) from the des\
tructive tyranny of global capitalism."

        \_ Just more whacky socialists/communists/anarchists/whatever just
           doing their thing.  Odd but mostly harmless.
           Fuck off and die, (or better yet, get a fucking job).
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:May:08 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>