3/27 What's the running time (big-O) of fibonacci series? I can't find it
on CLR. It only talks about the golden ratio shit.
\_ F_n=(p^n-(1-p)^n)/sqrt(5), p=the golden ratio. --Galen
\_ CLR was the most worthless piece of shit book I have spent my
money on. It's worth more as fire wood or a shooting target than
an academic textbood.
as an academic textbook.
\_ Go read some Sesame Street literature, then. There's a good
REASON that CLR is the single most popular intro algorithms
text in the world.
\_ O(1).
\_ dumbass
\_ A numeric sequence can't have a running time, only an algorithm
can. Please restate your question. Also, Fibonacci numbers are a
sequence, not a series.
\_ How about "What's the running time of evaluating the n+1-th
number in the Fibonacci sequence F(n) by using the recursive
algorith F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2), F(1)=F(0)=1?"
\_ The naive implementation is exponential, the slightly less
naive memoizing implementation is linear.
\_ The cool implementation is constant time. You can derive
a formula like F(n) = a * b^n + c * d^n. I don't remember
the coefficients, but you can look them up or derive them.
If you need the formula and you can't find it, email me
and I'll take the time to derive the constants. -emin
\_ F_n=(p^n+(1-p)^n)/sqrt(5), p=the golden ratio. --Galen
\_ uh, if you have to use "to the power of n", for arbitrary
n, i don't think it's constant time...nice try though.
\_ "To the power of" is O(1). Nice try though.
\_ I'm impressed...with your stupidity. I mean,
you can't really be THAT clueless can you? You'd
have to be TRYING to be stupid to come off that well.
I really hope you were expressing something in an
odd and painfully obtuse way rather than blithering
utter and complete nonsense.
\_ Go read a book, moron. Let's see you do O(1)
ANYTHING. O(1) means you don't even have time
to read the entire input. Exponentiation in
arbitrary precision is O(log) with respect to the
exponent. Actually something like O(n^3) w.r.t.
actual input size, since the base has to be
multiplied by itself O(log(exponent)) times.
\_ BTW, what's the Fibonacci series famous for? It might be useful
for teaching computer science, but for math itself what's it
useful for?
\_ It comes up in the wierdest places. People have used the
fibonacci sequence to analyze the stock market (successfully).
\_ yep. there is a journal called the "fiboonacci quarterly"
devoted entierely to such weird cases. it should be in
the math library if you're interested.
\_ If the stock market was that easily analysed, we'd all be
\_ you mean you're *not* a billionaire?
\_ I meant the rest of you peasants.
\_ Modeling the reproduction rate of rabbits.
\_ yeah, i hear you on that one. the most i've ever seen it
for is the continuous torture of students throught junior high,
high school, and college. if anybody can actually point out
a url which proves that this thing actually has a practical
application in reality, i'd be really pleased to see it...
die, fibonacci, die!!!
\_ Torture? Fib series is trivial. Where'd you go to school?
Dummy High?
\_ C is for Coo^WYour Grade and it's good enough for you!
\_ If that's the most you've ever seen it used for, you must
be an inexperienced college kid with little view of the
wider world beyond the school walls. That puts you in the
right place.
\_ for modeling the rate of spawning of new rabits in the wild -ali
\_ This is important because....?
\_ because it also models the rate at which i and my progeny
have been doing your mom for the past two years. -ali
\_ Try Fibonacci heaps.
\_ Whatever. The complexity of the heap operations incur so
much overhead that they eventually end up costing a lot
more to implement than with an alternative and simpler
implementation thus cancelling out any improvements gained
from lower running times. This is as useless as Straussman's
(sorry if I spelled his name wrong Ilyas). Big deal. We can
matrix multiply in O(n^2.7) time instead of O(n^3). It turns
out to run slower on most machines anyways so why bother.
\_ what the fuck are you talking about? name another data
structure that implements priority queues with logn insert
and 1 retrive. the "simpler" alternative you have in mind,
is it an insertion sort or something stupid?
\_ Maybe he is talking about standard heaps which have logn
\_ Strassen's is getting to be O(n^2.3) now. And even the
O(n^2.7) implementation becomes faster than normal
multiplication for sufficiently large arrays on the machines
where 170 homework is done, at least. -- ilyas
\_ The best known, n^2.376, isn't based on Strassen-Winograd
original... not that it matters, of course...
