2000/11/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19744 Activity:very high |
11/12 Ok, so WPB had a lot of stupid people so they're getting a "do-over". Why are they also recounting 3 other heavily Dem counties? I haven't heard a reason other than "county shopping". \_ Democratic counties are using punch-hole ballots. 32 errors per 1000. The richer Republican counties are using scan-tron ballots. 1 error per 1000. Secondly, Bush's team didn't ask for recounts in his Republican counties within the 72-hour legal deadline. Gore's team did. --PeterM \_ So you're all for law and order? Are you also in favor of the 5pm certification deadline on Tuesday or opposed because in that case, the law doesn't support your political position? C'mon.. let's see the twisted reasoning for only following the law when it suits your political cause. Gore is a crybaby and is killing this country. -N'04! \_ Actually, I'm in favor of a recount for Bush too. However, in his rich counties with the scan-tron ballots, he's going to get few new votes because of voting count error. --PeterM \_ C'mon Peter. You ducked the question. Are you in favor of following the law which states that Tuesday 5pm is the deadline for turning in certified tallies or not? This isn't a softball press conference with Barbara Walters. This is the motd and you can't get away with that shit and not get called on it. \_ I didn't respond because I don't know the Florida law on the 5pm deadline. I've seen it characterized as an arbitrary rule imposed by the Republican Sec'y of state and not a law at all. If it is a law it should be followed, unless it is contradictory to some other law, in which case a court must rule on it. In the absence of credible data on whether the 5pm deadline is a law or not, I have no opinion on the topic. Is that clear, Mr. X? --PeterM \_ This isn't something the Democrats want because it would trigger a full check and investigation of not only 'irregularities' in Florida but other states as well. The Dems have a lot more to fear from a countrywide cleaning of ballots than the Repubs. You don't hear the Daley/Gore ticket suggesting this happen and for a good reason. They're not looking for a fair and accurate count. They're fishing. Turn it around. If Gore was in Bush's position would you tell him to sit back and relax and take it like a man if Bush was cherry picking which votes to "clean" and having it done by partisan Repubs? Uh huh... thought so. Thanks for playing. You can try again in 2004. So will we. Green in '04! \_ rationale is that there were ballot irregularities which may have resulted in many ballots being discounted. more specifically, the ballot machines will not read your ballot if there are any dangling bits of paper (instead of clean-punched holes). in a race where the ultimate decision may be made on the basis of a few hundred votes, it makes sense to be absolutely sure. \_ Spoken like a true Gore apologist. Gore wants a recount in only Democratic counties so that he can eke out a win handing to him by partisian vote counters (they are all Democrats). \_ There were irregularities all over Florida starting with the media reporting the state went to Gore 70 minutes before the heavily Republican west panhandle closed their polls. Let's let all of the panhandle revote! DO OVER! \_ Bah! It's likely that *more* Republican voters turned out in the panhandle to try to win back the state. \_ You seriously believe that? Don't be daft. |
2000/11/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:19745 Activity:low |
11/12 Transcript of the election night coversation between al and george http://www.mediatrip.com/shows/phone_flash.html |
2000/11/13 [Recreation/Humor] UID:19746 Activity:nil |
11/12 no, reversing the motd is not funny ?t'nsi tI _\ |
2000/11/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:19747 Activity:nil |
11/12 What is the purpose of the program called mor in /csua/bin? ---ranga |
2000/11/13 [Politics/Domestic/President, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19748 Activity:high |
11/12 What is the purpose of the program called mor in /csua/bin? (I'd RTFM, but there is no manpage) ----ranga soda 11/12 22:34 ~> more /csua/bin/mor #!/bin/sh # from http://slate.msn.com/Features/bushisms/bushisms.asp # and some other sites /usr/local/bin/wall y > /dev/null 2>&1 /usr/games/fortune /csua/lib/olestra/gwbush-quotes-10-08-2000.txt | /usr/local/b in/wall \_ Why don't you just run it and see dummy? \_ This may be the program, but the purpose is clearly to be an ass, and catch typos. |
2000/11/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:19749 Activity:nil |
