2001/2/12 [Recreation/Dating] UID:20565 Activity:very high |
2/11 Anyone need a date for valentines day? \_ femaleP \_ #t \_ login? \_ nope. --chris \_ no - anyone \_ yes please. I don't even want sex, just companionship. its sooo lonely being a geek. \_ I'm serious. I'll take you to dinner, dancing a movie. I just want someone friendly to talk to. Just someone friendly, no sex, no kissing nothing like that. \_ You should do what I do. For me, Valentines day == a night with a bottle of booz and a nice game of Russian Roulette. Works fine for me and the next day I'm back to work. So far the revolver hasn't picked the golden bullet. \_ You can borrow my automatic! \_ Well, there's still hope. \_ I will be wearing all black to work and greeting people as I do each and every year: "Happy VD" \_ Hey, you're a winner. No wonder you're still sexless. Women avoid depressoid losers like the plague and for good reason. \_ When I was single, all single folks in my dept. at work used to get together for dinner. \_ losers. \_ lol! what a fucker! \_ is this a dating service? are you a guy or a girl? |
2001/2/12-13 [Uncategorized] UID:20566 Activity:very high |
2/12 If space is a vacum how is heat dissipated in a spacecraft? \_ Space isn't a true/pure vacuum. Roughly 1 hydrogen atom per 10 cubic centimeters in deep space. So they say. I haven't personally measured. \_ What's your point? Are you trying to assert that this low density of gas removes significant heat? Or are you just spouting idiotic irrelevancies? \_ I think his is just trying to say that space is not a vacuum. \_ Yes. That's what I was saying. Unfortunately, some motd posters are too clueless to recognise a simple correction of fact for what it is. "If space is a vacum[sp] how..." is based n the false premise that space is a vacuum. \_ Perhaps you need help -- look up "sophistry" in the dictionary. Perhaps "semantic" and "specious" as well. \_ Nice try but the dictionary won't help you. You were just being stupid and obnoxious. \_ No, actually I'm saying that this fool is puffing himself up with easily acquired information, without actually answering or in any way addressing the question. Oh, and speaking of the dictionary, you might want to start by looking up "clue" before posting again. \_ infrared, low frequency EM \_ they use radiators. Black body radiation isn't as efficient at getting rid of heat as conduction is, but when you have no atmosphere, it's yer only choice, unless you want to waste a lot of mass in evaporating or ablating a cooling material. \_ someone who's not an idiot! \_ Yourself? Don't be a fool, idiot. \_ Same way as how heat is dissipated from the Sun. |
2001/2/12-13 [Finance/Banking, Finance/Investment] UID:20567 Activity:high |
2/12 I am broke. I am looking for an ass-kicking spreadsheet to start keeping track my expenses. \_ Quicken and Microsoft Money are better at this than any spreadsheet. \_ Its called a ledger. You can make using a $0.10 notebook from longs or payless. You have one column where you write in the date of a transaction, another where you write in a description and a last one where you record if it was + (deposit) or - (expense). Add it up at the bottom of a page and transfer to the next. \_ I just use a plain text file to do this. \_ If you are broke, a text file costs too much money. \_ Perl! \_ $0.10 notebook? What decade are you living in? \_ Hey, I thought we went throught this! Use automatically deposit to put a portion of your paycheck into a savings account and DO NOT ever withdraw from that account. I'm able to saving 20K a year that way. And I'm not making 6 figures. -frugal guy \_ Only 20K. How much do you make? ~ 45K? I'm saving ~ 40K a year by direct deposit into my money market account and I'm making not making 6 figures either. to my parents (non-tax-deductible) and contributing 11% to my 401(k), and I'm not making 6 figures either. Although it's sad that we need to compete on how little we spend instead of how much we make. \_ I'm making $2600 mortgage payment a month and sending $1K/mo to my parents (non-tax-deductible since they're not listed as my dependents) and contributing 11% to my 401(k), and I'm not making 6 figures either. Although it's sad that we need to compete on how little we spend instead of how much we make. \_ I'm 15% to 401(k), 10% to ESPP, the rest directly