2000/1/13 [Uncategorized] UID:17222 Activity:nil |
1/12/2000 You'll note how very mystical this number is. |
2000/1/13 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:17223 Activity:nil |
1/10 How do I make Emacs print space instead of "tabs"? Thanks. \_ (replace-string "tabs" "space") \_ If you don't mind changing the buffer content, do M-x untabify. \_ Use an editor made for little boys not an environment built for men. I suggest pico. It even sounds 'cute'. \_ No, it shows I don't give a fuck. |
2000/1/13 [Uncategorized] UID:17224 Activity:high |
1/12 Liberate Technologies (http://www.liberate.com has a number of engineering and several business openings. Email resumes to sweiss@liberate.com -steve \_ Do they make 80 column formatting software with auto word wrap? |
2000/1/13 [Recreation/Food] UID:17225 Activity:nil |
1/12 BFD. I have a gazillion dollars in my pocket. \_ Then what are you doing choosing a version control tool!? Go on permanent vacation. \_ Because a gazillion dollars won't buy you a cup of coffee. Anyway, I'm using RCS which works just fine for my needs. \_ what fucking country are YOU in, asshole? \_ The United States of America. Last I checked, we didn't have 'gazillion' as a currency unit. \_ The U.S. also doesn't have a million as a currency unit, if you want to start splitting hairs. \_ A million is a word that is symbolic of 1000000 units of something. A gazillion could fit in my pocket and won't buy you a cup of coffee and no I don't feel like splitting hairs. \_ From Merriam-Webster: Main Entry: ga zil lion Pronunciation: g&-'zil-y&n Function: noun Etymology: alteration of zillion Date: 1978 : an indeterminately large number \_ Yup. It can't be determined. So I'm still right and you're still a pedantic ass. Would you accept a job for a gazillion $'s another 2 gazillion options or would you walk away, and tell your friends about the idiots that tried to hire you for a 'gazillion' of something? I'll take $0.01 over a gazillion anytime. ______________________________/ / You obviously missed the word "large" in the definition of the gazillion. Please take an elementary reading class and try again. Its clear from the definition that "indeterminately large" implies much larger than 1, which, as any econ major will tell you, is larger than 0.01 . Am I being pedantic? Sure. At least I'm not being an idiot and trying to dance around the commonly accepted meaning of a word. \_ Large is still relative. Large compared to what? You're not only pedantic but an idiot. Large implies nothing. I wouldn't trust an econ major with a dollar much less a 'large' number of dollars. I'd give em a gazillion dollars though. Commonly accepted among morons, sure. How about I hire you for a gazillion dollars a minute? When you can't pay your rent or replace the tires on your bike, lemme know and we'll renegotiate a real salary. \_ Um, Mr. Fuckwit, last I checked, you could get a cup of coffee at most fast food restaurants for a buck. Get someone who can read to reread the given definition of 'gazillion' to you, numbnuts. I would write a moronically simple mathematical relation just for you, but as you've clearly demonstrated, it would be wasted effort.... \_ Still waiting to get your resume through HR so we can hire you at the going industry standard rate of 2.4 gazillion dollars per moment. And what exactly is a Fuckwit? Do you have a pedantic and worthless dictionary definition for that too? I'll admit though that the deeper question remains: just how long can I troll you along about something so meaningless to so many? --happy troll (gotcha!) |
2000/1/13 [Uncategorized] UID:17226 Activity:nil |
1/12 The eye of aragorn was the last thing anyone wanted. |
2000/1/13 [Uncategorized] UID:17227 Activity:nil |
1/12 I'm off to see the wizard. The wonderful wizard of OZ. |
2000/1/13 [Uncategorized] UID:17228 Activity:nil |
1/12 Can't we all just get along? \_ No! That's my final answer. \_ When you're dead, we'll get along just fine. |
2000/1/13-14 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:17229 Activity:nil |
1/12 In nslookup, what does "Non-authoritative answer" mean? \_ that the answer came from the cache \_ That the name server you asked isn't the name server for that domain, but asked someone else and believed what it was told. If you nslookup -query=ANY the domain, you'll get the list of authoritative name servers for that domain. |
2000/1/13-17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:17230 Activity:moderate |
