Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2000:November:10 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2000/11/10 [Uncategorized] UID:19704 Activity:nil
11/9  Australian site pretty much
        nails it perfectly.
2000/11/10 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:19705 Activity:nil
11/9    I'm having a problem with pam and openssh. Anyone know what
        the /etc/pam.d/sshd file ought to look like?
2000/11/10 [Uncategorized] UID:19706 Activity:kinda low
11/9    There are ambiguities all over Aiken's exams. The guy can't write
        a fuckin straightforward exam. He must be from Palm Beach.
        \_ Can I get a "do-over" on his exams until I like the results?
           \_ I want to "do-over" my undergrad grades until I like them.
              Should I sue the regents in a friendly court?
2000/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:19707 Activity:high
11/9    Why is everyone so excited about this election. People at work
        people on the motd, people on wall.log? I don't think my "guy"
        will win, and I think the other "guy" is that good, but it just
        doesn't seem like it matters all that much.
        \_ Then *please* don't vote next time.  Only people who care should be
           voting.  The rest of you, *please* stay home and watch sitcoms.
           \_ I voted, I'm unhappy that the results are not clear, but
              its not a big deal. Life goes on. Its not like the guy
              who wins is going to be king for life.
        \_ I picture George "Dubya" Bush as President.  It strikes fear
           into my heart.
              \_ NO!  we can't let the forces of evil win yet again.
                 ( i still wish nader had won though)
                 \_ You are opposed to a Gore victory as well. WOW!
                    I though I was the only one.
           \_ I picture him as President and its not awe inspiring.
              I picutre Gore and its a little depressing, but still
              it doesn't seem to matter a whole lot. In fact Clinton
              looks a lot more appealing than any of the guys that
              were running this time. I guess thats pretty sorry
                      \_ Perjury. Murder. Treason.
              since Clinton is one of the worst presidents we have
              ever had.
                \_ Clinton is my hero!
                   \_ You need higher standards.
                \_ so what exactly did he do to make him the worst?
                   come on name something so henious he did.
                   \_ Rape.  Treason.  Anything else needed?
                      \_ Perjury. Murder. Treason. nut kicking.
                        \_ The only rapist is Republican senator
                           Bob Packwood.
                                \- the only murderer is Democratic Senator
                                Edward Kennedy.
                                \_ That wasn't murder.  Poor Edward was drunk
                                   at the time and uhm... ok nevermind.
                                   \_ Guess he was a little unluckier than
                                      Bush Jr. when DUI.
                                      \_ No, he had better connections and
                                         a more "understanding" father.
           \_ "Read my lips. No more abortion!"
              \_ So?
        \_ Wouldn't it be funny if the Speaker of the House had to
           take over in January? What would we call him? iPresident?
           \_ We'd call him President Hastert.
              \_ It's all about Jessie the Body Ventura.
                 \_ So I wonder who Jessie would be "stealing votes from" if
                    he'd launched a 50 state campaign?  Just a random though.
                 \_ Ventura versus Hillary in 2004. You heard it here
2000/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:19708 Activity:high
11/9    Ok, looking at a close-up of the disputed Palm Beach ballot, WTF
        is the problem?? The "5->" clearly points to one hole.
        \_ the problem is you are looking at the ballot knowing that
           there is an issue.
           \_ Ok, suppose I'm a Palm Beach resident. I go into the booth
              not knowing there's any problem, and knowing I want to vote
              for Gore. How could I possibly punch "<-4" and not "5->"?
              \_ I see Gore is second, so I punch the second hole.
                   \_ it was set up with the intention of confusing voters
                      that don't bother reading the ballot.  I mean, why the
                      hell the second major opponent (whether democratic
                      or republican) be "the third hole?!!!"  Most normal
                      ballots have the two major political forces as the
                      first two holes.  I smell a pointed
                      out on television, why would this type of ballot only
                      exist in a county there the majority of residents
                      (blacks and jewish) are pro-Gore?  It doesn't add up.
                      \_ A conspiracy?  Uhm, yeah.  The ballot was created by
                         Democrats.  Approved by Democrats.  Published in the
                         newspapers.  What friggin conspiracy?  This wasn't
                         a hidden secret ballot popped up out of nowhere on
                         the unsuspecting populace.  And while you're at it,
                         please explain how this conspiracy has changed the
                         results in other places like, oh, say, the exact same
                         ballot format where Jesse Jackson and "My Dad Stole
                         1960" Daley voted?
                      \_ apart from the much publicized "x to the right of
                         the name," the fact that Gore was the third hole
                         might also make the ballot illegal since Florida
                         law dictates that the candidates be listed in the
                         order of finish in the last gubernatorial race,
                         and I'm pretty sure the Reform Party didn't finish
                         \_ NO! NO! NO!  GO READ THE LAW!  Stop getting your
                            news off the tube!  *I* _read_ the law and it does
                            *not* in any way dictate any such thing!  Stop
