2001/4/23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:21058 Activity:very high |
4/22 I have some data in an HTML database. I want to display some of it in a mysql table. what's the fastest, easiest way to do this? I don't need to be able to enter data, or do anything fancy. \_ HTML database -> display in MySQL table. Whew. Good thing you're \_ why do you keep deleting references to perl? -tom not using something like HTML for presentation. \_ go find some sample php code. \_ PHP bigots can't stand a real language like perl or c. \_ Oh my God! You mean there's a "language" even more pathetic than Perl?! \_ There are many languages more pathetic than Perl: Active-X, VBScript, J[ava]Script, PHP, ASP, JSP, C#, Pascal, Lisp (and derivatives). \_ Young troll, you will become more effective if your arguments are plausible. Now what plausible argument were you going to use for lisp? \_ lisp? lisp is useful? Please demonstrate a use to me. And no emacs customizations isn't a valid use. I've written a expert system in lisp before and let me tell you that it is severely deluded. a slow useless POS. The list is practically endless. About the only decent languages in existence are C/C++, Perl and Java (and even that is debateable). \_ Without starting a Perl flamewar--why did you list Active-X as a language? \_ LOL, I think he meant COM. \_ I meant (D)COM, which I believe is called ActiveX Contorls or some bs like that. Strictly speaking its probably not a language. \_ http://wdvl.internet.com/Authoring/Languages/Perl/PerlfortheWeb/index6.html Is a pretty good bare bones tutorial on the Perl DBI module. Leaves out lots of details, but it should do for your needs. If you need something more detailed, go to Cody's or B&N and page through the Programming the Perl DBI (O'Reilly) book. -dans \_ PHP made me quite a bit of cash 1 day. - paolo \_ My chevy rules over your Ford. \_ Dude, unless you're talking about your 'vette, you are severely deluded. Chevy > Ford? That's funny. \_ chevy suburban vs. ford expedition. suburban wins hands down. Same can be said for camaro vs. probe and metro vs. aspire. |
2001/4/23 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:21059 Activity:nil |
4/22 In document, how do you save the Lynx to the local directory? \_ P)rint to a file |
2001/4/23 [Uncategorized] UID:21060 Activity:nil 60%like:21064 |
4/22 bugs 2.95.3 installed, gcc to mconst. |
2001/4/23 [Uncategorized] UID:21061 Activity:nil |
4/23 1337 Haxors wanted for top-secret research contact cindy@hotaznchix.com |
2001/4/23-24 [Computer/SW/Apps, Finance/Investment] UID:21062 Activity:moderate |
4/22 I need something to keep track of my stock purchases, sales, gains, loss, splits, dividends, etc. Should I just use Excel? \_ Quicken would probably be better than Excel. \_ not to mention quicker \_ Not to mention you can then transfer your data to TurboTax. \_ not to mention excel is a general use tool not designed for this. \_ On a related note, anyone know of a service where you can track foreign currenies and various other non-US financial instruments? My Yahoo! lets you get quoted prices for most of the ones I'm interested in but it doesn't do anything more. There are no histories, graphs, news items, etc... \_ You want to go into arbitrage like the guy in 9 & 1/2 weeks? BTW, the original story didn't end with her 'empowerment'. That was the Hollywood PC feel-good-about-being-a-woman-all -men-suck version. \_ forget arbitrage. Do Options now. \_ agreed. Quicken is better. But I believe if you want to customize your own analysis of your portfolio, Excel may be more flexible. \_ ObLinux: has anyone used GnuCash? 1.5 series looking good? \_ BOOT TO THE HEAD!!! \_ And he RIDES BIKE! \_ For those of you using Quicken for stocks, do you use their transaction download (from broker) feature. I tried it with E*trade and it was full of mistakes. \_ You should be using Excel. \_ Is there somewhere where I can get a Excel worksheet already customized for stock tracking purposes? \_ http://www.google.com |
2001/4/23 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:21063 Activity:nil |
4/22 Summary: To save a document to local file in Lynx, use P)rint to a file. Thanks for the info. |
2001/4/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:21064 Activity:nil 66%like:21017 66%like:21057 60%like:21060 60%like:21084 |
