2/3 /tmp/tjb-resume.pdf
\_ Isn't anyone going to do anything?? Scratch one up for the
bad guys...Somebody should anonymously be slipping a transcript
of that tirade of his under the door of the math department.
Why is it the world that assholes like this always win?
-- angry anon
\_ Actually, we should find out how danh got the resume and
see if he was breaking any laws in posting it. It looks
like a scan or fax. Which means he probably had a
physical copy. He also could have had at least the
consideration to destroy the home address and phone
number from the posted file. That alone could be
considered illegal.
\_ When you make a resume and submit it, you're doing so under
the assumption that an entire organization of people and
possibly multiple (contracting firm and the place they send
you) are going to look at it, enter it in mass databases,
etc. You _want_ lots of people to see your resume. It
isn't confidential information.
\_ Thanks for overwriting my comments. Yes you expect people
who may be considering hiring you to read the resume. You
do *not* in general expect to see it posted to a
general-access website. I wouldn't put my home phone,
cell phone and address on a website, but I would put an
email address. I think tjb could take danh to court.
\_ blah blah blah. its the motd. no one intentionally
overwrote your whine. tjb can't prove any harm and
courts are expensive. once you release your resume
you have every expectation that it _will_ become
public info. youre a fool otherwise. tough shit.
\_ Please show me where I stated that the overwriting
was intentional. Or, what, only you can complain
about incompetence?
It's disturbing that you equate illegal with tjb's
abilities to pay for court proceedings. Just
because tjb was a jerk doesn't mean that gives
anyone license to stalk him.
\_ whine whine blah blah whine whine. It's the
motd. things get overwritten. whine blah
blah, bleah. Hardly worth mentioning no
matter how it happened. whine blah whine.
\_ Posting a resume isn't stalking. Name one
law actually broken. If sharing information
about people was illegal, credit bureaus
couldn't exist or make so much money selling
your reports to credit card companies.
\_ But posting the home address/phone number
along with deprecating remarks and
suggestions to harass tjb (all of that here
on the motd) is stalking.
\_ Under what imaginary law?
\_ So tjb can call the cops if he wants.
Good luck with that. No it isn't
stalking. At worst it shows bad taste
on dan's part. If he really feels
like doing something, he should go
get some student conduct board on dan.
Again, good luck. /tmp on a limited
access computer is hardly public,
anyway. Can you say, "Over sensitive",
"Mountain/molehile", or "Wah! Mommy!"?
\_ Look again you moron. The file in
/tmp is a symlink to danh's webpage.
That's most definitely public.
\_ Yeah, dan's soda web pages are
getting millions of hits a day.
Like I said, waah waah waah. Go
bitch to someone who might care,
like your mother.
\_ ep-sample is no more
\_ since when is it illegal to scan in someone's resume?
maybe i want to hire him. I think tjb qualifies
\_ You needed a new asshole?
\_ How can you have GSA appointment when youre an undergrad? by
definition he has to be an *undergraduate* teaching assistant.
Unless the math department is now handing out graduate
appointments to sophmores...
\_ Happens all the time. Occasionally they call them "UGSIs"
but they do everything the same except they don't get
a tuition credit (at Cal)
\_ d00d, m4d B4S1C sK1LLz!!1!!
\_ Is this just me or not? I just looked at it. IMHO, I am much much
more impressed by most of the resumes of various people posted on
<DEAD>soda.csua/~membername<DEAD> tjb's resume looks like an
average nerd type resume, the kind that usually go to grad school
after graduating. I didn't see much accomplishments (aside from
just getting good dull grades) in there. And those grades aren't the
greatest ones I have seen before.
\_ Anyone want to run a check on the 'first person in history
of university' to TA math as an undergrad claim? I'm having
a rather hard time believing that.
\_ maybe he's right about the math 55 claim, since
i bet most serious math students don't bother
taking math 55 unless they are CS majors
\_ my friend TA'd math 16a,b as an undergrad, and had
all the same responsibilities as a normal GSI. it
is quite common. the math department has somewhat of
a labor shortage and honestly does not give a shit about
undergraduate education(yes, i have evidence to back
this up, and no, i'm not saying there aren't some
great individual teachers in the department.) the pay
sucks, the workload is high, and they'll hire anyone who knows
calculus and will put up with the bullshit.
-mathmajor alumnus
\_ it's not supposed to impress you. there are several
strange things, for instance, he made double the $$$ delivering
asian food to the suburbs (??) than he did programming
computers. plus he has MAD BREAKIN' SKILLS. I haven't
seen anyone breakdance since I rented Krush Groove 10 years
ago. I would love to know under what name
he practices his turntablism (for lack of a less stupider
sounding name) skills, DJ TJB just doesn't fill me with
awe. Trevor are you reading this?
-csua member posting anonymously,
just to avoid moronic flames from this asshole
\_ what's so wrong with the type of person who goes to
grad school after graduating?
\_ May be he meant that academic success is not
all that matters in one's life or even on the
\_ What's worse? A moron? or the moron who goes thru the
trouble of posting a moron resume and posting to the motd
about it? Okay, so danh is not a moron, but still, makes
ya wonder about these CSUAers -- do they "got life"?
\_ i am a moron today, but I had a lot of fun figuring out
how to make a pdf finally - danh
\_ Making a pdf was fun?
\_ Since it's scanned, wouldn't a jpg or even gif
have been smaller?
\_ In framemaker, it is a simple "save as" routine.
\_ shut the fuck up, cmlee. -tom
\_ obsessing over small details is not a moron trait;
it is a geek trait. Bragging on your resume about your
mad breakin' skills or whatever and listing a food
delivery job as work experience is a moron trait. And
fucking with people who have a presence in every corner
of the industry you someday plan to work in is
DEFINITELY a moron trait. -illuminatus
\_ This is the part I like. All tech resumes pass over
my desk before anyone else sees them. Only the ones
that don't go in my trash can have a chance. This
includes people referred by current employees (as if
anyone would refer this guy). I post the worst ones
outside my office for everyone to laugh at instead of
the typical array of Dilbert comics.
--patiently waiting for tjb's resume to post on door
\_ what company do you work for? it's assholes
like you, not tjb, who make people leave computers
, prefering a pay cut to totally defective pricks
as co-workers.
-scientist making 1/5 your salary who doesnt
work with pricks
\_ I'm an asshole for what exactly? Posting
the funny resumes or throwing out the 100s
of bad ones I get every week? whine blah
bleah whatever. I doubt you make enough
to make 1/5th my salary. But I'll pay
you $5 for each car you properly wash. That
should easily double your salary. But don't
come near me. I don't have time to waste on
ivory tower whiners like you. Just wash the
vehicles and go away.
\_ I agree with the scientist that you
are an anal sphincter, and lacks
basic social courtesy. Not only
are you an asshole, by attacking
tjb, you are also a hypocrite
since you are no better than him.
\_ Still waiting to hear exactly what
my crime(s) are/is. Until then,
you're easily dismissed as the
whiney spewing potty mouthed child
you seem to be. |