1/13 http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2000/01/13/drugs/index.html The government takes your tax money and uses it to bribe tv networks to weave it's propaganda message into programming. \_ You needed salon to tell you this? \_ You know what really gets me: the government-sponsored ads on billboards and buses with really obvious messages, like "Sex with a minor is a crime if you're not a minor", or "Being a parent means that you have to occasionally pay attention to your children" (both obviously paraphrased). I don't know what's worse: the fact that they're spending *my* fucking tax dollars on shit like this, or the fact that there are presumably people out there who *need* to be told these things. Are these ads sponored by the Bureau of "Like, Duh"? \_ Even if you are a minor, sex with a minor is illegal. \_ If some people actually pay attention to them, you are getting value for your tax dollar. reduction in crime, means less money needed for crime. Well, okay, it actually means the fixed amount of money put into police departments gets to work its way down to some of the other areas that otherewise wouldn't get touched. Like for example when some schmuck merchant claims your stuff he is working on has been "stolen", when he just hocked it somewhere to pay off his own debt, and the local blues say "we're not even going to bother investigating this", even though this affected multiple people. No, I'm not bitter or anything. \_ Could you ramble more. Please? \_ hmm. would you like me to ramble on about my personal feelings about OrCAD for your amusement? -the guy who hates OrCAD, who rambled about it before \_ No it isn't. Find one case where a kid was successfully prosecuted in CA for having sex with another minor in the last 100 years. \_ It's very hard to prosecute, but still illegal. \_ So is sticking your bare feet out a window in Kentucky but they don't prosecute that either. BFD. \_ No, more like it is legal to have sex with someone that is within 3 years of your age no matter what. Sex between same age minors is never prosecuted thus the legal status of the act is nothing but an on paper fantasy. \_ So if you're both minors, is this sort of like illegal like consensual sodomy is illegal in some states or something? \_ I believe there used to be some odd statute whereby in this case, the guy could be prosecuted for statutory 17 year-olds trying to cruise junior high schools. rape, but the girl could also be tried for sexual assault. -John \_ Well, hey -- guess they needed that billboard after all! \_ Actually, the law is if the couple involved are within two years of age, then they can have sex legally. This covers that strangeness between 17 and 18 year olds, and those hits those 17 year-olds perverts trying to cruise junior high schools. There IS an lower age limit as to when sex is illegal, but I don't recall what it is. 13, I think. \_ the laws vary from state to state. go to vermont. you can legally fuck 15 year olds there. \_ No you can't. Crossing state lines to have sex with a minor is illegal. \_ http://www.ageofconsent.com \_ Yeah, but at least an ad is blatant about being propoganda. |
2000/1/13-14 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17231 Activity:very high |
1/12 I have a solaris 7 machine that is not running X-windows (or any gui) but xfs still comes up when i do a ps -A. Why? (also, what_is / do_i_need cachefsd and/or rpc.ttdb?). Thanks \_ xfs has nothing to do with x. no you dont, no your dont. \_ xfs has nothing to do with x. no you dont, no you dont. \_ xfs on Solaris has everything to do with X. It's the X font server, not SGI's file system. -alanc- \_ o.k. openwindows, it is the *X* font service. my question is why/how did it get started? (not (directly anyway) from the RCx.d scripts) And while i've got your attention a port scan yields.. 32773 open tcp sometimes-rpc9 What could it be? 32775 open tcp sometimes-rpc13 I don't have anything (that i know of) running on these ports and I DON'T have rpc running. What could it be? X font server, not SGI's file system. It runs from inetd so would be running if anyone set their font path to include it or ran a port scan against your computer. -alanc- |
2000/1/13-14 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:17232 Activity:nil |
1/12 Is there such thing as jsp-mode in Emacs? || (autoload 'html-helper-mode "html-helper-mode" "Yay HTML" t) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.jsp$" . html-helper-mode) auto-mode-alist)) |
2000/1/13 [Uncategorized] UID:17233 Activity:nil |
1/13 Ballmer new CEO. Gates now chief software architect |
2000/1/13-15 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17234 Activity:nil |
1/13 In Emacs 19.34.6 for NT, when I use a dark background like "dark green" or "black", font-lock-background-mode is automatically set to dark, but for some reasons font lock still uses colors from light-screen-face-colors instead of dark-screen-face-colors. Any way to fix this problem? Thanks. \_ 1) remove NT 2) use nvi \_ No. \_ So what *Help* says on font-lock-face-attributes, that "Emacs uses default attributes based on display type and background brightness. See variables `font-lock-display-type' and `font-lock-background-mode'.", is not true? \_ Possibly. \_ Ed! Ed is the answer! |
2000/1/13-14 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:17235 Activity:nil 66%like:17706 |
1/13 Shut the fuck up, cmlee. |
3/15 |