2000/3/24-4/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:17836 Activity:nil 62%like:17985 |
03/23 Upcoming CSUA Events: Tuesday April 11 - 5:30 PM - 306 Soda - CSUA General Meeting #2 Phil Lapsley will be the guest speaker. He will be speaking about patents: what they are, why you should know about them, how to read a patent, how to apply for one, and whether Amazon's 1-Click Patent is the worst thing to happen to the industry since Microsoft or just a natural step in the evolution of patent law. Thursday April 13 - 5:30 PM - 306 Soda - Ian Goldberg A Pseudonymous Communications Infrastructure for the Internet Ian will discuss protocols for allowing anonymous and pseudonymous use of any IP-based service. The protocols he will be discussing are the basis of Zero-Knowledge Systems' Freedom |
2000/3/24-25 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17837 Activity:nil |
3/24 the eigerlabs pcmcia serial card i have registers in /var/run/stab as Socket 0: Anonymous memory 0 memory memory_cs 0 mem0 253 0 and as far as I can tell there isn't a /dev/mem0; there's a bunch of /dev/mem0{a,c,...} stuff but no mem0 any suggestions as to how to get this running? This is a linux box (for now). As an aside, future vaio owners will be happy to know that the port replicator is nice and hot-swappable and registers a nice and phatty /dev/ttyS0 for the serial port on there. |
2000/3/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:17838 Activity:kinda low |
3/23 (x+y)(!x+z) = xz+(!x)y muhahah \_If implemented with logic gates, they actually are not the same. Statically yes but dynamically no. Do you know why? (Hint: hazards) \_ What is ! in this context? \_ supposedly this statement can be proved w/o using truth tables. ! is not. xz is x and z. x+z is x or z !z is not z \_ So, who claims it can be proved w/o truth tables? \_ christ, this is elementary... are you a non-tech major? \_ i dare you to prove it algebraicly. -ali \_ *pshaw* I dare you to prove it blindfolded with two broken thumbs. \_ Either you are joking, or one of us doesn't understand how predicate calculus works. \_ the cool people in the world call this DA SELEKTAH. the first statement says "if x, then ignore y, because the first factor is going to be true, so the whole thing evaluates to the second factor. but !x is false, so the second factor is always z. So when x, z, and by symmetry, when not x, y. the rhs is the same shit. and "can be proved w/o using truth tables" is a bogus statement the operators are defined in terms of truth tables, hence any proof requires proof tables. \_ Interesting. So what do da cool people use da selectah for? Can't imagine it's programming since (if x y z) is so much simpler.... \_ yeah, I think this is an important example of "Why to not use macros to make one language look like another language". It should have been written like (x or y) and (!x or z) in the first place \_It's a damn mux...not everything is code... |
2000/3/24-25 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17839 Activity:kinda low |
3/23 Need Windows program/script/whatever that will download and save all links from a remote html page. Check tucows and found nothing. I know this is trivial on a unix box but I don't know of any Windows programs for it and that's what I've gotta use. Thanks in advance! \_ look for "wget for win32" on a search engine \_ Another nice feature of wget is the ability to convert absolute \_ IE will provide a list of links but not download them all for you like wget. links in the same set of pages to relative links. \_ Ok, got it and it's mostly working. Picks up some extra cruft and does a few other odd things but I did finally get it to grab the files I wanted after faking the user agent and having it read in the html from a file instead of the net. Thank you. \_ Isn't IE supposed to be able to do this? -unix user \_ IE will provide a list of links but not download them all for you like wget. |
2000/3/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:17840 Activity:kinda low |
3/23 In the professional world, does the word "hack" have a negative, neutral, or positive connotation? \_ 'hack' refers to a quick and dirty solution that isn't obvious, and probably isn't very robust. 'hacker' refers to a person and could be either complimentary or pejorative depending on the clique you run with. I've never heard 'hack' used in a strictly positive manner. -mice \_ - \_ unless you work for the nsa \_ I get the impression that in most of Europe, "hacker" is a sort-of positive and grudgingly admiring way of describing young techs by their coworkers. -John \_ the stigma is avoided thanks to the language barrier \_ True, I guess, otherwise people wouldn't expend so much effort insisting that "hacker" is a positive term :-) -John |
