2000/1/31-2/1 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:17380 Activity:nil |
1/30 What is a website that finds the cheapest place online to buy a dvd or music cd (like the addall search for books)? (edited to not be a yes/no question) \_ It would be a place that does searches of other websites, compares price data and then presents a summary of best price choices to you, the cheapskate. \_ http://www.dvdpricesearch.com -mogul |
2000/1/31-2/1 [Uncategorized] UID:17381 Activity:moderate |
1/29 [Favourites becoming juvenile rather than clever -- quit while ahead] \_ hey what's with the non-American English? You a Brit? \_ No, he is an asshole. Close enough. \_ The original posters spelled it that way, my dear chap. \_ I don't recall being here for your amusement you fuck. \_ Your mom likes to lick my toilet bowl for bits of feces \_ Spelling errors are mandatory when trying to insult others on the motd. \_ Then just don't think about it and you'll feel better. \_ Bend over, split legs, insert head in ass. |
2000/1/31-2/3 [Uncategorized] UID:17382 Activity:nil |
01/31 Startup Jobs Fair noon-4pm 2/2 in Pauley, MLK. Bring resume to enter rolling raffle. Free Pizza and Drinks. <DEAD>www.ocf/careerfair<DEAD> |
2000/1/31 [Uncategorized] UID:17383 Activity:very high |
1/31 Tell me what you know about Tweedle Beetles. Well, when tweedle beetles battle, this is what we call a tweedle beetle battle. When tweedle beetles battle in a puddle, this is what we call a tweedle beetle puddle battle. But...when tweedle beetles battle in a puddle with a paddle, this is what we call a tweedle beetle puddle paddle battle. --Lyrics from a Danny Kay children's song [I thought it was cute] \_ It's Fox in Socks, by the illustrious Dr. Seuss, aka Theodore Geisel. \_ shut up, cmlee \_ shut up, tom. --not cmlee, started thread, fuck you \_ I sign my posts. -tom \_ Yeah, ok, well fuck you anyway. |
2000/1/31-2/1 [Uncategorized] UID:17384 Activity:nil |
1/31 Maybe someone should tell milesm about http://www.adcritic.com/superbowl |
2000/1/31-2/1 [Industry/Startup] UID:17385 Activity:moderate |
1/31 Anyone here work for Scient..? \_ yep. -tcmoore \_ wanna hook-up? :) \_ Volkert, is that you? \_ um, is this like, a 3 person company joke? \_ presumably, this is ...ology, the organization that regularly scans websites and shuts them down for unauthorized use of their trademarks. \_ yes. dyu. \_ Wow. The enemy. Perhaps when you're done without innovatively named companies like Scient, you can move on to Viant, Lucent, Agilent, or Aquent. \_ Hey, you got a problem with Lucent? \_ Just the naming company that produced that, and so many other sparkling Namients. \_ Are people who work for Scient called Scientologists? |
2000/1/31-2/1 [Computer/Networking] UID:17386 Activity:high |
1/31 For all you who called me a poser .... nyah nyah. We got raided. See what happens when you listen to advice given on the motd.... Anyways, looking for a small used 2-8 gig IDE driver to buy / borrow for a short time as all my drives were seized. Looking for replacement cable modem as well. PGPdisk rules, btw. --sky \_ d00d, eye g0t arestid, ey'm s0 kewl!11 you're a dork. \_ I think you were called an idiot, not a poser. \_ What did you get raided for? Drugs don't really make you 3133+, just a criminal. \_ The Idiot-Poser Patrol showed up and grabbed my kiddie pr0n collekshuN111!!! kewl, eh? --sky \_ what motd advice was this? \_ Is that really your girlfriend on your website? If she's happy to waste her time on a loser like you than *anyone* else could make her truly happy. Send her over. I'll give you $5.00 for your trouble. You can use it for bail or to buy yourself a few floppy disks. \_Yes! I also wish to fuck your girlfriend! Glad to hear you are in jail. \_ Although it depends... did he get her messed up in drugs and fuck her up as much as himself? I'd pass in that case. Some crack head isn't worth the $5 I offered. |
2000/1/31-2/1 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:17387 Activity:moderate |
1/31 How do you setup SSL on Apache? Is it very difficult? \_ yes. If you want easy, PAY FOR A PRODUCT. \_ If you want legal in the us, you must pay anyway. \_ Summary: If you don't think RSA is going to hunt you down personally: run mod_ssl which is fairly easy to build and install. \_ i've never heard of an instance where anyone cared that RSA was being used so much that they hunted the culprits down. \_ They're silenced quickly. You wouldn't have heard. If it's a high profile commercial site, use Raven (http://www.covalent.com or, if you want to support Sameer, use Stronghold (http://www.c2.net \_ Sameer left C2 - read his interview on http://www.guru.com \_ old old old news... |
2000/1/31 [Uncategorized] UID:17388 Activity:very high |
1/29 I'm lila and I'm a lesbian. \_ Is backdating this supposed to somehow give it more validity? \_ woah. the things you find out about yourself in the motd... -lila \_ You've been outted. Might as well come out now. \_ better yet, post pictures. \_ so i'm kinda curious why someone would post this. did they think it would offend me or something? -lila |
2000/1/31-2/1 [Recreation/Media] UID:17389 Activity:kinda low 60%like:17171 |
1/31 Be a grunt like me! /csua/pub/jobs/pixar -=Aubie \_ Auburn "Aubie" Schmidt \_ Do we get our names in the movie credits like you? \_ do we need to be hot? \_ I'm bitter, they took out my middle initial! it was: Auburn C. "Aubie" Schmidt in "A Bug's Life" |
2000/1/31-2/1 [Uncategorized] UID:17390 Activity:nil |
1/31 http://www.ipexnet.com let me know what you think of the layout - kinney \_ It's rather ugly, the images don't line up, and those particular graphics looks rather bad against a white background. The gap between the top and left bars looks weird. --dbushong \_ another problem is that when you refresh, not all of the frames are automatically refreshed. |
2000/1/31-2/1 [Uncategorized] UID:17391 Activity:nil |
1/31 This Friday on Sci-Fi, the grand finale of Sliders: the show that went on two seasons after it died. Special treat: they're reshowing the original pilot movie so you can see how far they went downhill. |
3/15 |