10/29 http://www.speakout.com/VoteMatch
Has anyone tried this and got the correct match?
\_ you are Unclear on the Concept.
The URL points out what is the correct match for you.
The question is, were you smart enough to figure out who
\_ granted Bush is a glorified Quayle, but you dont want a tax cut?
\_ granted Bush is a glorified Quayle... This aside, dont you want
a tax cut?
Maybe you should give voluntary donations to the federal govt.
best fits you before taking the questionaire.
\_ Based on the tone of the question, the poster
was rudely surprised, which begs the questions,
Original Poster, who was your closest match?
\_ yes. democrats are the closest to my viewpoints, then nader, then
the liberal republicans...and pat buchanan last.
\_ Basically it told you that you are RED COMMIE PIG SCUM.
\_ it got me right. -lila
\_ moi aussi, I'm a populist leaning conservative, my matches were:
Cheney, Buchanan, Keyes, Philips, Bush, McCain, with Nader (last).
Its pretty accurate conisdering I'm a former member of the
"Buchanan Brigades" who voted for Pat in every primary
until he left the Republican party.
\_ Bradley, Gore, Browne, Lieberman, Nader, Cheney, Buchanan,
McCain, Bush (fairly accurate) --dim
\_ granted, yes, Bush is a glorified Quayle...
\_ WRONG! Quayle is not that dumb, but Bush is arguably smarter.
Bush graduated from Yale and recieved a MBA from Harvard. He
had a better overall academic record than Gore, who recieved
at least one D (and many C's) in undergrad work at Harvard and
failed to complete any of his post graduate work.
"Gore arrived at Harvard with an impressive 1355 SAT score, 6
25 verbal and 730 math, compared with Bush's 1206 total
\_ Hey! I hope Bush wins so I can claim that I have a higher SAT
score than the president of the United States of America:
"Gore arrived at Harvard with an impressive 1355 SAT score,
625 verbal and 730 math, compared with Bush's 1206 total
from 566 verbal and 640 math."
\_ You got into Cal with lower than 1355?!? DAMN. They will
let anyone in these days. - alum with 1400 SATs
\_ SAT's are meaningless - flunked out with 1490 SAT
(780 Math/710 Verbal - yet flunked both English 1A
& Math 1A twice, though that was mostly due to
lack of interest)
\_ WOW! I'm impressed. I've never met anyone
flunked out of Math 1A and English 1A. Chem 3B,
Chem 162 (Ochem), Physics 112, etc yes, but
Math 1A and English 1A, is unbelieveable. Its
like 10th grade stuff.
\_ Depends on who you had for math. English
depends on your instructor and if you have
previous writing experience and kiss ass
\_ I took 2 ud english classes and they
were cake. I didn't even have to go
to class ever. I figured 1A was much
easier, I never took it though, I AP'ed
out. Same with Math 1A,1B.
out English, Math and Chem.
\_ If you did that in my English 1a,
you'd get a big fat F. She actually
took attendance and lowered your
grade by a full letter for each
unexcused day after the second
on who you take it from. I'm sure
I can find you a math 1A prof that'd
be more than happy to flunk you.
Prof Woo comes to mind.... There
are others.
\_ Attendence? WTH, its college.
Anyway I stand corrected.
\_ Please provide name. Gracias.
\_ the english 1A/1B classes are like
engineering labs, not lectures.
each class is <20 students and there
are weekly writing assignments and
in-class writing oexercises, so
attendance is important.
\_ I only took ud english classes,
I stand corrected about the
ld english classes.
\_ This seems like a fair matter of fact page on the candidate's
academic records:
\_ Wow. If I took those courses I would sue for slander to
keep my transcript from going public. I can't believe
that BORE thinks that he's bad ass hard-core academic
stud, when all he took were frigging arts/humanities
course. Any moron can get decent grades in humanities
classes, esp. at a private school where the *customer
is always right*.
At least Bush as the humility to admit that he's not
the brightest on the block.
Anyway The last pres. (and perhaps only one in the 20th
century) who could pass something like the average Cal
ciriculum (50 series, 7 series, 61 series, ud techs)
\_ Not including any spelling classes obviously.
\_ Yeah, I can't spell. so what?
was Carter. He was arguably one of the *worst*
presidents. Contrast that to Truman (never went to
college), Reagan (Eureka College) or Lincoln (home
Success in the Presidency is more than simply academic
\_ Being POTUS has to do with leadership, not academia. I
don't want BH for President but I'm sure he got better
grades than either of the current major candidates.
\_ BH?
\_ Hello? Brian Harvey? Is BH dead or something?
\_ Whose Brian Harvey?
However, dont you want a tax cut?
You dont want experiments with school vouchers, or a
portion of your SS tax to give you a higher rate of return?
Maybe you should voluntarily donate money to the
federal government.
\_ Huh? Is that sarcasm? -confused
\_ Huh? What? Get a clue.
\_ Gosh, I guess I should've picked it up from the tone
in your voice or something. I see Cal is still
desperately in need of personal interviews prior to
accepting new students to weed out the pricks like
\_ Buchanan, Cheney, Keys, Hagelin (wtf)... Lieb and Gore Last |