2000/6/23-24 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:18529 Activity:moderate |
6/22 I can't find Patch 2.1 or 2.5 for Apache with SSL! Where is it? \_ Huh? Get Apache 1.3.12. Get mod_ssl 2.6.4 (http://www.modssl.org \_Um, not using modss, using apache w/ open SSL. However, I am a dumbass and the Patch, which i was being told is to old is Gnu's "Patch" utility and not the SSL stuff that "patches" apache. so now i have it and have another problem with getting it to run both ssl and regular connections. -dumbass \_ dumbass, it's you! Where have you been??? -dumbass #1 fan \_ Reinstall with new apache and use mods. |
2000/6/23-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:18530 Activity:low |
6/22 Has anybody tried to write a new mode for emacs? I have a new language and I just need some basic indentation and color. Non of the current modes can be tweaked to suit my needs. Is there a template somewhere I can follow? I would hate to wade through cc-mode.el or perl-mode.el to figure it out. There is just too much stuff in those modes that I don't need. Thanks. \_ I made a mode for Lua starting with tcl-mode.el as a base. tcl-mode.el is pretty intelligible. And next time, sign your name so I can just mail you about it. -mogul \_ Thank you, this will be most useful. -!original poster (as a reminder that motd replies>>mail replies) \_ ML is the standard language. \_ Dude, this is so tired. It *might* have been amusing the first time, now it's just stupid. \_ Marketing is stupid, I agree. \_ ED! \_ WTF is Lua? \_ Lua, WTF? \_ Some people are really really stupid. A) It's obvious from context. B) The first thing that shows up on a google search tells you the answer. <sigh> |
2000/6/23-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18531 Activity:nil |
6/22 Does anyone know where I can find a crack for AoE2? Thanks... \_ i have successfully duped the CD with CloneCD -aaron \_ Electronics Boutique. Costs $39.99 for the crack. \_ http://www.gamecopyworld.com \_ this is for the dreamcast, I presume? how do you copy dreamcast stuff? i suppose this is a moot point anyhow, considering that a) when you're working, buying a few games is cheap entertainment and b) even if you do copy a whole shitload of games, it's impossible to play through all of them unless you're working for a game site that reviews them. -- psycho ps game burner \_ Uhm, no. -working for !game company, has lots of time for all aspects of life |
2000/6/23-26 [Industry/Jobs] UID:18532 Activity:nil |
6/22 Very small (<20 people) startup has job openings. Refer to http://www.viralon.com/Employment.html for more information. \_ Sounds like a spam company. And isn't the CEO the guy who totally flubbed taking advantage of the default homepage in the browser when working at Netscape? |
2000/6/23-24 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:18533 Activity:moderate |
6/23 .NET! .NET IS THE STANDARD OS \_ It's not an OS. It's a whole new paradigm! What'll MS think of next? I'm guessing they'll innovate the mouse. \_ Oh is that the new euphemism? I think they're more likely to "innovate" a goose \_ Mac OS X will be the new standard \_ Oh God... please take the baseless fanaticism elsewhere. The rest of us need a multi user reasonably securable unix OS and no having a unix based kernel without the rest of the deal doesn't make it unix based for most real world needs. And yes, I hate Aqua, too. \_ Mac OS X is multiuser. All the standard unix utilities are there. |
2000/6/23-24 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:18534 Activity:nil |
6/23 How are Castlewood ORBs these days? For generic backup. I'm thinking of a SCSI drive with a USB adapter. \_ The ORB is okay. I have one of the first SCSI ones to come out and it works reliably on my Mac (MacOS) and reasonably well on my Mom's Win2K box. It doesn't work at all on Solaris, or LinuxPPC (it keeps timing out). I was able to get it to work under Linux (x86) but only on a Adaptec 15xx (ZipZoom) card. As far as the media reliablility is concerned, it seems just as good as the Jaz media. If you want to try it I can let you borrow mine. ----ranga |
2000/6/23-24 [Health] UID:18535 Activity:nil |
6/23 http://www.cix.co.uk/~embra/armyths.html on animal rights myths. \_ what brought this up all of a sudden? there's lots of well researched opposing views out there - http://altweb.jhsph.edu http://www.waste.org/~lanshark/av/index.html - your local hippie \_ This is only about vivisection. Animal research covers a hell of a lot more than putting an animal under a knife. The altweb link just provides information about the movement within the scientific community to move away from animal testing. It doesn't contradict the original embra url at all. Was it intended as background information? \_ I think soccer-mom consensus these days is that animals feel pain like people feel pain, so the consensus generally supports eating animals, animal-based medical research, and positive sentiment for vegetarians. |
2000/6/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:18536 Activity:moderate |