4/22 gcc 2.95.3 installed, bugs to mconst. |
2001/4/23-24 [Transportation/Car] UID:21065 Activity:insanely high |
4/22 Let's argue about the gas is cheaper than food thing some more. \_ it's really how much additional food you eat which is the issue. Also, if you bike and don't own a car at all you save money on car payments, registration, maintenance, insurance, as well as merely on gas. \_ And your job choices are limited to where you live or your housing choice to where you work. \_ And you life is in the hands of soccer moms driving 80 MPH on local roads in thier SUVs. Personally, I'd rather be in a car, at least I will *survive* an accident. But then again, if you RIDE BIKE and get killed, its not a big loss since you are no longer in the gene pool to spread your stupid luser genes. \_ In terms of per exposure hour, you are much more likely to die in a car than on a bike. But this will be my only response to this troll. -tom \_ Hey tom, I'm genuinely interested in this -- do you have a URL or anything? -mice http://www.kenkifer.com/bikepages/health/risks.htm _/ -tom \_ Rock! Thanks! -mice \_ okay this pro-bike page is flawed. the statistics they use are based on national figures. i believe riding a bike on silicon valley or city streets and expressways is far more dangerous than riding country roads or what have you. i don't put any faith in those statistics. certainly not to the point where i would spout them as if fact, as tom is doing. i mean think about it. bikes aren't going to be on freeways, where some large portion of auto fatalities happen. nor will they be in the most dangerous traffic patterns, in general. \_ The soccer moms only do 45-50 in the 25 zones where I live.a If you really believe that riding a bike for 20 miles will cost you more in increased food consumption than a gallon of gas you are quite retarded. For another thing, what food are we talking about? A bowl of rice or pasta is cheap, and bread is $1 a loaf. For a third thing, gas has pollution costs not captured in the pump price. \_ So does food production. Anyway, who put you on the water and bread diet? Last I checked, this isn't a Soviet prison. \_ This is stupid. Biking takes longer than driving -- my time is valueable. The added trip time * $/hour > cost saved by not using gas. If you're a burger flipper or some pathetic fryalator-operating schmo, then this may not be true for you, but in a general sense your argument is specious. \_ Or work for UC. \_ okay fine, you win. i don't ride bike either fwiw. except, i do for exercise/fun. so if you want regular exercise biking gives you that as a freebie. the problem is that our infrastructure makes biking the streets pretty unsafe and tedious. \_ On that point, I certainly agree. The infrastructure is absurdly skewed against bikers (and pedestrians, for that matter) & etc.... \_ You make it sound like a conspiracy. \_ It's not. It has more to do with one simple little fact: not enough people give a damn. Deal with it. between home and work, driving to/from work costs more than biking. (Of course time and safety is another issue that varies between situations.) \_ BOOT TO THE HEAD!!! \_ YERMOM GAVE ME HEAD!!! \_ BOOT TO THE HEAD!!! \_ riding 100 miles will probably cost you a hotel stay. That's more expensive than the gas involved. \_ Plus driving also has car maintenance cost not captured in the pump price. \_ Which is why if you've ever been reimbursed for driving, you'd know you get paid by the mile (usually about 25-35 cents), not for what you put in your tank. Can you multiply .3 x miles traveled and fill out a form? \_ Exactly. But since you don't get reimbursed for driving between home and work, driving to/from work costs you 25-35 cents per mile while biking is a lot cheaper. (Of course time and safety are other issues that vary between situations.) \_ If I didn't own a car or insisted on biking to work I would need another million dollars to buy a house near my job or I'd have to take a $40k pay cut to work near my home. Driving is cheaper than biking if you don't work at McDonald's. Here's some math: I drive about 20k miles to/from work each year. At $.35 per mile that's $7000. Another $500 or so for the bridge. Driving is cheaper by far. I can't afford to ride a bike to work. \_ I take the shuttle between Hayward BART and Foster City to go to work. Parking at BART is free. Shuttle is free and is open to the general public. Saves me gas money, car maintenance, bridge toll, and the time to wait in line for the toll booth instead of riding on the carpool lane. Plus I can take a nap. \_ There aren't shuttles everywhere. There isn't BART to/from everywhere. There isn't always BART parking. However, I am glad this works for you. It doesn't work for many people. |
