2001/3/15 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS] UID:20794 Activity:nil |
3/14 My saiden/cory account is disabled and my http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~myself page is gone. If I'm a grad student how long do I get to keep my account? I'd love to have http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~myself to be up forever. \_ nmap http://www.cs.berkeley.edu to figure out what OS its running. Get out your root kit for that OS and get root. |
2001/3/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:20795 Activity:nil |
3/14 getting warning in template class instantiation: typedef std::vector <_bstr_t> bstrVect; typedef std::map <_bstr_t, bstrVect> bstrVectorMap; any ideas what might be wrong? |
2001/3/15-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:20796 Activity:nil |
3/14 Anyone have a preference for Java obfuscators? I'm looking at DashO, RetroGuard, 1stBarrier, Smokescreen, and CodeShield... they all look ok... \_ DashO doesn't handle reflection well. Our company has had people stay up all night getting DashO builds to work. Caveat emptor. |
2001/3/15-16 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:20797 Activity:nil |
3/14 Which of the following is better? #define intptr (int*) typedef int * intptr; I think the latter is better, but why? \_ first, does #define intptr (int*) do what you want? afaik, (int*) x is not a legal declaration. if you get rid of the parentheses, consider the difference in the following if you use typedef or #define : intptr x, y; \_ Correct answer moved to the top. \_ The latter is better because the preprocessor will sometimes \_ what's wrong with just using int* ? \_ because it's not hungarian. \_ because CIVILIZED people don't succumb to those primal pointer urges, you sick monkey \_ Use void *, it is used but never used up. \_ first, does #define intptr (int*) do what you want? afaik, (int*) x is not a legal declaration. if you get rid of the parentheses, consider the difference in the following if you use typedef or #define : intptr x, y; substitute (int*) for intptr in bad places. For example if you hook up two components that both define intptr with #define the preprocessor will silently choose one, whereas the compiler will complain about conflicting typedefs. \_ if you #define something twice, the preprocessor often will give you a warning. \_ #define's okay for smaller project. However, imagine you have constants (#define CONST1 12345) compiled into your objects and later on you change the semantics of your code. The compiler is certainly not going to catch your mistakes. Preprocessing sucks, save it for porting issues. \_ preprocessing when used properly can be quite useful. Macros can sometimes do things that inline functions cannot. \_ The typedef is prefarable for the following reasons: (1) This is EXACTLY what typedef is defined to do. Using #define is being unconventional. Since there is no good reason to buck the convention you might as well follow it to make everyone's life easier. For example, somebody reading your code who sees intptr will probably assume it is a typedef (since that is the convention) and do things that might break if it was a #define. (2) Debuggers can figure out what intptr means if it is a typedef but not if it is a define. For example, "p (intptr) x" should work properly in gdb with typedef not with #define. (3) Typedef is more likely to work properly in cases you haven't considered since the compiler has more information about what it's doing. Consequently, it is more likely that compilers will generate proper warnings and error messages using typedef than with define. Similiarly chaining typedefs will work, can you guarantee the same with defines? |
2001/3/15 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:20798 Activity:high |
3/14 What is the FreeBSD format corresponding to a normal music CD? I've been trying to mount a bunch of music CDs with no luck, but data CDs (CD-Rs) work fine. I've tried cd9660 and ufs, and many, many different discs. \_ FreeBSD music CD's don't work with cable modem. \_ Audio CDs don't have a filesystem on them. They're raw audio data. You want a ripping program like dagrab (/usr/ports/audio/dagrab) \_ xmms has a CD Audio plugin, but I can't figure out a way to actually \_ Duuude!! Leik Eye'm going 2 reinstawl 2 get l1nx m00zik!!!11 RAD! \_ You want: "D00D! L1K3 1'M G01NG 2 1N57@11 31337 D3B1@N GN00/L1NSUX 2 G37 MY T00NZ!" play a track from an audio CD. Any tips? \_ Use Linux, it lets you mount a music CD as a filesystem. \_ Use Windows, it automatically mounts them and even auto plays them \_ what's the command? |
2001/3/15 [Recreation/Dating] UID:20799 Activity:nil |
3/14 My CS partner has a ring on her right ring finger. She hasn't brought up her boyfriend casually in conversation at all, and I'm thinking it might be a geek ward. We talk a lot. Is there any way to tell, other than asking directly? \_ Easy; ask her out. --pld \_ Thanks! -original poster \_ That's such TERRIBLE advice. Why can't you just tuck in your dick for a couple more months and leave your work relationship intact? There are so many girls out there, why your project partner? At least wait till after the final. \_ Wait till finals are over and you get a passing grade (I already know you won't get a good grade because you are spending more time thinking about your partner than your project, don't lie you are). If you start going out and it doesn't work out, she will shaft you on the project. If you think that she won't do that, because she's worried about her grades, think AGAIN. She knows that she can drop out of school and some dumb CS geek will still marry her and she