2000/12/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:20044 Activity:nil |
12/8 Is Unitek just another Taos? Comments on both? Compare: http://www.taos.com/careers/apply/apply_content.html http://www.unitek.com/forms2/skills.htm \_ This one is hard to read. |
2000/12/9 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:20045 Activity:very high |
12/8 ALL HAIL EMPEROR GORE! \_ Joe "Palpatine" Lieberman is the emperor. ALGOR is a robot. Seriously, look at a picture of liberman and palpatine from The Phantom Meaance ... just a slight hair cut diff. \_ motd formatting god was here. \_ You cannot resist the powuh of the dahkside!! \_ There are always two, the master and the apprentice. \_ Like Bush Jr. isn't a tool for the Repub. party, a pupet to give BJs to Cheeny and the Oil Interests. Microns worse than selling the country out to China. \_ What's a "pupet"? And even if your alt.conspiracy oil interest nonsense had a basis in reality, how do you see opening oil fields in Alaska as worse for the country than handing it over to a foreign power such as China? If you're going to spew leftist noise on the motd, please at least make some bare minimal effort to make sense. Or would that be a logical paradox for you? \_ if someone responds to a star wars quote with anything remotely serious, and you respond seriously you are just as much of an idiot for responding. "who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?" -ben kenobi \_ It doesn't matter what he was responding to. His drivel required a response, old ben. |
2000/12/9-12 [Uncategorized] UID:20046 Activity:kinda low |
n12/8 Is there such a detacheable X terminal? I would like the ability to detach my current X and continue working at home... is that feasible? \_ vnc \_ There are a few things that will do this: the vncserver for X will give you a detachable, reattachable X session; but it's not encrypted, but you can always ssh to the machine and do a vncviewer localhost. "xmove" has a form of this, and there's also at least one more whose name escapes me. In reality, I've never found any of these very useful, probably because I've never had a very low bandwidth X program that was essential to detach (just end up using "screen" usually..) --dbushong \_ huh? Vnc is plenty damned fast. \_ It's about as fast as running the apps remotely not in VNC ...which may be fast enough for you.. --dbushong \_ I've played netrek over VNC. It's faster than that. \_ <DEAD>www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/sshvnc.html<DEAD> - paolo |
2000/12/9-11 [Recreation/Dating] UID:20047 Activity:high |
12/8 Is UC Hastings a top-ranked law school in the nation? A friend of mine who had ~3.0 GPA in some non-engineering major in Cal got into Hastings. I thought that school was much harder to get in. \_ It's not top-ranked, maybe top-25. \-LSAT probably counts for a lot. --psb \- why does it matter? are you jealous that your friend got away with it? \_ Hastings is usually ranked around 30-50 in most surveys that I have seen and I have never seen break top 20. Don't be too impressed, partha is correct: one lucky LSAT score counts for more than GPA. The reason is that while GPA varies from school to school or even major to major, everybody takes a similar version of the LSAT. I know law professors and they tell me as much - LSAT is the weeder. -fab \_ How does one get 'lucky' on the LSAT? \_ You take guesses at answers, that sort of thing... -fab \_ You should ask yermom what it means to get 'lucky' \_ I hit a homerunwitha history major who got admitted to hastings. Shows you what type they let in \_ uh, how? Because s/he had sex with someone? Isn't that true of people who go to every school? Isn't that true of you? \_ Some bimbo who wanted an easy lay she could get off on and then forget about? Cheap stress free sex? History majors need it too, ya know. \_ Woohoo! cheap, stres-free sex. there is a god \_ there is a god, he just hates you. \_ there is a god, SHE just hates me. \_ The point being she scored him. He got used. \_ He got laid, that's a rare occurrence for any sodan. Used or unused, sex is sex. \_ Yeah, I don't see the problem. He got laid, she got laid, everyone wins. -bclinton \_ All male geekdom must mourn this event. \_ jkoh |
2000/12/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional] UID:20048 Activity:high |
