Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2000:October:31 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2000/10/31 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19605 Activity:low
10/30   vote anarchy
        \_ a vote for anarchy is a vote for yermom
        \_ vote cthulhu, why choose the lesser of two evils, when you
           can choose evil itself.
2000/10/31-11/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:19606 Activity:nil
10/30   22498 www     105   0   572K   504K RUN     39.6H 64.09% 64.09% httpd
        What's going on?
        \_ I told that streaming VRML porn was a bad idea!
        \_ that's just my infinite loop CGI script.  -fucker
2000/10/31 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:19607, category id '18005#41.2038' has no name! , ] UID:19607 Activity:insanely high
10/30   Thinkers, no-bullshitters, egalitarians, civil rights enthusiasts,
        people opposed to imbalance of power/fascism, and for the environment,
        please support the NADER campaign.
        If you're too scared to vote for Nader because you think Bush is
        worse than Gore (hah!), at least get a friend to vote for Nader
        in a state where Gore will win anyway.  <DEAD><DEAD>
                     \_ Can you please tell me what states these are? I
                        am considering voting for Nader (or convincing
                        friends to) but havent found any good polls-by-
                        state to base my decision on.
                        \_ The <DEAD><DEAD> site has this information.
                        \_ FYI, California is not a Gore-secure state
                           \_ Thank God, but I'm still waiting for the
                              day when CA wakes up and realizes that
                              liberalism is a failure.
        And for sure sign the petition to ask Gore to step down and let
        Nader take the lead,
          great comments there...
          \_ listen, troll. there are two kinds of people who talk about
           politics on the motd: librtarians and communists.  everyone
           else gave up along time ago except for trolls. nader is
           neither a libertarian nor a communist, therefore you are a troll.
        \_ Nader is a socialist, he believes govt can solve problems.
           He wants to reform govt by making govt larger... it doesnt make
           any sense.
           In fact, govt, in its current form (ie. size), IS the problem.
           If you are going to vote for a third party, Harry Browne
           (Libertarian) is by far the best choice.
           \_ Libertarian ideas seem sensible, but the only reason I won't
           \_ Nader's campaign is a giant vanity project, he
              has no chance of winning, every vote he gets makes
              it more likely the Beelzebubba I mean george w bush
              will get elected.  yeah you can sit around all day
              and say how noble and uncompromising nader is, but
              the other 2 in the race have spent their lives as
              politicians, where you have to compromise, and occasionally
              make choices that will be unpopular 20 years later.  nader
              doesn't have this problem since he has studiously avoided
              elected office his entire life, but that doesn't make
              him the best man for the job - danh
              vote for a libertarian is because the libertarian platform
              on the environment is, "Well, if the land that needs protection
              is privately owned, then the owners will recognize the value
              of not trashing it." I think that's a huge oversimplification
              of the issue. What is meant by "value"? Value is often a
              comparision of one thing to another for a particular person.
              Is a forest worth more to its owner than a billion dollars?
              "Lets see, the cost to the rest of the planet is small and
              distributed collectively. So I'll take the billion dollars."
                                                        -- jeffwong
              \_ This position pertains to development of natural resources
                 on public lands - in other words if they have to
                 pay a fair price for the land.
              \_ What is with the obsession some people have for the
                 "environment"? Its a bunch of damn trees. get over it.
        \_ Actually, Nader is an anti-corporatist, he wants to reduce fascist
           control of our lives while protecting our rights and our planet.
           On what basis do you claim he wants to increase government?
           \_  You tell me.  They are evil
              and insane, and Darth Nader is their leader.
           \_ Nader would de-privatize America. He wants to disassemble the
              greatest economic system in the history of the world.
                 \_ Greatest economic system???  That's a laugh!
                    If you want quality of life, and something for future
                    generations, and a healthy society, this economy fails.
        \_ If Nader has admitted
                    \_ Really? I have a better quality of life than my
                       parents, and my children (if I have any) will have
                       a better life than me. Its all thanks to capitalism
                       and american exceptionalism.
                \_ Um, actually, <DEAD><DEAD> is the greatest economy
                \_how does it follow a consumer advocate would dismantle
                  an economy? educated consumers increase the efficieny of
                  the market.
                  \_ He is not a consumer advocate, he is a weird freakish
                     man that hates corporations. He doesn't help educate
                     consumers he simply scares them and threatens companies.
