2000/12/17 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20104 Activity:insanely high |
12/16 I need Windoze software that will prohibit my employees from visiting specified web sites on the Internet (like http://cnn.com). This should be server software, so that I do not have to run out and install it on all the workstations. Does anyone have any recommendations? \_ route -add -reject <subnet> or route -add -blackhole <subnet> on your border router. \_ Yeah. Eat shit and die. \_ what company? I'll build a site serving a mirror of http://cnn.com (i.e. a simple solution to your stupid policies) \_ Thanks, but all I really want is plug-and-play Windows software. \_ The easiest thing to do is point their DNS entries to or your corporate intranet or something. Do it on the DNS you have their workstations pointing to for name resolution. All childish "the information wants to be free!" Berkeley idiocy replies removed. --graduated from Cal and joined real world \_ I can point my machine at a different DNS server by editing /etc/resolv.conf or whatever, thus a rejecting route or a blackhole is the only soln. \_ no. You can't. Why not? Because you're a non-techie at a large company with a no-surf policy and you don't know jack shit about that. If it were a unix box you wouldn't have root at this person's company. \_ Thanks, but I do want to let them access most web sites except ones I exclude. Is there a plug-and-play solution? \_ Yes. Like I said, you add things like http://cnn.com to your local DNS as something else. Everything else works. \_ The easiest solution is to get a switch and a proxy server that can do transparent redirection of http requests to force them all through the proxy which does filtering. (Set up one with enough space to do caching and you'll also lower bandwidth usage and increase access speed.) Look at products from companies such as Alteon, Foundry, and Cisco on the switch side, and NetApp's NetCache or something similar on the proxy side. \_ Why? Do you like pissing your employees off? Are you trying to convince them all to quit? \_ Not all companies are like that. Not everyone can go get a better job in 24 hours. Obviously these are windows no-techie 8-6 slaves there to do what they're told and nothing more. These people are entirely fungible. |
2000/12/17-18 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:20105 Activity:high |
12/15 screen swallows xterm escape codes (such as ]0;foo). how do i stop this? (i have "term xterm" in ~/.screenrc; doesn't help) \_ Don't fuck with my windows. Escape codes deleted. \_ You can't. (Hack the code). This is a feature. This prevents stuff like this: [escape codes deleted -motd escape code cleansing god] [?38h,p,P,m,P,k,P,i,P,g,P,e,P,b,P,`,P+~,Q+|,Q+z,Q+x,R+v,R+s,S+q,S+o,T+m,T+k,U+i,\ V+g,V+e,W+c,X+a,Y*,Y*},Z*{,[*y,\*w,]*u,^*s,_*q-@*o-A*m-B*k-D*j-E*h-F*f-G*d-I*c-J\ *a-K)-M)}-N)|-P)z-Q)y-S)w-T)v-V)t-W)s-Y)q-Z)p-\)n-^)m.@)l.A)j.C)i.E)h.G)g.H)e.J)\ d.L)c.N)b.P)a.R)`.T(.V(~.X(}.Z(|.\(|.^({/@(z/B(y/D(y/F(x/H(w/J(w/L(v/N(v/P(u/S(u\ /U(t/W(t/Y(t/[(s/](s/_(s0B(s0D(s0F(s0H(s0J(s0M(s0O(s0Q(s0S(s0U(s0W(s0Z(s0\(t0^(t\ 1@(t1B(u1D(u1F(v1I(v1K(w1M(w1O(x1Q(y1S(y1U(z1W({1Y(|1[(|1](}1_(~2A(2C)`2E)a2G)b2\ I)c2K)d2M)e2O)g2Q)h2R)i2T)j2V)l2X)m2Y)n2[)p2])q2_)s3@)t3B)v3C)w3E)y3F)z3H)|3I)}3\ K)3L*a3N*c3O*d3P*f3R*h3S*j3T*k3U*m3W*o3X*q3Y*s3Z*u3[*w3\*y3]*{3^*}3_*4@+a4@+c4A+\ e4B+g4C+i4C+k4D+m4E+o4E+q4F+s4F+v4G+x4G+z4H+|4H+~4H,`4I,b4I,e4I,g4I,i4I,k4I,m4I,\ o4J1f/E.b/E1f1U.b1U&h&HHave a Nice Day. Feel free to close this window. from popping shit up when you're in screen. (Cat this file in a straight xterm for amusement. \_ what the fuck is with this bullshit? there's a reason escape codes exist and a LEGITIMATE ones. if all terminals broke standard escapes like this because some morons abused them, then there wouldn't be a point to making escape codes in the first place. why the fuck would screen be special enough to munge \_ Well, the real answer is that screen emulates a vt100 terminal. You can set your terminal type to whatever you want, but that's what it emulates, so it makes sense for it to "absorb" escape sequences that aren't valid vt100 sequences... \_ that's a questionable design decision. \_ If I'm vt100 I don't want it trying to do some whacky shit with wyse-50 codes or whatever. There's nothing questionable about it. them? i use xterm escapes every day and am way too fucking used to the advantages \_ Fuck fuck, fuckity fuck fuck fucking fuck! (Fuck) |