12/7 How many people cheated in 162 and got caught? \_ A little worried about our 162 grade, eh? \_ Man, people who get caught cheating just haven't gotten the art of it down. Should've been practicing and perfecting it in high school (not that you needed to cheat in HS) \_ I'm not sure how one would beat a histogram-cheat-detection scheme. Anyone have any ideas? Other than rearranging lots of code. And if you do that, why not just do the project? --PeterM \_ how does a histogram-cheat-detection scheme work? \_ I'm not sure, exactly. This is how I imagine it works: do "wordcount" on all the symbols in the program. Then you sort the symbols in order of number of occurrences. Plot a graph of this. Programs which have just had one symbol substituted for another will have identical graphs. --PeterM \_ Hmm, that's easy to break. Just introduce a lot of redundant local variables with different names in many routines. Also, rename your local vars "i" in all routines to "n" for some routine and "x" for other routines. \_ Uh huh. What if I look at keywords too? A histogram of those. Now you have to rearrange all the control structures too. This is beginning to sound like a lot of work: you'd have to do all this rearranging and substituting and test the result. --PeterM \_ just make sure you send the code through a preprocessor first, to make sure the keywords aren't being substituted with #defines \_ This only breaks one histogram method. There are probably multiple ones used. \_ Call graph topology comparison \_ I suspect that any kind of polynomial time code comparison program could be defeated without much trouble. I say this because of various results in complexity theory about determining equivalence. For example, determining equivalence of Turning Machines or Context Free Grammers is undecidable. Determining equivalence of regular expressions (or finite automata) is PSPACE-complete. (Recall that PSPACE is a harder class than NP). Since programs running on regular computers (not Turing Machines) are actually finite automata, if you come up with an algorithm to efficiently compare programs then you can solve a hell of a lot of other more important problems. In practice, you can probably defeat most program comparison tools by writing an obfuscator program. One possible obfuscation technique would be to merge and expand functions in a random manner, and then randomly rename all symbols including the function names. Of course, cheating is unethical, but the comparison problem is an interesting thing to think about. -emin \_ as mentioned below, one would probably focus on heuristics that work on typical undergrad- LOT of results out there, and even if you CAN cheat a finite-dimensional analysis of infinite-dimensional spectra, it's extremely difficult to do so if you don't know which dimensions they are looking at. While MOSS may not be all that great, it's presumably non-trivial. Listen to peterm above, he's basically right. Oh, and another thing -- the class of all poly-time code comparisons is way too huge and it should be relatively trivial to prove that not only is it not "easy" to defeat a random sample of N poly-time tests if you don't know which ones they are using, but it's probably complete for BPEXP or something equally intractable. -alexf generated, human-readable code. further, it is likely one would need to convert to an abstract normal-form that is easily compared to check the N-way cheating problem efficiently. \_ What 172 fails to mention is the practical inapplicability of most of these results. There are a LOT of heuristics out there, and even if you CAN cheat a finite-dimensional analysis of infinite-dimensional spectra, it's extremely difficult to do so if you don't know which dimensions they are looking at. While MOSS may not be all that great, it's presumably non-trivial. Listen to peterm above, he's basically right. Oh, and another thing -- the class of all poly-time code comparisons is way too huge and it should be relatively trivial to prove that not only is it not "easy" to defeat a random sample of N poly-time tests if you don't know which ones they are using, but it's probably complete for BPEXP or something equally intractable. -alexf \_ What emin means to say is, "The cheat program is a crock of shit. It's just a slightly improved version of 'diff' so don't let it bug-a-boo you." They've been talking about their mythical anti-cheat program for years but I've turned in tons of out right stolen code with no changes and got good grades. \_ you are a hollow man. You also are lucky: the methods described above are capable of catching THAT. Your empty mind will betray you when you meet real challenges, and your luck will fail. \_ Luck? I grabeed shit off the printer and out the trash, retyped, turned in. A. Did it plenty of times. I could do the work, I just didn't feel like wasting my time on it. I went drinking and got laid. What were you doing in the lab all night? \_ Uh huh, and if you'd been caught, you'd be expelled and getting your degree from DeVry. Luck. And lazy-ass readers/Profs. \_ Unfortunately, the way the work structure operates, you can cheat your way through the cs