                     Competition increases the efficiency of the market, not
                     fear mongering weirdos. If you are thinking about voting
                     for Nader, you might try the COMMUNIST party instead.
                              tirade from Nader.
                                \_ Ironic that he's against fluoride, ay? :)
                                   Protect your precious bodily fluids!!!
                        \_ that he's a consumer advocate is well known,
                        provide proof otherwise. same for accusation that
                        he hates all corporations. educated consumers do
                        increase the efficiency of the market. don't
                        spout drivel you can't support.
                           \_ He's not a consumer advocate. He simply
                              attacks companies and products he doesn't
                              like. The free market has created better
                              safer and more useable products than any
                              tirade from Nader. Innovation in the high
                              tech sector (cisco, sun, intel, etc) happened
                              because innovation generates money in a
                              free market. Nader would stifle this sort
                              of innovation.
                        \_ he campaigns against flouride, for heaven's sake.
                           The guy's a crackpot.  -tom
                              Furthermore he has called for the breakup
                              of the banking system and the fortune 500
                              along with more regulation on small business.
                              If that doesn't mean he's against corporations
                              I guess you are just more clued into Naders
                              propoganda than I am.
                                \_ it's only up for debate by crackpots.
                                   It's like Mumia's guilt.  -tom
                              Where do you get this notion that educated
                              consumers increase the efficiency of the
                              market? DUH, companies trying to make a profit
                              and increase shareholder wealth increase the
                              efficiency of the market.
                                   \_ I love how anonymous crackpot cowards
                                      use ad hominem attacks.  How do you think
                                      "conventional wisdom" got that way?
                                      What do dentists have to gain from
                                      water flouridation?  It's not like it's
                                      some major cash cow for industry; in
                                      fact it reduces dentist's revenues by
                                      reducing tooth decay problems, especially
                                      in poor neighberhoods.  Do a web search
                                      on "water flouridation", it's obvious
                                      that the only people negative on it are
                                      crackpots.  Like Nader.  Sign your name,
                                      coward.  -tom
                            \_ My dentist said fluoride is very harmful in
                                 the water and only effective for children
                                        \_ it's called "accountability"  -tom
                                        your ignorance is a fact, not an attack.
                                        but to the flouridation argument; you
                                        miss the point. the issue is not
                                        whether flouridation helps teeth, it's
                                        how much flouride children get in
                                        their systems from all sources. but
                                        you still haven't offered a reasoned
                                        dismal of nader yet. go ahead,
                                        continue to ignore the topic if you
                                        like, and hope i forget.
                                        \_ the topic is that he's a crackpot,
                                           and you haven't offered a reasoned
                                           dismal [sic] of that.  -tom
                                 of a certain age if taken in a certain way.
                           \_ is that the best you can do?  the effect of
                                        \_ why should I come up with a
                                           "reasoned dismal" of Nader when
                                           you haven't said anything to
                                           support him?  -tom
                                flouride in our water is up for debate.
                                pick something else.
                                   \_ okay, that is the best you can do.
                                    no doubt you base all your opinions on
                                    conventional wisdom and rely on ad
                                    hominem attacks to distract from
                                    your ignorance. your hallmark, actually.
                                        \_why sign names? it's not verifiable,
                                        and it's only egoistic in a debate.
                                        \_ why should i defend against
                                        unsupported accusations.
2000/10/31-11/1 [Uncategorized] UID:19608 Activity:low
10/30   Is it just me, or it seems that Aiken's exams, called language(A),
        are generated by ambiguous grammar G? The guy is an absolute dickhead
        \_ He's too 'l33t 4 u d00d!
        \_ It's just you.
        \_ Dickhead is an absolutist term, yet dickheads are never absolute.
        \_ I have yet to meet a non-"absolutist" dickhead.
2000/10/31 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:19609 Activity:high
10/30   A poll here-- who is applying for grad school now, for fall
        admission 2001?
        \_ are you?
           \_ I am - ! original poster
                \_ where are you applying?  M.S.?  PhD?
                   \_ MS, I'm applying to Cal, the farm, UCSC, SJSU,
                      CalTech and possibly A&M and Rice. I'm looking
                      for local schools so I can continue working and
                      vesting while studying. I'm applying to CalTech
                      (don't think I'll get in, but you never know if
                      you don't try), A&M and Rice cause they have 1
                      yr programs so I can take an LOA and go there.