11/13 Motd evaporated |
2000/11/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19750 Activity:high |
11/13 So anyone here heavily invested in the Clinton/Gore economy? How about that NAS and Dow, eh? I'm feeling lucky that my 1.5/share high risk stock gamble only dropped to 1 1/16. It's the economy, stupid! \_ wait, I thought the economy was Reagan/Bush's, troll. -tom \_ Uh oh, Tom changing the subject again. Let me spell it out for you, Tom, so you can't spin it more than normal: The market has tanked because The Daley/Gore ticket refuses to admit defeat and is stealing the election. Is that simple enough for you, Tom? More county shopping announced this morning for the Democrats. \_ stop smoking crack and buy a clue: Jeb's State rigged the ballot in a Democrat-friendly area so as to feed his bro Florida's 25 electoral votes. this isn't about being a Democrat, it's about preventing election fraud. \_ Please explain in detail without conspiracy theory, how the Governor of a large state can steal a statewide election, especially in areas under the politcal control of the other party. What process would this require? Yeah, I thought so.... \_ Nah. I think the market is tanking at the prospect of 4 years of Bush Jr. as president. \_ The market rose the week prior to the election until the DUI story came out and the race tightened. -jor \_ you forgot a question mark. \_ Thank you Bill Clinton! For 8 years of great economy! \_ No. The market is tanking because of fears the Gore will be the Pres. for the next 4 years by means of a judicial coup d'etat. Read the Wall Street Journal you'll understand. \_ I am not talking about today. I am talking about the market tanking over the past several months as it appears likely that Bush Jr. may become president. \_ Duh. Check the political timeline vs. the market. Don't make stuff up. Check. You'll find that Gore's big jump ahead from The Kiss didn't do jack for the market. It continued to sink all summer. Nice theory though but next time try checking some facts. \_ Garbage! The market rose nicely from mid-August (Democratic convention) to end of August. This includes the Dow, Nasdog and S&P. \_ Check a chart. It was already on the way up before the Dem convention in August until the end of the month when Gore's ratings were up due to The Kiss (which wasn't romantic at all) and then promptly tanked and stayed there. For those incapable of finding a chart: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5Edji&d=1y&c=&x=on&y=on&z=on Hopefully someone who plays the market will have an easier time with this chart than the typical Democrat Florida voter with a ballot. -N'04! \_ It's the fucking stock market. Can't believe you dumb arses are trying to prove anything from it. You people really have no life. \_ yet another democrat who states the truth when it best suits him \_ you're the one who gave Reagan/Bush credit for the economy, not me. -tom \_ Tom, why are you a democrat? \_ He feels guilty for having such a high salary and prosperity earned through his hard work while others, barely able to poke a hole in a piece of paper need to cheat their way through life and get 4th, 5th, and 6th chances until they "get it right". \_ Do you know Tom at all? (Do you know any University sysadmin who feels guilty for getting paid half the salary they would in industry?) \_ you forgot a question, Mark! |
2000/11/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:19751 Activity:high |
11/13 When I was in grade school, one year a new kid from Florida joined our class. The only thing I remember about him is that he was taught that pi = 3. This was 5th or 6th grade. -N'04! \_ Actually, many physicists use 3 for pi and 10 for g when doing quick calculations. For the most part, calculations are considered legit if they're within an order of magnitude. \_ the most severe case of this is theoretical astrophysics. usually they let pi, the speed of light, planks constant and a slew of other constants be one so they can just focus on the *form* of the equations. it all depends on what you're trying to do. i'd much rather have someone use 3 or 3.1 and know why that's ok in a certain situation than use 3.141592653589793238 for finding the area of a circular birthday cake ten inches across and not understand why that's pointless. of course this has nothing to do with the above post, but i think it's an important issue appropos of the proliferation of calculators in classrooms today. \_ speed of light = 1, okay, that just involves changing your measurement units. But pi = 1? So it mever causes problem when the circumference of a circle is as long as its diameter? \_ Usually, they don't let p or h (h bar) or some of the other constants equal 1, they just lump them together as a constant factor. The only value I've seen set to one is c. ----ranga \_ I don't think they were calculating stellar distances or looking for the form of the equation in my former classmate's Florida 4th grade classroom. |