6/22 <DEAD>media2.bmrc.berkeley.edu/projects/CSvideo/index.html<DEAD> mconst, 5th year? 6th year? Which is it? \_ "girls can't code", ha ha ha \_ social life outside EE/CS? Bullshit. \_ oh god this is horrid. Find the people who did it and take away their video cameras. They have lost any rights to own one. \_ Was I the only one with the sound out of sync by 5 seconds no matter where I started it? \_ It was sync'ed for me. \_ What bar is "down the street" from Soda? \_ Copy Central \_ The top secret backroom speakeasy at Top Dog. |
2000/6/23 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:18537 Activity:nil |
6/23 Let's say I buy a $3,000 laptop on EBay. Isn't it a good idea to only buy from someone using a well-known on-line escrow service, or is this benefit rare? |
2000/6/23-25 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:18538 Activity:very high |
6/23 I just saw something on the road which looked like an unholy love child of a VW bug and an SUV. The only distinguishing mark that I could read was something like "PT Courier" on the side. WTF is it? \_ It's the Red Bull mobile \_ pontiac or oldsmobile \_ Chrysler PT Cruiser. It is a sin against all that is holy. http://www.edmunds.com/newtrucks/2001/chrysler/ptcruiser/base.html \_ Bingo, that's it. Very impressive. Put your name down so we can rightfully honor you for your exurberant knowledge of Fucked Up Shit. \_ What the hell are you talking about? The PT Cruiser is a marketing sensation that will approach the level of the New Volkswagen Beetle. \_ get with the program man. That's the car everybody wants and nobody can have. It lists below $20k but you're not allowed to test drive it before you buy, because the test drive cars sell the day they get in. \_ i actually saw someone driving one of these on the road for the first time today. why in holy fuck would anyone want to be seen driving this horrible monstrosity? \_ It's like an expensive subaru forester with a crappier engine and no four wheel drive. And it looks ugly. The front and the back are incongruous. \_ Why require 4WD? It's in the minivan class according to the Edmond's URL above. \_ Built by the finest Mexico has to offer. --dim \_ What's wrong with that? \_ Has Mexico become synonymous with quality for anything other than tequila and fish tacos since last I heard? --dim \_ uh, yeah. just like most filipinos are typically considered the trash of all the asian cultures. \_ they produce cheap but potent tar heroin \_ Wow. That is the fucking ugliest vehicle I've seen in a long time. Just goes to show how stupid and tasteless the typical sucker hype eating consumer is. \_ Which is why most consumers run Windows. \_ Exactamundo...apathy and moving with the herd.. \_ Windows is not as ugly as this car. \_ Windows is a ugly as the Prowler, which looks like a giant cockroach on wheels. \_ Actually, the PT cruiser is a great concept, it is a "MicroVan", basically a super small version of the minivan. Tons of room, zobs of cargo space, for something roughly the size of a Neon. I think the styling itself is, emmm, "interesting" (yeah, that's it), but the basic drive towards maximum functionality in a given wheelbase is cool. -nweaver \_ that's nweaver for you \_ Hi Tom. \_ Functionality is not cool. functionality is functional. cool is cool. \_ Let me extend that: That they have taken a maximally functional vehicle and convinced people that it is cool, is cool, since at least these "cool" people are buying a vehicle that is a bit more useful then these big bloated cows called SUVs. -nweaver \_ I'd like to see one of these match up to a Expedition, Navigator or Suburban in a crash. I value my life, so I drive a SUV not a little toy. And you can cry me a river about Global Warming and Green House gases. We all be better off if the world was warmer and there were more beaches. If my SUV is helping me get there, then I've made the right choice. \_ You are a complete moron. Chances are that driving an SUV will *cause* you to get in a crash. Do you have any idea how much harder it is to stop or turn a 5500-lb Suburban or Expedition with a high center of gravity compared to a 3000-lb sedan with its CG somewhere around your knee? Why don't you go test drive some cars and some SUV's and and put them through the same emergency maneuvers at the same speeds and tell us which one you think is safer. You're probably just a poser who does all of his driving on paved roads and drives an SUV because you think it makes up for other shortcomings. Puhleeze. \_ I'll let you do the emergency maneuvers as you try to get out of the way of my chrome bumper and my tires. \_ Congratulations, thou hast been trolled \_ Hmmm, I don't think so. There are people who actually believe that SUV's are safer. I take it as my duty to make them feel stupid. \_ don't confuse today's SUV's with ORV's (off road vehicles). None of those monsters with their full time 4WD can follow my Jeep TJ when the pavement ends, even if the driver wanted to. \_ Really, I'll be that a hummer could. \_ I'm not, and that's part of the point -- SUV's are designed to compromise between mild off-roading abilites and on-road abilites. Problem is that their on-road abilities are just good enough that some owners think they're as good as cars in that regard. BTW, I have heard of Jeep Grand Cherokees (an SUV by any