Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:March:21 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2001/3/21 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:20865 Activity:very high
3/20    Hi.  it appears that people have been flaming ][e about vp-like
        administrative policies.  In the future, please direct the mail
        to (duh). - paolo
        \_ Jon's just pissed 'cuz he did more work than he had to
           \_ He's under no contractual obligation to do anything if he
              doesn't want to.
              \_ Just as the VP is under no obligation to do his job if
                 he doesn't want to.  I guess he should email poliburo
                 about it.
                 \_ Actually, the VP has obligations as outlined in the
                    CSUA Constitution.  If he is unable to perform these
                    duties, he should resign.
           \_ he should email vp about it then. - paolo
              \_ I have paolo.  I'm still waiting for you to do your job. -Jon
                 \_ i'm not seeing anything new to root or vp, unless it's
                    the .43 net thing which is solved already. - paolo
                        \_ what about the broken sshd?  -tom
                              \_ Its not broken. It works fine for SSHv1
                                 and OpenSSH clients. Get a different client.
                                \_ what would you call a server that violates
                                   protocols?  I would call it broken.  The
                                   fact that openssh clients also violate
                                   protocols doesn't make the server any
                                   less broken.  And, once again, there's
                                   ABSOLUTELY NO ADVANTAGE TO USING OPENSSH.
                                    \_ Totally there is!  Open source!
                                      with *BSD, MacOS X, LinSUX, etc.
                                    \_ Why don't we run both versions? Run
                                       the non-OpenSSH version of port 69
                                       so that tom will shutup.
                                   \_ Uh, its free and it comes preinstalled
                                      with *BSD, MacOS X, Linux, etc.
                                      WTF would I want to download something
                                      extra from that isn't nearly
                                      as well audited as OpenSSH and isn't
                                      free for corporate users?
                                        \_ what difference does it make
                                           whether it's free for corporate
                                           users?  You would want to download
                                           it because IT SUPPORTS MORE CLIENTS.
                                           Are you really this stupid?  -tom
                                           \_ Because some of us are corporate
                                              users, not gub'ment 'ployees.
                                   \_ since you clearly are not making any
                                      progress getting the powers that be to
                                      switch from OpenSSH, why don't you
                                      harass the OpenSSH people and get them
                                      to fix it?
                                   \_ So, you like the added bloat of having
                                      to start the ssh1 daemon every time an
                                      ssh1 client connects? Once OpenSSH
                                      supports shession rekeying (promissed in
                                      the next major release) there will be
                                      no reason not to use OpenSSH.
                           \_ That's an old thing that he isn't fixing, not
                              a new thing.
                                \_ well, like Jon said, he's not doing his
                                   job.  -tom
                                   \_ It's a student .org.  No one cares but
                                      you.  Run for VP.  Oh wait, you can't.
                \_ what the fuck are you bitter, insignificant
                   poor suffering morons whining about?
                   \_ lack of asian chic?
                      \_ azn chix p.
                         \_ SKY?  Is that you SKY?  Is Muchandr dead?
                            \_ Muchandr is not dead, but he looks like a shadow
                               of his former rambunctious self, haunting
                               Berkeley downtown.
2001/3/21-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:20866 Activity:very high
3/21    Recommendations for a good surge protector? I've already had one
        network router get fried from a recent blackout and don't intend
        to have any other computer components die on me.
        \_ UPS? --dim
        \_ um, ever heard of a $10 surge protector? DIMWIT.
        \_ i don't think a 10 surge protector will protect you very much
        \_ each surge protector has a certain rating on them.  When you
           buy them, take a look at the rating.  Get the better rated
           one (is it a rating in Joules?)
        \_ You lost a $1000+ router and still haven't learned your lesson?
           Get a UPS.  Don't be cheap or stupid.  $99.
           \_ Who said it was $1000? Maybe I should've been more specific
              (although it really doesn't matter in this discussion).
              It was one of those $200 DSL sharing routers. And I had a $30
              surge protector (as opposed to $10?) which didn't do a bit of
              good. Ok, maybe a better question is: is there a brand of
              surge protectors or UPS that people trust?
              \_If it was a $30 surge protector, did it come with a guarentee
              to protect at least a couple hundred dollars worth of equipment?
              If it did (check with the manufacturer) then just put in a claim.
                \_ surge protectors are useless.  APC is the UPS brand. -tom
                                                  \ Exodus uses MGE
                   \_ APC also makes surge protectors.  are those useless?
                        \_ Yes.  UPS or nothing.  Anything less than UPS is
                           just fooling yourself.
                        \_ Correct me if I am wrong.  I believe that surge
                           protectors are good at preventing your equipment
                           from getting fried by lightning strikes, etc.
                           but for UPSs, in addtional to the above, it also
                           prevents data corruptions caused by these
                           frequent short duration (less than a second,
                           to a few seconds) power interruptions that
                           sometimes cause your computer to reboot.
                                \_ surge protectors are absolutely not good at
                                   protecting your equipment from power
                                   surges.  They can be worse than plugging
                                   into the wall.  A UPS is a requirement, not
                                   because of the battery backup, but because
                                   the power circuit is isolated.  -tom
                                   \_ and APC surge protectors are no better
                                      than the really cheap ones?
