2000/10/6-7 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:19423 Activity:very high 50%like:19619 |
10/5 3865 100% /var/mail \_ I sense much mail bouncing tomorrow morning __ \__/ .\/ tweet tweet / /\ beeeeeyatch \____/ | | /\ /\ \_ Will Mark vi have more mail space? \_ When it becomes an IMAP-only server, yes! Welcome to the New Way. \_ Soda ought not dictate the method of reading/storing mail. - old geezer who still uses mh \_ Biggest offenders: --rw-rw---- 1 jon mail 15399014 Oct 6 00:22 jon \_ 16075605 Oct 6 13:28 jon --rw-rw---- 1 jon mail 0 Oct 6 13:40 /var/mail/jon --rw------- 1 tse mail 7157578 Oct 6 00:54 tse --rw-rw---- 1 muchandr mail 5164239 Oct 5 22:53 muchandr --rw-rw---- 1 sky mail 4765757 Oct 5 23:35 sky --rw------- 1 gsu mail 4387733 Oct 5 19:53 gsu --rw------- 1 rbola mail 4337005 Oct 5 21:42 rbola --rw-rw---- 1 jstanko mail 4208883 Oct 5 00:33 jstanko --rw-rw---- 1 jh mail 4097161 Oct 5 23:36 jh --rw-rw---- 1 klee mail 3988082 Oct 6 00:50 klee --rw-rw---- 1 rico mail 3917348 Oct 5 23:37 rico \_ Soda gains sentience, enforces mail reading policy. Film at 11. \_ Requiring an imap compatible reader is silly. Just dump it in home dirs and let people deal as they choose. \_ New list of "offenders" (All under 15 MB quota, but these sizes are still unbelieveably large): \_ Most of these "offenders" are way below the 15 meg quota alloted for mail. muchandr -> 5.0 M \_ Muchandr is a repeat offender. I think he falls under the three strikes rule, let's sorry him! sky -> 4.6 M gsu -> 4.2 M rbola -> 4.1 M jh -> 3.9 M \_ jh ought to be excused if he comes and playes netrek \_ jh ought to be excused if he comes and plays netrek for GB again, umd traitor scum. -John klee -> 3.8 M annes -> 3.7 M rico -> 3.7 M wendyg -> 3.7 M kube -> 3.6 M \_ imho, soda should just forward mail. \_ wrong. \_ An opinion can't be wrong. But it would be wrong to implement this opinion. \= okay, IMHO WRONG!!!! \_ Thanks. \_ This sounds like a good idea... there are plenty of other places people can do their email these days. \_ IMHO U 12 W210NG D00D! \_ imho, user email should wind up in user home directories, and email as you have to store gay porn. fall under user quota. \_ that's an interesting idea... but then people would \_ Where is it written anyone has a _right_ to store porn? never clear out their mailspool, they'd just let it collect in their 10 meg quota. \_ so?? its their 10 meg quota, who are you to decide what they store in it. They have just as much right to store email as you have to store hot gay porn. \_ if everyone on soda used their 10 megs of quota, we'd be screwed. - danh \_ Where is it written that anyone has a _right_ to store porn? \_ Where is it written that anyone has the _right_ to store email? \_ It isn't. The priviledge is part of having a unix account unless otherwise specified. Porn is not a promised or implied right or priviledge. \_ Argeed. Use mh. Save a mail spool. \_ Ermmm... no |
2000/10/6-7 [Computer/Networking] UID:19424 Activity:moderate |
10/6 Pentium 90. Comm Ports 1 and 2 already in use. Internal modem. Jumper set to Comm3. However, in the modem set-up under Control Panel there is only the option for Com1 and Com2. What can I do to get the modem to work (aside from using com ports 1 or 2)? \_ I assuming you're using windows. Try diddling with the settings for your two serial ports under the device manager. Maybe try to unhook one of your serial gizmos, disable its serial port, then use the modem as com<whateverthatwas>, then re-start it. -John \_ What John said but in English: reconfigure the modem to use port 3 or 4 and disable any other ports via the dip switches that the modem should use, then try playing with windows settings. \_ When you say reconfigure, what do you mean? Does this mean to set the jumper on the modem to com3, or something more than this? Also, I'm not sure what you mean by disabling the other ports. First off, why do I need to do this? Second of all, what do you mean by "dip switch"? Anyway, in the windows setting, com3 never shows up? Will playing with the hardware change this? -clueless (no joke) |
2000/10/6 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:19425 Activity:nil |
10/5 phale the compiler god, are you REALLY that good w/164? Did you take 264? What do you think about 264? \_ First off, I'm not a god (although perhaps a minor diety). I took 264, and I'd say that 264 wasn't very useful for the most part. Although it probably depends on who teaches it. Lately, I am finding compilers really boring. But then again, in my current work I am forced to use the piece of shit VC++. |
2000/10/6-7 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:19426 Activity:insanely high |
10/6 Are women in EE/CS highly contested for? If so, is it because they're desirable or is it because they are rare? \_ If you're looking at it from a corporate perspective, female engineers are more desirable hiring candidates, because employers like to keep their demographics in hiring balanced to qualify for equal opportunity employment. \_ Female empolyees are more expensive than Male employees. Most women have one bad week every month. Thats a 25% reduction in efficicy efficicy. Plus they all want to get married, pregnant, leave early to take care of kids, etc. Don't hire a woman engineer if you want to get any work done. \_ I would never get laid if I didnt hire female subordinates. \_ considering the appearance of many female engineers, you and a pumpkin or a whole in the ground might be a better bet. \_ R U l00K1NG 2 G3T SU3D D00D?!? \_ Women who are hot, smart, expressive, and are like you are rare finds. If you are EE/CS, and review the EE/CS meat, the Bell curve has shifted that much over to the right for you. \_ expressive? .... like python? \_ like smalltalk. \_ baby, if you do the right things, in no time at all she'll be wanting *your* python \_ yeah, and look at all the guys in EE/CS who are hot, smart and expressive. Hah. -tom \_ I guess you mean Ali. \_ there are some who are one for three (smart). \_ or two out of three. \_ tom is smart and expressive... \_ And hot! wee-oooo! \_ I believe that it is spelled H0T D00D! \_ soda% grep "\~raytrace\/ " access.log | wc 21 336 3119 soda% grep "\~lila\/ " access.log | wc most poeple in this world, is only attractive as far 4 62 639 soda% grep "\~tom\/ " access.log | wc 1 14 162 \_ Old jungle saying 'What do you call a pretty girl in EE/CS class?' 