2001/5/1 [Computer/SW/Virus, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:21153 Activity:high |
4/30 Recommendations for Win2K disk cloning software? These PCs will go on the same network; I've heard of SID problems with Norton Ghost and don't know which Ghost supports it. Thanks. \_ SIDs only come into play with a pure win2k environment using the Active Directory. There are no other SID problems. \_ Win2k has its own utility for creating images. You still need Norton Ghost or similar for installing those however. |
2001/5/1 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:21154 Activity:high Edit_by:auto |
4/30 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/aponline/20010430/aponline165428_000.htm Some stuff about a new hasbro game with wireless builtin. Your 'pox' attacks the 'pox' of any other unit within 30 feet. Reminds me a bit of the old old old game where programs battled in "core" memory. Anyway, I love this quote: Child psychologist Diane Levin of Wheelock College in Boston said such products can be harmful. "The toy industry is getting better at concealing the fact that they're selling violence to children," Levin said. To be fair, though, the last quote is a different child psychologist saying the exact opposite. :-) Frankly, I don't think it'll teach children anything about violence or their environment. Maybe how to use their brains. That'd be different for child's entertainment. \_ corewars. loved that game. <DEAD>www.csua/~paolo/corewars.tar.gz<DEAD> |
2001/5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:21155 Activity:low |
4/30 What's going on with http://autobahn.org/baycis.com \_ they went out of business about a year ago, modems have been turned off, pop still works. |
2001/5/1 [Consumer/PDA] UID:21156 Activity:nil |
4/30 http://www.cnet.com/electronics/0-1577332-7-5700992.html |
2001/5/1 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:21157 Activity:very high |
4/30 OpenBSD disk access is about 40% to 100% slower on an IDE disk on a 733 MHz PC than when it was running Linux. Is this normal? -OpenBSD newbie \_ Do you honestly think you're going to get a straight answer on the motd? \_ I'm hoping the OpenBSD sysadmins are anal enough to know. \_ I run my openbsd box on a system so old I wouldn't notice a slow down anyway. Sorry. \_ Do you have softupdates turned on? \_ Do you have softupdates turned on? If not give it a shot it or other correctly. \_ wd0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0: <IBM-DPTA-372050> wd0: can use 32-bit, PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 2 wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA, 19574MB, 16383 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 40088160 sectors should improve your performance. Check dmesg, see if it detects your drive as a UDMA something or other correctly. If it doesn't you can try to turn it on as follows: http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq12.html As noted below, OpenBSD does not use the unsafe L1N SUX style async mounts (please see 11.5 in the OpenBSD faq for info on why they are not used). You can turn them on if you are willing to sacrifice reliability for speed. \_ is this for read or write? linux defaults to async mounts |
2001/5/1 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21158 Activity:very high |
4/30 Uninstall for Unix? Assuming you install something with the usual ./configure make make install routine, and later decide, "Fuck that was the wrong distribution" or the wrong version or whatever. If you aren't using a package, how do you know that you are removing all the right stuff before you go to install the other version? I assume that most big companies must depend on packages made on dev. machines that are then installed, no? What is a reasonable policy as far as this stuff goes? \_ Install packages so that each of them is contained completely within a separate directory, e.g. /opt/local/packages/pine-4.30, then create symbolic links from /opt/local/{bin,man.sbin,lib,include} to the real packages directory. If you need to remove a package just nuke it's directory. Sure, there are still dangling symbolic links, but at least you know what package they belong to if you want to remove it. See how /opt/local/ is setup on OCF for example. \_ Another neat idea would be to have a subdirectory within /opt/local/packages/pine-4.30 called consolidated-links, or something like that, which contains symbolic links to those other symbolic links you were talking about. That way, when you decide to trash a "package" you can run a little script that will readlink and rm each link so that you won't have dangling links. \_ There's a package called opt_depot which manages a link farm (in /usr/local/{bin,man,lib} by default) based on installations in a package (or "depot") directory like the above. http://www.arlut.utexas.edu/csd/opt_depot. -tom \_ Here's my little scheme, its similar to OCFs: 0. mkdir /usr/pubsw/ and required subdirs: {bin,sbin,include,lib,libexec,share,etc,pgms,src} (you only need to do this once) 1. untar your the source for your program into /usr/pubsw/src/<program>/<program>-<version> 2. ./configure your program with prefix set to /usr/pubsw/pgms/<program>/<program>-<version> 3. make && make install 4. cd into /usr/pubsw/pgms/<program> and ln -s <program>-<version> to <program> (remove the old link if you have one) 5. for new programs cd into /usr/pubsw and foreach of the {bin,sbin,include,lib,libexec,share,etc} <dirs> ln -s ../pgms/<program>/<program>/<dir>/* . Now to acutally use the programs and libraries, all you have to do is set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the /usr/pubsw/{bin,sbin} and /usr/pubsw/lib dirs. To upgrade a pkg, you just download the new source, build it, make install and change one symlink. To uninstall a pkg just remove its directory. To downgrade, just change one link. The other advantages are that the top level directory is clean (less overhead on directory reads) and source and programs are stored using similar naming conventions making it easy to track down problems and do upgrades, etc. I'm giving you the brief version here. The full setup also handles multiple architectures and OS revisions and has some perl tools for cleaning up and installing. |
2001/5/1 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21159 Activity:nil |
4/30 how to make a word go to all caps in emacs? M-x apropos upcase --psb |
2001/5/1 [Reference/Military] UID:21161 Activity:very high |
04/30 M$ is raising a new breed of BOFH. Or something. http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q276/3/04.ASP \_ Old news, posted on the motd earlier this morning. \_ Son of a diddly! \_ what percentage of viewers do you estimate "got" the run lola run theme of that episode? \_ I thought it was from Go. \_ whoever had closed captioning on. we also got to see Bart saying, "gun key, gun key, gun key, trigger key..." as he was flipping through his keyring. \_ anyone who had closed captioning on. those of us also got to see such lines as Bart saying, "... gun lock, gun lock, gun lock, trigger lock..." as he was flipping through his keyring. \_ Duh, a password of at least 18770 characters is the only way to be safe. I have this set on my network and force users to change their passwords on a daily basis. |
2001/5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:21162 Activity:nil |
4/30 get a sex change, for free! \_ are you talking about the good ol' "pull your zipper up real quick before you put it back in" method? |
2001/5/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:21163 Activity:nil |
05/01 For those motd readers who still haven't figured out the P notation used on the motd: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/novak/cs30748.html |
2001/5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:21164 Activity:nil |
05/01 http://nbadraft.net/profiles/largepics/ming.jpg |
2001/5/1 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21165 Activity:nil |
May 1 Underpaid sysadmin of the UNIX world, unite!!! |
2001/5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:21166 Activity:nil |
05/01 http://www.mijunglist.com/~komplex/mc_effort_and_crew-skimpys.ram |
2001/5/1 [Reference/Celebration] UID:21167 Activity:nil 66%like:21191 66%like:22626 |
05/01 Happy Birthday, mconst! |
3/15 |