                      \_ if your company is big enough, maybe they
                         have remote sites near a school you may want
                         to go to.
                         \_ We were bought by Sun recently, so I guess
                            I could go to Co. but not many other places.
2000/10/31 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19610 Activity:nil
10/30   Vote how much bull you think the candidates are saying.
2000/10/31-11/1 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:19611 Activity:moderate
10/30   For those of you unfortunate enough to have selected UC Berkeley
        for your undergraduate CS *cough* education, you will want to
        check out:
        "Our goal is to offer the world's best computer science education,
        at an undergraduate level, to people who are currently unable to
        obtain it."  (Berkeley undergrads match this criterion)
        \_ I got my medical degree that way.  I can now legally perform over
           137 operations in this country, Haiti, and seven other islands.
        \_ shut up paolo
        \_ heh heh.  heh.
           \_ I think that its 4700. It was 4500 when I applied (93).
        \_ may not have anything to do with the original post but,
              4850 (he had 4870).
           what's the current academic index needed to get into
           EECS?  What GPA do you need to get into L&S, CS?
           \_ I think that its 7700. It was 7500 when I applied (93).
              From what my brother tells me BioE had the highest at
              7850 (he had 7870).
              \_ I thought index = GPA*1000 + SAT Verbal + SAT Math +
                 Achievement Test English + 2 other Achievement Tests?
                 That's around 8000 or so in the old days...
                 \_ Oops, I wrote 4 instead of 7. Fixed.
        \_ It's GPA*1000 + SAT I + 3 SAT II's (formally called Achievements)
           math and English comprising two of the SAT II tests. ~7340 was
           required for automatic admission back in '96, but I think they got
           rid of automatic admission two years go.
        \_ The problem with the concept is it suposedly gives it to
           people otherwise "unable to obtain it".
           The most common factor for this is money. But if you need
           money, you probably will NOT be able to dedicated an entire
           year of your life solely to this program, and not to making
           money keeping yourself in rent and foot. Which is what
           presumably would be neccessary for this  "one intense year."
2000/10/31-11/1 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:19612 Activity:high 61%like:19626
10/30   Are there any 24 hr oil change places in/around Berkeley?
        \_ It's called the San Francisco Bay.  Stop driving already.
        \_ No. Berkeley's retail stores as a set can be considered as
           a vast outdoor mall which closes at 11:30, after which the
           mall security (Berkeley PD) come to beat up and generally
           harass any remaining shoppers and/or loiterers (homeless).
           Thank you for shopping Berkeley!
           \_ being pissed about berkeley's businesses closing early
              is fine, but do you really want a 24 oil change place
              in your neighborhood?  I've never even seen one
                \_ Fuck NIMBYism.
           \_ AROUND motherfucker, do you know what it means?
                \_ No. Now fuck off.
2000/10/31 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:19613 Activity:nil
10/30   Just reading slashdot, and I can't believe that fool Nader:

            "I'd really put meat in the process of progressive taxation.
             The richer people are, the more the percentage you pay.
             After all, it's their influence that rigged the system to get
             them that rich to begin with. And, second, we should tax
             things we don't like. We should tax stock market speculation.
             We should tax pollution. We should tax activities that we
             don't like, like sprawl, in order to get a better planning
             system and better zoning system. And we should lighten the
             taxes on things we do like, like honest labor, like food."

        Do you Nader people actually believe this bullshit?

        1. People got rich because they rigged "the system"? Yeah,
           people who earned degrees at schools like Cal and then
           worked 80 hours a week at compaines to generate revenue
           of thier companies which translated into value for thier
           options somehow rigged the system to "get rich".
2000/10/31 [Uncategorized] UID:19614 Activity:nil 66%like:19617
10/30   We don't care about slashdot, and we know Nader's a crackpot.
        \_ [Comments deleted]
2000/10/31-11/1 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:19615, category id '18005#6.34122' has no name! , ] UID:19615 Activity:high
10/30   All polls, voting, tooth paste/POE, and other complete crap deleted.
        \_ <DEAD>!!!<DEAD>
        \_ [www site promoting particular candidate with zero chance of
            anything deleted]
          \_ How dare you say that about mah mommy Bushie???