2001/4/23-25 [Uncategorized] UID:21066 Activity:nil |
4/387 Anyone here used PIC Basic? Is it cool? Easier/cheaper than FPGAs? |
2001/4/23-24 [Finance/Investment] UID:21067 Activity:nil |
4/22 nweaver-- I'm sure you've seen a lot of undergrads in Soda looking at the stock ticker. Does that bother you? \_ And I should care WHY? -nweaver \_ C'mon, leave poor Nick alone. Enough is enough. There's only so much poking you can do and then it isn't funny anymore. \_ Yes, they should instead be using the computing facilities at Haas to do their Business Investment 101 homework. \_ What is Nick's response to people who say he should be the last person talking about who should/shouldn't be in industry because he himself has never left academia? |
2001/4/23-25 [Uncategorized] UID:21068 Activity:nil |
4/22 anyone know the correct ipchains incantations to forward wins server info to a private subnet ? |
2001/4/23-25 [Science/Battery, Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21069 Activity:high |
4/22 Windows device driver engineers needed. -jeffwong /csua/pub/jobs/Transmeta \_ With this posting, transmeta is now officially in the "We've given up competing, we are now trying to sell out to microsoft/intel/amd" category. \_ How does having Windows drivers constitute selling out? If they expected all of their users to use Linux, they'd be out of business already. Look how successful the Linux distro companies have been. \_ because one of the claims was that they could just transparently replace (from a software point of view) \_ D00D R3D H4T RUL3Z! 7H3Y W111 D357R0Y M$ 4ND 7H13R U53R5 4ND RUL3 7H3 W0R1D! 1N5T411 17 B3F0R3 17'5 T00 L473! \_ because one of the claims was that they could just transparently replace (from a software point of view) an intel chip for massive gains. Seems it's not such a perfect replacement if they need custom drivers, eh? Start looking for a new job, jeff. I give you 1, maybe 2 good years there. \_ Average length of employment of an engineer in the valley these days is between 18 and 24 months. \_ That average is skewed because of the high concentration of dot-bombs in the valley. My point being that transmeta looks to be another one. \_ Really? I was at Cisco for 4 years and I was still a "junior" in terms of years of service. \_ Perhaps because their "low-power" designs were not so spectacular after all. TM chips ran at lower power at the expense of performance and we all know that what matters isn't power but energy (E = P*t) consumed by a laptop. If a chip consumes energy at half the rate of another but runs at half the speed, which one would you buy? \_ D00D CRU053 15 7H3 B357 CH1P 3V3R M4D3! 11NU5 541D 50 0N 11NSUX.K3RN3L! CRU053 B3475 7H3 P4N75 0F 1NT31 4ND 4MD, M070R014 4ND D3C! 37337 R3D H4T GN00/11NSUX 15 W1CK3D F457 0N CRU053! \_ What percentage of your apps are CPU-speed limited? -tom \_ A process doesn't have to be CPU bound to benefit from a faster processor tom. \_ It has to be CPU bound to use the same amount of power in the equation above. I think for the vast majority of real-world applications, a slower chip is better in a laptop. -tom \_ Why? So you have IE running as an I/O bound process. Now a user clicks on a button and something happens. IE executes a short task. On a TM it takes 2 seconds while on another processor it takes 1 but for the most part they consume the same amount of energy because TM's power consumption is half of the alternative. The TM loses in this case. EDP (energy delay product) is a better metric for power efficient devices like this because it factors in performance and not just power and energy. \_ CPU is almost always starved for data these days. The speed of Netscape/IE is virtually unaffected by CPU speed difference--they're always waiting for disk or net. The difference between 200 Mhz and 400 Mhz is enormously larger than the difference between 400 Mhz and 800 Mhz. Why do you think people stopped buying PC's? -tom \_ At least on PIII there is a noticeable difference between 400, 