program at Berkeley and yet get by in the real world with at least a $50K salary or even better. I opted to get out rather than live the lie. Some people don't have those compunctions, but who knows? Maybe they'll get what's coming to them, and maybe they won't. \_ People have gotten caught cheating but they didnt get expelled. it's usually a big empty threat. \_ depends on what they're caught cheating on, and how many past offenses they've had. \_ Yes, of course the worst offenders get booted. I did not say nobody gets expelled but usually it's a big empty threat. MOST cheaters do not even get an F for it. the course. This is far different from being exiled to DeVry for being caught. \_ and would this obfuscator be able to produce human-readable code? if a person spent even a small amount of time looking at it, wouldn't it be pretty apparent that the variable and function names make no sense? (I guess the obfuscator could use a thesaurus and randomly pick synonyms, but I doubt that'd produce reasonably intelligible results either.) \_ This requires that someone actually look at the code. Lazy readers and profs permitted the cheater above to get by. No cheat-detection method has a chance of working if it is not applied, the common case, I imagine. -PeterM \_ obviously, but I meant that machine-obfuscated code should be pretty easy to recognize, even if a reader only spends a minute looking at it. Is a minute too much to ask for? (rhetorical question; I know the answer is "yes".) |
2000/12/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20049 Activity:nil |
12/7 Do I have to compile my own X server? How? This is for Solaris 5.6 mylinux:/home/tom% lbxproxy :5 -display localhost:0 \_ Why would you name your solaris box "mylinux"? X server doesn't have LBX extension \_ ssh -C, while not quite as good, is a whole lot easier to use than lbxproxy. \_ 1) There is no Solaris 5.6 (SunOS 5.6 == Solaris 2.6) 2) Xsun supports LBX only on Solaris 7 (SunOS 5.7) & later (Solaris 7 11/99 or previous versions plus patches) 3) You can compile your own X server with LBX support by downloading the source from http://X.org, but unless you're running on older hardware, it probably won't support your graphics adapter. -alan- |
2000/12/9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:20050 Activity:nil |
12/7 Eh, why are some virtuals set to 0 (pure virtual) and some are not? \_ defining as virtual = 0 to create an interface definition or abstract class \_ Yes. In particular, pure virtual functions are a signal to both the compiler and client code that this class is not expected to be instantiated, only inherited from. It also requires any child classes to provide the method, but doesn't provide a default implementation. There are many situations where this is exactly what you want. You may not really get this until you're trying to make a framework of code that other people are expected to use, but not modify... -mogul |
2000/12/9 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics] UID:20051 Activity:very high |
12/8 This is a rad class: Military Science 430B 430A-430B. Fundamentals of Terrain Representation and Military Operations. (3;3) A. Introduces the categories and uses of topographical maps, the military grid reference system, map symbols, overlays, intersection, resection, and terrain association. U.S. Army small-unit tactics will be introduced. Topics include operation orders, troop leading procedures, preparation for combat, individual tactical techniques, tactical movement, and battle drills. B. Devoted to applying the navigational techniques and small-unit tactics learned in 430A to more complex scenarios. Topics include patrolling, squad/platoon offense and defense, squad/platoon sector sketches. Pertinent leadership issues will also be addressed. (F,SP) \_ we should have it taken in conjunction wih the cs bootcamp. \_ might as well get something out of college \_ That's cool! Does it include physical combat training too? Can non-citizen students take the class? \_ dude, 3 units! it's as hard as cs164! \_ you mean cs264. 164 is 4 units. And going to be taught by demondim spawn necula. |
2000/12/9 [Consumer/PDA] UID:20052 Activity:high |
12/8 \_ I wanna know how you got $650 worth of Sony card points. On my Sony card that would require spending something like $65,000. Are you buying cars on plastic? -tom \_ Wife's tuition charged to card. \_ tricks at the mustang ranch. \_ I charge my rent via paypal. Utilities and Phone go through credit. And I did pay off my car via credit for points along with a 1.9 APR on that. -=Aubie |
2000/12/9 [Computer/Networking] UID:20053 Activity:nil |
12/8 Any good internet radio/broadband sites out there? \_ <DEAD>www.rephruzent.com<DEAD> \_ http://www.hos.com (hearts of space) |