             \_ Try instead
        \_ [deleted again]
2000/10/31-11/1 [Industry/Startup] UID:19616 Activity:very high
10/30   What's up with deleting the anti-Epicentric comments?  Were they too
        accurate and painful?  Don't hide your head and your career in the
        \_ No, they were neither accurate nor painful.  Besides, you're
           the anonymous one, so who's hiding whose head and career?  I
           encourage you and anyone else to check out the website and
           the job posting to check out the facts.  Thanks.  --peterl
           \_ say hi to luis for me, if he's still there. i emailed
              you about that, but you didn't reply, peterl.  --chris
           \_ Yeah, I made it all up.  And not wanting to get sued by anyone
              is certainly less important than 'proving' anything by signing
              by name.  Let us all know when they don't IPO again and finally
              go under.  Oh btw, *very* basic questions: how many rounds of
              funding do they have, how much was the last round and how much
              is left?  If you don't know that stuff, you know nothing and
              no matter what you think of my anonymity, your naive would
              certainly be proven.  And as far as my career goes, I was
              already earning $25k more than their 'offer' with 3x the stock
              as a percentage of company.  Currently $50k more than their
              offer with similar options ratio.  I know of others doing better
              but I've got nothing to be ashamed of.  Might have something to
              do with all those *questions* I ask which you won't.
              \_  So, what part of "go to our website" don't you understand?
                  You can find out about our funding, our support, etc, etc.
                  It's simply much faster for me to point out the source
                  of the information rather than answer individual questions,
                  but if you must know I've worked there for 14 months, so
                  I do *actually* know what's going on.  Speaking of getting
                  sued, I don't think you have to worry about breaking your
                  NDA because nothing you said is proprietary, or correct,
                  frankly.  Well, I guess the only thing you'd have to
                  worry about is slander ;)  I'd *love* to discuss detailed
                  financial information with you, but that would be a
                  breach of *my* NDA.  However, anyone who wants to know
                  the truth should come to our website, and sign-up for
                  an interview so you can talk to us. --peterl
                  \_ So you mean the VP *lied* to me in the interview about
                     their future IPO plans?  Ok, that makes me feel really
                     great about working there.  Glad they didn't make an
                     offer worth considering.  Greed might have overcome my
                     better sense.  And not being there in the interview with
                     your VP of Engineering, you have no clue about whether
                     or not what I said happened in the interview is true or
                     not.  Head in sand, boy.  Head in sand.
                  \_ The truth: 75 customers, 180 employees.  I hope you're
                     getting at least $150k from each customer (and that's
                     only going to get you to breakeven!)  $35million in
                     funding will only last you another year.  But then
                     again that's the average length of Silicon Valley jobs
                     these days.
                     \_ let someone see and decide for themself.  Every
                        job is a calculated risk that one takes.  Thanks
                        for the input, maybe Epicentric is a risk, but
                        to each his own. --chris (who doesn't work at
                        Epicentric for her own reasons but has nothing
                        against them)
                        \_ Yeah, let's not warn anyone or god forbid encourage
                           the stupid geeks to ask the right questions.  Let's
                           just all shutup and get chris another hiring bonus.
                           Let's all just sign up and find out for ourselves
                           the hard way.  Way to go chris!  Teach those young
                           geeks the best way to improve their futures!
                           Walking blind and stupid into a company you know
                           nothing about isn't a calculated risk.  You don't
                           have the information to calculate anything.  That's
                           not a risk.  It's just plain old stupid.
        \_ websites are just spin anyway.
                \_ Yep.  Bingo.
                \_ Most are, but luckily many of those are dying.
                   Everything's spin anyway -- politics, news, dreidels,
                   and so on -- and working for a fuckedcompany doesn't
                   even matter if you enjoy yourself and get paid.
                   work != life.  It's a very important aspect of life,
                   but I repeat IT IS NOT YOUR LIFE. Geez, these kids
                   \_ The point of working for a startup isn't to get paid.
                      It is about the _chance_ to possibly get a lot of wealth
                      in a very short period of time.  If you just want a job
                      that'll always pay, try McDonald's.  They're doing quite
2000/10/31-11/1 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:19617, category id '18005#6.77785' has no name! , ] UID:19617 Activity:insanely high 66%like:19614
10/30   We don't care about slashdot, and we know Nader's a crack Raider.
           \_ Are Nader's supporters called Naders' Nuts?
        \_ [Comments deleted]
        \_ but would he raid yermom's crack?
           \_ C'mon, Nader and all his college buddies know that this
              isn't a big deal.
              \_  kick ass on the putrid powerstructure dude!
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2000:October:31 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>