12/31 I'm still trying to get a project regraded in 164, but my TA won't
respond to email. To whom should I write to get this fixed?
-not the usual whiner
\_ Write to {aiken,necula}@cs.berkeley.edu
And hurry -- it's probably too late already. UC guidelines is that
once a grade is submitted, the only cause for change is a
tabulation error (i.e. adding up points incorrectly).
\_ Not true, one can appeal a grade to the Appeals and
Student Affairs office.
\_ reference, please? this would be potentially damn useful info
\_ No. Where do you get that crap? The only grade appeal
process (besides the aforementioned tabulation error):
(From the general catalog:)
If you have a grievance about grades, you may
appeal. You have grounds for appeal if you feel
that considerations of race, politics, religion,
sex, or sexual harassment affected your grades,
or that your work was evaluated by other criteria
that do not directly reflect your performance
of the course requirements. The following
formal procedure may not be activated unless
you, the instructor in charge, an ombudsperson
(or any mutually accepted third party), and
the department chair have failed to resolve
the dispute informally. The procedure, once
initiated, is to be completed at the unit level
within 20 days and at the Senate level within
40 days if both parties are in residence and
the University is in regular session. The formal
process must be initiated within two semesters
of the alleged offense.
Each department or other instructional unit, or
group of units teaching similar disciplines, must
establish a standing Grievance Committee chair.
For each case this chair will appoint an ad hoc
Grievance Committee composed of three faculty
members, only two of whom may be from the same
unit, and two students in good standing appointed
by the student association(s) of the unit(s). If
no student association exists, the students are
to be appointed by the ASUC or the Graduate
Assembly. (The student members must have passed
courses or an examination in the unit(s) at least
at the level of the disputed course or examination
and have been in residence for at least one year.)
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the
informal discussion, you may submit the case in
writing to the Grievance Committee, which will
obtain a written response from the instructor and
will provide all parties the opportunity to present
additional information orally or in writing. The
Grievance Committee's recommendation to the
Committee on Courses, including minority view, if
any, must be given in writing.
If the Committee on Courses finds in your favor,
it may change a failing grade to a P or S, drop
a course retroactively, retain the course but
eliminate the grade from the GPA, or adopt the
letter grade, if any, that was recommended by four
of the five members of the Grievance Committee of
the unit(s).
\_ third sentence of first paragraph mentions "resolv[ing]
the dispute informally"...
-- Since it's a project grade, you better have some
good reasons why it's taken so long to ask for a re-grade.
And it better be enough to have affect on your final grade.
But if you just contact the professor, you should be ok.
You should note that your TA and others may be on vacation
until later in January and you'll need the prof's ok anyways.
\_ third sentence of first paragraph mentions "resolv[ing]
the dispute informally"... |