                                        \_ No.  Stop kidding yourself.
                                           \_ I have one of those $50+
                                              tripp lite surge protectors with
                                              all-metal casing.  Are those
                                              any good?
                           \_ I don't think it was meant for lightning
                              strikes. surge protectors are to protect
                              you equipment in case there's a low resistance
                              path in your machine causing excessive current
                              flow. In which case, the surge protector will
                              cut off flow all together.
                           \_ No way in hell will your cheapo surge protector
                              stop a lightning strike.  Read the disclaimers
                              that came with it.  They don't claim lightning
                              protection.  They claim surge protection.
                              \_What do you think a lightning strike is, dildo,
                              a big-ass-motherfucking surge.
                                \_ Moron, read the fucking disclaimers.  They
                                   make it clear enough for even a dipshit like
                                   you to figure out that "big-ass-etc" surges
                                   such as, oh say, *LIGHTNING* are _not_
                                   covered.  Idiot.  Who taught you to live?
2001/3/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:20867 Activity:high
3/21    If a user were to leave top running on a system perpetually, would
        that cause a constant, appreciable performance hit (this is actually
        happening on an ultra1, and the user is an admin, not at ucb)
        \_ Not really.  -tom
        \_ On older machines, top would take 20% or more cpu time.  It still
           isn't any more efficient now.  A faster/modern machine will have
           more cycles to kick around on this.  I suggest using top to see
           how much load top requires on that host.
        \_ Why would you want to run top all the time anyway?
                \_ Because the sysadmin is too stupid to figure out how to use
                   SNMP, sar, or a million other less intrusive tools to track
                   system resource usage.
                        \_ whereis sar? (what is it too?)
                                \_ /usr/sbin on Solaris.  See the Sun
                                   Performance Tuning book by Cockcroft for
                                   more info.
2001/3/21-22 [Recreation/Dating] UID:20868 Activity:high
3/20    Where's a good place to learn about Makefile and esoteric commands
        within like patsubst, etc etc?
        \_ the manual
        \_ you should ask the Olsen Twins:
           \_ They look a lot like Topanga from Boy Meets World
              \_ didn't that chick play Alia in dlynch's Dune?
              \_ They are all part of the great tv genetic breeding pool
           \_ dig the trampy hair.  We need to ruin their lives diff'rent
              strikes-style so we can get some lesbian sister girl-girl porn
              \_ i'd see that for a dollar
              \_ oh you _know_ that's what's going to happen when they hit 18
                 and have to do a "coming of sexual age" movie so they can
                 break little girl typecasting.  (ala Poison Ivy, Showgirls..)
           \_ Dig the "I'm a clone white chick blond" thing.
              \_ what?
           \_ um, what does this have to do with Makefile?
                \_ Nothing.  It's the motd.
2001/3/21-22 [Politics/Domestic] UID:20869 Activity:very high
3/21  Both true and amusing cartoon.
        \_ That cartoon is neither true nor amusing.  You bastard, you wasted
           three seconds of my life.
           \_ and I want them back!
        \_ that should have been an elephant presented a sign that reads
           "fiscal responsibility" or "healthy economy"
           \_ Responsibility?  You think taking away ONE-HALF(!!!) of what I
              *earn* and handing it over to the largest beauracracy on the
              planet is a *responsible* way to spend my money?  Are you totally
              insane?  _What_ exactly is responsible about that?  What exactly
              is wrong with the government spending based on what they need to
              within a budget on a program by program basis rather than just
              automatically inflted every single budget every year in every
              lame program without any serious oversight or questioning of how
              *my* money is getting spent or *ever* cutting back on anything?
              And no, reducing the rate of growth is not a cut.  That's the
              stupidiest shit I've seen on the motd in... in... god... days.
              And *that* is saying a lot, given the sort of ignorant crap some
              of you people post.
        \_ [restored.  sorry if the truth hurts, you censoring bastard]
2001/3/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20870 Activity:nil 58%like:20874
3/21    What's the proper way to say:
        HPUX 1) H-P You-EX or 2) H-Pux?
        Linux 1) Linn-nex 2) Line-nex
        new Solaris 1) Solaris2.8 2) Solaris5.8 3) Solaris8?
        \_ Who cares?
2001/3/21 [Computer/Networking] UID:20871 Activity:high
3/21    Cisco must die!!!
        \_ because?
2001/3/21-22 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:20872 Activity:moderate
3/21  taking net abuse to the next level.
        \_ not new.
        \_ You mean people writing defamatory stuff about other people on the
           net is new?  I'm shocked that this could happen to our internet!
           The page is stupid, but this is hardly new.  -doesn't know tom
                \_ it's not even that.  Try
                        \_ Ah.  At least this has some shred of cleverness to
                           it, then, on the web site creator's part, although
                           not on the part of those who would use it.
           \_ I am shocked, shocked that gambling is going on in here.
2001/3/21-22 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/Security] UID:20873 Activity:very high
3/21    Went for a regular cleanup but the medical bill sez the doc did
        root canal and 6 x-rays. It said I had to pay 20% of the copayment
        to the doc but the doc sez to just ignore it. what's going on
        and what should i do 'bout it?
