2000/4/7-9 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:17946 Activity:nil |
4/7 Has anyone had positive experiences with a commercial web host that offers 10+ megs of storage and 10+ gigs of transfer/month? Don't want to run my own server but sick of paying $150/month. -wayne \_ I've done alright with <DEAD>hostpro.net<DEAD> (100MB storage for about $40 a month). Their web admin interface kind of sucks tho. |
2000/4/7-9 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf] UID:17947 Activity:kinda low |
4/7 What do all these political parties at Cal stand for? So many parties: CalSERVE, some apple thing. getting confused. \_ aPPLE is an offshoot of Student Action, they split off because SA is putting up some guy nobody knows for President and they (aPPLE) doesn't feel he's paid his dues, and they also think that they picked him because he's an asian guy, and they think they can cause the 'Cal Asian Community' to vote in a block for him because he's president of one of the asian clubs. To me, that seems as logical as them recruiting dans to run for ASUC President, and expecting all the techies to vote in a block for him. As for what they stand for, Student Action is more campus spirit, money for student groups, etc. while CalSERVE is more focused on minority issues. That's what I've gleened anyways. In practice, they are all pretty much the same, and are at their best when they find something cool to throw their weight and money behind, like the new OCF computer lab. -jones \_ hey Devin, you should manipulate some party to say that if they'll massively fund OCF and CSUA, it might encourage its members to vote for them. \_ Different baffled facial expressions when you psychologically terrorize them during elections. Gordie Mohr, where are you? -John \_ Like Devin said, they're all pretty much the same. He neglected to mention that useful and cool projects that they throw their weight and money into are by far the exception. Most of their time is spent in petty squabbles over non-issues because the parties encourage members to vote in blocks. The motivation for the block voting goes something like this: "Party X is voting for pointless issue Y, and we hate party X so let's vote against it, and waste days (if not weeks) arguing over the issue." Examples of stupid issues include: should we change Oski or keep him the same, and how can we cover our asses from that Spitfire debacle. When not basically wasting your time and funds via petty squabbles, the major ASUC political parties waste your time by playing Team Fortress on an OCF machine. A quick rundown of the parties and their, generally self-serving interests: -Student Action: Probably the biggest behemoth, and easily the most politicized (i.e. most full of shit) party. Devin's description is reasonably accurate except they tend to make flawed claims: (I don't know whether or not they've actually successfully pushed for increased student group funding, ask Herr Jones) - being responsible for Heller Lounge being open 24 hours: In actuality, this was due to the work of a non-student action Senator that quit the ASUC because he got fed up with party squabbling. - Fighting for 500 more beds in the Underhill Housing project. Last I checked, Underhill is still a parking lot. This claim is both meaningless and impossible to substantiate since any housing built on Underhill won't be built until everyone currently attending Cal has graduated. - Registering over 7000 students to vote. While this is certainly a good thing in terms of community service, it offers virtually no direct benefit to Berkeley students. SA doesn't have a monopoly on registering students to vote. -Apple: As Devin said, a split off of SA. It was formed by folks who were bitter that SA didn't slate them for executive positions. Being that Apple is essentially SA 2.0, there isn't much hope for them. Also, they're prone to making bad allegories about changing the ASUC the way Apple Computer changed the world. Listen to one of these and you'll see that Apple is very high on the BS-meter. -BECS (Berkeley Engineers and Cal Scientists): Note that a number of BECS' candidates aren't even in the sciences. This year BECS is campaigning with SA and UNITE. My guess is that SA is just using BECS for overflow since it would look bad if SA was running too many candidates. -UNITE (It probably doesn't s -UNITE (It probably doesn't stand for anything because I don't expect the greeks to be clever enough to cook up an acronym): The Greek party, also in