2000/3/1-2 [Recreation/Media] UID:17659 Activity:moderate |
2/29 I heard that during New Year's Eve some station (I think CBS) digitally faked the billboards in Times Square. I heard that CBS modified the actual billboards to show ads chosen by CBS instead of showing the real ads. Is this true? Does anyone have a reference/URL for this story? Thanks. \_ yes, that is true. \_ Isn't this sensorship? Can we sue CBS for doing that? \_ Isn't that spelling? \_ You have no grounds for suing CBS. They control their broadcasts and have complete authority to decide what they contain. All you can do is complain to the FCC. (And no, it's not censorship, it's advertising.) \_ You have freedom of speech from government control. The advertising thing is a civil matter for the billboard folks to sue over. There is no other form of freedom of speech. The 1st amendent doesn't cover as much as net libertarians would like. |
2000/3/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17660 Activity:high |
2/29 Rdump from solaris to solaris works fine, but i can't get the linux to rdump to the solaris (ie to the tape drive on the solaris box). Help. \_ Because linux sucks. Use Solaris or some BSD. |
2000/3/1-2 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17661 Activity:very high |
2/29 http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26502 is a really cool mozilla bug which reveals some key differences between windows and linux. \_ Linux is like a fragile lotus blossom, moments before the opening of a new Starbucks. \_ Whoa... deep. We need Shatner on this one. \_ USE WINDOWS MAN. LINUX SUX. WINDOWS REWLZ. ANYONE WHO'S ANYONE USES WINDOWS. LINUX USERS ARE FREAKS MAN. \_ And those differences are what? Linux developers get to make their own mistakes while Windows developers have to trust MS? \_ The obvious: Windows is faster even after 14 builds and the open source guys flat out say so and don't have a fix for it. At the end of the day, winmozilla outperforms linux- mozilla with fewer bugs no matter what your religion says. \_ uh... I dont think this says anything about Linux v. Windows... whats it says is "X windows sucks and is hopelessly slow" which we all knew already anyway. \_ Linix = X. Windows = MS. MS video >>>> Linux video. \_ Linux = X. Windows = MS. MS video >>>> Linux video. \_ WRONG. Linux = a particular implementation of X. Which may or may not be equivalent to "X always has sucky performance". \_ Uh, yer on crack. There are very few Linux specific modifications to X. \_ You mean, TO THE XOPEN REFERENCE VERSION OF X. There are other, commercial versions. \_ See below for this point. \_ X always has sucky performance. To do better you need to buy a custom version and then it's all nice and shrink wrapped. Nice philosophy but it doesn't stand up in the real world. As I said, Linux Video = Shit. Windows Video = Awesome. \_ XF86 4.0 will, to a very large extent, change this, and should provide a more efficient rendering pipeline than even windows (while on a local workstation) while not sacrificing remote display abilities that make X cool. --dbushong \_ That's nice. When the vapor takes form, let us know. Until then, it remains as I said. Linux Video = Sucks. Windows Video = Awesome. You can't compare what vapor *might* be to what Windows is already doing today and has been doing for many *years*. \_ People are running this vapor, bub. \_ Why not? Only MS is allowed to compare its favor favorably to what other people have already been doing for years before *they* thought of (ahem, "invented") it? \_ You want Linux to be like MS? All hype and promises and vapor? You can't have your cake and eat it, too. And in this case, Xfree 4.0 isn't even here yet, so no, you're worse than MS. \_ if you actually READ THE BUG,and have clue, you may come to the conclusion that this is yet another case of linux hax0rs doing sloppy programming, rather than an intrinsic speed problem in X. \_ I read the bug. Typical of the open source fanatic, you place blame on sloppy hax0rs, then say there's nothing wrong and (I'm guessing) have been critical of Ms in the past for the same sloppy coding. Yet when MS does it, you say it's bad. When "linux hax0rs" are sloppy, everything is good and "just you wait until Xfree86 4.0 is out!!!". The end user doesn't give a damn why it's slow. Linux Video <<< Windows Video. \_ You're an idiot. I was decrying open source fanatics, not emulating them. \_ I read the bug. The bug writers were claiming there's nothing they can do but futher kludge it. \_ You are all fools! What this *really* shows is that graphical browsers all suck. LYNX! LYNX! LYNX is the STANDARD! Web browser. \_ w3m is the standard. lynx sucks. |
