2000/3/23 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:17827 Activity:high |
3/22 Why do people advocate BART + bike-ride? I can never find a friggin' place to park @ the BART station, and during peak hour (working hour) I can't even take my bike to BART. Fuck BART, bike-ride, and the environmentalist hippies. I'm taking my SUV. \_ I'm moving out of the bay area, buying a house, and biking 1 mile to work. \_ Then during non-peak hours, you can do it, right? \_ I'm living in an apt. within walking distance from Rockridge staton. And I'm moving to a new home in Fremont where there's a bus stop right across the street from my door that goes to the BART station. |
2000/3/23 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:17828 Activity:very high |
3/22 The economy is good and I'm tempted to go to a startup for lotsa options. Is there any good reason why anyone should consider grad school? -junior \_ No. - Paolo \_ By the time you get out, the .com bubble will burst. \_ Ph.D allows you to do research/professor/teach \_ but they don't give you options (and the pay sux) \_ you can teach w/o a phd. Look at mconst. you can do research w/o a phd/university setting. Look at McKusick. \_ Recommend trying startup. If you make it rich, and you like grad school, go to grad school after you vest. \_ ah, the get rich fast, buy a Ph.D philosophy \_ Nooo, it's more like the "get rich, then get a PhD without living hand-to-mouth like the stereotypical grad student". And learn how to format your motd posts, dink. \_ Unless you *really* like being in school. Like it really gets you off better than sex (if you know what that feeling is or can imagine it maybe), then go to grad school. Otherwise go get a job and pay taxes and become an immediately productive member of society. \_ get sex in school \_ easy with undergrads if you are a Ph.D student \_ it's easy now if you just talk to women. Ya know, not thru aol chat. - paolo \_ If you enjoy learning, grad school can be a great experience. When I graduated I worked at a startup for 1.5 years. I loved the work and getting paid a decent salary was nice, but it's a lot different than the student life. Anyway, after 1.5 years I left the startup and went to grad school at MIT. Being away for a little made it a harder to go back but after making the initial adjustment I loved grad school. You really learn a lot. Do you remember how when you were a senior in high school you thought you knew it all and then you went to college and learned lots of amazing things? Going to grad school is a similiar experience. Also, depending on your field you can make some decent money consulting part-time and in the summer. I'm in my second year at MIT and I currently have a consulting contract at $60/hour. You probably won't become a millionaire, but you can live comfortably. My advice is go to grad school if you love science, math, computers or whatever you study. You'll live comfortably in grad school and still be able to get a good job when you graduate. Working can also be a wonderful expereience, but its a lot less likely that you'll eventually go to grad school if you don't do it when you're young. Email me if you have other questions. -emin \_ There's the difference between working people and students. The student, trained by many years of schooling and still living it to the moment, babbles out a 10-12 page essay when a working man who doesn't have time for bullshit gets down to it and says very simply to only go if you love being a student. Emin, thanks for playing the example of the student mindset. \_ Well, I was hoping to provide some background and reasons behind the advice. In adition I also said that you don't have to live as a pauper since you can do consulting on the side. I think my response contains additional useful information as well as an invitation to further discussion via email. I'll pass on the obvious flame about your post providing an example of how the "working man" doesn't take the time to evaluate the facts properly since I don't think your post represents the average "working man". -emin |
2000/3/23 [Uncategorized] UID:17829 Activity:high |
3/22 I've been asked to buy a computer book for a 12 year old. He plays Homeworld and Pokemon Vermillion. Any suggestions? Abelson and Sussman doesn't count. \_ Pokemon! Buy them all! Woo hoo! \_ Knuth TAOCP! Buy them all! Woo hoooo! |
2000/3/23 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:17830 Activity:high |
3/22 is there a list of supported pcmcia cards for freebsd? \_ L1unkz r00lez! \_ Yeah, I believe it's under http://www.freebsd.com/hardware I think they did a lot of work on the cardbus stuff, so under 4.0- RELEASE pcmcia ought to work better than it has under 3.x (sketchy at best.) Also, there's a FreeBSD implementation specifically aimed at laptops, called PAO. It's at <DEAD>www.jp.freebsd.org/PAO--I've<DEAD> found it a bit goofy to work with, but it's always worked for me. -John |