2000/3/24-25 [Industry/Startup] UID:17841 Activity:nil |
3/23 What is the command/option to create shared libraries on linux? It seems like ar generates static libraries, but I don't see an option to create shared libraries. Can anyone offer me a clue? Thanks. \_ ld or gcc -shared |
2000/3/24-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:17842 Activity:kinda low |
3/23 I'm thinking of installing ethernet in four rooms in my house. Yes, it does involve going into the crawlspace. Has anybody done anything like this? Or had a contractor do it? How much $$$ did it cost you? \_ I just got a big drill and drilled holes. my landlord will hate me one day, oh well. \_ Not really. He'll make you pay for the damages. \_ Fuck that. Go wireless. Cheaper and it won't be outdated in 3-5 years. \_ Does it provide the same bandwidth as T1 or T3? \_ The high-speed wireless systems (e.g. wavelan, airport) run at 11Mb/s; this is faster than a T1 (1.45Mb/s), comparable to slow ethernet (10Mb/s), and slower than a T3 (45Mb/s) or fast ethernet (100Mb/s). \_ Cheap systems are doing 1.6 - 2.3 mb/s which still tops a T1. \_ 11 Mbps = 1.3 MB/s == slow local-net file-copy hey, what's the latency on WaveLAN, etc.? Could it be so bad you can't play net games? You might want to check range (downstairs one side of the house, upstairs the other side of the house) \_ I'm using airport at home. It works quite well and I can even play UT and Q3A without any delays. I'm getting the full 10Mbit since my airport base station is connected to a full duplex switch port. \_ I know someone who does that kind of work. I have no idea how much he charges. Email me if you want his contact info. -sony |
2000/3/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/BayArea] UID:17843 Activity:high |
3/23 CSUA donutsP trip to the new Krispy Kreme in Union City. When should we go? \_ Why should we go? \_ Krispy Kreme == decent donuts with alot of hype... not any better than Kingpin in my opinion. \_ Cold, they're not, but still warm, they crush Kingpin (even warm Kingpin). -dans \_ i might be cajoled into driving -brg \_ suggestion: call ahead and find out their hours for the "hot light" krispy kreme is in general just okay. _except_ when they are "hot" then their donuts are exceptional and like nothing else out there. they are "hot" only during certain hours (eg between 6 am - 11 am and again at 6 pm - 11 pm). what "hot" means is that they give you donuts that have just come out of the fryer and have just been glazed. they really are _warm_ and you can still taste the eggs that went into them. there is no better snack than these "hot" krispy kreme donuts. they are soooo fresh! -hahnak \_ Is this some kind of joke or porn reference? \_ I was wondering the same thing.... \_ in all likelihood it's just the initial KK elation syndrome you'll be the same way once you've had your first KK donut \_ A few friends of mine went down there the other day and waited in line for 2+ hours until one guy just went up and bribed the first person with a dozen donuts to buy him a dozen... it seems like this is the way it always is there. My point: I dont think this warm/not-warm thing is really an issue since it seems like they are always making donuts to try and satisfy the huge hordes who could just be going to Kingpin. \- my guess would be the KK operation has fewer cockroaches than KP. seriously. the donuts are much better but that is admittedly a matter of taste ... unlike cockroaches, i assume --psb \_ hey nice job associating their donuts with the filthiest creatures alive. Asshole. - #psb#1h8r \_ You are beneath the lowest of the lowliest of the lowest of cockroaches! How dare you even think about the possibility of offending the psb?! When caught, you'll die by your own words, you fiend! A thousand KP cockroaches force fed down your throat! --psb #1 Fan \_ !psb for president! Why vote for a lesser evil? \_ Bah! You're reusing the Cthulhu line. Try "Vote !psb. Isn't 12 years of psb enough?" \_ It's been more than 12 years and I've been loving every minute of it!!! --psb #1 Fan \_ People...it's a DONUT. Why all the excitement? There are plenty of good places for donuts if you know where to look without having to go to a specialty chain like KK! Even that hole in the wall place on Euclid has yummy stuff to eat...(is it still there?) \_ But... but... oh nevermind. |
