2000/2/17 [Industry/Jobs] UID:17530 Activity:high |
2/16 What are good ways to judge whether a candidate would work well for your company or not? Technical questions/expertise? Initiative? Communication skills? Getting along with coworkers? \_ How can you tell by the ring whether a woman is taken or not? \_ technical skills, and co-worker integration. The others can tell you whether they like him. Hire someone who HAS A CLUE (obviously not yourself) to evaluate their technical skills. \_ nobody said the original poster was hiring. Probably just curious how others evaluate. \_ that does not jibe with the wording of the question. And dont delete my reply, schmuck. \_ I think that one's ability to communicate during an interview is *very* important. Throw a tough technical question at the interviewee, not to see if they can get the perfect answer, but to make sure that they understand complex questions etc... After that: personality & tech. |
2000/2/17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:17531 Activity:high |
2/16 Perl Question: Under perl5 does local() do anything or do you have to use my()? \_ "When in doubt, use my. When not in doubt, think twice, and then use my." local() has very limited applications and can almost always be replaced by my. \_ Certain variables cannot be my'd. Basically, think of local as "assigning a temporary value", and my as "creating a private variable." See perlsub, like the poster below suggests. -brg \_ Use local for dynamic scope, my for lexical. \_ And use perlsub(1) for a detailed explanation of exactly what this means. \_ Thanks this had the explanation I needed. Basically, in perl5 I need my() whereever I used to use local(). \_ Go back to CS 60a/61a if you don't know what this means. Do not pass 164, do not collect diploma. \_ Go read http://www.cpan.org you idiot. \_ This is a language issue, moron. CPAN distributes packages. \_ Yes, RTFM before wasting people's time. CPAN has, among other things, the entire perl manpage in convenient html form. Idiot. \_ THE MOTD IS FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO WASTE TIME. DUH. \_ It's only a waste of a person's time if that person chooses to respond. And even then, that person may not find it a waste. How much time did you waste to respond anyway? \_ You must be a fellow tweaker. --tweaker \_ I admit it. I tweak a lot. |
2000/2/17-18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:17532 Activity:very high |
2/17 If I background a process in Perl (system "echo hi&";) and I want to see the process id of that process, what variable do I access? \_ system ("ps | grep"). system doesn't return process ID's. -tom \_ Perhaps a better idea is to do it yourself instead of calling system; calling fork _will_ return a process ID that you can use. Implementing the "backgrounding" is an exercise for the reader; you can find useful pointers in Stevens. -brg vi user was here \_ :w :q \_ alias pico vi; alias emacs vi; alias ed vi \_MZZ \_ what's the point of the M before the ZZ? Seems useless. \_ OpenApple-S OpenApple-Q \_ Control-D (some of us use cat to edit the motd) \_ meow. \_ Nooo kitty that's my pot pie! |
2000/2/17 [Computer] UID:17533 Activity:nil |
2/17 Ah, the newest brand of "Computer Science" Major: http://qstart.com/renee/renee.html (that's what it says on the page) \_ and why do you doubt that? |
2000/2/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:17534 Activity:nil |
2/16 This is a test. Am wondering when /etc/motd gets updated ... \_ When you run 'mtd' \_ Wrong. You need to run /csua/bin/motd to update motd. |
2000/2/17-21 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:17535 Activity:moderate |
2/17 Is there any program compatiable with elm (in terms of mailbox files) and similar to it? I ask because elm's development has ceased and the version I have is not Y2K compliant. \_ mailprog -f yourmailfile don't forget to back it up \_ so is mutt the ultimate power mail prog or should I bother to look at pine? \_ mutt failed to annoy me. -- ilyas \_ mutt is a good mix of simplicity and power. It handles attachments better than any of the other text readers. -tom \_ mutt, elm, pine, etc... hardly the ultimate anything. nmh/procmail is the way tp go for power users. \_ elm development stopped? They just released 2.5 a month or two ago?!! \_ http://www.myxa.com/old/elm.html \_ page maintained by Syd Weinstein, "FORMER elm co-ordinator" [DAMN FUCKING ed users, here's the url again:] \_ I suggest mutt. It's got bindings much like elm's, alias support, better MIME support, supports POP and IMAP, and it's definitely under development. It tends to be faster at opening big mailboxes than elm, in my experience. Type "mutt" at your soda prompt, or point your browser at http://www.mutt.org -brg (Disclaimer: I have worked on mutt.) (I don't get why someone would delete this post...) \_ the CURRENT, STILL under development 2.5.3 version of elm can be gotten from ftp://ftp.virginia.edu/pub/elm/ CF: comp.mail.elm |
