Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2000:October:27 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2000/10/27 [Reference/Military] UID:19577 Activity:nil
10/26   Replying to peace-loving caste member who love gun freedom:

                                                \_ I don't buy that having
                                                   guns available would make
                                                   a difference in controlling
                                                   government abuses in a
                                                   established democracy
                                                   like the US, with a
                                                   mature system of checks
                                                   and balances and a free
                                                   \_ Except the press is bought
                                                      off and biased.  People
                                                      are people.  Nothing
                                                      magical about the press.

                                                   As for carrying out the
                                                   laws and controlling
                                                   crimes, that's what
                                                   governments are for, or
                                                   would you rather have
                                                   mob justice and blood
                                                   revenges like they have
                                                   Azerbajian or some other
                                                   3rd world hell hole?
                                                   \_ Governments don't always
                                                      "get it right".

                                                   As a matter of fact, I do
                                                   not believe in banning
                                                   guns totally in the US.
                                                   I believe that, given the
                                                   wide availability of guns,
                                                   people should have the
                                                   choice to have a gun for
                                                   personal protection.
                                                   \_ "As a matter of fact, I
                                                      do not believe in banning
                                                      murder totally in the US.
                                                      I believe that, given the
                                                      high murder rate, people
                                                      should have the choice to
                                                      murder or not."

                                                   But if you believe that
                                                   having guns available to
                                                   the general populace have
                                                   helped reduce crime or
                                                   helped curb government
                                                   abuses, I think you are
                                                   very much misguided.
                                                   \_ URL, please.  Don't put
                                                      your opinion as fact on
                                                      the motd without a URL
                                                      to back up your statements.
                                                      It only annoys people who
                                                      are intelligent and want
                                                      a discussion rather than
                                                      a rant.

                                                   In short, having a gun
                                                   may be beneficial to
                                                   an individual in
                                                   specific circumstances,
                                                   but the wide spread
                                                   availability of guns
                                                   has been detrimental
                                                   to the US populace in
                                                   \_ So a good thing for one
                                                      person becomes a bad thing
                                                      when many individuals
                                                      benefit from that same
                                                      thing?  Hello?

                                                   Given the above, I
                                                   think it is right
                                                   to call for tougher
                                                   gun laws, but not to
                                                   ban it altogether.
                                                   \_ Tougher gun laws?  Like?
                                                      This is the phrase a lot
                                                      of the gun ban lobby use
                                                      to cover the writing of
                                                      laws which chip away at
                                                      the 2nd amendment until
                                                      there's isn't one.
        Registering guns annually (or some reasonable time period).  Penalty
        and responsibility if gun registered under you is stolen or used to
        commit a crime.
2000/10/27-28 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:19578 Activity:very high
10/26   Ugh, got a closed book closed notes exam, but I can bring ONE
        sheet of double side notes. Does that mean I can bring any sheet,
        like a 20"X16" double sided sheet? I'm not trolling.
        \_ bring this:
        \_ Actually, it means that you should go to crate and barrel and
           purchase a large roll of butcher paper and xerox the entire
           book onto it and then bring it with you. DUH!
           \_ Microfiche.
        \_ hand-written? Or can you type it up and use abbreviations and
           then use a Xerox machine to reduce it? That's what I did for
           my poli-sci class. They gave the 8 essay questions beforehand
           and said 5 of these will be on the exam and you get to choose
           any 3 of them to answer. But can bring one 8.5x11" piece of paper.
           I prepared all my answers before the exam and spent the entire
           exam just copying text into my bluebook. Filled up the entire
           bluebook plus the back inside cover.
        \_ but in reality, how many of you used those sheets?  Maybe
           all you needed was the comfort in having that sheet, and the
           trouble not having to memorize a few number of formulas.
             \_ there's only one occasion when bringing that piece of
                crap actually helped me.  on my two physics 7b midterms,
                it just so happened that the exact example of a refraction
                problem copied out of a schaum's outline was on the test,
                (except for the numbers of course), and on another, the
                I had the equation for some Hydrogen  quantum bs equation
                on my cheat.  it was awesome b/c I way above mean on both,
                beating out the nerds who usually kicked my ass on exams.
                unfortunately, i got totally fucked on my final, but
                the glory was fun while it lasted.  nothing like a good ego
                boost during the dark physics 7 series days.  you should
                always go for closed book since the effort to
                memorize stuff is minimal, prevents from getting totally
                trashed on an open-book which is supposed to be "easy."
                \_ Open book can be easier depending on the prof. Olander,
                   in NE and Komvopolus (sp?), Pruitt in ME, Gronsky,
           tested, make it close book. This one or two pages only stuff
                   Weber in MSE gave open book exams that were pretty
                   easy. Their exams would have been next to impossible
                   had they been closed book since there was always too
                   much to memorize. ----ranga
           \_ I usually found that creating the "cheat" sheet helped me
              more than the actual cheat sheet. Though in some ME classes
              the formulas came in handy. ----ranga
        \_ These are my favorite exam rules.  No having to book-flip to
           search for stuff, and no memorizing of stupid formulae.  Just
           put down the key stuff in the class which let you figure anything
           else out and don't worry.  --PeterM
           \_ The other one (which I personally like) is having created
              or extracted a good 1-2 page appendix (EG, the back inside
              cover of P&H for 61c), which is included with the exam.
              A little more work in some respects, but very useful for