'A visitor'. Women in EE/CS only get play cause EE/CS geeks can't get dates with any other types of women. I've only met a few EE/CS women that knew thier stuff. All the others were either getting the homeworks from thier boyfriends or were bonking the TAs. \_ You obviously never met raytrace. \_ Not being ugly is not the same as pretty. Raytace, like most people in this world, is only attractive as far as she isn't ugly. IF you really think she is a beauty then you need to get out more. \_ Although not number 1 on my favorite people list, this is so FUCKED UP severely and positively fucked up. picking on a single person like this was highly inappropriate. Both of you should be ashamed. The first for setting her up as some ideal which was certain to be attacked on the motd, and the second for taking the bait and attacking her. \_ You miss the fact that there is a long tradition of someone posting about EECS women to the motd every few months, and the response is always "you haven't met raytrace". \_ You bozo, raytrace is an example of a woman who didn't have to depend on boinking someone. \_ Can you keep your opinions to yourself? who are you to publically discuss her level of attraction anyway? and who are you to dismiss those who find her attractive so quickly? this is so FUCKED UP severely and positively fucked up. \_ look I'm not saying she is ugly, I'm just saying she isn't really all the remarkable one way or the other. And you know, that generally non remarkably pretty (or ugly) people are still attractive cause basically the human body is attractive. Just she isn't worth trotting out as a gorgeous CS girl, cause if that is as gorgeous as CS girls get then the comment that there are no gergeous CS chicks out there is right on the money. \_ For most sodans, live female human falls into the attractive category. \_ i don't knew who raytrace is, but damn, this is some funny shit. you guys have really mellowed my friday. \_ Hi lila! People have a right to discuss their opinions! It's in the constitution somewhere! \_ uh, why would you think i wrote that... i don't try to censor people, and i generally sign my posts. -lila \_ Actually, its in the Bill of Rights, which is technically not part of the Constitution. \_ Umm it is an amendment to the constituion. That makes it part of it. Dumbass. The thing to correct people about is those idiots who think the Decleration of Indep. is part of the constitution (Life, liberty, and all the fucking jazz) \_ Amendments are add ons to the constitution. They are not part of it. Ask a constitutional lawyer. There is a difference. \_ no I haven't. Who's raytrace? \_ Any pics? Her home page doesn't have any. \_ leave raytrace alone. singling out a woman on the motd is so fucking pathetic. \_ I bet you're trying to score with her, that's why you are defending here on the motd. Typical EE/CS geek: "Hey baby, they were beating you up on the motd, but I posted telling them to lay off. How about a date? I promise to bathe the week before." \_ pathetic. once again. i'm female, straight and married. \_ Are you going to swindle your man out of his hard-earned money because he wasn't smart enough to get a prenup? \_ Not all EE/CS students are geeks who can't get play with non-EE/CS chicks. Those who can't deserve what they get. \_ If you are any good at EE/CS you won't be interested in getting play. \_ This sounds more like sour grapes than anything. \_ Eva Chan was cute. Anyone knows where she went? \_ got pix? \_ No, I wish I got some. \_ Where do all the lonely geeks go? Now you know. \_ They're all posting on the motd looking desperately for pics of female ee/cs students. I already knew that. |
2000/10/6-8 [Uncategorized] UID:19427 Activity:nil |
10/6 Go Tux Racer, go tux racer, go tux racer, go....! |
2000/10/6-7 [Politics/Domestic] UID:19428 Activity:high |
10/6 What's the term that describes being penalized due to a new law change, that was once legal before? \_ Fucked by COMMIE loving democrats. \_ Fucked by RACIST hate loving republicans. \_ Hi ranga \_ ex post facto. after the fact \_ This is only if the law is retroactive. Retroactive laws are unconstitutional. \_ "nerfed" |
2000/10/6-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/Display] UID:19429 Activity:high |
10/6 Good Games to test out a new system(950 Athlon, ATI Radeon)? \_ rouge, nethack, xtrek, xblast \_ You mean "rogue"? \_ Riana Rouge is a good test \_ Why'd you do that? \_ Life \_ Counter-Strike!!!!!!!! \_ Freespace 2. \_ Homeworld: Cataclysm \_ MS Flight Simulator 2000 \_ Where can I get such a system? |
2000/10/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19430 Activity:nil 52%like:19447 |
10/6 Readline enabled wallall in /csua/bin/wallall-rl. man readline for details. Mail root to let them know how much you want this to be the default. Bugs to mogul. -mogul |