2000/5/8-9 [Uncategorized] UID:18198 Activity:moderate |
05/07 Hey, I'm going to be on BattleBots in San Francisco (new show for Comedy Central in June)! Watch for me and my bot "trailing slash" \_ yes, mr. anonymous man. \_ his bot isnt anonymous. |
2000/5/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:18199 Activity:nil |
05/07 So, i have set up tcp-wrappers on my linux box, how reliable are they, i.e. how easy would it be for someone to simply "spoof" one of the IP addresses I allow and thus eliminate the wrappers? \_ if they're on your subnet or control your router, pretty easy. If not, and if they want to actually initiate a real TCP connection, difficult/impossible. -tom |
2000/5/8-9 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:18200 Activity:high |
05/07 MP3 CD player, at long last. -dans Review: http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/freshgear/firstlook/story/0,3679,2559255,00.html Purchase: http://www.easybuy2000.com/store/products/mp3/mp3_discman.html \_ S O L D . O U T ! ! ! \_ Give it a compactflash card slot, and I'm sold. -- Marco \_ What for? -dans \_ So I don't have to burn a rom every time I want a couple songs or particular mix. -- Marco \_ A: CDRs are dirt cheap. B: You can always append \_ Isn't this why man created CD-RWs? -dans \_ No. The CD-RW was invented by a team lead by a woman. \_ designed for a woman, by a woman. oh. waitaminit... \_ I'll probably get one anyway, but too bad it'll be prone to skipping \_ It's got a respectable anti-skip memory. Probably can't jog with it, but, hey. -dans \_ WARNING: This is NOT the first one out, most of these early ones are clones of each other. So far they don't play anything higher than 128kbps (read: SUCK ASS) and don't draw track names in the CD window; you just get a cryptic number. Read some in-the-know reviews to ensure that this thing REALLY does 192kbps and VBR. -blojo \_ What exactly does "suck ass" mean, John? I'm trying to picture you doing that. I've no trouble with the image of your face at someone else's asshole but I can't imagine what the extra step is like. Can you leave a jpg/gif/png in /tmp or provide a URL? Thanks. After all, it was your ass I figured John would be \_ who is this moron who keeps posting long, drawn-out, completely unamusing idiocy? -tom \_ Maybe you can explain what "suck ass" means, Tom? After all, it was your ass I figured Jon would be sucking. Whatever that means. \_ blojo's name is "Jon". And you're still not funny and trying too hard. -tom \_ I'm not trying to be funny so it hardly matters that I'm not. I'm also not trying at all so it seems unlikely I'm trying too hard. Tom, how often do you "suck ass", anyway? Just curious. Looking for an expert to explain the concept. \_ anyone seen such a review? -oj \_ Removed embarrassingly bad trolling. You give soda a \_ ask yermom. \_ Well, if you place your mouth over someone's anal orifice, you can "suck", much in the same way you can can create a vacuum between your mouth and your forearm. Not that I've ever done this, I'm just trying to clarify a hypothetical concept. -John bad name. -!tom \_ thanks for purging that ass-sucking bastard. He was getting on my nerves.... \_ Don't encourage !tom. |
2000/5/8-9 [Finance/Investment, Finance/CC] UID:18201 Activity:high |
05/08 Costco no longer accepts Discover Card (only AmEx) is there any reason to keep the card now? \_ what's the deal with Amex Blue and their special "internet" chip, or something like that? How does it work? \_ It's an advanced new technology known as marketing. AmEx uses it to pitch cards with so-called "smart-chips" as the next big thing. smart-chips are just small embedded processors in the card. They don't do anything special. They've been used in Europe for decades, but they never caught on here. Grab a Streetspace card if you want to see one up close. Otherwise, Blue is just a more traditional credit card issued by AmEx (pay over time instead of every month), with some decent anti- fraud measures in the legalese. -dans \_ I feel sorry for you if you ever have to depend on AmEx's anti-fraud measures because you're going to be raked over the coals; I especially like how they send replacemet cards to people impersonating you at different addresses since they have to claim to be so convenient for travelers \_ Is that smart-chip