cahoots with SA. Probably being used by SA for overflow and to draw the Greek vote. Not surprisingly, the Greeks tend to vote as a block. (Kind of like the borg, only dumber, oh yeah, kind of like sheep). -CalServe: They tend to focus on minority issues, and make the claim that CalServe isn't very visible on campus because its members are busy working with their communities outside of Berkeley. While this all very noble, there are two problems with it: a) They don't seem to have made much progress getting Affirmative Action reinstated. b) If they're spending so much time working with their communities off-campus, they're not really helping out Berkeley students. So that's the lot of them. My suggestion is that if you want the ASUC to get anything useful done (i.e. to get the Suck out of the ASUC), don't vote for any members of the established political parties. And don't buy the "We have experience as ASUC officials" scam either because when you look at what they actually did while gaining "experience", it doesn't amount to very much. -dans (Speaking as himself and in no way as an official of the CSUA) |
2000/4/7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:17948 Activity:high |
4/6 In C, how do I get the offset of a field in a struct? E.g. typedef struct { char MS_foo; int MS_bar; } MyStruct; I want to use the offset of MS_bar (which is 1) in compile-time. \_ It most likely isn't 1 on any modern architecture. The compiler will pad it so the int starts on a 32-bit boundary on almost all 32-bit machines. \_ ((MyStruct*)0)->MS_bar \_ don't you mean (int)(&((MyStruct*)0)->MS_bar) ? -ali \_ This works. Thanks! \_ MyStruct crap; bar_offset = &(crap.MS_bar) - &crap; \_ You don't wanna go there. This is machine specific stuff. If you want to write portable code, there are lots of other ways to do what you want. \_ no, the ways outlined above are not machine dependent. what are you talking about? maybe there's some fine print in the standard that says the above won't work, but really, it works doing this is using C++ and using member objects. and you shouldn't be pedantic about it. another good way of doing this is using C++ and using member objects. -ali \_ Dude. You don't know what you are talking about. The way in which variable sized members of a struct are positioned within the struct are, and should be, implementation specific according to the standard. Shut up and go away. You know nothing. Don't give advice here. You are a fool. Sign your name. \_ ok, you go and underline for me in the above specified code the machine specific stuff that is susceptible to padding differences and data type size and reordering. \_ Sure. The above data structure has a character (generally 8 bits), followed by an int (generally 16 or 32 bits). Depending on how the memory on the target computer is arranged, the offset of the second member (the integer) could be 8, 16, 32, or maybe even some wierd non-power-of-2 number. You have said this yourself, the implementation is free to pad (I am not sure it is allowed to reorder though). ok? -ali. And sign your name yourself. \_ Example? \_ What are you trying to do, exactly? \_ I want to print out all the fields in a variable of a certain big struct, so I think I should make a table of field informations, like this: typedef struct { char *FE_string; int FE_offset; int FE_type; } FieldEntry; FieldEntry fieldTable[] = { {"MS_foo", <offset of MS_foo>, TYPE_CHAR}, {"MS_bar", <offset of MS_bar>, TYPE_INT}, ...... }; Then I use printf() to print the fields according to the types. \_ Why do you need field offsets in the first place? \_ Then I can just traverse the table to print out all the fields passing the appropriate format strings to printf() according to the field type, rather than writing 100 printf()'s for 100 fields. \_ Use a macro, then cut and paste from the struct definition. \_ But I think using a table reduces code size a bit. |
2000/4/7 [Uncategorized] UID:17949 Activity:nil |
4/6 In C, is it possible to explicitly declare an enum type to be byte-sized? \_ Not in ANSI C. |
2000/4/7-8 [Transportation/Car] UID:17950 Activity:insanely high |