\_ Do you have any idea how big the matrices for interesting
real-world problems tend to be? Do you have any idea
how much less (n^2.7) is than (n^3)? -blojo
\_ Why, do YOU? Because it isn't all that large. Even a lame
implementation passes the threshold at about 150x150
matrices. A _lot_ of problems involve much larger matrices
which are sufficiently dense for sparse methods not to
\_ Are you arguing for or against Strassen's?
\_ That's not how it is in my industry (games).
Nobody doing a complex system will write brute-force
matrix math and expect it to run okay. It's all
about multigrid methods, frequency-space operations,
you name it. -blojo
\_ while (player_still_alive()) {draw_dot(x,y);}
\_ Ideas similiar to Strassen's algorithm are used for
fast FIR filtering which is widely used in all sorts
of DSP algorithms. I don't know if people thought of
fast FIR filtering first or Strassen's algoirthm first.
However, the point is that the ideas behind Strassen's
algorithm turn out to be very useful. IMHO the reason
to study algorithms (even weird stuff like Strassen's
algorithm and Fibonacci heaps) is so that when you
have a particular practical problem you can come up
with clever ideas. -emin
\_ Strassen was there first.
\_ I'm sorry, Strassen's should *never* be faster on modern
architectures, where multiplies are as fast as adds. Strassen's
trades off more adds for fewer multiplies. As long as you've
blocked your implementation for cache and registers, and copied
when you have low-associativity caches or TLB, then you're OK
without Strassen's. -nick
\_ Uh, go read the book again. Strassen optimizes away MATRIX
multiplies, NOT scalar multiplies. If we knew how to multiply
matrices as fast as we can add them (O(n^2)), all of Strassen's
instead of 8 muls, you have 7 muls. -ali
stuff would be obsolete, yes.... But we _don't_
\_ Isn't this one of the advantages of a Quantum
Computer over standard computers.
\_ Oh, shut the fuck up, and consult the literature.
\_ Find a new book. At the instruction level, a multiply is
a multiply. Thank you for playing.
\_ Wow. Are you just a total idiot or what? For a square
matrix of size n x n, addition or scalar multiplication
requires O(n^2) operations, whereas naive matrix
multiplication requires O(n^3) opations. Yes, add and
mul are single instructions, but Strassen attempts to
reduce the number of those instructions.
\_ This was exactly my point. So there's no reason,
as you said, why we should use add instead of mult.
\_ because while add and mult are equally fast,
add is faster than mult. Duh! --pld
\_ look, strassen's replaces a multiply by 14 adds so that
instead of 8 matrix muls, you have 7 matrix muls. -ali
\_ Thank you for reaffirming my point that an mult is
the same difficulty computationally as an add, so
there's no need for all these Strassen methods and
their variants.
\_ it replaces 1 matrix multiply by 14 matrix adds.
A matrix mutliply (brute force) is O(n^3). A
matrix add is O(n^2). are you really this dense?
\_ But they're the same if n is 1, so fuck you!
\_ I think you can use a generating function z() to compute the nth
fib. number in constant time- hence the O(1).
\_ Formatting fixed.
\_ The above function IS the generating function and it's NOT
O(1) with respect to input size. Read above posts.
\_ Think outside the box. The answer is there if only you
would reach for it.
\_ i think bigdickbastardpedant's complaint is that you can't
generally compute e^x in constant time, because you need to
compute at least a taylor series or something, and the number
of terms used does depend on x, as larger x's are more poorly
approximated with few terms. i don't know of a way to compute
e^x in time independent of x either. -ali
\_ "Hello, Pedant." *clickety click*
\_ Well The Pedant needs to go re-read exactly what O() notation
is all about and how to properly compute it. The size of the
input is unrelated to the O(), therefore The Pedant is not
only a pedantic idiot, but is simply flat out wrong as well.
\_ you must have this strange verison of O() notation that
depends on the phase of the moon or something.
\_ If sorting is O(n log n), what does n measure? lumen? -pld
\_ fibonacci sucks big dick
\_ I wish. but mine wont fit
\_ You wish a guy suck your dick?
\_ You wish your writing good grammar?
\_ Why not? Who cares who does it? Lips & tounge are
lips & tounge.
\_ Sigh.
\_ Ahhh.
\_ Is formatting so hard? I think I'll start purging all
content-free comments that are poorly formatted.
--formatting nazi
\_ Do it. Blow 'em away!
\_ what the fuck is a tounge?
\_ An extremely clever anagram. |