2000/11/13 [Uncategorized] UID:19752 Activity:nil |
11/13 http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2000/11/12/121754 |
2000/11/13-14 [Recreation/Food] UID:19753 Activity:nil |
11/13 Milk evaporated |
2000/11/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:19754 Activity:low |
11/13 <DEAD>url-without-comments-deleted.com<DEAD> \_ Uh ok. More lefty censorship. Next time I'll put a comment in pointing out that the URL demonstrates the obviously unfair and biased nature of the Florida theft by the Daley/Gore ticket. |
2000/11/13-14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:19755 Activity:very high |
11/13 Damn it! Everytime soda gets rebooted, I get a bunch of messages saying that nvi saved the file /etc/pw.??????. These files don't exist anymore, but I still get the email! How can I get this email message to stop? \_ For each file, run "vi -r filename" and then exit vi. \_ try runnin this: -ERic find /var/tmp/vi.recover -user `whoami` | xargs -t rm |
2000/11/13-14 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:19756 Activity:low |
11/13 How do you download streaming Media Player and RealVideo? \_ click on the link that says "Download Streaming Media Player" can you guess how to download RealVideo now? |
2000/11/13-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19757 Activity:moderate |
11/13 DOes anyone know if the Japanese version of the PSII is compatible with games/DVDs published in North America? \_ its not.. need mod chip, but current mod chip not good for orig us games.. http://www.modchip.com orig us games.. http://www.modchip.com -shac \_thanks. This is what I needed to know. \_ If you get an early model JPN PS2 it's possible to play some region 1 DVD's, but for games modchip is needed --oj \_ what's the best site around to keep up on the modding progress on the ps2? \_ my "sources" at ign say http://www.modchip.com they have a mailing list. -shac |
2000/11/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:19758 Activity:moderate |
11/13 http://www.upside.com/texis/mvm/graveyard/index I don't know whether it's disturbing or satisfying. \_ Check out http://www.fuckedcompany.com -John \_ that site is funny shit. |
2000/11/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:19759 Activity:high |
11/13 In this midst of all this election news, don't people realize that there are more important news going on in the rest of the world. It's like the OJ Simpson trial all over again. \_ Tell me about it. Except this seems much worse than OJ. \_ Yeah. Kasparov lost and no one noticed. Anyone else imagine the encounter between Kramnic (sp?) and Kasparov to be like the scene in Star Wars where Darth Vader fights Obi Wan? \_ I noticed. --PeterM \_ The irony is that Kramnic studied Karpov's games and therefore plays like Karpov but better. (Background info: Karpov was the Party-sponsored player in the 80s whereas Kasparov was "battling the odds", political and chess). Kramnic: Your game is weak old man, you should not have come back! When last we met I was the student and you were it'd be funny if somebody filmed a parody of that chess game. the grandmaster. NOW I AM THE GRANDMASTER! Kasparov: Only a grandmaster of EVIL, Kramnic! \_ LOL, I guess...the news networks are bored. it'd be funny if somebody filmed a parody of that chess game. \_ The last game probably ended like this: Kasparov: Checkmate me now and I will become more powerful than your wildest dreams! Kramnic: CHECKMATE! (Kasparov's body disappers leaving only his jacket, Kramnic growls) |
2000/11/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19760 Activity:high |
11/13 Al Gore's actions are making me respect Richard Nixon's decision in 1960 vs John F. Kennedy. \_ Republicans are so funny. The exits polls all showed Gore winning Florida comfortably. First Bush wants to keep things \_ You're citing inaccuate exit polling as proof? get real. \_ DUH! ABC News and CNN *GAVE* Florida to GORE. Just because the people seem to have vote differently is no reason to take it back. out of the courts, then he files suit. First he wants the electoral process to run it's course, now his bother's secretary of state is imposing bullshit deadlines. You are all fucking hypocrites who want to win so bad that you are willing to overlook the most important issue: whoever got the most votes in Florida