        \_ mmm, medical insurance fraud.
        \_ the doc over-charges.  If the actual charge is $100, the doc
           is reporting the cost to be $120, so the $20 you supposedly
           need to pay is included in the overcharged amount.  It is a
           win-win situation for you and your doc.  Pretend that you
           don't know about it and play along.
           \_ I already paid a fuckin $10 copayment, and the insurance is
              paying $725 for a $50 cleanup. What the fuck?
              \_ its called fraud.  If you're annoyed about it talk to your
        \_ If that's the case, I think you should also charge the doc 20%
           for your "services".
                insurance provider to get yer doc busted.
        \_ This is why medicare and medicaid are going bankrupt.  As a
           taxpayer, thanks!
           \_ Do you even know what medicare is?  If you did you would
              be able to figure out that the original poster isn't even
              qualified for it.
        \_ liberal solution: spend more on medical/care to cover
           the fraud. ITS FOR THE CHILDREN!
                \_ Yeah, totally.  I'd pay anything and give up all my freedoms
                   so long as it was for the children.
        \_ That's your frequent flyer miles rebate.
        \_ I read an article in Smartmoney magazine saying that
           doctors are not earning as much as they used to.  Many are
           working longer hours, selling their Porches, and putting
           their children in public instead of private schools.
           Also, they no longer small talk or develop a personal
           \_ They make the same, but they have to work harder for it.
              Tough. For $350,000 they can deal. There's a lot of
              competition driving down prices. Most of my doctors don't
              even charge me the co-payment (they "forget") so it's not
              like they miss that extra $10 from each patient. The fee
              schedule is all out-of-whack with reality thanks to HMOs.
              For example, buying a certain medication through my HMO =
              $10 copayment. Buying it "without insurance" = $6.50. That's
              why I *always* ask how much the drug is retail cost, and
              it's not limited to drugs. The HMOs are screwing the doctors
              and the patients. --dim
              \_ But HMOs are FOR THE CHILDREN!  Don't you care about THEM!?
           relationship with their patients but go right to the
           diagnosis in a production line manner.
           \_ And this is supposed to excuse fraud?
           \- If this has really happened to you, you have a obligation to
           bring it up. It'd really bad to let them get away with this. This
           is hardly a Jean Valjean stealing a loaf of bread.
2001/3/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Misc] UID:20874 Activity:nil 58%like:20870
3/21    What's the proper way to say:
        HPUX 1) H-P You-EX or 2) H-Pux?
        \_ hp sucks.
        Linux 1) Linn-nex 2) Line-nex
        new Solaris 1) Solaris2.8 2) Solaris5.8 3) Solaris8?
        \_ Who cares?
        \_ Leee-nus Torvalds pronounces Leee-nux Leee-nux
2001/3/21-22 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:20875 Activity:low
3/20                            \_ what about the broken sshd?  -tom
                              \_ Its not broken. It works fine for SSHv1
                                 and OpenSSH clients. Get a different client.
                                \_ what would you call a server that violates
                                   protocols?  I would call it broken.  The
                                   fact that openssh clients also violate
                                   protocols doesn't make the server any
                                   less broken.  And, once again, there's
                                   ABSOLUTELY NO ADVANTAGE TO USING OPENSSH.
                                    \_ Totally there is!  Open source!
                                    \_ Why don't we run both versions? Run
                                       the non-OpenSSH version of port 69
                                       so that tom will shutup.
                                   \_ Uh, its free and it comes preinstalled
                                      with *BSD, MacOS X, Linux, etc.
                                      WTF would I want to download something
                                      extra from that isn't nearly
                                      as well audited as OpenSSH and isn't
                                      free for corporate users?
                                        \_ what difference does it make
                                           whether it's free for corporate
                                           users?  You would want to download
                                           it because IT SUPPORTS MORE CLIENTS.
                                           Are you really this stupid?  -tom
                                           \_ Because some of us are corporate
                                              users, not gub'ment 'ployees.
                                                \_ we're not talking about what
                                                   you install in your cube.
                                                   you can connect to soda
                                                   if it's not running openssh.
          's ssh server doesn't like _/
                    OpenSSH clients and it doesn't like
                    NiftyTelnet SSH on the mac (ie it will
                    randomly drop my connection and scp
                    doesn't work right), both of
                    which currently work with soda's
                    OpenSSH server. No reason to switch
                    since switching would reduce the
                    number of clients that are supported.
                        \_ Bullshit.  I am using both openssh clients and
                           NiftyTelnet with's server and they work
                           fine.  -tom
                                   \_ since you clearly are not making any
                                      progress getting the powers that be to
                                      switch from OpenSSH, why don't you
                                      harass the OpenSSH people and get them
                                      to fix it?
                                   \_ So, you like the added bloat of having
                                      to start the ssh1 daemon every time an
                                      ssh1 client connects? Once OpenSSH
                                      supports shession rekeying (promissed in
                                      the next major release) there will be
                                      no reason not to use OpenSSH.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:March:21 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>