2000/2/17-18 [Health/Disease/General, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:17536 Activity:low |
2/18 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/adoldrug hahaha. \_ And this is funny because....? I suggest adding this to the "Things I Find Funny" section of your resume. You'll go far. |
2000/2/17 [Industry/Startup] UID:17537 Activity:nil |
2/17 XUMA infosession tonight at the Faculty Club, 7 PM. XUMA is "a pre-IPO e-commerce solutions company located in San Francisco." Joe Cha, CEO and co-founder will be speaking and taking questions. -dans |
2000/2/17-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Industry/Jobs] UID:17538 Activity:nil 57%like:18115 |
2/17 Position available at Abeona, see /csua/pub/jobs/Abeona for details |
2000/2/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:17539 Activity:very high |
2/17 So what is the point of this? -rwxr-xr-x 1 tom contrib 36 Dec 4 1997 /csua/bin/fortune echo "Go stick your head in a pig." \_ the better question is, what is the point of the traditional "fortune" program. -tom \_ Mild amusement until the quotes start repeating? Not everything must have purely functional value. \_ Gawd. It's a good joke. Don't MOTD this topic also. -not tom \_ It's a nod to Hitchhikers. Check out the CSUA encyclopedia for details. \_ Kurt Vonnegut wrote this right? What's he up to these days? \_ yes. he also wrote the text to that "sunscreen song" from last year. -geordan \_ Bad troll, no donut. \_ sorry, but am truly clueless. \_ No, KV did not write this. Douglas Adams. \_ KV is recovering from the fire in his apartment last month. \_ Was he freebasing? \_ No. \_ GO STICK YOUR HEAD IN A PIG!!! |
2000/2/17-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:17540 Activity:low |
2/17 What's the best way to learn ASP? What do I need to download? \_ ASP is *really* hard. I suggest a class. \_ kidding right? just use javascript/vbscript, wrox books need IIS 4.0, nt server.. etc. \_ Any idea what NT Server costs? You mean you're going to use a pirated copy? You can't mean that. \_ guess I'm spoiled at work. have NT server \_ Download option pack, latest service pack, install IIS, buy ASP book for dummies. \_ forget it, that is only stuff people with klew like tjb and do \_ tjb does ASP?! How can I catch up to the bleeding edge?! \_ ASP can be run with MS Personal Web Server. It's mess to locate on their site (think it's part of an option pack) but it's free. The Wrox Beginning ASP book by Brian Francis seems pretty good. - cathyg |
2000/2/17-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW] UID:17541 Activity:moderate |
2/17 Looks like someone from Trilogy is going through all of the CSUA web pages looking for people's resume. \_ Isn't that why they're there online? \_ Some of the recruiters are even smart enough to realize the resumes might be out of date. -oj \_ Don't leave a resume online without a date on it or better yet, keep your online resume updated. Not their fault. \_ Smart recruiters are rarer than ethical politicians. |
2000/2/17-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Industry/Jobs, Computer/SW] UID:17542 Activity:nil 53%like:16541 |
2/17 Octane Software is hiring, more details at /csua/pub/jobs/Octane |
2000/2/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:17543 Activity:nil |
02/17 7-9 CollegeHire && GoldMan Sachs infosession; in Wozniak Lounge in Soda hall (4th floor) |
2000/2/17 [Uncategorized] UID:17544 Activity:nil |
2/17 tit fucking! \_ Got pics? |
2000/2/17 [Uncategorized] UID:17545 Activity:nil |
2/17 Weak attempt at pseudo troll deleted. Maybe next time. \_ All obvious wanna be trolling deleted. \_ Apparently people aren't ready for this yet. |
3/15 |