4/8 Angelina Jolie (from hackers and foxfire) will be lara croft... \_ and "girl,interrupted", and "from the heart" or whatever, and.... well, at least she's proportional. \_ The woman who won in Wheel of Fortune last night was much more proportional. \_ someone on soda watches Whell of Fortune? oh my gawd! \_ Which one is more ample, Angelina or Nell McAndrew? \_ Yup! Jepordy -> Wheel of Fortune/Family Feud -> Who life modem of Lara Croft)? \_ funny, I didn't konw modems HAD breasts Wants to be a millonare. That's my everynight \_ Yup! Jeapordy -> Wheel of Fortune/Family Feud -> Who Wants to be a Millionaire. That's my evening entertainment. \_ Too bad there wasn't a game show based on spelling. You would do great on that one. \_ Wheel of Fortune wasn't based on spelling? \_ well if you look at the motd log you'll see jepordy. \_ Yeah, she's 1/3 of the video game Lara Croft. \_ Which one is more ample, Angelina or Nell McAndrew (the official life model of Lara Croft)? |
2000/4/7 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:17951 Activity:nil 58%like:17954 |
4/8 Open Bsd current supports my laptop. Any pro's/ cons to running OpenBSD on it? (or a laptop in general). |
2000/4/7 [Uncategorized] UID:17952 Activity:nil |
4/8 You think me a whore? Than what be all of you? \_ Johns. |
2000/4/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:17953 Activity:high |
4/8 Is it just me, or ali has this "You don't know what yer talking about and I do" attitude? \_ ah give the poor guy a break. He's hardly alone in that attitude. You need only listen to wall to see what I'm talking about. Or maybe that's what inspired this in the first place. about. Or maybe that's what inspired this in the first place. -ali \_ but he does know what he is tlaking aobut. And obviously most of the idiots on this motd who try to insist that blatently are talking about. Somehow in the lkast few years the clue level wrong things are true are going to bring out attitudes like you are talking about. Somehow in the last few years the clue level still insist that they know their ass from a hole in the wall. of the CSUA has gone way down and yet those self same clueless fucks still insist that they know their ass from a hole in the wall. -ali \_ Array's are not objects! Yer an idiot if you think they are! \_ Maybe they hang out in Dwinelle and their ass IS a hole in the wall. \_ Tell us about the stars ali. \_ i seriously depends on the antecedent of "yer" and the tone of an attitude. But he's not such a bad guy. of the post i'm replying to. -ali. \_ Tell us about the stars ali. -ali #1 fan. \_ yes, ali's a smart guy. Yes, ali sometimes gives the impression of an attitude. But he's not such a bad guy. -ali. |
2000/4/7-8 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:17954 Activity:nil 58%like:17951 |
4/9 Open BSD 2.6, Laptop, pros/cons? |
2000/4/7-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:17955 Activity:moderate |
4/7 Looking for web discussion/bulletin board software. Suggestions? \_ ed /etc/motd.public \_ php Phorum http://php.net - tpc \_ Source for Slashdot-style web boards is available --oj \_ Phorum http://php.net - tpc \_ <DEAD>www.ezboard.com<DEAD> may do the trick. |
2000/4/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:17956 Activity:low |
4/7 What's the latest K&R Ansi C edition? How different is it from the Second Edition? \_ What, you have some disability that allows you to type the question here but not search on Amazon? |
2000/4/7-8 [Reference/Tax] UID:17957 Activity:very high |
4/7 I paid $18,650 in interest last year on my parent's mortgage for their home. My name is not on the title of the house or the mortgage. Is there any way I can deduct the mortgage payments off my large software engineering tax return, or are my parents the only ones who can deduct this? Yes, I am too lazy to see a tax advisor. Thanks. \_ see a tax accountant. Spending couple hours could save you thousands of dollars. \_ eh, nevermind, I guess. I called the IRS help line (no hold time, can you imagine that) and they said I suck (I can't deduct). I don't believe making my parents dependents helps either. \_ so how much of that can you write off as "Gift"? \_ No hold time calling IRS? Unbelievable! \_ My parents are not a charitable organization. With respect to my parents, I can give each up to $10K in gifts that counts as tax-free income for them, and for which I do not have to pay an extra "gift tax". I cannot deduct any of this 10K, because they are not a charitable organization. \_ If I'm married and both my parents are alive, does it mean I and my wife together can give $40K a year total to my parents without paying gift tax? \_ http://ftp.fedworld.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p950.pdf Or go to irs.gov, Forms and Pubs, Search, "gift" The web site is really fast these days. |
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