550 and 600. Beyond 600 I tend to agree with you. An athlon 1.2 GHz is not that much faster than a 600 because you can't give it enough work to do in most cases or it blocks on device io. I believe that the future belongs not to single fast procs but to multiple cheap slow procs. MPP is the way to go. \_ It dynamically lowers its voltage and frequency according to your workload. Why would you want to be running at the maximum clock rate when you're typing or reading a web page? That is a waste of energy. Besides, a PIII laptop can't go very fast when it's batteries are dead. \_ I'm not defending the Pentiums either. Personally, I think Intel sells crap. But most processors today (at least those concerned with power savings) employ power savings features during idle periods like clock gating or disabling input latches to unused units. Power consumption during idle periods by the CPU is rather inconsequential compared to power drawn by a spinning disk, LCD monitor, DRAM refresh, and other crap running. I doubt TM chips fair much better during idle periods than other alternatives. \_ I'm not defending the Pentiums either. Personally, I think Intel sells crap. But most processors today (at least those concerned with power savings) employ power savings features during idle periods like clock gating or disabling input latches to unused units. Power coproperly phrased question. here, I'll put you out of your misery: http://arstechnica.com/reviews/peripherals.html \_ D00D U R 50 WR0NG! CRU503 R0X! R3P3N37 UR B45PH3M35 W4Y5! |
2001/4/23-24 [Recreation/Dating] UID:21070 Activity:nil |
4/22 http://www.latimes.com/business/cutting/todays.topstory.htm http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2710648,00.html Which story is more reflective of porn $ on the Internet today? \_ Both. The latimes is human interest drivel. The zdnet one is about cold hard facts. Put them together and it reads that the money making sites are stoked at the cheap high quality talent they can now recruit from Hollywood and ex-dotcoms. This influx of talent will drive out the lesser talent from the online porn industry and allow porn sites to make better sites for less. This is important because as the zdnet article said, customer numbers are flat or declining but this is also seasonal as the zdnet article says. It comes down to too many porn sites and not enough workers at dotcoms available to surf that many anymore. I read somewhere else that there were 75,000 dotcom layoffs in the last few months. Sorry if you weren't expecting a serious answer. |
2001/4/23-24 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional] UID:21071 Activity:high 75%like:21076 |
4/22 reviewP on Tripplite, APC, and others, thanks. \_ t \_ For the eternally clueless for who think whateverP is a generic form of asking any question... it isn't. If memory serves, the P stands for "P"redicate. This comes from the c60a (and maybe 50?) days where everything in the A&S book was thisP and thatP for all the true/false routines. thus: isnumP and isdigitP and foodP are good. reviewP will only get you #t/f. Now please just stop misusing shorthand in attempt to fit in. English works perfectly most of the time and if you don't know that Engrish does ok, too. \_ Why is it "#t" but not "t"? \_ probably meant #t/#f \_ Yes. \_ usage defined meaning. trace the etymology of many many common expressions and you will find that they started out as something compeletly different, and alot of ignorant idiots missused the language for several decades, and now it's in the dictionaries. \_ nil is also acceptable in place of #f \_ #t \_ More precisely, in older lisps, the convention is P for predicate, eg, isdigitP, with true and false being t and nil \_ Yep. I knew someone would come up with the full real answer if I started in that direction. Thanks. \_ you mean "digitp" (more precisely, nil is false and everything else is true). The scheme convention is ?, such as isdigit?, with #t and #f being boolean types returned. I don't remember what r4rs says about nil in control flow, but #f != nil \_ Even more precisely, older lisps only had upper case, so you had things like ISDIGITP. \_ Why would you ever have ISDIGITP instead of DIGITP ? \_ !#t? I think I got schooled. \_ the more interesting question is when to use eg digitp vs digit-p |
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