2000/8/1-2 [Consumer/TV] UID:18837 Activity:high |
7/31 Sick and tired of VCR+changing tapes. Should I get TiVo or ReplayTV? \_ TiVo. It runs linux. Its much better. \_ Its superiority has nothing to do with it running Linux. \_ "Dewde, this one thing is leik 4x slower and buggy abd costs 2x as muvh but it runz 0n L1nikz!1 it rewlz!1" \_ "Yeah dewd. ef unly it ren Windowz CE instead it wuld run 8x slower and buggy and be like all kool, and stuff" \_ It runs linux is not the only reason that it is better. It is one of the reasons. I would get the Sony branded one since support from Sony is better than from tivo. \_ I recently went through this and ended up choosing TiVo, primarily because it passes through closed captioning, Replay doesn't. Both have good features, none of which are apparent at a store. Try to find people who own them and get them to do demos for you. -- Marco \_ yeah, try to find people who own them. Good luck. \_ What format does TiVo save the video? Is it possible to offload the recorded show onto a PC? |
2000/8/1 [Uncategorized] UID:18838 Activity:nil |
7/29 ali, where have you been? I've been calling your home but you stopped answering. I like hearing your sexy voice-- "hello? HELLO?" |
2000/8/1-4 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:18839 Activity:nil |
8/1 Any reviews on that portable cd player that also plays mp3's burned onto a cd-r? can it also play off of cd-rw's, I don't recall if it does? \_ The mpTrip/kiwi/etc. are all made in China and rebranded in the US. They come w/ an AC power converter that you have to keep switching between 3 & 4.5 volts. You can't play them for more than a couple hours w/out it heating up too much. In short, they're still at the geek-only stage. Supposedly they can do CD-RW but you have to fiddle for awhile. Even regular CD-Rs must be created carefully- < 50 songs per directory, and some other requirements i can't remember. Check the archives of the hardware messageboard @ http://mp3.com from May/June. \_ My brother got the mpTrip from his friends for his birthday. It works most of the time. I would not recommend it though, since many mp3 cds that play fine in my APEX 600A don't work in the mpTrip. ----ranga \_ Funny you should ask... Me and two friends ordered them from http://www.computergeeks.com for $100 each and they *just* came today. So far, I love it. So from what I understand, whether or not it plays CD-RW's depends on what factory it was made from. The one I got does play both CD-R's and RW's. There is a good review on znet. The brand I have is called Genica though it looks pretty generic and cheesy. I've heard it has a battery life of 7+ hours though I have yet to go this long. The specs say that you can record up to 256 songs in a directory and it can handle CD's with up to 650MB of data. -rory |
2000/8/1 [Recreation/Dating] UID:18840 Activity:high |
8/1 All you need is Love. \_ She does have a nice set of hooters. \_ Who does? \_ courney "nancy spungen" love - paolo \_ Courtney Love is a ugly slut. \_ jennifer love hewitt \_ http://www.dangergrl.com/defcon8/theo_deb_kiss.jpg \_ Doesn't anyone care about the Beatles anymore? \_ yah pathetic dumb geeks |
2000/8/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:18841 Activity:low |
8/1 http://www.k-rad.net/plarceny/defcon-8/MVC-385F.JPG \_ wtf? \_ luser http://www.k-rad.net/plarceny/defcon-8/MVC-319F.JPG \_ It's Forsythe!! |
2000/8/1-3 [Computer/Networking] UID:18842 Activity:moderate |
8/1 Are there any free/os packages out there that do decent authentication/authorization? I work at a small isp and we need a cheap system for authorizing our users coming in to a Shiva modem bank. \_ Use RADIUS. \_ TACACS+ \_ Aren't these products commercial? \_ TACACS 4.0 beta is free from cisco. search on freshmeat. \_ They're both _protocols_, with free and commercial implementations. -ERic |
2000/8/1-2 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/Networking, Computer/Domains] UID:18843 Activity:nil |
8/1 http://www.securityfocus.com/news/65 \_ "It's just a packet sniffer... We call ours Sniffy" Fucking morons, who the fuck do they think they're kidding? |
2000/8/1-2 [Computer/Companies/Google, Health/Eyes] UID:18844 Activity:low |
8/1 I need a pair of optical google for swimming. What the good sources for them online? How do I specify the different characteristics like the degree of near-sightedness, astigamatism, etc? The entries on a eye glass prescription specifies some spherical, cylindrical, and axial specs. \_ http://www.google.com |
2000/8/1 [Recreation/Food] UID:18845 Activity:nil |
8/1 I've fallen in love with a gorgeous dog eating Cantonese chick. Where can I learn about exotic Chinese food? I wanna impress her. -former animal rights activist |