2000/6/14-16 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:18465 Activity:high |
6/14 I have written a program that "pipes" port1 to port2 on a machine [so if you do say telnet foo 25 that can automatically send to to port 19, chargen]. Is there a way to grab all the unbound ports and map them to chargen, to deter people scanning my machine? Will that be an expensive program to run? I don't want to launch one version of the process for each port. Thanks! \_ Why are you even doing this? You're reinventing the wheel. Just use the IP firewall rules built into your OS to port forward a range of ports. \_ I want to turn this on and off. Also not all OSes support IP firewall. Would like to do this at the application level. Can you tell me how to listen on all the unbound ports like inetd? \_ Sheesh, get a real os. What are you using? win 3.1? \_ It's actually a vintage box; running a hacked-up TCP/IP stack for CP/M. I'm using it as a low-load web server \_ inetd doesn't listen on all unbound ports - it listens on the ports listed in inetd.conf. You could write a program that looped through all possible port numbers and bound them (if your OS supports opening 64k fd's in a single process) but that would prevent any other app from being able to bind a listening port. \_ N0H0ZERZ! \_ If the ports are unused what's the big deal? You can't stop a scan. And if you have insecure services running on other ports, your program won't help that either. What are you trying to do? What's the point? Your program won't do anything useful for you. \_ An easier thing to do is run FreeBSD 4.x and in /etc/rc.conf set tcp_restrict_rst="YES" This will cause connections to ports with nothing listening to hang until timed out. This pretty much kills portscanning. --dbushong \_ Who cares? Let em scan. Security through obfuscation and irritation is not security. You're only slowing down the inevitable. \_ If you don't believe in "security through obfuscation" you won't mind sharing all your passwords with me. \_ That's different. A password is obscure in a way that in order to crack it, you need to try a bunch of random combinations before you can get it right. Security through obscurity is where a backdoor exists but you just hid it somewhere. It's the difference between a key to your house and hiding that key under the mat. The key is like the password. Hiding the key under the mat the the obscure part. Obviously, most prowlers will usually look under the mat first before actually cracking the windows. \_ A password is not obfuscation. Hiding your buggy service on a random port and making it hard to scan is obfuscation. Given a few extra minutes your s00per sekret buggy service will turn up. My ssh passphrase won't. You know I could give you my ssh passphrase and it won't help you get into any of the machines I run but you wouldn't undersand why. Damn, it's so sad there's no real ugrad security classes. It shows. \- i was thinkign about writing a something to wedge the iss scanner specifically. am trying to decide whether to do it at a tcp level [long time outs etc.] or generate random data on port 80, when talking to nfsd, mountd etc. i am also thinking about using xinetd. would be interested in more discussion on this. --psb |
2000/6/14-16 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:18466 Activity:moderate |
6/14 What's the difference between DVD ROM and DVD RAM? Is DVD RAM a writable DVD? In the same way CD-R/RW are writable? -DVD ignorant \_ Like CD-RW, not like CD-R. --PeterM \_ Thanks! \_ DVDRAM also comes in a casing, like a floppy or MD \_ DVD RAM vs DVD RW: FIGHT! |
2000/6/14-16 [Uncategorized] UID:18467 Activity:nil |
6/14 http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/rob/utah2000.ps Master Rob Pike has spoken \_ pike off, taffer |
2000/6/14-16 [Consumer/Camera] UID:18468 Activity:nil |
6/14 Has anyone developed film onto KodakCD? How is the quality? \_ When you say "KodakCD", do you mean PhotoCD (their "pro" product), or PictureCD (their cheaper "home" product)? With PhotoCD, you get back your images scanned at 5 different resolutions, the highest of which is 2000x3000. With PictureCD, you get a single 1024x1536 scan of each image. I've never used PhotoCD, but I've gotten a PictureCD with each roll of film I've developed while in Europe so that I have an easy way of sharing vacation pics on the Web. It works well for that -- decent resolution, decent contrast/color balance, no problems with added dust and scratches. I usually only have to do a crop and some minimal brightness/contrast twiddling for each image I want to share. Search for both product names on http://photo.net to read about the respective experiences of others. -- kahogan |
2000/6/14 [Computer/SW/Database, Industry/Jobs] UID:18469 Activity:very high |
6/12 \_ uctt, are you a contractor? what do you do? \_ full time employee at my own startup now. never contracted in my life. but i did spent some time in big 5 consulting managing various e-Commerce projects and our team of consultants from big 5 was always much better than the employees in the client company (that's why they were paying us $275-$350/hr to be there) -uctt \_ No. They were paying that so management could have someone to blame when it all falls to shit. No one pays you more because you're more skilled. They don't have a basis to judge your skill level. \_ of course that's a big part of it. we'll take the blame if it all "falls to shit". it's called taking RESPONSIBILITY and i'll take the responsiblity for a project in exchange for the big bucks that they have to pay us. i've met morons in consulting. i've met a lot more morons that work as full time employees