              the students without the chaos of an open book test. -nweaver
        \_ This is my absolute LEAST favorite exam rules. Look, if you want
           to make a hard exam testing concepts, gimme open book/open notes
           and I'll bookmark pages, mark-up lecture notes, whatever. If you
           want to give an easier exam where some memorization is being
           tested, make it closed book. This one or two pages only stuff
           just turns the whole thing into some game where people try and
           cram as much onto one sheet as possible... and the prof thinks
           he can ask open-book-type questions because "you should have
           written that important fact down." Grrr... I hate them.
                \_ the other option which i liked better were the classes
                   that gave everyone the same cheat sheet attached to the
                   exam.  why make people memorize a ton of equations and
                   why be unfair about cheat sheets?  everybody knows ahead
                   of time what they'll be provided with and everybody has
                   access to all the same info during the exam...
           \_ I agree.  I refused to play the game and brought in 2 pages
              of notes with huge handwriting.  When the TA gave me trouble,
              I told him to compare the number of bits on my two sheets with
              the number of bits on the cram sheet of the person in front of
              me with microscopic handwritting.  The TA gave up eventually.
              \_ Actually I'd have walked up to you and said, "Which page
                 do you want?  You can only keep one."  And if you kept
                 going on your two page thing I'd just fail you.  Seriously.
                 Unless you seemed to have a genuine, non-renegade,
                 non-protest reason for bringing in two pages. But anyways,
                 this was just to balance your remarks.
                 \_ Because I have a vision problem and you're discriminating
                    against me and everyone like me.  -!not the two sheet person
           \_ Anyone who *needs* to bring in a sheet with teeny-tiny little
              writing on it is screwed anyway.  I handwrote all my cheatsheets
              in normal writing and usually had about half a side left.
                  \_ i don't think most people really need them.  it's
                     just an OK but rather time-consuming way to study for
                     an exam as you are writing the notes.  keep in mind
                     that cal professors in engineering are mostly looking
                     for understanding, and not the amount of crap that
                     you blindly memorized.
                     \_ Depends on the department. Some profs. in MSE
                        really were interesed in whether or not your could
                        memorize stuff from the book.
2000/10/27 [Reference/Military] UID:19579 Activity:insanely high
10/26   Replying to peace-loving caste member who loves gun freedom:

                                                \_ I don't buy that having
                                                   guns available would make
                                                   a difference in controlling
                                                   government abuses in a
                                                   established democracy
                                                   like the US, with a
                                                   mature system of checks
                                                   and balances and a free
                                                   \_ Except the press is bought
                                                      off and biased.  People
                                                      are people.  Nothing
                                                      magical about the press.

                                                   As for carrying out the
                                                   laws and controlling
                                                   crimes, that's what
                                                   governments are for, or
                                                   would you rather have
                                                   mob justice and blood
                                                   revenges like they have
                                                   Azerbajian or some other
                                                   3rd world hell hole?
                                                   \_ Governments don't always
                                                      "get it right".