2000/3/1-2 [Industry/Startup] UID:17662 Activity:nil |
2/29 Anyone hear about News Corp. merging with Yahoo!? What will this do for the stock of these two companies? --dim \_ Plunge like a stone in a lake. A deep lake. \_ Take a look at AOL. \_ Which to short? How short? --dim \_ Don't short a huge money making company that has a 20m captive subscriber base. Duh. |
2000/3/1-2 [Computer/Theory, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:17663 Activity:high |
2/29 What's the difference between a context-free-grammar and a context-sensitive-grammar? \_ Context-free: a rule maps a non-terminal onto a string of non-terminals and terminals; decidable by a pushdown automaton Context-sensitive: a rule maps a string of terminals and non-terminals to a _longer_ string of terminals and non-terminals; decidable by a linear-bounded turing machine, but not by a PDA. Universal: a rule maps a string of terminals and non-terminals onto any other string of terminals and non-terminals (aka Universal Rewrite Rules), decidable by a TM, but not always by a LBTM/PDA. For more, RTFM; the motd is not a math book. -alexf \_ I wonder who is asking 172 questions on the motd? -brg \_ A lazy idiot. -- ilyas \_ Yes, and anyone dumb enough to take 172 is just an idiot. \_ Hey, for the record, 172 was my favourite class at Cal. But asking such ... class-related questions on the motd seems pretty lame to me. The least you could do is troll well. -- ilyas \_ And mie favourite klass was Collej Righting 1A becouse we lerned to spel words like favourite. \_ Anyone who doesn't like the same classes as ilyas is a troll. \_ Anyone who says stupid shit like: '\_ Yes, and anyone dumb enough to take 172 is just an idiot.' is a troll. -- ilyas \_ ilyas hath spoken and so shall it be! \_ I liked 172 a lot, even though I got my ass kicked and I am definetely not into math... -muchandr \_ more like 164 I bet. \_ 164 almost never covers CSLs/CSGs \) why did everyone bitch about my 164 class then? -aspo \_ Who cares? \_ 164 is boring. 264 is more interesting. |
2000/3/1-2 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Security] UID:17664 Activity:nil |
2/29 does an ssh client for windows 3.11 exist? thanks. \_ USE WINDOWS MAN. LINUX SUX. WINDOWS REWLZ. ANYONE WHO'S ANYONE USES WINDOWS. LINUX USERS ARE FREAKS MAN. \_ Win32 programs have been known to run on 3.11 systems. Try TeraTerm ssh (free) or F-Secure (maybe free if you're on campus). \_ There was an article in the merc this week saying that SSH Communications & SANS were giving away free SSH to .edu's but I can't find anything on http://ssh.com or http://sans.org. Anyone know anything about it? |
2000/3/1-3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:17665 Activity:moderate |
3.3.00 The secretary's band is playing lower sproul at noon on mar 3rd. To hear what they sound like, /tmp/howsYourHero.mp3 - I'll take it off in a day or so. \_ Any more where that came from? \_ actually yes, email sexy@csua for further requests (i don't want to fill up /tmp/ \_ mr secretary should know that he ought to put this in /csua/tmp, not /tmp. bad secretary. \_ ok it's in /csua/tmp/howsYourHero.mp3 \_ Mr SOTO should know not to imply that the CSUA endorses his activities \_ Mr paolo soto should use paolo@CSUA. |
2000/3/1-2 [Computer/Theory] UID:17666 Activity:high |
3/1 Today we'll be talking about artificial intelligence by useing examples from The Matrix with the help of Stuart Russell. 308 LeConte, 5pm. all are welcome to attend! -sofia \_ Someone go there and protest that Matrix demonstrates nothing about AI. Watch 2001 instead. \_ One more reason to STAY OUT OF INDUSTRY, COME BACK TO ACADEMIA!!! \_ One more reason to STAY OUT OF SINDUSTRY, COME BACK TO ACADEMIA!!! \_ Does academia include free use of a spell checker? |
