2000/4/20 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:18063 Activity:high |
4/19 Fucking Tom deletes half the motd and adds nothing of value to it and does *not* sign his name to his "Fuck Paul" entry. -fucks tom \_ "Fuck Paul" is not a Tom comment. \_ I don't know what the comment was about, but that sounds like a good position to take. Fuck Paul. -aspo \_ i trimmed the motd Wednesday afternoon to ~140 lines, not tom. you may stop frothing at the mouth now. -jwang \_ and another thing, deleting half the MOTD, most of the time, is adding great value to it. -tom \_ and yet another thing, anonymous coward, I find it interesting that you're monitoring my processes. -tom \_ why do you claim this person is monitoring your processes? \_ he seemed to know that I had edited the MOTD at a particular time (part of this discussion has been deleted). Of course, he was wrong so he may just have been lying. It's hard to tell with anonymous cowards. -tom \_ Tom deletes motd stuff that threatens him. |
2000/4/20-22 [Uncategorized] UID:18064 Activity:moderate |
4/21 Once again, who the hell is PAUL and why should I agree with him? \_ No one special and you shouldn't. \_ t-shirt seen on Sproul: "I Agree With RuPaul". Paul is an airhead zealot who you shouldn't agree with. -tom |
2000/4/20 [Reference/BayArea] UID:18065 Activity:moderate |
4/19 What's the going rate for Berkeley 1 br apts these days? Just want to compare with south bay rents. \_ $1000000000000000000000000000 (without parking) \_ close to SF rents. it is insane \_ Drugs are cheaper and easier in Berkeley. Sex is better in SF. \_ if going over the bridge to say hi to sky is too hard for you then you not cut out to be a druggie \_ I don't need sky's third rate shit. \_ Depends on which drugs and what type of sex \_ Girls are cheaper and easier in Santa Cruz. Sex is better in SF. \_ I don't pay for girls in any city. \_ If you're so proud of this, sign your name. \_ Serious answer: $1100-$1400 is probably just about the interquartile. Still somewhat higher than most parts of south bay. -alexf |
2000/4/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:18066 Activity:nil |
4/20 The csua bat as you have never seen it before: http://teen.erosvillage.com/xxxteensluts/sample/9/6.jpg \_ someone has a serious vegetable fetish. |
2000/4/20-22 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:18067 Activity:low |
4/19 I have NT on my Desktop at work, i would like to get to it, add files/get files etc. IT has a WebServer running on it and i can get to it from home via http. I can put whatever i want on its web page (and prob. cgi too) but i can't install anything as i don't have the administrator login. What html/java/cgi can i put up there to maximize my controll from home. (I also don't want to/can't program the stuff myself so a "remote admin" type package i can just put on there would be best). \_ it should be IIS 4.0, if so, there is a admin website through a different port. start the IIS MMC console at work, figure out the port from the properties. Should be under NT Option Pack Menu, Internet Information Server, MMC admin (if NT server). \_ Do you need admin rights to install vnc? If not, that might work for what you want to do--<DEAD>uk.research.att.com/vnc<DEAD> -John \_ Install one of those keyboards that captures keystrokes then fabricate some reason for the sysadmin to login. |
2000/4/20-22 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18068 Activity:moderate |
4/20 If I enter some information like my name or e-mail address in Edit -> Preferences -> Mail & Newsgroups -> Identity, is it possible for a web site that I visit to grab that information from my browser? \_ As of the last time I checked, no. Not without a bit of help from you, that is -- the one reasonably easy means of getting this data is if you submit a mailto: form. Most browsers notify you before submitting, but you may've turned off that warning in the past, and this may be automatic. A browser that allows websites _direct_ access to this information would have very likely by now become the center of a major scandal. -alexf \_ Javascript can be used to generate an email without any input from the user. Netscape default used to be to pop up a dialog message for that type of generated email being sent, but I don't know if that is still the default. --oj \_ I was under the impression, possibly mistaken, that certain types of cookies allowed web pages to track this sort of information. Or is this just the case if, as you say, you submit the info