                                                   As a matter of fact, I do
                                                   not believe in banning
                                                   guns totally in the US.
                                                   I believe that, given the
                                                   wide availability of guns,
                                                   people should have the
                                                   choice to have a gun for
                                                   personal protection.
                                                   \_ "As a matter of fact, I
                                                      do not believe in banning
                                                      murder totally in the US.
                                                      I believe that, given the
                                                      high murder rate, people
                                                      should have the choice to
                                                      murder or not."

                                                   But if you believe that
                                                   having guns available to
                                                   the general populace have
                                                   helped reduce crime or
                                                   helped curb government
                                                   abuses, I think you are
                                                   very much misguided.
                                                   \_ URL, please.  Don't put
                                                      your opinion as fact on
                                                      the motd without a URL
                                                      to back up your statements.
                                                      It only annoys people who
                                                      are intelligent and want
                                                      a discussion rather than
                                                      a rant.
             Here are a few quotes to support my point _/
             These are men who knew first hand the
             effect of disarming the populace:

   Thomas Jefferson:

   "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are
    neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.  Such laws make
    things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they
    serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed
    man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

   Thomas Paine:

   "Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and
    preserve order in the world as well as property ... Horrid mischief
    would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them."
    \_ As much as I repect Tom and Tom, these are also just opinions,
       not facts.  They do not "prove [any] point". No "Horrid mischief"
       happened in the many European democracies that banned the general
       populace from owning guns.
       \_ changed to support. I should not have said proved.
       \_ You mean like Germany, 1930s?  Or England since they started
          their war vs the IRA?
          \_ It's lucky they do not have guns in Northern Ireland.
             They would have started a civil war.
       \_ changed to support. I should not have said proved. And which
          european democracies have as much freedom as we do? None.
          \_ Netherlands?  France?  What kind of freedoms do we have
             that they don't have?
          America is the last best hope of man on earth.
          \_ American is the first, last, and only hope for free thinking
             free willed people on this planet.
             \_ Does that mean it also has to hve the highest homicide rate
             \_ Does that mean it also has to have the highest homicide rate
                in the world?
       \_ This isn't Europe.  I wouldn't want this country to be like Europe.
          The whole point of this country was to *not* be like Europe.  Stop
          using Europe as some magic faery land of wonderment and joy and
             \_ We also shouldn't misapply the lessons of other cultures. Been
                to Europe?  They're nothing like Americans.  Totally different
                place.  It was like walking in an alternate universe.
                \_ Huh?  Visited disneyland, ate at McDonald's, shopped at
                   Walmart, feels just like home to me.
          perfection in government.  It isn't.  As far as Tom/Tom quotes go,
          these aren't facts but they make sense if you bothered to read them.
          Who is a criminal more likely to attack?  The man with the gun or
                   universe", the Americ of Jefferson's time is what I would
          without the gun?  Apply some common sense.
       \_ We also shouldn't misapply the lessons of other cultures. Been
          to Europe?  They're nothing like Americans.  Totally different
          place.  It was like walking in an alternate universe.
                \_ Huh?  Visited disneyland, ate at McDonald's, shopped at
                   Walmart, feels just like home to me.
                   Western Europe, Australia and Canada are the countries that
                   are culturally, and political and economic system wise the
                   closest to the US.  If you want to talk about "alternate
                   universe", the America of Jefferson's time is what I would
                   call an "alternate universe".
                   \_ You are wrong. In America we value individual liberties
                      and live in a representative republic that was founded
                      to preserve those liberties and freedoms. We are not
                      a *socialist* welfare state like the countries you
                      \_ High taxes and individual liberties don't
                         necessarily have an inversee relationship.
                         Fucking Singapore and Hongkong has less taxes
                         move liberty.
                         percentage wise than the US.  Doesn't mean they have
                         more liberty.

          \_ Can't you just stick to the issue?  Nobody is asking you to make
             the country like Europe.  American exceptionalism is great, but
             it does not mean we should rule out learning from others'
             experience.   Who do you fear more, a criminal with a knife,
             or a criminal with a gun?
                \_ I fear either if I'm not allowed to carry a gun, which
                   I'm not in California.  But in answer to your question,
                   a knife wound is quite easily fatal, even if a ER was
                   right next door.  Bullets make cleaner holes and usually
                   don't take out a vital organ.  Knife wounds bleed badly.