                            spreading lies and propoganda!  --Nader'04!
                 \_ Well, nowhere in the Constitution does it say voters have
                    to have any intelligence to vote. It's their own damn
                    fault for not reading & understanding the ballot clearly.
                    \_ Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that
                       voters should be given illegal ballots.
                       \_ its not illegal.  Forms like that have been
                          used in the past, and the Democratic Official
                          for that area approved that ballot.
                          \_ Gore people are working to prove that it
                             is illegal.  I think that's as much as can
                             be said on the pro-Gore side.  And control
                             yourself next time, Senor "Prove it, bitch".
                             \_ That's a much different (and weaker) assertion
                                than "Florida law says it's illegal."  Why
                                not admit you simply did not speak the truth?
                                \_ People like you need to sign their names.
                                   \_ Nah.  He just need a good bitch slap.
                             \_ Some of us (me) actually found the law on the
                                official Florida website.  The idea that this
                                ballot was in any way illegal is a sham.
                                \_ Actually, it is technically illegal. By
                                   Florida state law, the Democratic option
                                   was supposed to be placed where Pat
                                   Buchanan's spot was (which wasn't the case).
                                   See S101.151(4) and S101.191(1999)
                                   \_ Go re-read the entire law.  This is not
                                      so.  Don't pick and choose individual
                                      lines that support a particular
                                      conclusion.  The lawyers get paid a lot
                                      more than you to do that already.
        \_ It's 95% clear, that is, it was clear to 95% of Gore voters
           in Palm Beach.
        \_ also, it penalizes only stupid gore supporters.  stupid bush
           supporters were not given the same dilemma.
           \_ There was no dilemma, only people too stupid to vote.
              \_ But they are able to vote.  Some of them must support Bush.
                 Those ones didn't have to be smart enough to read directions.
                 Besides, with a margin of 0.01% or so, the too-stupid-too-vote
                 probably make the difference.
                 \_ You really want the "too-stupid-too-vote" people deciding
                    who the President is?  Honestly, if this was the exact same
                    situation except the names were reversed would you be saying
                    the vote in Hicktown, USA should get another chance bcause
                    Bubba was still hungover from his moonshine binge?  No,
                    you probably wouldn't.  Don't let your political bias color
                    your decision making process.  --Nader'04!
2000/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19709 Activity:high
11/9    Gore went to Vietmam.  Bush cowered at home.
        \_ No, I cowArded at home. Get it right. -gwb
        \_ and the he cowered in Seminary school.
                \_ Until he flunked out.  "Smartest man in the world!"
                   \_ Still, in terms of intelligence and courage, he
                      beats Dan-Qualye-in-cowboy-boots.
        \_ Gore went to Vietnam for 3 months, took a few pics behind the lines
           and went home.  A true hero.
           \_ Wrong.  It's 5 months.  Typical Republican misinformation.
              5 months / 0 = infinity.
              There is no such thing as "behind the lines" in Vietnam.
              (Note: Vietnam Vets serve an average of 1 year in Vietnam.)
              \_ As the son of a senator, Gore spent most of his time in
                 "protective custody". He never went to the front lines
                 in a combat capacity (ie, he was never shot at or shot
                 back). He pulled a few official shifts guarding the
                 barracks. I wouldn't call this being a hero.
                 Okay, Bush served in the NG learning to fly, but at least
                 he didn't burn his draft card like Clinton.
                 All of these guys don't inspire me. Personally, someone
                 like McCain is much better. He was a *hero* and he doesn't
                 brag about it.
                 \_ McCain may be batter, but not because he's a "War Hero."
                    Get over it, the 1950's are over, punkass.  I'd love to
                    see YOU go out and "be a war hero."  War is not glorious.
                    Being in the military really sucks.  You're just another
                    pussy with macho GI Joe fantasies.
                        \_ I dunno if being taken prisoner exactly
                           qualifies one as being a "war hero"
                           \_ Hey!  Don't be so mean.  Bush Sr. also got shot
                              down instead of shooting down Japanese planes.
                              But hey! That's war.  He is still a hero, and
                              in terms of military service:
                                Bush Sr. >> Gore >> Bush Jr.
                 \_ Clinton opposed the war, so he burnt his draft card.
                    Gore went to Vietnam even though his dad opposed the
                    war.  Bush Jr.  does not know what he believes in,
                    but he is too afraid to go, so he cowered at home,
                    and played with toy aeroplanes.
                        \ Bush Jr. flew F-18s. not exactly toy airplanes.
                          \_ When I grow up, I want to be an air force pilot,
                             flying in friendly skies.
2000/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:19710 Activity:nil 57%like:19722
11/9    Typical Liberal, can't handle the truth. Here's the URL:

