2000/2/25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:17613 Activity:moderate 80%like:18318 66%like:18337 66%like:18339 |
2/24 Troll deleted. \_ do you know what a troll is? Are you stupid? |
2000/2/25-26 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/Networking] UID:17614 Activity:kinda low |
2/24 Security Questions. I was reading about some strategies for defeating DDOS on http://www.sans.org/ddos_roadmap.htm One of thier points was: * Unless an organization is aware of a legitimate need to support broadcast or multicast traffic within its environment, the forwarding of directed broadcasts should be turned off. I'm using my linux box as a router, and I want to know if this means that I should do something like the following: ifconfig eth0 -broadcast -multicast Another point was that RPC services should be disabled on border systems. My understanding was that a border system shouldn't server files via NFS, but mounting was okay. If I need to mount directories, should I be firewalling the RPC port? \_ -broadcast means something other than 'forwarding directed broadcasts'. In fact if you actually turn that off you may break important broadcast based protocols like ARP. If you're on a linux box you really want to do something more like: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts -ERic \_ Thanks. Do you know if this works with 2.0 kernels or is it just 2.2 kernels? Also, I'm assuming that -multicast is okay. \_ Doesn't look like 2.0 kernels have the option. I'm assuming you dont need multicast for things like MBONE so yeah just turn it off too. -ERic \_ I'm not using MBONE at home. I only have 384/128 ADSL, so its just not fast enough. I guess I will have to look at the 2.0 kernel compile options to get something similar to ignore broadcasts feature. \_ you'd probably do a lot better to just set up a lot of ipfw rules to block out any traffic you dont really need. -ERic |
2000/2/25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Networking] UID:17615 Activity:moderate 70%like:17608 |
2/23 To all the CS graduates, how much do you like your job? What exactly are you working on? Would you recommend CS? -sophomore declaring Screw this loser, read the reply after my friend: \_ Go into it for the money. The cock suckers talking about doing it for the love of it exist in every field. Do it for the money for a few years so you can afford to do whatever you want for the love of it for the rest of your life without worrying about the rent, mortgage payments, car payments, children's educations, or how to pay the electric bill and put food on the table. The idealists are fools throwing away their youth. These are the same people who will be voting every year for a socialist government to take care of them in their old age because they "lived life for the pure pleasure of it". They think of themselves as some sort of counter culture heros. I think of them as leeches. Go for the money, sonny. \_ Hrm. I disagree with you on several points. Starving to death so you can do something that you love is just plain silly and as far as I can see, you're the only one suggesting such a thing. The most common thread here is that you'll be very unhappy doing something that you hate -- been there, done that, and it ain't worth it. Second of all, you seem to be implying that by doing CS for the money you will deterministically become rich and THEN be able to go on and do something that you love. That's just absurd. Thirdly, associating someone that enjoys their work with a political philosophy or moral standpoint is, at best, illogical (I myself tend to be pro-gun, pro-death penalty -- pretty far from what most people would think of as liberal or left-wing). You can think of them as leeches, but if you were really *reading* anything anyone was saying, you'd have noted that we were all talking about being *employed* and enjoying our work. Of course, this could just be an idiotic troll and I'm wasting my breath taking you seriously. -mice \_ don't listen to this angry, cynical asshole. i know a pharmacist who's been working in the field for the past 20 years. she makes at least a consistent $100K a year. That's more than enough to survive on. but you know what? she hates the work. and she complains about how much it sucks. and how it goes on and on for 8+ hours a day. don't get stuck in a job that you don't like...it's like a slow, minute by minute death. do what you like, but decide if you are going to make the sacrifice. do you have any idea how boring and stupid the guy above sounds? you are born, you grow up, go to school, get married, fuck, have kids, work, retire, then die. There are millions who do the same damn mindless pattern of merely living to pass on their dna. you can probably much better than this if your aspirations are in the right place. \_ take cs61 series. if you can't hack it, then it's a moot point. if you're already beyond that, then it's cs162 and cs164 that will tell you if you want to be CS or not \_ I love my job. I mostly do distributed system programming. The only way I can recommend CS as a major is if you've tried at least one CS class and *REALLY* enjoyed the work -- if you're thinking of declaring CS strictly for the money, you'll probably be pretty unhappy. -mice \_ Agreed. If you're doing CS for the money, you're doing it for the wrong reason. You won't make the kind of money you hear about ("overnight millionaires") unless you truly have a passion for it. A passion that drives you to learn more and more and more until you truly have much Fu. Moral: Do what excites you. --sowings \_ gee, really? I heard some guy in a diner tell me that his daughter