2000/2/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17456 Activity:very high |
2/7 How come it takes NT several times longer than Win95 or DOS to copy a lot of small files to a floppy diskette? Copying a few big files doesn't have this problem. Thx. -- yuen \_ does xcopy solve your problem? \_ I thought it would, but for some reason no. Both xcopy and copy on NT are very slow when copying a lot of small files like 20KB each. -- yuen each to a diskette. -- yuen \_ pkzip \_ Doesn't help either. Unzipping to A: on NT takes very long too. I'm using v2.50 for 95/NT. I can copy the .ZIP file itself to the diskette which would be fast, but that's not what I need to do. -- yuen \_ Because NT sucks. No, seriously, no idea. I've been using both NT and 95/98 since day one and never had this problem with NT. Try another machine or a new floppy or a new floppy drive. \_ I just tried it. 30 .txt files totaling 619 KB write to floppy. 1:08 on Win98SE, 1:13 on NTSP6. *shrug* Probably something to do with your particular system (floppy drive like the man said) \_ It must be something wrong with my system then. It takes more than 5 min on mine! Thanks. BTW I'm using SP5. -- yuen \_ MS doesn't admit to any floppy driver changes from SP5 -> SP6(a/b) so that's probably not it. The extra 5 seconds the other person took for NT isn't a good sign for NT but only one run on one machine isn't a perfect test and 5 secs isn't enough to really notice anyway. 5 minutes sounds like NT may have the VERIFY option turned on. Try turning it off and try again. Also turn off BREAK. -floppy drive guy \_ VERIFY is already off, and "BREAK /?" says the BREAK command has no effect under NT. -- yuen \_ i would look at NTFS vs FAT - paolo. \_ ignore paolo. he knows nothing about anything, yet jumps at any chance to display his ignorance. \_ Testing on the same machine or is it possible the NT machine just has a crappy floppy drive? |
2000/2/8 [Computer/Networking] UID:17457 Activity:nil |
2/8 I am moving to Mountain View (650 area code) this week. Anyone has any recommendations or pointers for any decent local ISP costing less than $20/month? Thanks. \_ And you're moving to Mountain View. Idiot. \_ Try slipnet or firstworld, I like them. I'm using their DSL though. \_ Try Excite Free World. It's free. Connection speed is reasonably good. - MV resident. |
2000/2/8 [Computer/HW] UID:17458 Activity:nil |
2/7 someone was looking for the difference betwn 8,16,24,32 bits color setting on pc? this might helps... http://www.pcguide.com/ref/video/modes.htm |
2000/2/8-9 [Transportation/Bicycle] UID:17459 Activity:high |
2/8 Tell Oprah Winfrey that she should RIDE BIKE: http://www.oprah.com/tows/intheworks/tows_works_bike.html \_ I've never been hurt by a car or pedestrian. I've been hit by careless stupid selfish morons on bikes. No one over 16 should be allowed to use a bike outside a sporting arena or other private property. \_ troll deleted. property. [non-troll, true reply restored, fuck you] [twice] \_ Even if that's your true opinion, you're still a troll, dumfuk. \_ It isn't a troll if it's my true opinion, idiot. And it isn't opinion. It is a fact that I've never been hurt by a motor vehicle or pedestrian under any circumstances. I have been hit _twice_ by clueless careless selfish stupid fuck bike riding morons. Thank you for your worthless input. Now go RIDE BIKE! USE LINUX! and die. \_ Stupid whiney biker fucks. \_ I don't mind bikers, but they're all suicidal and don't quite understand the whole the whole thing about a ton of metal vs. a few dozen pounds of wire and flesh not always necessarily working out in their favor. -John emacs user was here \_ ED! ED IS THE ANSWER! -psb #8 fan |
2000/2/8-9 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:17460 Activity:high |
2/8 SSLeay/OpenSSL question. I downloaded and built OpenSSL but when I read the legal stuff, it sounds like its not legal for me to use it unless I tell RSA or someone and pay for a license. Does anyone know what I need to do if I intend to use it for non-commerical purposes? \_ Just use it. They're not going to bust you. really. sheesh. \_ You have to use the RSAREF library or wait for the patent to expire in the US. \_ Am I correct in assuming that this library is the one located in the rsaref directory in the OpenSSL sources? OpenSSL seems to build it by default, so if its legal to use this library, why do they have all the warnings? \_ because it's only legal to use without a license for non-commercial use as narrowly defined in their docs \_ hasn't this stupid patent expired a million times already. or am i getting that mixed up with some other encryption patent? \_ I believe it expires in September of this year. \_ September 20. We should have a party or something. \_ Uh yeah, whatever. As if the patent has stopped _anyone_ from 'illegally' using it at home or for other personal use. \_ *I* can use it sure, but plenty of others can't because they are for ex. companies and sueable. The patent's expiration will help Internet security by making it easier to distribute things like IPsec. \_ If they want it, they can fucking *pay* for it. I shed no tears for corpo maggots whining about not having the free use of other's technology to improve their own corpo maggot share value. |
2000/2/8 [Uncategorized] UID:17461 Activity:nil |
2/8 How come the gov doesn't interfer with Internic's Dot Com monopoly? |
2000/2/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:17462 Activity:kinda low |
2/8 Question about Cisco Local Director. I can re-route based on host IP. But can it be reconfigured to re-route based on Cookie session, POST data, and such? \_ No. |