                   \_ Do you seriously believe it is not easier to kill a
                      Why do mankind ven fucking invented the gun for?
                      person with a gun as compared to a knife?  Why do
                      police and criminals use guns rather than knives then.
                      Why do mankind even fucking invented the gun for?

                \_ Okay consider Australia's problems after banning guns.
                   As discussed in this article, contrary to popular belief
                   violence has increased rather than decreased.


                   \_ Ya, sure, quote a page from "Second Amendment Sisters,
                      Inc."  I will give you a counter page then from
                      "Million Mom March" then:


                      \_ Okay, show me the numbers. At least the SAS has
                         factual support for thier claims.
        So, when law-abiding citizens who were law-abiding when they purchased
        their weapons turn into criminals by using the gun against another
        law abiding citizen, are they counted as "law-abiding gun owners"
        or "criminals who were able to obtain the guns anyways."?

                         \_ You didn't find the stats?  Ok, here you are:

                         \_ I can show many examples of HCI/MMM lying.
                            For example, only 100,000 moms showed up.
                            \_ Uh, no it was more like 10,000 moms. And
                               here is a page that refutes what MMM says:

             \_ Both are equally deadly.
                        \_ what a ridiculous statement.  A gunshot wound is
                           far more likely to kill than a knife wound.  A
                           gunshot wound can be delievered from a distance,
                           a knife wound normally can't.
                           The "hear-no-evil" world view of the NRA-types is
                           amazing.  -tom
                           \_ Yeah, the thug in a dark alley draws a knife
                              and puts it to your throat, or he draws a gun
                              puts it to your head, which is deadlier? They
                              are equally deadly.
                              And when the feds come to your house with thier
                              M16s, your puny little knife is going to be
                              enough to stop them from infringing on your
                              rights. Yeah. I'd rather live free than live
                              as a slave.
                              And if you think that no guns == safer society
                              you are dead wrong and will be dead wrong.
                           \_ A man with a gun can kill a few people, then is
                              out of ammo and must reload and can only carry
                              just so many rounds.  A man with a knife can
                              kill you, your family, your neighbors, your dog,
                              slash your tires, and then make dinner with it.
                              A weapon is a weapon is a weapon.  Each has a
                              different purpose and ideal use.  A knife is not
                              less deadly than a gun, merely different.  The
                              other poster who said they are equally deadly was
                              not in any way being ridiculous.  The world
                              view of the "gub'ment will protect me" types
                              are simply amazing.
             \_ I can take on a criminal with a knife.  Unless knives
                are banned.
                \_ Yup.  We all get lucky sometimes.  Lets ban knives.
    \_ Here are some URLS:

                                                   In short, having a gun
                                                   may be beneficial to
                                                   an individual in
                                                   specific circumstances,
                                                   but the wide spread
                                                   availability of guns
                                                   has been detrimental
                                                   to the US populace in
                                                   \_ So a good thing for one
                                                      person becomes a bad thing
                                                      when many individuals
                                                      benefit from that same
                                                      thing?  Hello?
                                                      \_ It's called "the
                                                  tragedy of the commons" and
                                                  it's a well-understood
                                                  phenomenon.  Obvious example;
                                                  880 South at 8:00 AM.  -tom
                                                  \_ So if we all have guns then
                                                     suddenly Something Terrible
                                                     will happen?  Thanks for
                                                     the scare tactics.
                                                      \_ If I stand up to get
                                                         a better view in the
                                                         movie theater it is
                                                         good for me.  If
                                                         everyone stands up
                                                         it is bad for all.
                                                         -!original poster
                                                         \_ it's bad for the
                                                            short people.
                                                         \_ Apples/Oranges.
                                                            Gun use is not a
                                                            limited resource.
                                                            LOS to the screen
                                                            in a theatre is.
                                                            Nice try, though.
                 As it relates to gun ownership this does _/
                 not apply as the entire populace needs to
                 be armed or at least have the ability to
                 be armed in order to preseve freedom.

