2000/2/22 [Uncategorized] UID:17583 Activity:nil |
2/21 http://www.totse.com/DeCSS |
2000/2/22-23 [Finance/Investment] UID:17584 Activity:high |
2/21 Can commissions charged by stock brokers be claimed as investment expenses? \_ your commission is part of your cost basis. -tom \_ so what you're saying is Capital gains = selling price - buy price - (comissionx2) \_ No times 2. The cost basis is what you actually paid total. \_ exactly, pipsqueak. 1xbuy, 1xsell \_ 1xbuy + 1xsell = commisionx2 only if you pay the same commission both times. In many cases (not discount brokerages) you won't. The correct formula is: gains = (sales price - cost to sell) - (buy price + cost to buy) \_ Not if you make more than 1 buy transactions. |
2000/2/22-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:17585 Activity:high |
2/21 Quick question: For married couples, does filing jointly or filing separately yield lower tax? Roughly how much difference? Thx. \_ Yes, lots. \_ in general, if both people work and makes comperable amounts of money, filing separately is better. \_ It isn't called the Marriage Penalty Tax for nothing. -married \_ Yeah, but the way it is now it encourages one person to stay home and take care of the kids. It's only a penalty if both are working. Tragic headlines from ABC news today: PERL GUNMAN SLAYS 2, HURTS 8 IN MALL RAMPAGE \_ Just think of how many innocent lives would have gone unscarred if he'd used awk, cat, and sed: he'd have wasted so much time trying to pipe the output of this into the output of that and worrying about whether or not he was using sh or csh that the authorities would have apprehended him before he'd done any damage. Languages should only be in the hands of those who undergo regular psychiatric evaluation and who are properly licensed by the government to use them. BAN PERL NOW!!! \_ I agree. Most people I've met who are hardcore use Perl/use Linux/ride bike types are definitely in need of regular psychiatric evaluation. \_ Love my car, hate bikers, really hate linux fanatics, and use perl everyday and loving it. Am I suffering from some sort of MPD? Is there a 12 step program to turn me into a full-on raving bike riding linux fanatic? Thanks, motd wisdom! --seeking help \_ i'm guessing the first step involves reading a man page, and probably several other steps involve RTFMing. just a guess. \_ It is inevitable that something like this would happen sooner or later. This is what happens when you give away software to anybody on the Internet. This open-source stuff has gotten out of hand. There should be a 3-day cooling-off period with in-depth background checks before letting anyone download Perl source code. I've known of young 12-year old kids downloading Perl and then going out and killing children and parent processes, breaking loops using 4 different types of commands, mixing scalars and other data types... Dont get me wrong -- when I was growing up, we consumed our fair share of stuff like sed/awk/grep/csh/sh. But things were more innocent back then -- sure, a few guys I know did C, but we never had this stronger, addictive scripting stuff like Perl -- and it was not as widespread. Now with the Internet, video games and Linux, anybody can get this stuff, and they dont know how to handle it. Sure, the naysayers will try to argue that they have a *right* to have Perl in their home and on their computers. Well, recent studies have shown that a (perl)loaded computer in the home gives you a 68% increased risk of shooting yourself in the foot. \_ You PC liberals are always trying to take away rights guaranteed by the US Constitution!!!! It is our right to bear Perl. (1st amendment) It is our 1st amendment right to bear Perl. \_ I dont just mean for PC's but even Macs and Sparcs. And i think you mean the second amendment. The first is for freedom of religion and expression. is for freedom of religion and expression. \_ Not 2nd! It is the 1st amendment: Freedom of \_ Not 2nd! I said 1st amendment -- Freedom of regular expressions. \_ You don't have the choice to file separately. \_ You don't have enough clue to hold 2 brain cells together. Go read form 1040 and try again. \_ hey! that's mean! \_ I read it every year. And your point was...? \_ Note the part where you choose "Married filing jointly" or "Married filing separately" \_ Yup. And...? \_ Then you do have the choice to file separately. |
2000/2/22-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:17586 Activity:high |
2/21 It looks like Real Networks discontinued support for non windows/mac clients. This is sad. They released Real Player 7 and there aren't any links to linux or unix versions. They also destroyed all links to the G2 beta for Linux. Lame \_ http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/000222/realnetwor_1.html \_ http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/000222/realnetwor_4.html says that realplayer 7 will be available within 30days what have you been smoking and where can I get some ? \_ a recent /. article seems to contradict this statement \_ What's sad about it? You're lucky to get your sound card running in Linux in less than 8 hours anyway. \_ Not if you're using SB16 or any supported PCI card \_ That sucks if you're limited to those cards. |
2000/2/22-23 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17587 Activity:moderate |