        Damn fine article.
        \_ Here are some of the highlights:

        Americans are facing a deadliest [sic] political force. The type that
        spontaneously emerges overtime [sic]...

        Gay Alcorn is another example of that destructive breed of lefitwing
        [sic] journalists who are driven by ideology. [as opposed to this

        Monopoly is one of those economic concepts that's slippier [sic] than a
        greased pig on steroids...

        Obviously, a well-reasoned and balanced article, written by an
        articulate journalist.  -tom
2000/11/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:19711 Activity:nil
11/10   Real pictures of real protestors in FL.
        Very dramatic.  Check it out.
        \_ The last pic is quite funny.
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19712 Activity:nil
        For those of you wondering why all vote counts have been
        increasing in the recount.
        \_ Quote remove in the interst of space. Go to the URL if you
           care. Summary: punchcard machines don't work right if you
           fail to read directions and punch out your ballot without
           making sure the little piece of paper gets separated from
           the ballot.
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:19713 Activity:nil
        Non-citizens voting?  How can this be?
2000/11/10-11 [Recreation/Humor] UID:19714 Activity:high
11/10 this is for the "i will kick you in the nuts" censor and all the
     other anonymous, cowardly censors: fuck you.  mabeye everyone else thinks
     these posts are stupid, and they can say so on their own.  perhaps
     they would think they are funny, but if you decide what people read and
     don't read we'll never know.  you are
     the worst kind of bastard. doesn't anyone but me think "i will kick you
     in the nuts"is funny?
     \_ No. --Galen
     \_ not really. -mice
     \_ Not funny. ----ranga
        \_ if it's so funny, why don't you sign your name, lafe?  -tom
        \_ I didn't think the nut kicker was censoring, just adding his one
           line.  -never kicked anyone in nuts
        \_ fine! it's not funny.  I won't do it anymore, and will suggest
           that my partners in crime also stop.  It would perhaps have been
           kind of funny to some people for one day, and then it would ended
           had certain censors not pissed me off so much.  i'm sorry if people
           really found it that annoying.
           -lafe  [motd formatting god was here]
           \_ you're pathetic.  maybe you should grow up before posting
              to the motd again.
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:19715 Activity:very high
11/10   Besides providing endless material for comedians, what will Clinton
        be remembered for?  ie, what difference did he make in our lives?
        \_ (1) NAFTA
               \_ Started by Bush. Clinton didn't have much to do with it.
                  \_ Why don't you do a search on google using "NAFTA Clinton"?
           (2) Suckering China into lots of WTO concessions.
               \_ Getting suckered by China is more like it.
                  \_ In that case why did the Republicans in Congress
                     voted overwhelmingly for it, and Clinton had to
                     put great efforts into convincing the Democrats
                     to vote for it?  Are you saying that the Republican
                     representatives are all suckers?
                     \_ I'm quite unhappy about that.
                        \_ Maybe you should vote for Democratic congressmen
                           next time then.
                           \_ No they went along with it too. Buchanan
                              should run. I'd vote (and have voted) for
                              him. He'd do the right thing.
                              \_ I feel sorry for you.  Thanks for letting
                                 us know though.
           (3) Prevented trade protectionism from rearing its ugly head.
               \_ Sold out American jobs to cheap far east slave labor.
                  \_ (3.5) Reduced unemployment to lowest level in decades.
                     \_ Unempolyment was reduced because companies needed
                        workers in order to expand and increase profitability.
                        They were able to expand because of the tax breaks
                        and reduced regulation enacted by Congress not
                        because of anything that Clinton did.
                        Clinton can be given minor credit for not screwing
                        it up.
                        \_ You think M$, Dell, Cisco, Motorola and Sun can
                           expand during a trade war with Europe and Asia?
           (4) Reduced crime all across America.
               \_ While breaking countless laws.
                  \_ The only law breaker is Ronald Reagan during the
                     Iran-Contra affair.
                        \_ That Col. North, not RWR, get your facts
                           \_ Senator Bob Packwood: "I can't remember."
                              Ronald Reagan: "I can't remember."
                     \_ And Al Gore with his illegal arms deals hidden
                        from congress.
           (5) Improved race relations.
               \_ Didn't the LA Riots happen under his watch.
                  \_ Sure.  April 1992, right after 12 years of Republican
                     \_ Bush was president in 4/92.
                        \_ There you go.  I stand corrected.
           (6) Trashing Milosevic and the Serbian nationalist butchers.
        \_ (1) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
           (2) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
           (3) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
           (4) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
           (5) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
           (6) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
           (7) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
           (8) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
           (9) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
          (11) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
          (12) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
          (13) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
          (14) Hey! I defeated Saddam Hussein.
          (15) MTBE
               \_ Putting American soliders in danger to divert
                  attention from his crimes.
                  \_ Defeated the biggest threat to Western Civilization
                     since the fall of the USSR with zero combat losses.
                     \_ Butted in where he had no business being.
                        \_ Another nice little democracy created as
                           a result of actions of President Clinton.
           (7) Spanked Saddam Hussein whenever he tried to be naughty.
               \_ see (6)
