Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:January:07 Sunday <Saturday, Monday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2001/1/7-16 [Recreation/Humor] UID:20258 Activity:nil
1/5     http://www.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU/~jefe/helloworld
        \_ Now, how the hell did that get on the motd? -jeff
        \_ A bit inaccurate, since no master programmer writes code like
                that for Windoze.
                \_ that particular joke is about 8 years old. several things
                   missing by now
        \_ idea good, joke execution so-so.
        \_ Well I thought it was funny.  Flatulence upon the rest of your
           housese.  -!jeff
2001/1/7-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:20259 Activity:nil
1/5     I hate motd censors. - cronjob + scp + perlscript.
        \_ I squish motd bots.  - root
        \_ You need Tom's permission to post anything not directly interesting
           to Tom.  I think he's writing a CGI to auto-grant permission based
           on twink points but you'd have to ask him for details.
2001/1/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:20260 Activity:moderate
These Twink Points are as determined by the Twink Arbiter (me).  They are
completely non-negotiable.  To compute your Twink Score, subtract the
Amortized Twink Points from the Cumulative Twink Points.  For each week during
which you gain no Twink Points, one Twink Point will be amortized per number of
consecutive twinkless weeks.

Any soda user not listed here has never earned a Twink Point.  Twink Points
are earned primarily by making twinkish statements, be they on wall, in mail
to root, staff, csua, or twink-arbiter, on, or in person at CSUA
events or in the office.  One point is awarded per twinkish statement (note
that a single wall, mail, or post may have more than one twinkish statement).
\_ The fact that anyone even took the time to create this list deserves
   500 twink points in itself.
        \_ +1 for not tabbing motd entry and +1 for not dating.
        \_ soda ~% grep twink /etc/mail/aliases
           twink-arbiter: tom
           twink: twink-arbiter
                \_ notice the twink-arbiter is also a twink
                   \_ no, the twink-arbiter is the master twink.