                                                   Given the above, I
                                                   think it is right
                                                   to call for tougher
                                                   gun laws, but not to
                                                   ban it altogether.
                                                   \_ Tougher gun laws?  Like?
                                                      This is the phrase a lot
                                                      of the gun ban lobby use
                                                      to cover the writing of
                                                      laws which chip away at
                                                      the 2nd amendment until
                                                      there's isn't one.
        Registering guns annually (or some reasonable _/
        time period).  Penalty and responsibility if
        gun registered under you is stolen or used to
        commit a crime.
          \_ Oh, THAT'S just.  Someone steals your gun, and commits murder
             and YOU'RE in trouble.  Regardless of how well you protected it.
             REAL fair.  I want the same rules applied to your car.  --PeterM
             \_ That's what happens when you lose your rifle in the army.
             \_ So you agree with registering guns annually (or some
                reasonable time frame)?
                \_ No. The government ought not know how many guns I have,
                   otherwise they can use that information against me.

                   \_ Are you against registering motor vehicles too.
                      I am sure the government can use that against you too.

             \_ Of course penalty will vary depending on circumstance under
                which the gun is stolen.
             \_ Theft should be reported as soon as possible.
             \_ Ever watch Red Dawn? That's what happens to people
                who register their guns.

      \_ So, when law-abiding citizens who were law-abiding when they purchased
         their weapons turn into criminals by using the gun against another
         law abiding citizen, are they counted as "law-abiding gun owners"
         or "criminals who were able to obtain the guns anyways."?
         \_ Depends on the circumstances. If you are attacking me, and I
            pull out my gun and defend myself, then it is justified. If
            a gun owner pulls out his gun and wacks someone its homocide,
            but there are laws to deal with that. And if you say that its
            easy to get a gun and kill many people, consider how easy it
            is to make a bomb with household chemicals. Perhaps they should
            all be banned too?
        \_ everyone  should own a submachine gun (either H&K UMP in
           .40S&W or .45ACP or Steyr TMP), a machine gun (Russian An-94
           or OICW), a hi-cap side arm (Para Ordance P-14-45 LDA or Glock 17),
           a hi-cap shotgun (Franchi SPAS 12, or Benelli M3 Super 90), and
           an anti-aircraft machine gun (naturally a M-2BMG).
           \_ No thanks!  I will just have a good ol' AK-47 and a Hitler
              Jugend dagger with "Blut und Ehre" engraved.   -neocommienazi
              \_ The 7.62mm x 39mm cartridge of an AK-47 has been proven
                 to be inferior to that of it's successor the 5.45mm x 39mm
                 used in the current standard rifle of the Russian military,
                 the AK-74. The AK-47 is also grossly inaccurate.
2000/10/27 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Security] UID:19580 Activity:nil
2000/10/27-12/7 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19581 Activity:high
10/27   How to recursively grab a directory using FTP?
        \_ scp -r
        \_ use wget
        \_ ncftp: get -r
           \_ get -R actually
        \_ How to check that the company logs all web traffic?