                  \_ If that's what you think, you should blame Bush
                     Sr. for not finishing the war.
                     \_ I do.
           (8) Turned budget deficits into budget surpluses.
               \_ No. Please see yesterday's refutation of this.
                  The Republican congress is solely responsible
                  for this.
                  \_ Nope.  Bill gets credit for it.
                     \_ Prove it. The numbers say otherwise.
                        \_ Your numbers only show a corelation between
                           a Clinton/Republican Congress combination and
                           a healthy budget.
                           \_ No, Clinton's true nature is displayed
                              in his first two terms. Also the growth
                              was limited in the first two years where
                              he fought congress. When congress prevail
                              despite Clinton, America was prosperous.
                              Clinton didn't do anything except know
                              when not to screw up a working formula.
                              \_ The "numbers" for which you are so
                                 proud of has been reduced to just
                                 an opinion / interpretation.
                                 Me?  My opinion is that a divided
                                 presidency/congress is good for the
                                 budget.  A Republican presidency
                                 and congress results in
           (9) Reduced tension in the Korean peninsula.
               \_ Yeah, now that N Korea has nukes.
                  \_ Are you that dumb?
                     \_ Are you?
                        \_ Clinton stopped N Korea from continuing
                           with its nuclear bomb program.
                           \_ No. He gave it enough time to cover it
                              up. They are still as deadly as ever.
          (10) Promoted the development of the Internet.
               \_ No. Unless you count increased traffic from the
                  White House to "adult-content" sites.
          (11) Good effort at attempting to solve the Northern Ireland
               \_ Attempting to solve? The Catholics and the Protestant
                  got together and promised to stop killing each other.
                  (The IRA still hasn't lived up to its part). Clinton
                  didn't do jack, except make things worse.
                  \_ How did Clinton "make things worse"?
          (12) Good effort at attempting to solve the Palestine problem.
               \_ Yeah. The killing of Israeli soldiers by Palestinian
                  mobs quite a good effort at peace.
                  \_ So what do you suggest?  Kill all the Palestinians?
                     \_ Let the Israelis and the Palestinian criminals
                        work it out. If you read the WSJ, you will know
                        that the entire Palestine thing is a crock.
                        \_ That's what Clinton is trying to do!
                           \_ Uh, no. Clinton is trying to get Israel to
                              give up everything. Palestine is a crock.
                              The Palestinians are criminal terrorists.
                              Israel should deal with them as such.
          (13) Improved education.
               \_ Sex Ed?
          (14) Improved relations with India.
               \_ Went to India != improved relations. India still doesn't
                  like the US because Presidents like Carter and Clinton
                  want to tell everyone else how to live, and India can't
                  stand that.
                  \_ It's a start.
                     \_ No. Clinton's policy to India is a setback.
                        India wants to be left alone to determine
                        its own destiny, Clinton by refusing to allow
                        this has created problems for future relations.
                        \_ Nope, India wants and needs a good
                           relation to the US.
                           \_ No it doesn't. India has the technical
                              ability to build everything it needs in
                              India. It doesn't rely on any nation for
          (15) Showed that he is a president who cared about ordinary
               Americans unlike Newt I-was-slighted-on-AirForceOne-so-
               paycheck Gingrich.
               \_ Shutting down the government saved millions of dollars.
                  It was a good move. The American people did not suffer
                  because of Newt. The Contract With America was a huge
                  \_ What the heck is "Contract With America"?
                     \_ It was a 10+ point plan for revitalizing and
                        rescuing America from the Clinton vision. It
          (16) Bash up Big Tobacco, proving that they lied to Congress and
               the American people about the harmful effects of smoking.
               \_ Hi, I'm a poor idiot who never knew that smoking was
                  bad for me eventhough the carton said that it was
                  harmful to my health. Yeah, only the democrats would
                  pursue this.
                  \_ Get a clue.  That's not the problem.
                     \_ What's the damn problem. If some bone head wants
                        to smoke, let him.
          (17) Stopped Microsoft from continuing to use its monopolistic
               powers to bully other people.
               \_ No. A federal judge (Republican, Reagan Appointee) did
                  \_ Thank goodness he did, but the prosecution is the
                     US government, headed by Clinton.
                     \_ The procesutions case was pretty damn weak. The
                        judge made a big leap in writing his verdict.
          (18) Reduced the number of people on welfare.
               \_ The got jobs. The only way that the got them jobs is
                  if the federal gov. hired them; some perhaps, but not
                  most. The jobs were created by a strong economy which
                  came about because of tax cuts from a Republican
                  congress. Supply Side Economics. It works.
                  \_ He reduced the number of people ELIGIBLE for welfare,
                     so THEN they got off their lazy asses and got jobs.
                  \_ Garbage!  The strong economy is due to
                     productivity growth.
                     \_ The economy is due to business expansion and
                        revenue increases. These are due to businesses
                        having greater capital to work with and fewer
                        limitations. These are due to Congress.
                        \_ All the economists agree that high growth
                           without inflation only happens with
                           productivity growth.
        \_ You both have condom lubricant for brains.