Login           Cumulative Twink Points  Amortized Twink Points

aaron                     11                      11
abid                      1                       1
acheng                    1                       1
achoi                     177                     177
agee                      8                       8
alexb                     1                       1
alexf                     1                       1
alexlam                   1                       1
ali                       76                      76
alissa                    3                       3
allan                     2                       2
allenp                    1                       1
alvin                     1                       1
amitj                     2                       2
andreas                   1                       1
andychen                  1                       1
anitac                    18                      18
anjlee                    1                       1
annieh                    1                       1
anurag                    1                       1
appel                     13                      13
ari                       16                      16
aspolito                  9                       9
asteffes                  2                       2
aswan                     3                       3
aubie                     12                      12
ausman                    29                      29
ax                        1                       1
benchan                   1                       1
benco                     163                     163
bensonng                  1                       1
berk                      1                       1
bernt                     2                       2
bkong                     2                       2
blojo                     2                       2
bng                       5                       5
bonds                     2                       2
boss                      3                       3
brain                     1                       1
brendal                   1                       1
brg                       4                       4
brianm                    1                       1
calbear                   4                       4
calchung                  1                       1
caos                      3                       3
cathyli                   1                       1
ccytsao                   1                       1
cdaveb                    67                      67
chiapet                   2                       2
choba                     1                       1
chris                     87                      87
chug                      1                       1
clue                      2                       2
cmingyip                  1                       1
cmlee                     440                     440
coganman                  4                       4
corinney                  1                       1
daryl                     1                       1
davecw                    4                       4
daveh                     124                     124
davidf                    3                       3
debbie                    11                      11
denise                    1                       1
dennisc                   1                       1
dickylee                  100                     100
dkmkane                   1                       1
doan                      1                       1
donsw                     1                       1
dpetrou                   1                       1
dsweet                    2                       2
dukie                     1                       1
dwang                     2                       2
ehud                      4                       4
elicheng                  1                       1
elizp                     2                       2
emarkp                    2                       2
eric                      5                       5
erich                     2                       2
ether                     1                       1
etroung                   1                       1
etruong                   2                       2
etse                      1                       1
fchan                     1                       1
genehkan                  5                       5
geoffrey                  1                       1
ghhvi                     1                       1
gmartin                   5                       5
gosha                     2                       2
gupta                     1                       1
hahnak                    1                       1
henryhc                   1                       1
houman                    1                       1
housman                   1                       1
howl                      3                       3
hsingh                    1                       1
htleung                   1                       1
ikiru                     14                      14
indi                      1                       1
ivy                       55                      55
janet                     3                       3
jasonma                   1                       1
javadis                   1                       1
jayson                    1                       1
jbheiman                  1                       1
jef                       1                       1
jefe                      3                       3
jeph                      2                       2
jgwang                    3                       3
jhens                     2                       2
jimjiang                  2                       2
jnat                      7                       7
jng                       2                       2
joeking                   1                       1
johnm                     2                       2
johnsonk                  1                       1
jon                       36                      35
jor                       56                      56
josh                      13                      13
jowens                    1                       1
joy                       1                       1
sl                        81                      81
junokim                   2                       2
jwang                     1                       1
jwtong                    1                       1
kaiya                     1                       1
kane                      5                       5
karenyh                   1                       1
kchang                    114                     114
kenji                     5                       5
kiet                      1                       1
kigordon                  1                       1
kiran                     1                       1
klee                      1                       1
lafe                      4                       4
lars                      1                       1
larson                    1                       1
leslif                    1                       1
lila                      9                       9
lingo                     1                       1
lisha                     3                       3
llee                      1                       1
lleong                    1                       1
lolly                     2                       2
lorinda                   1                       1
magtse                    1                       1
marco                     21                      21
mary                      1                       1
math                      1                       1
maxmcc                    5                       5
mayhuang                  1                       1
mehlhaff                  1                       1
mel                       6                       6
mgeis                     1                       1
mhetrick                  1                       1
minhn                     1                       1
mlee                      69                      69
mooah                     1                       1
moonskim                  1                       1
mrehrer                   1                       1
muchandr                  43                      43
murder                    1                       1
nesim                     2                       2
nevman                    39                      39
nickkral                  15                      15
niki                      4                       4
nweaver                   102                     102
oj                        1                       1
paolo                     4                       3
paulwang                  11                      11
pchen                     1                       1
pcjr                      43                      43
peirong                   1                       1
peterl                    2                       2
peterm                    1                       1
petr                      1                       1
ping                      1                       1
pmcnab                    1                       1
politburo                 1                       1
prithvi                   1                       1
psb                       88                      87
ramberg                   9                       9
ramses                    3                       3
ranga                     1                       1
raytrace                  1                       1
reeser                    12                      12
reiffin                   22                      19
retnuh                    7                       7
revilo                    1                       1
richardc                  6                       6
rida                      2                       2
robertl                   1                       1
rollee                    1                       1
root                      55                      55
rpaw                      3                       3
ryan                      9                       9
saarp                     286                     286
sameer                    2                       2
scotsman                  4                       4
seano                     22                      22
seanus                    1                       1
setol                     2                       2
shac                      11                      11
shyguy                    1                       1
sky                       4                       4
smitty                    3                       3
smurf                     10                      10
sony                      3                       3
stefchoi                  7                       7
stevedo                   1                       1
swings                    1                       1
tarek                     1                       1
tawei                     196                     196
thorn                     4                       4
tkm                       1                       1
tmonroe                   9                       9
toddlee                   1                       1
tom                       1                       1
tomyeh                    1                       1
tony                      85                      85
tpc                       13                      13
tracs                     1                       1
turin                     4                       4
twaung                    2                       2
utsai                     1                       1
wai                       2                       2
wenh                      3                       3
williamc                  1                       1
wliu                      1                       1
xkd                       1                       1
yaroslav                  10                      10
ychang                    1                       1
yingz                     1                       1
yulius                    1                       1
zryan                     1                       1
        with my g/f, thanks.

        50+     ...
2001/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:20261 Activity:nil
        30-50   ..
2001/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:20262 Activity:nil
        20-30   ..
        <20     .
        \_ What's the argument?
2001/1/7 [Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:20263 Activity:nil
1/5     Yet another Republican war continues killing innocents long after the
        war is over....
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2001:January:07 Sunday <Saturday, Monday>