2000/12/17-18 [Consumer/Audio] UID:20106 Activity:high |
12/15 Pros and Cons of both MP3 vs. *.wma format. \_ yes: please explain the pros and cons of the MP3 and WMA formats \_ Ok. Mp3 is kewl. WMA is unknown to the public. \_ as far as I know (which isn't much) : mp3: pro: ubiquitous, a de-facto standard con: closed, patented wma: pro: better compression than mp3, more support from recording industry con: Microsoft format, closed(?), annoying copy protection stuff, less widely used If you're going to stray away from mp3, you probably might as well go with Ogg Vorbis or something. <shrug> \- is anyone familiar with PAC [perceuptual audio coding] from bell labs? does anything use it? ok tnx. --psb \_ Yes, there are pros and cons to each. I'm sorry, are you asking a question? \_ fuck off moron \_ is it that difficult for Berkeley students to learn how to ask a fucking question properly? jesus, I would think that they at least could use complete sentences. \_ yes: please explain the pros and cons of the MP3 and WMA formats \_ Ok. Mp3 is kewl. WMA is unknown to the public. \_ as far as I know (which isn't much) : mp3: pro: ubiquitous, a de-facto standard con: closed con: closed, patented wma: pro: better compression than mp3, more support from recording industry con: Microsoft format, closed(?), annoying copy protection stuff, less widely used If you're going to stray away from mp3, you probably might as well go with Ogg Vorbis or something. <shrug> \- is anyone familiar with PAC [perceuptual audio coding] from bell labs? does anything use it? ok tnx. --psb |
2000/12/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:20107 Activity:nil |
12/15 Senior release architect position available at webMethods. See |
2000/12/17-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Industry/Jobs] UID:20108 Activity:high |
15:58 /csua/pub/jobs/webMethods2. Come work at the rapidly expanding company where CSUA h0zers such as smurf,mel,oj,boyd,eric,dstein and van already work. -eric \_ So what do you guys actually DO? \_ Buzzword generation. B2Bi was good. Nominations for other http://www.webmethods.com/company/executives_board/0,1323,,00.html top choices? \_ what locations? \_ No Berkeley folk involved in running this company. http://www.webmethods.com/company/executives_board/0,1323,,00.html \_ VP Marketing Development and VP Product Development went to Cal. \_ Doesn't say they got degrees. Just hung out and got stoned. \_ Release architect = build engineer. Basically you do installers and makefiles and/or other scripted stuff to build their products. Pretty mundane (unexciting) work so it should pay you well. At least $80k/yr for a couple yrs experience or you're being taken advantage. \_ Yes. Exactly. So my point is that why didn't they just call it Build engineer or release manager or something. Architect? \_ Does this person have to do bad-*ss source version countrol as well, or is it just limited version release control? \_ Typically this sort of job involves the whole thing. What you describe as "limited" is nothing more than running an rdist or rsync with the right parameters once or twice a week. \_ Indeed. |
2000/12/17 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:20109 Activity:nil |
12/14 Speaking of ebusiness... http://www.eeye.com \_ hacked page archived at www.csua/~mikeh/eeye-index.html \_ My IP is blocked. Has eeye blocked everyone? \_ yes |
2000/12/17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Functional, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:20110 Activity:nil |
12/14 What's CD-RW performance through a USB port? Thinking about getting one (via USB port) for laptop (and can switch to my desktop). \_ USB CDRW is great if you like making coasters. \_ USB is a 10mbit port, isn't it? Look up the spec and do the math. \_ it's adequate. 20 min for a 650 meg cd-r at 2x. |
2000/12/17 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security] UID:20111 Activity:nil |