        What will Bush Sr. be remembered for?

        \_ For chipping away at the rule of law.  Not much else.
        \_ He kept the Internet tax-free and uncensored.  He ordered the
           removal of built-in error in GPS systems.  He helped initiate the
           break-up of Microsoft and the beginning of the fall of tobbacco
           companies.  -tom
           \_ The internet is tax-free because of the senate. Specifically
              bills co-sponsored by Sen. McCain (R-Az). Uncensored, well
              that's good and bad, not really that important. Breaking up
              M$ is good, but the actual legal action was taken by a
              Reagan appointee. The anti-tobacco bs was completely wrong.
              Its like the prohibition, and we all know how effective that
              Clinton will be remembered for the failure in Haiti, the
              failure of the camp david accords, the death of 17 sailors
              on the USS Cole, the death of dozens of US citizens in
              \_ err?? Are you that wasn't terrorist's work? If you
                 want to blame a defense embarassment, don't forget Somalia
                 Sure Bush sent them, but it was Clinton appointee Aspin
                 who denied them armor.
                 \_ Okay, the Somalia debacle is one more thing that
                    Clinton will be remembered for.
              embassy bombings, the sell out of our national security to
              the chinese, the weakening of our national defense, a total
              and utter disregard for the constitution and the law, and
              perhaps most appropriately, he will be remembered for getting
              a "Lewinsky".
              The sad part is that compared to Bush and Gore, Clinton looks
              pretty good. I guess he understood (to some degree) the role
              of the president, which is not to wield power, but rather to
              draw attention from it through acts of finely judge outrage
              (to paraphrase Douglas Adams).
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19716 Activity:nil
11/10   NEWSFLASH: The official FL vote count is Bush+960 (or so) with 2
        yet to report.  This isn't AP or VNS.  It's the numbers from the
        real thing.  And of course an unknown number of overseas yet to
        arrive over the next few days.
        \_ Give EXACT source for these things
                \_ Sorry.  It was on cnn and other cable channels.  Every one
                   of the national news cable stations had it.  cnn, msnbc,
                   cbs, etc.  Take your pick.  They're all getting this from
                   the same source so it hardly matters which you listen to.
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:19717 Activity:nil
11/10   Al Gore inventing internet quote:,1283,18390,00.html
        I hope Wired News is a good enough source for you.
        Did getting a real URL from a reasonably reliable web news source
        bother you so much you had to censor and purge it?  Restored.
        \_ wired is a terrible news source.  If you read about something
           in wired that you are personally involved in, you will realize
           just how lousy they are.  for the whole story on the Gore
           quote and how various people blew it out of proportion, look up
           the article in Brill's Content.  I dont have a URL or date,
           but i'm sure you can find it in the library(and there might
           be a URL.)
           \_ Hey, I provided a source to the miffed person who wanted a URL
              "even from a geocities site".  Tough shit.  "I don't have a URL
              or date but I know I'm right and you're wrong and your source
              sucks".  Give it up.
              \_ OK, i found it.  It is the March 2000 issiue, written
                 by MIke Pride, in the OUT HERE column. The BRILLSCONTENT
                 site doesnt have the article, but im sure ucb library does.
                 i think al gore is a total jackass, but he deserves
                 honest press coverage just like anyone else.
2000/11/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:19718 Activity:nil
11/10   Not really news, but; Gore Lies Again.
        After claiming "We'll abide by the result of the official count,
        whatever it is", now that he's lost.. AGAIN.... he's threatening
        to sue.
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19719 Activity:nil
11/10   DO OVER!  Let all military personel get another chance to vote!