2000/3/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:17844 Activity:low |
3/24 newbie programming question: If I try and create an ofstream object and it fails, how do I find out why? Can I use errno or do I have to do something different? Basically I want to know how to fill in the fragment below: ofstream outf(fileName); if (! outf) { // print an error message indicating why we failed // for fopen I could use perror("open failed because:"); } // thanks \_ ofstream::error() \_ which class is this for? |
2000/3/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:17845 Activity:moderate |
3/24 Can you have nested parenthesis in perl regular expressions? If so, what is the rule for assigning the corresponding $d variables? \_ Yes: you count open parens. So in /(foo(bar))/, $1 is "foobar" and $2 = "bar". \_ no. \_ yes. \_ xor. \_ Why don't you post the code and what you _think_ it should do and maybe you'll get a real answer. Perl being perl, your question can be interpreted in more than one way. |
2000/3/24 [Uncategorized] UID:17846 Activity:nil |
3/24 Sys Adm stereotype: strange hours, repetitive activities. True? \_ shut the fuck up, cmlee. |
2000/3/24-26 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW/Display] UID:17847 Activity:high |
3/24 Anyone know where I might be able to get a PCI card with four 10/100 ethernet ports for Linux? I'm looking for four separate interfaces like on the quad-fast ethernet (qfe) sbus cards that Sun used to make. \_ http://www.zynx.com \_ http://www.znyx.com --Jon \_ This is perfect. Thanks. \_ Ow. A 4-channel PCI model costs $655 from their website. --PeterM \_ Company dollars. Who else would want such a thing? \_ Yes it is for work. I need to setup a gateway for about 8 subnets. Two of these cards puts me back ~ $1300. If I buy a $500 PC to run linux, my total cost is $1800 which is much cheaper than buying a lucent or a cisco router with eight ports. \_ isn't that what smart switches are for? $2000! \_ Ah. Was thinking some PHB wanted it for a web server. \_ PHB? What does it mean? \_ Dilbert has a PHB \_ Pointy Haired Boss. (dilbert) \_ Now its clear. I don't have a PHB, since I'm at a startup and even the "directors" code. I almost had a PHB as cisco for a while after my best friend (who was my manager) left to take over as a director at cobalt. \_ Related question, does anyone know a good source for used qfe (quad-fast ethernet) sbus cards for suns? \_ http://www.recurrent.com ? |
2000/3/24-25 [Recreation/Dating] UID:17848 Activity:very high |
3/24 Albums with hidden tracks? I know that one of Nirvana's albums had one. Same with Jewel (or is that Sarah Mc.) \_ Nirvana Nevermind had the hidden track. Green Day Dookie also has one. Cracker and about a million other bands also have hidden tracks \_ any of them become very popular? \_ Whoa! That is leik so kewl! How can I play them?!!?!11 \_ STOP posting your homework to the goddamn MOTD!! \_ How do you know this is hw? And what kind of class would this be for? \_ Some lame stupid fuzzy major where you smoke out with the Prof and TA for higher grades if you bring good pot. \_ You mean the sciences. In the arts they have casual sex for higher grades. \_ Not even Cal TAs are desperate enough to swap a passing grade for sex with a Cal co-ed. Yuck. \_ definitely not in the EECS department....or any of the engineering disciplines for that matter, especially CE and ME. Woof Woof. \_ but of course the typical male EECS major is a major stud. -tom \_ And most of them use lithium, too. So? \_ Even if you could screw your way through EECS, it wouldn't do you any good. It isn't like it matters that the chick in the HR or marketing department fucked her way through school. For marketing, that's a good thing anyway. Goes double for sales. What do you think all the fuzzy major chicks are doing after school anyway? Business is even worse than sales. Sex is almost mandatory for a successful career. Anyway, I doubt tom is the best source of information for what women are looking for in a man anyway. Maybe less trek = better & more women? Naaaah.... \_ my math prof smokes pot \_ No. Your math prof takes lithium to stay semi stable. \_ who? |
3/15 |