for the client. -uctt \_ You know why that is, right? The companies that don't need your expertise don't hire you. If there's a better staff in house then likely they'll go with that. Granted, sometimes management does stupid things anyway, but I bet this helps explain your experiences. --dim \_ Holy cow! I find myself agreeing 100% with dim. Hell has just frozen over. \_ I think it's a great idea to hire consultants when the current staff is better. What's the matter with you?!? \_ Sorry, what was I thinking. I'll call uctt right away to pay more to get less. \_ that's why nearly all of the largest and *best* companies in the world employs a large number of consultants. why doesn't sun, cisco, microsoft, oracle, hp, ibm, etc... all just hire the best talent and do all of their work in house? certainly they have the money to hire pepole right? why do they have consulting companies in there if the consulting companies easily cost 2x as much as their normal employees? oh...b/c you know something that bill gates, john chambers, scott mcnealy, larry ellison, etc. doesn't know right? -uctt \_ Your definition of "best" is what? You mean the way IBM took a huge fall in the 80s? The way Sun, Oracle and others needed the DoJ to level the playing field? The way HP is falling apart? Or that Cisco had to buy Arrowpoint because they couldn't build their own load balancing switches? You're confused. Big != better. The *best* companies are the ones you've probably never heard of. You'll know who they are 5 years from now. These large but not best companies use consultants because the *best* people wouldn't work for them at any price. I'd be ashamed to have IBM or Oracle on my resume. The *best* people have all left these giant ugly slow beasts for startups. It's still happening today. Don't spend too much time convincing yourself how great you are. The day you meet the people working for the *best* companies will be the worst day of your life as your giant ego comes crumbling and tumbling down and all of IBM's horses and all of Oracles men won't be able to put it back together again. The emperor wears no clothes. I know the exact same thing your top 5 list of CEOs knows: that their employees suck, they can't hire the best so they have to pay vampires and leeches to do it for them and just pass along the costs to their customers. It's people like you that make software and hardware so expensive for no real reason. You're not a value-add. You're a value minus. \_ who are you??? Preach it brother! you rock. - anonymous#1fan \_ Thanks. Just calling it like I see it. \_ Uh ... gee! \_ so what are the best companies right now that i haven't heard of but i will hear about 5 years from now? and why is it that most of the upper level executives in large corportations have worked in consulting at some point in their careers? just name a few of these companies and we'll continue the discussion... -uctt the discussion...but i can tell you right now that either their executive staff is made up of former consultants, many of their developers are former consultants, or they just don't have enough cash for outside consultants....YET. all of the successful companies have used consultants very heavily and they cannot all be wrong. -uctt |
2000/6/14-16 [Health/Eyes] UID:18470 Activity:high |
6/14 What do the 20's in "20/20 eyesight" mean? Thx. \_ It means they're violating Starbucks' trademark, since they have 'Venti' copyrighted, or whatever. If any optometrist ever drinks coffee, they're opening up themselves to one hell of a suit. -John \_ Isn't that new technology neat? -- ilyas \_ tell of us the stars.... \_ a standard vision test is given at a distance of 20 feet. if your vision is "20/30", you can read at 30 feet what a normal 20/16, you can see at 16 feet what a normal eye sees at 20 eye would see at 20 feet. on the other end, if your vision is \_ you've got that backwards. someone who sees 20/30 can 20/16, you can see at 20 feet what a normal eye sees at16 your vision is "20/30", you can read at 20 feet what a normal eye would see at 30 feet. on the other end, if your vision is 20/16, you can see at 20 feet what a normal eye sees at 16 -danh \_ someone who sees 20/30 can see at 20 feet what the average person can see at 30 feet. fighter pilots need to see 20/15 or 20/10, so they can see at 20 feet what joe average can see at 10. \_ I see. For near-sightedness, how does 20/xx translate to/from the number of "degrees" that some people use to measure near- sightedness? \_ maybe you mean diopters. there's only approximate relations between 20/x ratings and diopters. see http://www.lpf.com/source/rk/20something.html \_ I don't know. I was told that my short-sightedness is simply "550", and everyone in my home country seems to understand it. \_ That's probably meant as -5.50 \_ To be slightly more precise, it's based on ability to discern alpha letters at that distance. Your 20/20 may not be my 20/20. \_ As opposed to... beta letters? \_ As opposed to chinese, for example. the eye chart uses block letters, easy to discern. There are "20/20" Lasik patients who can't drive safely at night. \_ As opposed to shapes, colors, 2d objects, 3d objects, moving objects, unmoving objects, get the picture? \_ You missed the point. No reason to pull the non-existant term "alpha letters" out of yer ass. \_ It wasn't my ass. Thanks for being concerned for my ass though. |
2000/6/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:18471 Activity:very high |
6/12 Take it to a newsgroup. \_ Waaah! Do I 'win' if I got the last word in? \_ yeah! i did get the last word in right before this guy erased it (obviously you didn't read it though). -uctt |