2000/10/3-4 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:19397 Activity:high |
10/02 What's a good supplemental reading for the oh-so-boring Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools, by Aho? I'm looking for a Compilers for Dummies equivalence. \_ "Compiling With Continuations", Andrew Appel. -blojo \_ Compilers aren't for dummies. \_ Computers are for dummies, duh. That's thhe whole point of the web, ebusiness, etc. \_ My girlfriend is using Programming Language Pragmatics by Michael L. Scott. I flipped through it. It seems much better than Aho. It's not for dummies though. Good reviews on Amazon too, if that means anything. \_ Thanks! Now I'm going to ace CS164!!!!! BTW What's your gf's name? \_ She is not in Berkeley, unfortunately. Otherwise, I would be more than happy to introduce her to you. \_ If you want to ace CS164, just date your TA. \_ Cool, a whole new series concept: "programming for girlfriends". \_ Instead of buying a Dummies book you could buy a Girlfriends book. Wow! \_ Don't laugh. I regretted the day when I robbed the cradle and got myself a pretty but nerdy cs student girlfriend. Don't do it if you don't want to go through the whole darn CS curriculum all over again, starting from implementing a string class. Feels like going through hell a second time. Luckily, I have finally reached the stage of helping her revise her resume and graduate school statement. \_ I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. \_ I'm sure. I wnt to cry. How can *I* pick up a cute female CS student that is smart enough to actually graduate? \_ WTF, I had to help my boyfriend through his undergrad career, and when I TA'ed 164, the guys were just as clueless as the girls. In fact, due to the overall M/F ratio, there are a lot more morons than moronettes. Sounds to me like your girlfriend is trying hard to feed your large ego to compensate for your small penis. Sign your posts you idiots, I'm going to teach your girlfriend the secret 164 death grip. -- alice \_ Use motd for serious + helpful info please. Humor is not allowed. -tom \_ Hahaha! \_ tom doesn't use that many spaces. I also don't think he uses '+' like that. |
2000/10/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19398 Activity:high |
10/02 Anyone here using IPv6? I'm trying to set it up behind my NAT box at home, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. I've got a tunnel to freenet6 from my NAT box, but I don't know how to config the other systems. Url or other pointers appreciated. \_ http://www.kame.net I've set up IPv6, alternately IPSEC over IPv4, on FreeBSD with it. Assuming they have raccoon (key mgt. daemon) finished by now, it works great. Otherwise there are plenty of other IPSEC tools in the FreeBSD ports collection. Kame is real good for tunneling v4 via v6, and ipf/ipnat work just fine with it. -John \_ Thanks for the info. I got the freenet6 tunnel working from my nat box (OpenBSD) to the 6bone (at least ping6 seems to work), but now I want to setup my other machines with IPv6 addresses so that they can be on the 6bone as well. My reading of <DEAD>kame.net<DEAD> pages is that I need to get a subnet rather than a tunnel. Is this true? Who should I talk to in order to get a subnet? \_ No, the subnet is behind either of your kame boxes. The idea was to let you have ipv6 internal routing, and have a network-to-network tunnel/VPN as opposed to a host-host or host-network tunnel or VPN. The idea here is that the machine (firewall, routing PC) running kame 's internal interface is your default gateway--to access a machine on the subnet on the other side of the tunnel will then be transparent for you, since the kame tunnel takes care of the ipv6 transport via ipsec ESP. As I gather, kame also lets you connect to the 6bone, which is a bunch of people also tunneling ipv6 via v4 (sort of an ipv6 internet on top of the internet.) Mail me for more info. -John \_ Uh, what is your email? finger -p john produces 32 matches. ---ranga \_ JOHN GODDAMMIT AND I NEVER HAD TO DATE NERDY BUT PRETTY CS CHICKS EXCEPT FOR INSANE ONES GODDAMMIT AND WHY WOULD I SIGN MY POSTS JOHN IF MY EMAIL WERE EMCSQUARED OR SOME OTHER BIZARRE CSUA FUCKWIT EMAIL ADDRESS THAT HAS TO BE NAME-BASED LIKE "EMIL MARCEL CRABOBBLE" AND REALLY CREATIVE SO AS NOT TO SCARE AWAY ALL THE PRETTY BUT NERDY CS164 CHICKS WHO WON'T BE DRIVING SAILBOATS BY 35 BUT STILL CAN'T READ THE GODDAMM FINGER MAN PAGE? AAAAGH GODDAMMIT COMMIES EVERY FUCKING WHERE. Thank you. Now where is my loyal hunchbacked apprentice <fucker>? -John -m \_ Sorry if I have offended you. I did not want to send the wrong person an email. There are several people who sign thier actual names rather than thier login name. \_ -m, good sir \_ Thanks. |
2000/10/3-4 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:19399 Activity:very high |
10/02 Which came first (which then influences the other)? 1 the term Stanfurd becomes popular 2 freeway sign says Stanfurd I guess this is a chicken and the egg problem eh? \_ "Stanfurd" predates freeways & freeway signs \_ Isn't it called the farm? \_ "Stanfurd" also isn't popular except among morons. -tom \_ It would really suck if you were named "Stanley Furd", wouldn't it. -Stan \_ What about "Stanfraud"? \_ Making fun of someone's name is infantile. \_ Then what about "$tanford"? |
2000/10/3-4 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:19400 Activity:high |
10/02 Yes I did a 'man procmailex' and I still don't understand all the tags :0 ic :0 WiF :0 FuK ^^^ --- What are these? I guess c means copy. What about the rest? \_ That's why I use "filter" instead of procmail. PS: filter on soda needs to be upgraded. \_ filter is obsolete, insecure, and no longer maintained \_ I use slocal. Its pretty good. \_ man procmailrc. It's got some (not all) of those explained. |