        \_ how to ask questions correctly?
2000/10/27-28 [Reference/Military, Health/Men, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:19582 Activity:kinda low
10/27   Ok, we all know that men who drive big SUVs typically have small
        penises.  Does the same holds for men who own big guns?  They need
        to feel big and powerful by driving big cars and owning big weapons.
        \_ Please prove your contention that big SUV == small penis
                \_ Well, he _said_ "we all know".  Therefore....
                   \_ We don't all know this. Case and point,
                      his comment doesn't apply to me.
        \_ Do the women who drive SUV's also have small penises?
           \_ Yes, they require 2 double-A batteries; the D-battery dildos
              are just a little much. -yersister
           \_ Yes, they are 2 double-A batteries; the D-batteries as dildos
              are just a little much.
              \_ You sound like you speak from experience, good CSUAer!
        \_ The RIGHT to keep and bear arms has nothing to do with owning guns.
           This RIGHT is designed to guarentee that we are able to preserve
           our FREEDOM.
           \_ This just screams "wingnut" to me.
                \_ This just screams "moron who never read the 2nd amendment
                   but has a worthless opinion anyway" to me, but fortunately
                   for you, this is the U.S. where you still have the right
                   to be wrong and proclaim it loudly.
2000/10/27-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:19583 Activity:kinda low
        Microsoft hacked
        \_ W0W, 3133T H@X0R FR0M .RU 0WNZ M$
           \_ S0D@ I5 N3XT
        \_ Gates is mad because someone is now using M$'s own tatics against
        \_ Gates is mad because someone is now using M$'s own tactics against
2000/10/27 [Uncategorized] UID:19584 Activity:nil 54%like:20383
10/26   [comment about url deletion deleted.  moron]
2000/10/27 [Reference/Military] UID:19585 Activity:nil
10/26   Summary:
        * Gun advocates can't register their guns because the goverment will
          come take them away.
        * Guns don't kill people.
2000/10/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:19586 Activity:insanely high
10/27   I have seen lots of cheating while in Berkeley.  Do any of you cheat?
        If so, how, why do you did it, and do you think it is justified?
        \_ in four years as a double major i never cheated.  no one i know
           in math or physics ever cheated.  cheating is for people in
           college for the degree only.
           \_ I.e. Business, Econ, IEOR
        \_ i sifted through garbage bins for a 61b project...and succeeded.
           it saved my ass b/c without it, I wouldn't have passed
           with the c+ i got from dear old clancy.  I left cs immediately
           after that for my own good.  I have no compunctions about this
           because there was no fucking way I was going to get an F or
           D and have to go through the whole debacle again.  That was the
           one and only time I did and I will forever relieved that I did.
           \_ How the hell can you get anything but an A/A+ in the class?
        \_ Cheating is so easy. Look over someone's shoulders during an
           exam.  Sit in a corner where you're least likely to be noticed
           reading a cheatsheet under your calculator.  Sift thru the
           recycle bins for discarded printouts of code.  Share.
           \_ Actually, I've seen the guys with 48gs just scan the
              relavent info into their computers and upload it to
              their calc. Alas, if only we were all rich...
                \_ Duh.  Borrow one, stupid.  Don't bitch that you're poor and
                   at some odd disadvantage to "those evil white rich guys!"
                                                \_ yeah! I hate those guys!!
                                                   usually a frat boy, too,
                                                   like George Bush
                                                   \_ At least GB didn't flunk
                                                      out like AG did.  Twice.
                \_ Well, I never had to resort to such means and I still
                   did okay (ave. GPA overall, above average upper div),
                   my lament simply was that if we were all rich we could
                   have a bunch of toys to play with instead of studying.
                   I have never envied rich people, in fact I feel sorry
                   for people who have to rely on wealth to get them
                   through life, I will always have an advantage over them.
                   \_ Keep telling yourself that.
        \_ Yeah, just become a TA and your admiring female students will love
           to shake you down for a good grade.  Don't tell your SO.
           \_ This doesn't work. I was a TA and the female students never
              offered me anything to improve their grades. Not even the
              ugly ones. And I would have gone for the ugly ones.
        \_ I never cheated in CS.  Which is wise since Aiken has that
           anti-cheat code-checking program.
                \_ um, it doesn't work all that well :) It's a device of
                   intimidation but nothing else. I got away in 3 of my
                   upper div classes including his.
        \_ It depends on what the definition of 'is' is.
        \_ i cheated on some math tests because they didn't allow us cheat
           sheets and i thought it was stupid to spend my time memorizing
           a list of equations.
        \_ I remember this music appreciation class (forgot the number).
           A friend of mine took it with me because it's supposed to be an easy
           class, but he found out that he was really bad at it (recognizing
           tunes and such), so he asked me to help him cheat during the
           multiple choice final.
           \_ Thanks for coming out here with your confession.
              You got somewhere to go now.  Now let me show you the shape of
              my heart.
        \_ Thanks for all the great answers everybody. --Aiken
           \_ soda% finger aiken
              finger: aiken: no such user
              \_ Prof. Aiken is a 3133T H@X0R! He's posting via his
                 R00T SH311! He's the one who OWNZ M$!
                 \_ My LR(k) is bigger than your LALR(1)        -aiken
                 \_ I doubt that.
                    \_ He's sooo 3133T that he seems to be a luser.
                       \_ Is that like, yermom is so slutty that she's
                          actually a real hottie?
                          \_ No its not like a unsigned wrapping around.
                             Ever read the BUFH chronicles? He's sooo
                             3133T that the BOFH can't tell him from a
2000/10/27 [Uncategorized] UID:19587 Activity:nil
10/26   Summary:
        * Guns don't kill people, bullets kill people.  And fortunately
          a lot of those people are gun owners.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2000:October:27 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>