definition) making it through the Rubicon Trail. \_ That's why SUVs are the real Windoze-like, bloated, "go-with-the-ignorant-masses" products. They think more about Crashing than avoiding a crash(unix,MBZ,BMW). \_ If I spend $50K on a shiny red toy car, I would think about avoiding a crash too. Since the probablity is that you and your little toy would end up as little tiny specks on my grille. \_ Its the stupid turds with thier little Dodge (I mean Benz) and thier BMW changing lanes without signaling, tailgating, and engaging all sorts of bad driving that I thought about when I got my SUV. I would just love to plaster one of those little 3xx BMWs or [CS]LK's on the Chrome bumper of my SUV. Bump, "What was that honey?", "Nothing dear, just another BMW that tried to cut us off.", "When will they learn?", "Hopefully never!". \_ Hahaha! I loved the spring like winter in the midwest and read about the 109 degree weather in the SF Bay Area! - midwest alum missing the Bay Area. \_ Some of those SUVs have poor crash records. In fact, their lack of manure-vability may be a detriment. And they are dangerous for the smaller, more fuel-efficient automobiles out there, except for MBZ which does it right. \_ You mean they are unsafe for the poor little pissers who can't afford to buy one. \_ I prefer to think of them as drugged elephants. \_ Ok, so you think it's cool they convinced stupid people to buy an ugly box with 4 wheels? Okaaaay.... \_ CSUA nerds dont know what is cool even if it bit them in the ass. \_ Dude, cool bit me in the ass today. That was NOT cool. \_ SUV vs 'others' summary: SUV driver: I'm a big wannabe-macho prick and I use my larger, less stable vehicle to bully others. Others: I drive an X (non-SUV) because I'm not an asshole, I don't want to be responsible for the death of another human being, I don't want to get into *more* crashes than I would otherwise, I have no 'issues' regarding my masculinity such that I need to drive a poorly built, low-control, over-sized, zero-value, truck with a huge price tag, I'm not a bimbo soccer mom. \_ summary of SUV vs 'others' summarizer: summarizer: I know what other people are interested in, cause i'm PSYCHIC. i's gots my degree, n'all. \_ No psychic powers needed. It was all spelled out in plain English. Lots of stuff about running over smaller vehicles and being 'safer' in a SUV, etc. I don't need a college degree to read and understand basic English. \_ there's more to a conversation than it's summary. |
2000/6/23-24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Computer/SW] UID:18539 Activity:low |
6/23 <TROLL>What are employers looking for in web designers nowadays? Which books should I study up on?</TROLL> \_ <BLINK> Tags For Dumbasses, 3rd edition \_ <BLINK> Tags For Dumbasses, 3rd edition \_ </BLINK> -!dumbass \_ oh yea? |
2000/6/23 [Uncategorized] UID:18540 Activity:high |
6/23 When buying expensive items on EBay, do most sodans go through an escrow service? Do escrow services work? \_ even without the direct reference to mogul, this is still a troll. -tom |
2000/6/23-25 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:18541 Activity:very high |
6/23 Why do all the Stanford girls fall for Berkeley guys? I know many Standford Berkeley pairs with the girl from Stanford and the guy from Berkeley. Even in the movies the Berkeley guys always seem to be cool studs. \_ Because both Hollywood and Stanfurd have a very blurred notion of reality \_ Compared to 'fraud guys Berkeley guys are cool studs. A that you know more Cal guys with Stanfurd girls than Cal girls with run of the mill 'fraud guy wouldn't last 1 semester at Cal. \_ True, but that's not saying much still \_ Maybe it's because you know more Cal guys than Berkeley girls, such that you know more Cal guys with Cal guys than Cal girls with \_ Is this supposed to be a joke? \_ He's just babbling. Stanfurd guys? -- yuen \_ Bigger penises. \_ Because daddy can buy his little girl an education, but he \_ And how would you know that? Did you do some statistically sig research on it? \_ I fucked 98% of 'Furd women and they all prefer their men from Cal where we're more intelligent and masculine. Well, except for the Asians, but our Asians are more intelligent and masculine than 'Furd Asians, so that counts for something. can't buy her a boy friend with intelligence and masculinity. \- speaking as someone who went out with someone from the 'Fraud, there is no such phenomena at a statistically sig level. --psb \_ During college, girls like to experiment by slumming with Cal guys. |
2000/6/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:18542 Activity:moderate |
6/23 Does anyone have an old copy of Exceed for win95 they are willing to trade/sell cheap? email me. -kcammack \_ Download from depot. |
2000/6/23-25 [Computer/Networking] UID:18543 Activity:nil |
6/23 how do you change the enable passwd on a cisco router? \_ try: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/core/cis7505/cicg7500/cicg75bc.htm#xtocid192697 http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios111/mods/1mod/1cbook/1csysmgt.htm#xtocid2388453 You need to be in config mode (type conf t at the #prompt) |
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