was finishing her masters in CS and southern connecticut state university so she could work in "sillycone valley", where they pick you up in a limmo at the airport, give you a private cook, and pay you several hundred thousand a year automatically. "That's how they are out in California," he told me. Shit. Sign me up. -lives a long way from silicon valley \_ Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight -Dr. Evil \_ no, really, i really heard a guy said that, and i'm pretty sure the poor guy belived it. \_ Not questioning whether or not he said it but he's just not evil enough. He's the margarine of evil. -Dr. Evil \_ are feeling okay there? you seem a little piqued. \_ you were confused. He was actually referring to "Silicone Valley", where all that happens if you have nice tits, and you show them to the right people. Which in Grammy-speak, means "everyone". \_ hey, I declared Chem Engineering 'for the money' and wound up doing computer/networking work for more! -ERic \_ I was MSME and I wound up working at Cisco. I didn't get into networking for the money though, it was just more interesting than Mat. Sci.. The money hasn't been \_ just a comment for the record that has nothing to do with this thread: materials science may not be that neat now, but in the next couple decades it will see the same kinds of amazing progression that computer science has in the last few decades, mark my words. In twenty five years mat. sci. will be just as exciting as CS is now, and it will bear very little resemblance to what is currently called materials science. \_ Just one word of advice, son, "Plastics". bad though. I'm not sure I would have liked CS at Cal, since I found that the undergrad CS classes don't really teach you CS. \_ uh-huh... \_ I took some of the 1xx classes and a couple of of the 2xx (grad) classes at Cal along with several 2xx (grad) classes at Stanford and found that the *real* stuff is taught only in the grad coures. \_ which 1xx courses? \_ Sure, but you like computers, ERic. I have taken classes with CS majors who declared how much they hated computers (and not the right-after-something-won't-compile "i hate computers") and thought they (computers) would be the downfall of modern civilization, but they figured they'd make some money off them while they could. I feel a PHB in someone's future. I wonder if I'll even want to be in the computer industry in 5 years when all of the current CS ugrads who are in it for the money graduate and come looking for jobs. <sob> \_ CS ugrads who are in it only for the money are nothing new - they've been around for many years \_ Maybe so, but there has been a much greater influx of them recently. --sowings \_ Agreed, but this is nothing that can't be remedied with a couple of shotguns. -dans \_ .45 \_ shotguns. yuk yuk. you are so kewl \_ Shotgun is a weapon of a peasant. .45! .45! .45 is the STANDARD! Subsonic one-shot-drop-dead caliber. \_ Idiot. \_ NATO knave. \_ NATO nothing. Fuck that pussy subsonic .45 shit. .454 baby. *THAT'S* a man's caliber. \_ Casull? \_ I don't want the round passing through. \_ the economics of our world today make life impossible, especially this area, don't you all think? *sigh* \_ Everything in here is wrong except the bits about "thousand", "materials", and "everyone". |
2000/2/25 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:17616 Activity:nil |
2/24 i want to know why an interesting column that raises some points about the issue of gay marriage that people might not have thought of is "asho propoganda" and must be deleted. oh anonymous bigot, are you afraid if people have the chance to inform themselves they might get in the way of your campaign of hatred? -lila \_ and I'm kinda curious why any mention of anything gay on soda is automatically assumed to come from me. Here is a hint: I sign my posts. Guess what, I'm NOT the only person who cares about this issue. Nor is what is being posted to the motd a troll. Maybe you don't agree with my feelings on the issue, fine post your own views if you want. Or ignore these threads. Oh and here is that url again. Worth checking out for those who were asking why should we bother to make gay marriage legal... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/02/24/DD65385.DTL -aspo |
2000/2/25 [Recreation/Humor] UID:17617 Activity:nil |
2/24 Gee, it's funny how you keep restoring your propaganda, but don't restore the replies to it. So piss off. \_1 I'd restore the replies if it lasted long enough for me to see them 2 The person you should be bitching to is the person who keeps deleteing the entire thing. I'm just resotring what I have saved. If you want to reply that is cool. But if someone deletes the replies and you care about them you can restore them jsut like I restore what I have. -aspo |
2000/2/25-26 [Computer/Theory] UID:17618 Activity:low |
2/25 Next week's topic in the science fiction DeCal is Artificial Intelligence. We'll be watching The Matrix on Monday @6pm 160 Dwinelle, and Stuart Russell will lead discussion on Wednessday @5pm 308 LeConte. All are welcome to attend either class. -sofia |
2000/2/25-26 [Industry/Jobs] UID:17619 Activity:nil |
2/25 Unless you have a true and deep passion for CS and computers in general you should go do something else. Since you obviously don't have a deep passion for anything and you'll be bored in and hate pretty much any jobs you have, you should make sure to avoid the better paying yet boring jobs and go into the lower paying and boring jobs. That way the job market remains insanely imbalanced and those who came before can be assured they'll always have a salary way out of whack with what they'd be worth in a normal job market. Got it now? |