        Or... we could all just accept that elections have always been kinda
        fucked, shit happens, try better next time, let it stand and move on.
2000/11/10-11 [Reference/Tax] UID:19720 Activity:insanely high
11/10   What did Bush Sr. do during his presidency?
           \_ Not much. He tried to continue the work of RWR to varying
              degrees of success. He was a good man, but not a great
              president. To his credit, he was a good honorable man
              who tried to do what he believed was right for America
              regardless of the personal cost. I think that this can
              be said of perhaps most Presidents in the 20th century
              with the notable exception of Clinton.
              \_ Wow! Suddenly becoming so kind, warm and fuzzy when
                 it comes to Bush Sr.
                 In that case, I would say that Clinton is a good man
                 with kind heart, and a good president, but has
                 personal weaknesses.
                 \_ No. If Clinton just got a "lewinsky" I would go
                    for this. But the problems with national security,
                    the disregard for the rule of law, etc prevents
                    me from saying this.
                    If you read my comments, I think that most Presidents,
                    regardless of thier party affiliation and my opinion
                    of thier policies, had a single goal: The betterment
                    of American and her citizens. Clinton did not. He
                    only cared about Clinton.
        \_ He made the political error of raising taxes at a time it was
           the right thing to do for the country and paid the price.
           \_ It wasn't that he raised taxes, but that he did it after
              "Read my lips..."
           \_ There is never a right time to raise taxes. But it is
              always the right time to lower taxes.
        \_ he defeated the biggest threat to Western Civilization and the
           Free World since the USSR -- Iraq.
           \_ Nah the biggest threat was Milosevic and the Serbian
              nationalist butchers, who are soundly defeated by
              the US under the leadership of President Clinton.
                \_ In what way was Milosevic a threat to the free world and
                   western civilization?
                   \_ At the end of the millenium, the actions of Milosevic
           \_ That was Reagan. It just happened while Bush was president.
                \_ We are talking about Iraq, not USSR.
                      and the Serbian nationalist butchers right at the
                      backyard of Europe throw into doubt that our great
                      Western Civilization has made any progress since the
                      defeat of the nazis and facists 50 years ago.
        \_ Reagan is like Bill Walsh.  Bush Sr is like George Seifert.
           No, I'm not going to compare Clinton to Mariucci.