2/22 Is it possible for Soda to create a web mail interface similar to http://mail.yahoo.com to access emails on soda? \_ No. Soda is a computer and has not yet achieved sentience. Use POP or IMAP or forward your mail to luser@@yahoo.com. \_ Soda still allows POP and IMAP? I thought that the whole point of turning off telnet/ftp/etc was to prevent some twinks from sending their passwords in clear text over the net. So, what's the point of turning off telnet and ftp if POP and IMAP are still running? \_ There is no point, only trolls. \_ You may email your request to the entity known as "Soda". \_ I was looking at something called 'mailman' a while ago. It'd require nothing more than a few cgi scripts and a cron job that copies your mail into a directory off your public_html/. They started charging for mail man, though, and I haven't had time for it since. Mail me if interested. -John \_ there are at least a dozen different mail->web gateways listed on http://freshmeat.net \_The OCF got acmemail up and running in a few hours -jones \_http://secure.OCF.Berkeley.EDU/cgi-bin/acme/acmemail.cgi |
2000/2/22 [Uncategorized] UID:17588 Activity:nil |
2/22 generic "only idiots go into industry, graduate students are the greatest" troll. |
2000/2/22-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:17589 Activity:very high |
2/22 This is a serious environment question. Is it better to flush used toilet paper down the toilet or is it better to put it in a trash can and throw it out along with the rest of the garbage? Which method is more "biodegradable"? Thanks. \_ FYI in Soda, at least, people generally don't flush their toilet paper. They throw it away in a trash bin in the bathroom. \_ I thought the people in soda ate their used TP. \_ are you allowed to use the word "serious" in a troll? \_ FYI in South Korea, at least, people generally don't flush \_ FYI in Soda, at least, people generally don't flush their toilet paper. They throw it away in a trash bin in the bathroom. \_ Are toilet paper, paper napkins and paper towels recyclable? \_ Just keep eating it till it's all absorbed. \_ Don't know about toilet paper, but I once heard that it's better to dispose of food waste into the in-sink erator than into the trash can because it gets "absorbed" by the environment faster. Don't know if it's true. -- yuen \_ Anything that goes into a landfill these days will take centuries to biodegrade since landfills are hermetically sealed to prevent things from leaking out. It'll get processed much faster going through the sewer system. \_ Generally you throw away your TP in countries where the plumbing can't handle flushing it. Throwing it away is pretty gross if you don't have to. Anyway it all gets chemically treated with the rest of the sewage. -John \_ Does the waste water and rain that go down to the sewage on the side of the road go directly into the ocean? \_ Yes, hence the "Don't pollute. Drains into Bay" painted by all the storm drains. \_ so we shouldn't even wash our cars on the sidewalks? that's impossible to implement such a law... \_ No you shouldn't. Blocking the sidewalk with your car is rude. Use a driveway or do it in the street. \_ your car is probably not as dirty as the average boat that sits in the ocean all the time. boats pollute. cars pollute. fish shit. all one can do is minimize it by not pouring *excessive* waste into the ocean. Having worked on a boat, I can tell you there is some *nasty* shit that gets dumped straight in off of most comercial vessels, that makes most seepage from land polution look like a drop in the bucket. not that that stops the Coast Guard from handing out 10,000 dollar fines to anyone dripping oil of the side of their boat. if only the USCG had juristiction over gas stations. \_ i mean the detergent ppl use on washing their cars.. it also goes into the ocean. \_ The ocean is already full of dirt - it's toxic chemicals they're more worried about. \_ I generally don't like the idea of other people seeing my shit on napkins or TP, so I just flush them down the toilet. This is a normal thing to do in many countries. \_ This is so disgusting. Flush it and remember that you live in the first world. \_ This is in direct contradiction to my ride bike mentality. Since we live in the first world, we have to act like the best people, since we know so much more. And bicylcing is a pro-resource method concerned for the environment. Think bicycle. Think first world. The answer to flushing or throwing out toilet paper will come to you in your heart. \_ Yeah, it goes down the toilet so I don't have to live in my own third world filth and squalor and disease and the reek from my own festering shit in the trash can for three days until the putrid feces filled bag is finally removed. Ride bike == live in your own shit? Mine is disposed of properly, not like some animal or barbarian leaving it where ever it may fall. Disgusting. \_ Personally, I am willing to say what many probably think but don't want to say. I don't give a shit about the environment. I only care about my own immediate comfort and well being. If we fuck up the environment, science will fix it later. It's ok. Environment is not as fragile as you think. It is man's great hubris to think that he is "controling nature." Even in polluting he fulfills nature's purpose. \_ I sort of agree but in a different sense. For the most part, no matter what we do to the planet, life will go on. It just may not be human life or life as we know it'. I don't have a problem with that. I *do* have a problem with barbarians leaving feces stained paper in a public trash can for _any_ reason. |
2000/2/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:17590 Activity:nil |
2/22 http://www.thinkgeek.com |