2000/3/23 [Computer/Networking] UID:17831 Activity:high |
3/22 I am having a problem with DHCP --- my machine got assigned a very strange ip address and a subnet mask of Is there a way for me to scan for the DHCP servers in my network? Using Open Transport 2.0.3 \_ Does it work? If it does, maybe it wasnt so strange? \_ If you were using a _real_ os like, say LINUX or BSD, you could find the DHCP server you respond to prett quickly with tcpdump -e |
2000/3/23 [Uncategorized] UID:17832 Activity:nil |
3/22 Looking for free web site that let you store your files online. I need something big. Not some dinky little 3 meg quota like yahoo. \_ think xdrive is like 50meg -shac \_ http://xdrive.com, http://idrive.com |
2000/3/23 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:17833 Activity:high |
3.22a Related to below, somwhat: So, BSD is more secure than linux because there are more rootkits available for linux? Don't we also have to narrow it down to what is running, daemon and userprocesses? \-i didnt say the above. i said "more linux machines are broken into then BSD machine" --psb \_ BSD is more secure because it isn't a kiddy toy. On every interview I go to where they're using linux, I ask why linux instead of some thing else such as bsd or solaris, etc, and they never know. It's just that linux is cool and they don't know anything else. Good hype and PR and no backbone just like MS. Linux = the MS of the unix world. There's better but nothing kewler. \-i didnt say the above. i said "more linux machines are broken into then BSD machine" --psb \_ ah but is that just because there are statistically less BSD machines? I don't wnat to start a holy war, because I'm just trying to decide what's best to put on a laptop right now freebsd or linux, the only port open would be sshd on either i was going to go with linux because of driver support - paolo \-there are "statistically" more linux rootkits --psb \_ Linux. Friends of my at work who use FreeBSD on laptops (dell, toshiba and ibm thinkpads) say that Linux has better driver support for PCMCIA cards like ethernet and scsi. Also, linux supposedly has better support for the onboard video cards in some of the older toshibas and thinkpads. And Linux is somewhat better with the power management bios (apm). \_ This is generic bullshit. Check the supported cards list and if BSD supports what's in your laptop, then use it. If you're lazy, sloppy, and stupid, you'll RIDE BI-- I mean USE LINUX! just because "friends of my at work say...". \_ Linux is easier to install on laptops than FreeBSD, and its device support for "end-user" gadgets such as PCMCIA and sound cards is better and more straightforward; however, once I got it working on my laptop, I found FreeBSD a lot nicer to work with in terms of reliability and transparency. -John |
2000/3/23-25 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:17834 Activity:moderate |
3/22 Are DBA jobs really as boring as the motd posters claim? \_not unless you find getting paid bank really boring. \_ They have to pay DBA's well because the job is so boring. -tom \_ Plus, it's kinda like brain surgery. It's really fiddly stuff, and if you screw up, someone is going to be really, REALLY unhappy. \_ I would have expected a more intelligent response from you, tom. In answer to the original question: 1. Do you get misty-eyed looking at ERDs? 2. Do you love applying normalizations to ERDs? 3. Do you know any normalizations beyond the 3rd normal form? 4. Do you know how to do a left outer join in Oracle, DB/2, Informix, and Sybase? 5. Do you know wtf a left outer join is? 6. Do you think database nulls are the greatest thing since IEEE floating point? 7. Is Chris Date your hero? If the answer to the above questions is yes, then being a DBA would not be boring to you. A good DBA is indespensible on a project, especially since so few people properly understand relational theory and practice. I have a lot of respect for DBAs, but its not my cup of tea. \_ Sounds hideously boring to me. -blojo \_ That's nice. Presumably, this is why you are whatever it is you are and not a DBA. Either way, the person who asked the question should get enough information to make up his/her own mind. \_ I think blojo was just offering his personal opinion and comment. That's all. \_ I don't want to know personal opinions coming from a blowjob. \_ Don't say that again! I almost jizzed my keyboard when you said "left outer join" and hit my third orgasm at "database nulls"! I need to go clean up now. |
2000/3/23 [Uncategorized] UID:17835 Activity:nil |
3/22 ALF and ELF save environment with radical dog food factory destruction! Go ALF! http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20000323/us/eco_terrorism_1.html |