into my money market accoount. I live at home with my parents, so I cut back on costs there. The only recurring costs I have are DSL ($69/mo) and my car ($50 gas/mo, $50 insurance/mo, $20 maintenance/mo). Occasionally I buy clothes or computer equipment, but my yearly expenditure is covered by dividends earn more via investments and such) on a single mutal fund I own, all the other dividends are reinvested. - soon to be member of the idle rich. (BTW, I don't consider non-salary income toward that 6 figure thing. My salary is less, but I earn much more via investments and such) \_ what good is being idle and rich if you live at home with your parents? The values of sodans need some serious whacking. -tom \_ With the money I am saving, I can easily move into my own house in Saratoga or Woodside. I can do whatever I want whenever I want. I don't have to go to work do what my boss or some stupid customer wants. I can just sit around and make money and enjoy myself. That's what idle rich means. And what's wrong with living with your parents? My parents are extremely nice. I'd have to be pretty damn stupid to move out and spend money. \_ I envy you having nice parents. My mom is a dictator comparing to other moms (she even forced me to dump my gf, successfully, who was "just a little dis- respectful occasionally. Just a little, really. Other than that she's a very nice girl."), yet she has the gut to tell people that she's one of the most liberal parents in the world. Geez. \_ let's see...you don't have a girlfriend, or any activities you spend money on. exactly what are you going to do to "enjoy yourself" when you have "enough" money? Get a life; money is a means, not a goal. -tom \_ Spoken like a true poor peon. You don't really understand what it means to be rich do you? Too bad. \_ Sigh... not only is the sky falling but there must be solar flares too. Rich is nice but if being rich means this guy spends the rest of his life in his parents basement waiting for the magic day that he has "enough" money then the guy is totally lost. I'd rather be middle class and have a life than rich in my parent's basement. "Mikey! Dinner is ready! And don't forget to clean your room before your little friends come over!" \_ I absolutely understand what it means to be rich, and it has practically nothing to do with numbers on pieces of paper. -tom \_ The sky is falling! This must be the Twilight Zone or Outer Limits. I find myself in total agreement with tom! \_ for a "ride bike, save the whales" guy, you're pretty short-sighted. be realistic. sometimes you need to accumulate wealth to do what you want. \_ uh, to save toward the future for when they eventually move out? what good is being idle and poor if you're living by yourself in an an apartment? I mean, come on, it's not like most Sodans need the privacy for a love-life or anything. \_ A love-life costs $s. And if you get married, in CA she gets 1/2 of your stuff. No woman is worth 1/2 of my portfolio. Better to be single, rich and free. \_ Happy Valentines Day, tool \_ My mortgage is higher, my parents are multi-multi-multi- millionaires, I'm making comfortable 6 figures, putting in 10% and I still have time to edit the motd. Oh yeah, redecorating the house next month, too. The maid will like the new arrangement as it leaves her less to clean. \_ In other words, yer mom is kicking your lazy, fat, arrogant ass out of the house because your life is as pointless and contrived as your motd posts. \_ No. Why is it so hard to comprehend that others on the motd live the good life? I *know* there are others here who have and continue to do even better than me. I don't get grumpy about it. I applaud and cheer their success. \_ sign yer posts so i can track your ass down. \_ YWTFMITA? \_ Yeah and then what? You wanted to meet the maid? She's kinda cute. \_ Any pics? \_ No, but I could setup a webcam if you were dying to see her. \_ That'd be great. Thanks. URL? \_ Well, my parents aren't that poor either. They eat out, pay hundreds of dollars per month on international phone calls, renovate their home, trade stocks, had an apt. unit to collect rent, own a car in a country where a parking space costs $400/mo and public transportation can take you to places faster than driving. Recently they even almost bought a brandnew Mercedes even though sales tax on cars is 100%. But they still want me to send them $1K/mo even thought I can't even afford eating out. Sucks. \_ Get new parents. \_ Could it be Tokyo? \_ Isn't sales tax on cars much lower than 100% in Japan? \_ the place ur parents live, could it be HK? \_ Good guess. Yes it is HK. \_ then ur parents' reason for collecting money from you would be helping u save money for marriage... \_ My parents demand tribute as well, but at least it's not as fucked up as that. My parents are upper middle class Chinese. |