can get half his portfolio in exchange for a kiss and some kind words. \_ check out http://pickupguide.com, or alt.seduction.fast on usenet. \_ perform a mind meld on her. better yet, stalk her obsessively, tap her phone line and network, and call her pretending to take a survey thereby asking indirectly. \_ ask her for a proj. celebration dinner (or whatever stage your proj is in). Tell her feel free to bring a significant other. If she comes, it is a good sign (and whether she has a bf may not be a barrier). Otherwise, wrap up the proj and move on. \_ Uh ok genius, so she goes out to get a slice of pizza with this guy. So what? \_ What's it matter that she has a BF? \_ "i'm not trying to hear that see" \_ "what's that got to do with me?" \_ Because he might see your geeky ass hassling her and beat you to a pulp. \_ If your name is David and in 162, don't make me come up to Berkeley from San Jose to beat your ass. \_ the answer is obvious: invite her out to dance and phreak her This may sound stupid, _/ but what does 'phreak her' mean? - unhip alum on the dance floor. she'll either laugh or consent, either way you win. \_ My god, if you're going to do any of this, you'd better be hot. I shudder at the thought of another girl falling victim to geek love. -- girl p.s. If you guys are that close, why don't you just ask her? \_ I've asked tons of girls out on dates. I have yet to go on a date (including H.S. prom). The thought of being rejected isn't worth this risk. -- !original poster \_ Ask her what the ring is for, or whether she has a boyfriend, not ask her out. \_ do NOT ask her if the ring gives her +2 on agility, or anything of the sort! \_ It's "Ring of Human Influence", 18 Charisma. \_ It's a "Ring of Protection", wards of Geeks. \_ Unless she is a gamer, too. \_ Even if. \_ Ask her if she would like to go out to dinner and see a movie afterwords. Don't make a big deal out of it when you ask and gracefully accept her answer if she says no. By the way, if she just happens to be busy, then it probably means she doesn't want to go out so don't keep asking unless you want her to think you are a stalker. Good luck. Oh yeah, if she says something about the ring, just claim you didn't notice. \_ Uh yeah... it's only this shiny thing on her hand waving around all day. \_ Ask her if her hymen is still there. \_ Ring on right hand means nothing. What are you worried about? \_ Are you sure? I thought ring on ring finger of right hand meant, "I have a boyfriend, you know." It even has a little crown on it, or whatever. It's not a plain metal band. \_ Does it have a heart and a crown? Is she Irish? \_ I know lots of girls with rings on their right ring finger with no boyfriend. Often, that's the finger that the ring fits best on. There is no tradition of meaning for a ring on that finger. \_ Ask her things like "what did you do last weekend?" that reflect a little about what she does for fun and in her spare time. That's a big window for her to mention if she has a boyfriend or not. If she does not mention a boyfriend, chances are she doesn't have one, or that the relationship isn't that serious. --chris \_ If he's known her for more than 48 hours and she hasn't he even hinted she has someone else then she probably doesn't. If he hasn't known her very long, then it can't hurt to just ask with out all the silly guessing games everyone here is suggesting. \_ "Do you have a boyfriend?" is a bit risky to ask and makes intentions very obvious. But then again, this is soda. Who cares about subtlety? --chris \_ You WANT your intentions obvious! unless you prefer to play adolescent "does he like me or not" games with her mind? \_ And make it an "all or nothing" scenario? It's hard to backpeddle out of a "do you have a boyfriend" question into friendship if she _does_ have a boyfriend. It's nice to _know_ the dating status of your object of desire without revealing your own intentions...and THEN make your intentions known. But then again, this is soda. Who cares about dating? \_ just whip it out \_ I whip it out - Bill C. \_ Okay, keep this part of the motd on your screen. THen ask her to take a look at some code on your screen...and when she comes over to look at your screen, she'll see the thread. Stall for bit, flip to a shell screen (crossing the motd window), perhaps even make some excuse to get her to type on the keyboard, and leave briefly for the bathroom. Of course, she could be offended by the hymen, whip & stalking comments above and refuse to speak with you. |
2001/3/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:20800 Activity:moderate |
3/15 Poetry for the People invites you to attend a night of poetry and protest this Thursday at the I-HOUSE, 2299 Piedmont Avenue, Chevron Auditorium (reception is at 6pm on the 2nd floor) The reading featuring poet/playwright Ntozake Shange at 7pm. Admission is 2 books, to help raise books for Berkeley High School's library, which has been closed for a year now. \_ Uh, who the fuck are you and why are you not addressing the spam that you have sent to csua@csua properly? \_ He is Paolo, boy wonder. \_ no fool, _I_ am paolo - batman. Remember, i sign my posts. why don't you sign your posts? \_ Nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah. Batman! \_ I mean Leader! \_ you have 1 hour to sign this or it gets purged |
2001/3/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:20801 Activity:moderate |
3/14 someone please tell us what the DWE (Doctoral Written Exam) and prelims are like? \_ they're really hard \_ In which area? |
2001/3/15 [Health/Disease/General] UID:20802 Activity:high 72%like:20807 |