2000/3/1-2 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17667 Activity:moderate |
2/29 http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/amazon.html#whyBoycott http://www.oreilly.com/ask_tim/amazon_patent.html \_ USE WINDOWS. WAREZ REWLZ. LINUX SUX. \_ Uh huh, communists and a guy who made his millions on the copyright system which is the printed version of the patent system. I'm impressed. I'm also stoned, stupid, and a libertarian. \_ There is a BIG difference between the patent system and the copyright system. You can have two books that describe how to use the same algorithm, in detail, and not violate copyright. But the way the PTO is going, you wont be able to have two separate programs that use the same algorithm, without violating patents. \_ Bullshit. Stop repeating the ignorant drivel from the slashdot crowd and do your own research. Start with a law degree. "But I don't need no stinkin' law degree to know that my rights to other people's work is being infringed!" \_ One of the cornerstones of patent law is that no one should be allowed to patent prior art (something which someone has done before) nor any trivial extention of prior art (something which would be obvious to anyone in the field even without it having already been done) The trick is that the patent office's track record for letting prior art leak into patents is abysmal. [Dubious reference to prior art accidentally deleted] \_ Please quote the spec example and provide URL. If it was that simple the judge would not have granted an injunction. That's only done when there is a high probability of victory. If the example you claim is in the cookie spec covered the whole patent, then B&N's lawyers could have easily not only not been on the wrong end of the injuction, but could have had the patent declared invalid long before now. Patent law isn't as simple as slashdot makes it out. \_ Were any of the online brokers up and running in 1997? Any one of their stock purchase systems would constitute prior art if in place then. -mel \_ No, it wouldn't. You have no idea what a patent even is. It is defined by the claims, not the oft and over quoted summaries printed on slashdot and other anti-IP sites. Violate so much as a single minor claim and you're infringing on some- one else's property. |
2000/3/1-2 [Reference/Tax] UID:17668 Activity:high |
3/1 If I over-contribute to my 401K account (exceeding the $10500 limit), what happens at year-end? Thanks. \_ The IRS comes and shoots you. \_ They have to figure it out first. Not doing so well recently. \_ they force you to withdraw your entire account, pay taxes on it. just kidding, most likely your accounts payable keeps track of it. \_ He didn't ask, "can I", he asked "what happens if I" \_<DEAD>www.401kafe.com<DEAD> |
2000/3/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:17669 Activity:high |
3/1 If we had celebrity death match with CSUAers, what would be a good matchup? \_ motd troll vs. anonymous coward. \_ anonymous coward is such a lame term. go back to slashdot. \_ yermom vs. everyone, oh wait, that's overdone \_ emacs user vs. killroy \_ aspo vs. seano \_ tom vs. twinks \_ anyone who got in by having sex vs. whomever they had sex with |
2000/3/1 [Uncategorized] UID:17670 Activity:nil |
3/1 Today's MOTD entry is one of LOVE. You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like you! |
2000/3/1 [Uncategorized] UID:17671 Activity:nil |
3/1 LR(0) grammar has no ambiguity and no shift/reduce conflict. |
2000/3/1-2 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Reference/Celebration] UID:17672 Activity:high |
3/1 Happy 21st birthday, mikeh. \_ Is it not tradition that mikeh is now supposed to say "fuck you!"? \_ Oh, right. Fuck you all. -mikeh |
2000/3/1-2 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:17673 Activity:nil |
3/1 What is the soda DNS cache timeout? How long should it take to update the IP of a named system? \_ Doesn't this depend on the information the name server recieved about the ttl of the IN A/PTR record? Also the name server may have a minimum ttl below which it will not accept an update. |
3/15 |