2000/12/9 [Uncategorized] UID:20054 Activity:nil |
12/8 Lots of little kids Running around Berkeley \_run-ning a-round berk-el-ey??? Shoot them in their heads. |
2000/12/9 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:20055 Activity:nil |
12/8 SSH question. Any idea why I am getting this error: Invalid SSH_AUTH_SOCK `', it should contain at least one /. and it gets set to "agent-socket-21980" instead of SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-user/agent-socket-21980 ? |
2000/12/9 [Politics/Domestic] UID:20056 Activity:nil |
12/9 My favorite part of the FL SCO ruling was they included the partial recounts from Miami-Dade which were in the most heavily democratic areas but the other 80% of MD won't ever get checked. It's so cool we've still got 4 of our judges on there working from the living constitution instead of that old raggy paper one in the vault in DC. |
2000/12/9-10 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:20057 Activity:low |
5/15 What do people think of 164 with Rowe this semester? \_ Better than 162 with Smith! \_ Anything is better than 162 with Smith. Unfortately with just him & Harvey teaching 162 now, everyone's screwed. \_ Harvey doesn't really teach, per se. He preaches his religion to unsuspecting freshmen and chows on the potstickers and is pretty much just worthless. \_ Coach LUvitz!!!!! \_ is he still sleeping with Randy? \_ Randy Katz? The dept. chair? I don't think so. \_ I think this fool means Brandy (not Randi who is the person they are confusing Brandy with and probably not Randy as in Randy Katz) \_ INFIDEL!!! HERETIC!!1! I fondly remember taking 162 from bh. Especially those nights when we'd all gather around the big, silent bulk of the PDP-10 in the machine room, heads bowed to its greatness . . . then bh would pour the vodka, and we'd munch on potstickers and talk for _hours_ about the imminent coming of the Glorious People's GNU-LISP Revolution that would sweep like a cleansing wave! Some nights we'd watch Animanics and listen to the Beatles until dawn. Then we'd shatter our vodka glasses against the wall and weave our way home, staggering up the middle of Hearst singing Russian peasant drinking songs . . . I didn't learn much about operating \_ Did you save this text snippet and use it whenever bh comes up as a topic of discussion? systems, but damn, I learned about _life_. \_ I didn't know the motd had re-runs. \_ sounds like something out of a cheezy movie, like "the dead poet's society" gone bad. man, I guess that guy didn't get laid the whole time. |
2000/12/9-12 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:20058 Activity:high |
12/8 Since when did the http://www.Berkeley.edu search engine switch to google? (man, those other ones sucked) \_ The previous (Cha-Cha) one was a SIMS research project \_ I guess Stanford schooled us, once again. \_ Is there a reason to use any other seach engine but Google? Hotbot used to be good. I guess I still use Yahoo, which now has Google backend. \_ Hotbot just used Inktomi anyway \_ I still use AltaVista \_ Heathen throwback. \_ Brewer deserves it for being a pompous ass. \_ who is Brewer? \_ Corporate Whore Supreme of the cs dept. multimillionaire who teaches 169 on occasion and is otherwise very hard to find on campus \_ Holy shit! You mean he used his considerable skills, talents, and experience to improve his lot in life? How truly offensive! I feel, no, I *demand* that he hold true to his academic background and work for free for the betterment of all! If not, I'm going to protest by never attending another CS class again! Down with money making Profs! Up with the people! Where's that bh vodka glasses into the fire quote when you need it? You, sir, are an idiot. \_ You, sir, are a whore. \_ maybe such a busy multimillionaire shouldn't be teaching a class or conducting research if he's so busy. if he really did want to charge the university hundreds of thousands, that seems rather crass, since his position and research at the university is \_ Have you ever met him? Jeez! directly responsible for his wealth \_ No shit, he should share some of that wealth with UC. Aren't they using that NOW technology? \_ is he still a multi-millionaire with the current stock market woes? \_ http://biz.yahoo.com/t/83/5566.html \_ the reason the Berkeley home page is not using hotbot/ inktomi is that Brewer demanded like a million bucks for it. \_ is this true? \_ I'm not surprised, the going rate for search engine contracts for company intranets is around that range, like $50 per seat. So for 20,000 students, that's $1million. Yes, Brewer's a fucker. \_ The berkeley home page should be using "grep". \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! Search engine. |
3/15 |