manually, and the page sends it back to you in a tracking cookie? -John \_ Okay, you visit a site for the first time. You have cookies on. The site gives you a cookie that uniquely identifies your browser. This cookie can live indefinitely on your hard disk. The instructions with the cookie say, wherever you go on my site, give me back that cookie. So the site knows exactly what you do on that site. Now let's say you submit your e-mail or name. Now the site has associated this information with your cookie. Frankly, I don't care. \_ Oh, by the way, the Identity info you enter into the browser settings: That's for whenever you click on a mailto link so it will launch the mailer with the right From information. Same with newsgroups. Sometimes it uses that for built-in FTP if you click on an ftp link. There is no sekrit HTML tag that retrieves this information out of your Netscape settings. No big whoop. \_ sure there is. A dynamically generated form, submitted by mailto, with the subject set to your cookie id. Or a hidden field set to your cookie id. |
2000/4/20 [Uncategorized] UID:18069 Activity:high |
4/20 I Agree With Ilyas. Do You Agree With Ilyas? \_ if not, identify yourselves now, so that we can locate and Enlighten you \_ Yes I do. Death to the white man! \_ It's either ilyas or Ilya. Ilyas is some weird Turkish TA. \_ Who cares? |
2000/4/20-22 [Reference/Military] UID:18070 Activity:high |
4/20 If a bullet-proof vest penetrating bullet can penetrate bullt-proof vests, can it penetrate oil tankers? If I shoot at an oil tanker, will it go through the tank gracefully, or will it cause spark and explode? \_ According to the Laws of Anime, it will explode. Immensely. Though perhaps not exactly when you expect. But it will go boom. \_ Go ask your question on the Rainbow 6 msg boards. Someone there will know. \_ Full metal jacket rounds will typically spark - however if you can get a hold of cast lead high power rifle bullets (boat-tail profile), I think you can pull this off. - ciaspook \_ Just out of curiosity, do you play R6/RS? \_ Do you have a GF ? \_ No. \_ Yes. \_ I just farted. \_ If I shoot at your ass, will it go through gracefully, or will it cause spark and explode? \_ It's not as simple a comparison as you seem to think. For one thing, ballistic armor comes in a wide range of threat levels. A vest designed to protect you from a 9mm pistol round isn't going to stop a round with a lot more energy behind it (a .44 magnum or .454 casull, for example). For the most part, ballistic armor is designed to stop pistol rounds, not rifle rounds. The amount of armor needed to stop a round from a rifle is generally not something that you can wear and move around in easily, so it tends to get worn by people like bomber pilots. Then there is the composition of the bullet to consider. The ss-109 5.56mm NATO round is lead with a steel core, copper jacket, and tungsten penetrator (just beneath the lead nose). Lead hitting an iron tanker probably isn't going to spark, but that steel core most likely will. Will it penetrate? Depends on the thickness of the tank, the caliber being used, and the design of the bullet. Armor piercing rounds are generally different from incendiary rounds. A simple trick is to use an armor piercing round, then an incendiary round on the next shot (aasuming you're using something that can penetrate the wall of that tanker, which I doubt). \_ I think the question is more like, "As a U.S. citizen can I Internet mail-order myself a long enough rifle with big enough bullets at reasonable cost that will put a hole through a tanker wall?" \_ All purchases in California must go through a local FFL. \_ last I checked - the 62 gr SS109 bullet had an all steel core. Depending on how volitile the contents of the tanker are - sparking from the entry might enough to set it off (gasoline or propane - possibly, diesel fuel - no way). \_ The ss109 definitely has the tungsten cone at the head of its steel core. I use them in my AR15, and have seen what they look like if you pull one and slice it lengthwise (even if you want to doubt the spec, which is pretty clear on this point). \_ Except that what they transport in those tankers is crude oil, which is far less volatile. \_ You'll get a slowly leaking hole of burning petrol that may or may not go out when it hits the water. Any internal spark will probably lack the necessary O2 to burn within the hold. |
2000/4/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:18071 Activity:nil 66%like:17405 |
4/20 HAPPY 4/20 to all! |