2000/2/25-26 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:17620 Activity:moderate |
2/24 What's the easiest way to get to San Francisco Airport from Berkeley without a car? Doesn't have to be the cheapest, but needs to be reliable (on time). - brendal \_ don't you have a car? why not use the long term parking lot? -jeff (cs 152 proj partner) \_ I've never had trouble with Bayporter. door-to-door shuttle. $16 from Berkeley to SFO. -PeterM \_ Prices recently went up. It's $19 to OAK, I think SFO is also $19. \_ take bart to colma. there's a bus that takes you to sfo. bayporter requires reserving and shit like that. \_ Take BART to Embarcadero. There's a SamTrans bus outside the Grayhound terminal going to SFO. \_ that SUCKS! i've done it a dozen or so times becuase i didn't have much money to blow on fancy van services, but if you do have money, don't do this. samtrans fucking sucks. they are unreliable, slow, crowded, infrequent, and have rude asshole drivers. \- unless it is at an inconvenient time [really late or rush hr], find a friend with a car and buy him or her dinner.--psb |
2000/2/25-26 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17621 Activity:kinda low |
2/25 Looking for a used copy of Freespace 2 and Planescape Torment. Anyone want to get rid to the game sitting idle on their shelf? - seidl 2/25yet another dickhead's comments about a thread he decided to delete deleted. fuck you. that's a pretty lame way to be. if you're going to respond to something, dont fucking delete it. -not the orginal poster, and doesn't care about the original post |
2000/2/25 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/Security] UID:17622 Activity:nil |
2/25 Pro-immigration drivel deleted. That was not a reason to allow queers to marry. That was a reason to deny foreigners easy access to our shores. I abhore the practice of foreigners, mostly women, prostituting themselves out to gain status here. We should eliminate that possibility equally for everyone. |
2000/2/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:17623 Activity:nil |
2/25 Anyone know of any free tools for editing mp3s? --PeterM \_ My brother uses something called Broadcast 2000: <DEAD>heroine.linuxbox.com/bcast2000.html<DEAD> Never used it myself. -Galen |
2000/2/25-26 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:17624 Activity:kinda low |
2/25 What's the deal with the cronicle's almost daily articles about "Hip young twentysomething dot-commers?" There is a particularly hilarious one today... \_ what link exactly? \_http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/02/25/MN47093.DTL&type=food \_ Jealousy. Remember, these are late 30-something baby boomers who missed out on their own generation's prosperity. Maybe not so much jealousy per se as a longing for what they missed out on in their own lives. \_ No, it's just that Michael Bauer is an insipid cretin. -John \_ Essentially, all the interesting web/net stuff took place at least five years ago. But it wasn't until the creation of the web that any of the baby boomers took notice. And it wasn't until the creation of the web that any of the non-tech saavy Gen Xers (read business types) started trying to sell shit on the web. All the tech folks knew it couldn be done, they just didn't think it was an interesting problem so they didn't. Once the the bizbots flooded the web, it turned into something that baby boomers could appreciate, if not understand. For a particularly revolting article that highlights a) Baby Boomer fascination with essentially lame web stuff, and b) Yet another lame net startup backed by a bizbot that hasn't done anything either technologically interesting or economically feasible, check out the article "Hey, I Just Work Here" in this month's issue of WIRED. Also, note that, since WIRED's purchase by Conde Nast, it has gone from a sometimes technologically inept, but usually interesting and usually written with the right idea magazine to a consistently technologically inept, rarely interesting, and usually written with the wrong idea to begin with magazine. -dans \_ What I found funny was the implication that everyone who eats in these fancy rest. are "millionaires" or whatever, and not overworked corp slaves who get off work at 9-10p every night and are too zombified to do anything else but shove food in their face... \_ How times a month do many post-undergrad CSUA go to fine restaurants? \_ I got roughly once a week. -post-ugrad CSUA \_ I go out at least once a week, usually twice. -ugrad CSUA |
2000/2/25 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:17625 Activity:nil |
2/25 For those of you who were wondering why bother legalizing gay marriage and claimed the benfits were minor: read the following url. (Yah it is sappy, sorry about that.) Also those of you who think gays and lesbians should have the right to marry please print out /csua/tmp/petition.pdf, fill it out and mail it in. Signatures are needed. Every damn one counts. And to the idiot who keeps deleting anything in to motd related to this topic, grow up you little twit. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/02/24/DD65385.DTL -aspo |
2000/2/25-26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:17626 Activity:high |
2/25 \_ Aspo is so cute when he tries to be a paladin. Only the cause isn't very paladin-like. \_ I'm always cute -aspo \_ No, you're a hairy Sicilian. -John \_ but a cute hairy Sicilian -aspo \_ hairy greeks usually fucking smell like shit... \_ that is hairy in the "look at my homeless man style beard" style hairy. I'm (normally) not like that, jsut cute. -aspo |
3/15 |