{deleted a few older threads to save space, not to censor them}
2000/11/10 [Computer/Networking] UID:19721 Activity:nil
11/9    There you have it. Gore "invented the Internet". More accurately,
        he created this bill:|/bss/d102query.html|
        \_ He was only about 25 years late. BBNPlanet, DARPA and the DOD
           created the internet in the 60's. All this bill did was to
           help in the transfer of ARPANET to NFSNET.
                \_ But his bills helped make the Internet what it is today
                 - far more than the military/research ARPANET.
                   \_ Uh, no. TCP/IP, ICMP, IGMP, UDP, and most other major
                      protocols such as RIP, OSPF, FTP were authored under
                      DOD and DARPA contracts. Even Bill Joy's work here at
                      Cal in the late 70s and early 80s were DARPA funded.
                      The transition to NSFNET, didn't introduce any new
                      sturcture or commerical benefit. In fact the Internet
                      and the web did not take off until it was transfered
                      out of the control of NSF into commercial ISPs. Gore
                      did not help with the privatization of the Internet
                      which is the primary reason for its growth.
                      Bottom line, Gore is *exaggerating* if not lying.
                      I guess he must have master the Vulcan logical arts
                      to a higher degree than Spock.
2000/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:19722 Activity:nil 57%like:19710
11/9    Typical reactionary spittle-emitting moron. Here's the URL:
        Damn fine example of conservative idiocy.
        \_ Here are some of the highlights:

        Americans are facing a deadliest [sic] political force. The type that
        spontaneously emerges overtime [sic]...

        Gay Alcorn is another example of that destructive breed of lefitwing
        [sic] journalists who are driven by ideology. [as opposed to this

        Monopoly is one of those economic concepts that's slippier [sic] than a
        greased pig on steroids...

        Obviously, a well-reasoned and balanced article, written by an
        articulate journalist.  -tom
        \_ Poor tom.  You're exactly the sort of person he's talking about and
           can't see it.
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:19723 Activity:very high
11/10   If Green Party has its own way, would we be forced to drive
        expensive electric cars, pay an exorbitant amount of rent because
        of land conservation, and pay $500 yearly to support the Sierra Club?
        \_  $500 yearly for the sierra club?  HAH!  the IRS would be  paying
            the sierra club for you, from the 10% sierra club income tax.
        \_ Don't be stupid.  Stop slandering the left and go read their
           \_ Yeah. There platform discredits them more than anyone else
              ever could.
              \_ It's "Their" dumbass.  I can see why you like Bush.
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19724 Activity:very high
11/10   When Bush promises tax cut, how much tax cut is it? I'm a hi-tech
        worker with a 6 digit. How will I benefit from Bush's administration?
        \_ I could be wrong, but one figure I read was from 39% -> 33% for
           top bracket and 15% -> 10% for lowest.
        \_ if you make 100K you only get back $6000 a year. That's not even
           enough to buy 1/2 a car. No thanks to the tax break. I rather
           pay that much to improve our traffic and other social needs.
           \_ Only?  Are you nuts?  Write me a check for $6k since it's
              *only* $6k and I can sure as hell use it.  I'm making 6 figs
              also and will not turn down your money.
           \_ Get Back? Its my money. They have no right to it. And I
              can do some much more with it than some politician spending
              it on crack whores.
              \_ Yeah, you're right. They have no right to spend my money
                 to fund the military to defend me. They have no right to
                 spend my money to build and maintain our interstate
                 highway system. They have no right to use my money to
                 keep our airports running.
              \_ [Tom's bullshit deleted]
                   \_ Gore wants to waste *MY MONEY*. Its *MINE*, I went
                      to work in order to *EARN* it. He has no right to
                      waste it. Now if he wanted to build a missle defense
                      to protect America, I'd be for it. But not for his
                      crack environmental BS.
                      \_ Bush wants to waste *MY MONEY*. Its *MINE*, I went
                         to work in order to *EARN* it. He has no right to
                         waste it. Now if he wanted to pay off our debts
                         to protect our economy, I'd be for it. But not for
                         his bullshit missle defense crap.
                      \_ I prefer a lower tax rate, but I would not spend
                         a cent to build a missile defense system to
                         defend a polluted slump.
                         \_ So when the Chinese and the N. Koreans and the
                            Arabs launch missles on American cities, you
                            will be happy to die?
                            \_ Arabs and N. Koreans?  Are you serious?
                               China would be bombed to stone age if they
                               dare to launch missiles at American cities.
           \_ loser, the government is much more inefficent than the market
           place, its better use of money to keep it and use it in the market
           than giving more money to an inefficient government who refuses
           to make good use of the resources it already has.
        \_ Doesn't matter because, like his Dad, he's not gonna do it.
                \_ wouldn't be prudent at this juncture
                \_ WRONG. He is gonna do it just to prove that Republicans
                   and the Bush family are honorable men. -voted Republican
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2000:November:10 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>