should win Florida's EV. \_ Democrats are so funny. First Gore says "I'll abide by the outcome of the votes, no matter which way". Then he gets a recount. Now he's taking it TO COURT. "You all fucking hypocrites who want to win so bad that you are willing to overlook the most important issue: whoever got the most votes in Florida should win Florida's EV." Hint: That's BUSH. \_ why? he got several of his aides to investigate the success probability of winning the election by a recount. the election wasn't as close electoral vote wise. he probably determined it wasn't worth it, and gracefully decided not to sue, saving himself time and making himself look good. nixon also spent every moment of his life after resigning trying to recast himself as a noble elder statesman, it looks like his efforts succeeded. \_ Gore helped. \_ Asking for a recount? Gore could well win. He's not accusing anyone of fraud, just questioning the accuracy of the votes counted. Was the Nixon/Kennedy electin within 300 votes of 5M? --PeterM \_ 2 recounts already favor bush.. now Gore wants a hand recount so he could get his cronies to fix it. \_ Trying to "clean" the results to fit his desired outcome. At this point it looks like Gore is willing to take the Presidency by ANY MEANS NECESSARY! \_ you've provided no argument whatsoever that he's trying to "clean" the results. \_ What argument? Jesus Christ! Take Stat 2!!! This _should_ be common sense. No one needs to make a case for whether or not he's cleaning the results. Gore's team says that's *exactly* what they're doing. Where are you getting your news from? \_ How about "We'll keep recounting the votes until I WIN!" \_ Weird how it took a low life like Gore to make the country \ / resurrect Nixon as a good man. I think Nixon was total scum, especially after reading some of the tape transcripts, but in comparison, he was clearly the better man. I can't believe I'm writing that Nixon was a better man than anyone... what has become of our country? \_ Watergate brought out the worst side of Nixon. Until that time he was a fairly decent man. Everyone has an inner daemon, it would be wrong to judge Nixon based only on one (albeit fatal flaw). \_ I read the tape transcripts. Nixon was a total lowlife, lower than a mere inner demon could account for. Gore has proven himself worse. I still can't believe I'm saying this: Nixon isn't the lowest man ever in high office in this country. Gore is. I'm saddened at the thought this egomaniac might manage to steal the Presidency.... \_ Before everyone starts LIONIZING Nixon, please read and get the facts straight so you're all not REWRITING HISTORY. http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2000/11/10/nixon/index.html \_ Funny. I got ragged on for using Wired News to quote statements Gore made recently in public. Wired News, a place run by SF leftists at the time. But here someone else thinks that Salon is a good source to use for discussing history of 40 years ago? Don't quote crap like Salon. \_ http://www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/3/0,5716,57373+3,00.html \_ The http://britannica.com article leads me to infer that http://salon.com is re-writing history. I really can't believe http://salon.com, here; is there a better source? |
2000/11/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19761 Activity:nil |
11/13 Why a partial and selective recount is flawed, for those who didn't do so well in Stat 2: http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment111300m.shtml \_ you don't need to read the article to know that selective recount is flawed. It is common sense. \_ Posted for some of the less clear thinking motd readers. |
2000/11/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19762 Activity:high |
11/13 Watch Volusia come back with _just_ enough votes to tip things back to Gore, Daley scream that we need to stop counting and for the first time in decades, the oversease ballots actually go heavily to the left. You heard it here first. \_ I kick you in da nuts here first. \_ Volusia halfway done. +21 or so for.... Bush. Let's keep counting until we "get it right". \_ Volusia is now done with complete manual recount. Gore is up about 20 votes or so. They're doing the absentee and other stuff like provisional ballots now. Nice try Mr. Daley. Try suing Broward. Might get some court action from a leftist activist judge. |
2000/11/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:19763 Activity:kinda low |
11/13 Word just in that Gore has demanded a soda recount: Is it Nader.. Trader: 1 Traitor: 0 Trevor: 0 Vader: 5 Crater! 9 Masturbator: 1 kchang: see Masturbator |
3/15 |