2000/7/22 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:18753 Activity:high |
7/21 What's the name of that sexy French looking CS girl who worked in Barbara Hightower's office back in 1995-1996? \_ Marie Paxton \_ define "French looking" please \_ Duh. Watch a movie or travel. Don't try to be PC. The idiotic correctness thing was dead before you were taking your PSATs. \_ Actually, PC wasn't in yet when i was taking my PSATs, I certainly wasn't trying to be PC with my question, and I've spent time in france and seen plenty of french movies. \_ Then you should know the answer. \_ Huh? There was a sexy TA for cs188 awhile back and cs170 last sem. \_ If this is in reference to Xuqing Tian, you are one sick mofo \_ 170? You must be talking about Tracy Riggs. \_ HI PAOLO! \_ I love 172, 174. I love to study. I love academia. -paolo |
2000/7/22 [Uncategorized] UID:18754 Activity:nil |
7/21 What is the limit on the size of attachments for email going in and out of Soda? \_ grep MaxMessageSize /etc/sendmail.cf \_ 2k. |
2000/7/22 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:18755 Activity:high |
7/21 How do I do global search and replace in vi? s/foo/bar/g only replaces one line. thanks. \_ %s/foo/bar/g \_ you are either thinking of some vi derivative or your brain is hemorrhaging. the idiom you want is :g/./s/LOOKFOR/REPLACE/g it means "execute the command s/.../.../g on ever line that matches the pattern '.' -ali. matches the pattern '.' alternatively, you can do !Gsed 's/LOOKFOR/REPLACE/g', which pipes your file through sed. -ali. \_ %s/foo/bar/g works on the vi that comes with solaris. are you telling me that vi commands are different on different OS? what the fuck? \_ no, i just didn't know about %, and you didn't have the : in front of it (ie, %s didn't work on soda when i tried it). sorry. -ali \_ ED! \_ I use :g/foo/s//bar/g . It's a subset of ali's. --dim \_ Even the solaris version of vi understands :%s/foo/bar/g Alternatively you can do :1,$s/foo/bar/g |
2000/7/22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18756 Activity:nil |
7/21 As root is there a way for me to (easily, one command pref.) list all the crontabs set up for all the users (and all jobs pending with at)? \_ cat /var/cron/* | more (depending on OS. your path may vary) |
2000/7/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:18757 Activity:high |
7/21 What Sodans have started their own companies? \_ I started several porn sites. Do those count as "companies"? \_ If you attempted to make money, yes. \_ Sameer has started several (c2 most notably), and blojo has bolt-action. Ari & twaung started one once, don't know if it's still around. Oh, and for real old timers, there's bbehlen of http://collab.net fame. \_ If you mean "people in Soda Hall", there's Brewer, Stonebraker, Rowe, McCanne, and a couple other professors as well. \_ What else has Sameer started? I heard he was on the cover of the French Economist about a week ago. \_ He's currently got a consulting business going \_ Didn't someone say something about dans getting funding? And I heard that yaroslav (xcf, not csua?) just got $2M in the bank. \_ yaroslav was a CSUA officer for a semester \_ Spencer & genehkan started one recently didn't they? \_ Even dans lacks sufficient mush to start his own company. \_ Mush? I need mush to start a company? \_ Spencer & genehkan: http://www.onlinephotolab.com \_ Didn't nweaver start an "Amway business"? \_ Would you care to buy some soap and also join the amway sales family without which your retirement is in doubt? |
2000/7/22-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18758 Activity:nil |
7/21 can anyone suggest some computer games that are network-able and are not killing games? (such as raceing games or fighter plane games?). Games that parents of 8 year-olds would not complain too much about. Thanks! -sofia \_ Try the Need For Speed series \_ Totally addictive esp. w/Force Feedback Wheel, which also comes with Monster Truck Madness. \_ Star Wars Pod Racer \_ Flight Simulators |
2000/7/22-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18759 Activity:moderate |
7/22 I'm thinking of buying a video game system. Does anyone have suggestions or pointers to sites with good reviews/comparisons? \_ Xbox, Microsoft. The rest is junk. Go with a quality company that has support and knows the business. Forget Sony, Sega, and the rest of these pretenders who entered the arena too early. \_ http://gamefaqs.com is a great site for that kind of thing, at least for the games themselves. If you want to find information on each console, look at the far left, click on the console you are interested in. This will bring you up to a screen where one of the subsections reads "faqs and codes", and one of the topics listed under there is "general/system faqs." Also...NextGeneration magazine (next-generation.com) had a wonderful pros/cons comparisons of the upcoming systems this next year, but I don't know if it's available online. http://ign.com is a an OK place to find info too...look at the left side of the page "games" Here's a rather short summary of what's available now (anybody else feel free to contribute) 1) Playstation: this is a somewhat old system soon to be replaced by the ps2. It has some lots of games out for it, and better yet, you can copy (*gasp*) most of them if you have a cd-burner, so you can save lots of money on games. It's best to stick with what you like instead of hoarding piles and piles of cd-r's though like some people I know. To play the cd-r's, you pretty much have to solder in a small chip on the motherboard of the unit though. (at last last I heard). 2) N64: don't buy this; it's technically higher-performing than the playstation, but it didn't really catch on witht the public that match. mediocre game selection. 3) Dreamcast: this is an enjoyable "newer" system. People expect this to be bumped off by ps2, but for now, this is highest end system available on the market to date. There's a good number of game titles out there for it...nothing really to complain about it except that the controller is damn ugly and big and clunky like a cadillac. 4) saturn: it was alright, but the marketing was done poorly and not many bought this compared to the playstation. you probably don't want to buy this unless you are a big video game freak (some good games, including X-men VS. Streetfighter complete with tag-team playability, only came out for saturn). I would say get a Dreamcast if you are bored and can't wait for ps2. However, the ps gives you a wider selection, and any games you buy for it as well as peripherals will be compatible with the ps2...only problem is that the ps2 will be dvd-based and cd-r burns will probably not work... Anybody have any update on mod-chip viability on the ps2? Of course, if you are not strapped for cash, get the Dreamcast and the ps then wait for the ps2 to come out..=) |