12/14 Why is it that the motd is not auto displayed when I login? \_ I would think this is a good feature. \_ yes, but it probably would be better to let the .hushlogin file control it, which right now doesn't seem to do anything. |
2000/12/17 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:20112 Activity:nil |
12/14 Just want to comment on Brodersen (cs152). Total bull shit. Last lecture says "general purpose CPU is the WRONG way to go. Parallel computing is the wrong way to go. Software is the worst thing in the world. DSP s the way to go. By the way BDTI and BWRC are hiring" \_ For what? I took 152 with Kubi and he brought Brodersen in as a guest lecturer. Broderson specializes in low energy mobile devices so for that matter it makes sense to say that a custom ASIC design that lacks any general purpose characteristic is the proper way to go. By the way, what does the W in BWRC stand for? That should answer your question. \_ who the fuck are you? nice degree. \_ perhaps he's sick of buggy software coming from you people. \_ "... you people". RACIST! \_ that'd be SPECIEIST! \_ No. Clearly that's RACIST! As in "You Asians all look a like". Or "You blacks are all crackheads". See? RACIST! Races are not species. \_ uh, who's the crackhead here? \_ I bet he meant that there will be diminishing return on investing in uni-processor system. Parallel, distributed computing would make greater use of existing hardware. (which is a much stronger statement than is said in Patterson's book..) |
2000/12/17 [Recreation/Dating] UID:20113 Activity:nil |
12/14 Who is that cute chick in the Circuit City commercial? The one with the two kids out on a date. \_ does she look asian? \_ yer mom. \_ I believe "yermom" is one word. \_ So does yermom. \_ Who was that cute "older" woman on the plane sitting next to guy with the polaroids of his "girlfriends" that got spilled on when the seat folded back. For the life of me, I can't remember what the commercial was selling, but i felt the commercial was really well conceived/acted. \_ Right. AT&T OneRate I believe. The expression at the end made that commercial; watching it the nine billionth time ruined it. \_ what about the bikini-clad woman in the Fusion One "timing is everything" ad? my god... \_ Sync is everything. \_ You just think it's everything. \_ woops, got my corporate motto wrong, too busy gawking at that woman \_ What's her name? I like that kind of woman. Where and how do I find such a woman? Any ideas? And I dont watch that much TV so have not gotten tired of it. \_ http://Loveme.com |
2000/12/17 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Computer/Theory] UID:20114 Activity:high |
12/14 I totally don't see any relevance in teaching Lambda calculus in an undergrad course to describe stupid semantic rules. Fuck Aiken and his stupid ambiguous exams!!! researcher) \_ usually to emphasize its distinction from an algebra. keep in mind that "the calculus" taught in high school is really "the calculus of infinitesimals." \_ this is a simple question but: why do they call Lambda calculus "calculus"? \_ It's a way of calculating stuff. and it sounds cool (to a researcher) \_ usually to emphasize its distinction from an algebra. keep in mind that "the calculus" taught in high school is really "the calculus of infinitesimals." \_ I actually wish Hilfinger covered some of that stuff. \_ Hellfinger just asked you completely unrelated questions pertaining to English lit or what happened on a certain date in France that never existed. Often times those answers were as simple as zero or nothing. Nevertheless, I enjoyed pushing the very limits of my parasympathetic nervous system. \_ About dates that never existed? Then the answer is pretty obvious: nothing. \_ Has a Hellfinger exam question list been compiled? I know two: one about some british poem and another about some Spanish/Mexican revolutionary figure. And i think it was french lit and english date. \_ "someone" should definately do this... I remember two: what was the HMS Java? I don't remember the answer but can look it up. The other was a line from "Ode on a Grecian Ern". If more people post them, I can compile the list. \_ this is a good idea. A question from one of my exams was "Where do the poppies blow, between the crosses, row on row?" (A: In Flanders Field) \_ If you're going to teach language semantics, at all, there are two ways to do it. (a) Operational semantics, in which your language description is written in something that works like Tcl. This is icky and went out of vogue in the 70s. (b) Denotational semantics, in which your language description is written in something that works like Scheme (the Lambda calculus). Thank God that your undergrad compiler class is not about stupid shit like how to write a lexical analyzer, like mine was. Also, http://m-w.com's definition of "calculus": 1 a : a method of computation or calculation in a special notation (as of logic or symbolic logic) If semantic rules are stupid, then what exactly is a programming language? -blojo \_ Programming languages are hard. Let's go shopping! \_ lexical analyzers are not "stupid shit". especially the practical applications of 172 stuff. and neither are lambda calculus or type systems. how can you justify asserting that they are? this whole thread is just bizarre. \_ well, they're kind of over-kill in general when all you really need is an s-expr reader. \_ How quaint; how '50s. Dude, humans were not made to read s-expressions. \_ I wasn't made. I was born. -human \_ A lexical analyzer is a necessary component of a compiler and it's worth maybe spending a week talking about them. It is NOT worth spending 1/3 to 1/2 a semester talking about them and doing major projects regarding them. Any programmer with a clue can write a lexical analyzer. It just takes general programming knowledge. The important knowledge in compilers, the domain-specific stuff that the class should be spent teaching, is all about semantic analysis, code motion, and maybe provability. -blojo \_ Um. I can write a lexer very quickly with automated tools like Lex. Very quickly == hours, not days. \_ Yeah, that's like my point, see. -blojo \_ lexical analysers are good for building language -> machine translators, but the underlying theory is useful as a basic model of computation. knowing all the DFA, NFA, REGEXP equivalence shit is really useful if you do CS. also, there is a lot of theory that goes behind building YACC. you could either use YACC as a customer (as in the way compiler writers do) or you could delve into the theory, like the way language people do. i think you're a lazy bitch if you think this shit is bunk. -ali \_ Bunk! Bunk! |
2000/12/17-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20115 Activity:nil |
12/16 I'm using a Linux machine running XFree86. I ssh in to a Solaris box and run "emacs -nw" from an xterm. My page up and page down keys don't work in emacs. How do I fix this? (on the Solaris box, echo $TERM says TERM=xterm). |
2000/12/17-18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20116 Activity:high 64%like:20913 |
12/16 Software Engineering (C, UNIX to work on our web browser) and Build/Release Engineering opportunities available at Openwave, the combination of http://Phone.com and http://Software.com -- check out /usr/local/csua/pub/jobs/Openwave/ for more info. --chris \_ the stupid bitch is impressed when I give her my transcript and give her a firm handshake and talk confidently, cuz that's all she could base her judgement on. \_ You are one spoiled engineer. \_ people who talk about giving someone a "transcript" to get a job are not engineers. they are students. there is a difference. \_ Hi chris. You want to talk abut NTT DoCoMo's plans for the US? \_ What happened to Sendmail Inc? |
2000/12/17-18 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:20117 Activity:kinda low |
12/17 http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/20001217/t000120356.html Gropers on Japanese subway trains. \_ RACIST! |
2000/12/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:20118 Activity:nil |
12/17 What did 164 students think about the final this semester? \_ how many people were caught cheating this semester? \_ It's great. I love exams generated by ambiguous grammar G. So many ways to generate the exam parse tree and so many ways to answer |
2000/12/17-18 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20119 Activity:nil |
12/17 http://www.nipc.gov/warnings/assessments/2000/00-062.htm \_ yeah. "Energy Crisis" |
3/15 |