2001/2/12-13 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:20568 Activity:high |
2/12 If any of you are worried about a Napster blackout, checkout imesh at http://www.imesh.com/download ! \_ The judge ruled against them? I didn't see that anywhere. \_ boycott metallica. They are the cause and the cry babies. make em poor. \_ What I don't understand about this whole napster business is that closing down napster just makes it harder for people sharing completely legal (or at least copyright expired material). \_ Do you have a point or are you just an idiot? \_ Bow to leper messiah. |
2001/2/12 [Uncategorized] UID:20569 Activity:kinda low |
2/12 [uncommted url removed, dan] \_ you are so cool! \_ you are not. |
2001/2/12-13 [Uncategorized] UID:20570 Activity:nil |
2/12 Go see "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?". Very well done. A bit weird but so are you if you're reading this. |
2001/2/12-13 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20571 Activity:high |
2/12 I am trying to use Win95 ftp with skey but there is no prompt to enter the one-time password. is there a command I can use through the literal command? \_ That's strange. It used to work with my NT ftp where it prints the key and asks for the one-time password. But today it doesn't do that anymore. Something is broken? -- yuen \_ Today (2/13) I tried again, and it works okay now. You just type the one-time password at the "Password:" prompt. -- yuen |
2001/2/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20572 Activity:kinda low |
2/12 I followed the FAQs on automounter from http://www.sunhelp.org but I'm still not able to get the damn thing working. Are there any other FAQs? I'm trying to automount home directories WITHOUT running NIS+ under solaris. Is this even possible? \_ Yes it is possible, but not recommended. Take a look at the Solaris part of the Automounter FAQ: http://www.linux-consulting.com/Amd_AutoFS/autofs.html And what exactly are you trying to do with the automounter? Its a completely POS that should be avoided like the plague. Even if you get it running, you will have all sorts of problems. (Trust me, I've been there. We had autofs on all our boxes at Cisco and if any of the servers or the NIS/NIS+ masters went down or lost connectivity, you couldn't use your Sun box and you couldn't even reboot it cleanly. And this happened all the time because of stupid ClearCase.) If you need similar functionality to the automounter, please try AFS or Coda. \_ amd works fine for me... |
2001/2/12-13 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:20573 Activity:very high |
2/12 I am so screwed! I'm calling around, trying to make dinner plans for Valentines day, and everything is booked. Is it completely hopeless or can I save our relationship? \_ if you need to wine and dine your GF to "save" the relationship, then it's probably not worth saving. Cooking for her is much much more meaningful. Even if you can't cook a decent meal, the gesture is something she will remember. \_ by "cook", we mean candlelit dinner, silverware, several courses -- not incandescents, TV blaring in the background, Napster downloads on your counterstrike server. I hope most sodans already knew this, but ... \_ Get married, it will solve all your problems. \_ Dump her today. Get back together on Thursday. Take her out then. \_ I'll take her out, I can get reservations \_ You couldn't get reservations even two weeks ago. Plan earlier next time. BTW, the cooking thing is a good idea. \_ I was actually able to walk into a place that was reasonably nice last year. \_ Try Trattoria la Siciliana on College, they had space left when I checked on Saturday. Also, I just cancelled my reservation at Mazzani Trattoria on Telegraph--decided to cook instead. \_ You're doomed. Give it up or get married. \_ Lyon's or Olive Garden :P |