thing the same as what's called SIM card in Europe, like the ones used in cell phones? -- yuen \_ Same idea, but different card and chip. The main advantage with smart chips is that you can store much more data on the chip than you can on a magnetic stripe. Of course, there are also clever uses for the chip's processing capagilities as well, but nothing THAT clever, processing capabilities as well, but nothing THAT clever, which is part of the reason they never really caught on. -dans \_ Dan is almost right. Smart cards != regular chip cards. Smart card = microprocessor + storage with external power source, chip card is usually just storage (cash cards, etc.) Smart cards are generally used to store small applications or authentication algorithms, and they're in quite frequent use over here. The problem is that no single US credit card outfit has seen fit to sponsor C-SET or a similar chip-based security mechanism due to costs, over the current SET (secure electronic exchange) transaction "security". Cf. French credit cards which would be far more secure, except that they use antiquated, crackable chip tech. -John \_ *And* they're _French_. And we all know what _that_ means! \_ I think Discover Card offers cash rebate. (I don't have one.) -- yuen \_ Costco accepts AmEx now, right? \_ Yes, and ATM |
2000/5/8 [Computer/SW/Apps, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:18202 Activity:nil |
05/08 http://www.google.com/search?q=%22suck+ass%22&meta=lr%3D%26hl%3Den&btnG=Google+Search |
2000/5/8-10 [Uncategorized] UID:18203 Activity:nil |
05/08 Anybody know if companies can ask Berkeley to give them your transcript or other proof of your graduation? Well anybody can ask, but will UCB release such information to anyone who asks for it? Thanks. \_ No, go ahead and lie. \_ They won't release transcripts, but a friend of mine in HR claims they can vouch that you graduated (or at least were a student). --dim \_ UCB cannot release transcripts to employers/companies/third parties without your written consent (e.g., a signature on a consent form). \_ The only information UC will give without your consent is dates of attendance (including whether or not you're currently enrolled), degrees recieved, and field of study |
2000/5/8-10 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:18204 Activity:low |
5/8 On an x86 chip and in real mode, how does software distinguish between IRQ5 and protection fault when an interrupt 13 occurs? Thx. -- yuen \_ once in the ISR, poll the hardware device to see if it generated the interrupt. sheesh, back in the day, we had ONE ISR, and we had to check every device. \_ Thanks. What if the protection fault happens in the IRQ5 handler? Do I just have to ignore this case? -- yuen |
2000/5/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:18205 Activity:high |
05/08 We just moved into a new office and called GTE for DSL. They said interference from 8 high-capacity (e.g., T1) pairs in the same binder as our pair completely prevented DSL for our office. I think the line is outside our building (GTE property). I asked if we could hook up another phone line and they said if we ask for another line they can absolutely *not* guarantee getting us off the binder giving us interference. She put in a request anyways, and says it'll probably be denied. Has anyone else been in this situation or has a suggestion of a low-cost alternative for DSL speeds for a small net business? Thanks. \_ Looks like you're in a tight binder, eh? :) \_ Sounds like a three-ring circus operation... \_ Sounds like you need to fire your office manager for fucking up. \_ Sounds like you need a cable modem, so you dont have to screw around with the morons at GTE. \_ Is business cable readily available? I checked Road Runner and they only have six test market areas in the U.S. \_ right, cuz if you're a business you can't use "lay person" cable. must have "business" cable oh yes. \_ 'scuse me, but have you actually done this for a real office? Residential cable modem for an office? \_ if your office is that big get real net \_ Fire-bomb the office that's using the T1s. Or hire annoying homeless people to hang out in their lobby or something until they move out. Then the interference will be gone and you can use your DSL. \_ A get t1 you cheap bastards. And fire your office manager. |