2000/2/18-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:17546 Activity:nil |
2/17 check out csua/pub/jobs/SpringStreet we especially need web developers and java scripting |
2000/2/18 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:17547 Activity:nil |
2/17 Want gay marriage? /csua/tmp/petition.pdf Fill it out and send it in Don't want gay marriage? Vote Yes on Prop 22. |
2000/2/18-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17548 Activity:nil |
2/17 How come when I install WinNT on a brand new machine, it says it can't format a 5GB partition using NTFS? I thought NTFS can be very large. Thx. -- yuen \_ On NT4, the installer doesn't know how to format NTFS. It knows how to format FAT16. FAT16 is limited to 4 GB. If you select NTFS during install it actually formats FAT16, copies some files, boots NT kernel, and then a converter takes over to convert the disk from FAT16 to NTFS. NT5 is better about this. \_ I see. BTW how come the FDISK in MS-DOS 6.22 limits to 2GB partitions instead of 4 while FAT16 can handle 4GB? -- yuen \_ http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q127/8/51.ASP \_ different cluster size. \_ Use a repartitioner like Partition Magic (v5 is slick) to set the partitions and types after install. \_ OEM-ers have ghost-like installers that let them install onto partitions greater than 4GB |
2000/2/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/TJB] UID:17549 Activity:nil |
2/17 i know the asuc requires we let them into the csua, but can't we at least deny soda accounts to annoying bigotted assholes? \_ Is someone actually applying? if not, stop trolling and go back to your 100k/yr+options sysadmin job. tjb has gotten boring. \_ And who defines "bigoted?" Lil ol' level-headed you? |
2000/2/18 [Uncategorized] UID:17550 Activity:nil 50%like:16381 |
2/17 Troll deleted again. \_ sign your name -aspo |
2000/2/18 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:17551 Activity:nil |
2/17 Support Troll Marriage! Trolls have as much right to the protections and benefits of non-Troll married couples! We are people just like you (except we can't breed, and we're incapable of any sort of fidelity, and are the major vector for HIV/AIDS in this country). Support Troll Marriage! Vote Yes! on Prop 22! \_ don't you mean no? \_ Yes, Major Vector! Thank you sir! \_ ObWebster 2: to enter into a close or intimate union <these wines marry well> BAN WINO MARRIAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \_ So Webster #2 is the same use as legal marriage? ObBrain. |
2000/2/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:17552 Activity:nil |
2/17 Troll deleted. Give it a rest. You're clearly intentionally trying to use a hot button issue to troll the motd. I'll stop deleting it when you stop trolling about it. |
2000/2/18-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:17553 Activity:kinda low |
2/18 do you know any utility that cleans up mp3's with those "clicking" sounds? I downloaded a ton of stuff at work which sounds great. At home though when I transfered the files to zip disk and placed them on my system, they sounded like crap with that clicking sound. Any idea why? Any idea how to clean it up? - keithyw \_ try DART Pro (available off http://download.com) \_ It's probably your sound card. \_ Yes. I can't remember the name though --oj \_ uncook.exe (assuming you're running windows)?? \_ What about on Linux/Solaris? \_ Install new drivers. If none are to be found, your card is too old. Pray that it isn't software audio. \_ What clicking sounds? I've never had those to speak of on a mac \_ pluz! enlighten us with the windom of your niche computer! \_ niche would be Amiga. Macs have grown past that. \_ Sure the clicking sound isn't your Zip drive? \_ Sure the clicking sound isn't your cup-holder? |
2000/2/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:17554 Activity:nil |
2/17 Troll deleted again. And weak attempt to troll the anti-troll was also deleted. |
2000/2/18 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/Canada] UID:17555 Activity:kinda low |
2/18 Are laser discs essentially dead in America and Canada? \_ Yes. And you should be too - please go off and die now. \_ Yes. Unlike you, who is alive, vibrant, and bring new hope \_ Yes. Unlike you, who is alive, vibrant, and brings new hope to the world with your every thoughtful notion. |
2000/2/18-21 [Uncategorized] UID:17556 Activity:nil |
2/18 Does anyone have a tape of last week's X-Files they're willing to lend me? Mail me if so. -geordan |
2000/2/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:17557 Activity:nil 55%like:18563 |
2/17 Trolls and meta-trolls deleted. |
2000/2/18-21 [Computer/Domains] UID:17558 Activity:nil |
2/18 Let's say I register with NIC a new domain name and have an ISP. How many hours will it take to get it running? \_ Depends what time of day - the root name servers reload once a day, in the middle of the night US time. |
2000/2/18 [Uncategorized] UID:17559 Activity:nil |
2/18 ilyas += emin \_ please explain. |
2000/2/18-21 [Reference/BayArea] UID:17560 Activity:nil 59%like:17568 79%like:17571 |
2/18 Looking for a good contractor to do some data modeling in the south bay area. I'm thinking of removing a table and redoing the PL*SQL. I've heard of some horror stories with contractors. Love to get some names from people who had good experiences. Thanks. \_ I know a good plumber and an electrician but don't know any carpenters for your table and remodeling. |
2000/2/18-21 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:17561 Activity:moderate 66%like:18362 |
2/18 Where's a good place in Berkeley for an oil/filter change? \_ Do it yourself, it's not very hard (about 20 minutes) -- ilyas \_ Maybe they don't care to? Maybe the $30 is worth it to not spend the time and crawl around under a car? Not everyone is dirt poor. My cheapest outfit is worth more than that without oil and dirt on it. My time is worth more as well. \_ It's a useful skill to know. By the way, you DO know that you don't even need to use jacks on most modern cars when changing oil, right? -- ilyas \_ I don't care. It isn't useful. I don't *have* to know. It isn't important. I'm not a starving student. \_ Why do you have to be so insolent about it? how does it feel to know that "dirt poor" people who get their hands dirty *gasp* at work are laughing as they charge you $30 for a job that costs a few bucks at most and takes 5 minutes of their time? \_ There's a place on the east side of San Pablo just a bit north of University (I think it's right next to a burger place) that does oil changes for $13. That price might have been a special, though. \_ It may come in useful someday. It isn't a waste of my time because I, personally, find a certain pleasure in finding out a little bit about how my car (or any other mechanical/electronic device I own) functions. -- ilyas \_ Knowing how to change a tire in the middle of the desert is useful. My oil? I'm glad you have the time for the trivial. Someone should. \_ Hey ilyas, hope you dispose of your used oil nicely. --enviro \_ I covered the nearest baby seal I could find with it. -- ilyas \_ ilyas! Surely you remembered to whack it with your club before you left? \_ thanks. but seriously...! --enviro \_ So how is a good way to dispose of used oil? \_*not* campus auto care. They overcharge. |
2000/2/18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:17564 Activity:high |
2/18 (Oh and by the way if you delete this again I'm going to write a script that adds it right back so stop fucking deleting it already) \_ by the way, that is not against policy, in case any kchang supporters want to whine. automatically adding to the motd is okay. automatically munging it is not. --!aspo \_ and where is this "policy" written? \_ /csua/adm/doc/policies/motd \_ Best quote: "The MOTD may not be used for non-University business." Mwahahaha! |
2000/2/18-21 [Uncategorized] UID:17565 Activity:nil |
2/18 Has anyone ever used a nice big 3/50 monitor with a PC or an older Sun [e.g., IPC, IPX, SS2]? Is this easy to do? --jnat \_ Yeah, I used a 3/50 monitor on a 3/50 once... It was a bitch but somehow I managed to line up the signal cable _and_ power cable properly AT THE SAME TIME!! \_ Congratulations...how about with a later Sun model? |
3/15 |