3/15 If Food-and-Mouth disease doesn't affect human being, what's bad about eating meat from livestocks that are infected with the disease? \_ meat is murder! or something and stuff... \_ anything done in Europe is defined to be more advanced than what happens in the US. This must be their way of making a new flavor of meat or something. \_ Probably just bad for certain industries...on the news, they say the disease makes cows not want to eat as much, hence less milk and less bulky meat... \_ You mean foot-and-mouth.. btw, what's the difference between foot-and-mouth and hoof-and-mouth? \_ Ooops. Corrected now. |
2001/3/15-16 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:20803 Activity:nil |
3/15 From the FreeBSD question below: xmms has a CD Audio plugin, but I can't figure out a way to actually play a track from an audio CD. Any tips? \ Configure the plug in to look at /dev/acd0c and /cdrom. Then load-dir /cdrom, and it will play the tracks. |
2001/3/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:20804 Activity:high |
3/15 do Cal grad students ever participate in wall or motd nowadays? \_ Nick Weaver, non stop. \_ Yes, both. -not nweaver |
2001/3/15-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:20805 Activity:nil |
3/15 http://www.cs.unc.edu/~azuma/grad.day funny stuff |
2001/3/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:20806 Activity:kinda low |
3/15 Calvin's base: http://www.hal-9000.net/wwwboard/images/calvin.jpg \_ this is so passe \_ ALL YOUR... oh, forget it. |
2001/3/15-16 [Health/Disease/General] UID:20807 Activity:high 72%like:20802 |
3/15 If Foot-and-Mouth disease doesn't affect human being, what's bad about eating meat from livestocks that are infected with the disease? I mean why is the outbreak as big of a deal as mad-cow disease? \_ meat is murder! or something and stuff... \_ anything done in Europe is defined to be more advanced than what happens in the US. This must be their way of making a new flavor of meat or something. \_ Probably just bad for certain industries...on the news, they say the disease makes cows not want to eat as much, hence less milk and less bulky meat... \_ You mean foot-and-mouth.. btw, what's the difference between foot-and-mouth and hoof-and-mouth? \_ Ooops. Corrected now. \_ According to /csua/bin/webster, foot-and-mouth and hoof-and-mouth are the same disease. \_ isn't trench-mouth or whatever from WWI the same thing in humans? \_ The real answer to your question is that it kills the animals. In humans, it is annoying but not fatal. And no, you can't drag the diseased carcasses from the fields where they dropped to the slaughter house. \_ What effects does eating foot-and-mouth-diseased meat have on humans? (just out of morbid curiosity) -!original poster \_ Fever and a low chance of some blisters/sores for a few days. \_ The big problem is more economic. The affected animals won't eat because of painful mouth sores and lose weight to the point where they are unsellable. Also, the disease is highly contagious, and is transmitted through the air, liquid, food, soil, your shoes, just about anything, and can survive for extended periods outside of a host. So it has profound effects on trade, commerce, even tourism and travel. \_ If it can be transmitted in so many ways, how have they been keeping it under control all these decades until now? \_ Quarantine used to be the solution, but that isn't feasible with the large herds of today. Thus the slaughtering and burning of carcasses. Hoof-and-mouth for cloven foot animals would be equal to a deadly form of the common cold for humans. Even if the animals survive one bout, a mutated version may come back and you lose more animals, and then it may mutate again and so on. You need to break the cycle or else. \_ Can you reference this statement? In my research, I have not come across this "mutate again ..." theory before. Thanks. -ausman |
2001/3/15-16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional] UID:20808 Activity:high |
3/15 How do I comment out multiple lines of ELISP code in ~/.emacs (or LISP code in general)? \_Set the region using Ctrl-Space on one end and move your cursor to the other, and do M-x comment-region. Or use vi and stick a ';' on the front of each line manually. \_ So there's nothing similar to "#if 0 / #endif" in C that I can do? \_ can't you do (if (<condition>) (progn ...) ) ? \_ can you have your .emacs file load other files? then you would only have to comment/uncomment one line \_ (load-file ...) |
2001/3/15-16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20809 Activity:nil |
3/15 How do I prevent emacs from adding newlines when I scroll past the end of a buffer? Also, is there a way to have it put tildes or something to represent non-existing lines like vi? Thanks. --lazy bastard \_ ^X^Cvi !^^M \- use Joe Wells' package --psb ;; Improved next-line command. ;; Created by: Joe Wells, jbw@bigbird.bu.edu ;; Filename: next-line-fix.el ;; Purpose: improved next-line to answer everyone's prayers ;; 1. Doesn't add lines at end of buffer unless you want it to. ;; 2. Can be configured with a maximum number of lines to add ... \_ nevermind, i just rtfm and found (setq next-line-add-newlines nil) what's this joe wells thing do? --lazy bastard (u guys still owe me the tilde solution though) \_ I haven't seen the Joe Wells thing, but custom changes like that were needed for those of us using Emacs 18 in the past where next-line-add-newlines didn't exist. -- yuen \- i guess i chopped this part: ;; Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. so i suppose jbw's stuff was integrated into the main dist at some point. i dunno if joe is still writing elisp but he was one of those people who wrote all good stuff. --psb |
3/15 |