Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:December:08 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/12/8-2000/2/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:17022 Activity:nil 80%like:17414
12/07   Return your OVERDUE CSUA library books asap to 343 Soda! Don't
        make me HUNT YOU DOWN! --librarian
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:17023 Activity:high
12/8    I've been getting this error while reading Usenet with trn on soda:
        "trn: out of memory!". It seems limited to groups with lots of (more
        than 1 million) messages, no matter how many are current or expired.
        Is this a trn problem or an agate problem? Thanks. --dim
                \_ both. agate had a bunch of corrupt indices that trn
                   would choke on. some (maybe all) of the indices have
                   been fixed. mail usenet@news if problems persist. -jwang
        \_ me too...
        \_ trn problem, mail root and ask someone to install
           /usr/ports/news/trn4/ to get a version without the bug
        \_ Read mail elsewhere.
         \_ mail, news, it's all the same thing right?
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:17024 Activity:high
12/8    Anyway to figure out who the last person was to modify a file?
        (ie /etc/motd.public)
        \_ man mconst
           \_ Sorry, but there is no such man page.  Where can I find out?
                \_ you have your MANPATH set incorrectly, mconst is
                   documented in /csua/man
        \_ Not unless you have C2-level auditing turned on, or force people
           to use RCS/SCCS.
        \_ Wah wah wah.  It's just the motd.  Give it up.  It isn't important.
           If anyone cared, we'd be using RCS and then idiots would be checking
           in copies over copies, not unlocking it, etc, etc.  Take a deep
           breath and count down slowly from 10 while exhaling and repeat to
           yourself, "It's just the motd".
           \_ You'll need to take a very deep breath to that
                \_ He needs a very deep breath.  Any non-smoker can do it.
1999/12/8 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17025 Activity:nil
12/7    I am looking for a graphical solitaire to use on the EECS solaris
        x86 machines. Does anyone know a good place to find such a game?
        Look this message wasn't meant to cause so much controversy. Yes
it is true you are not supposed to play games on the instructional PCs.
But, quite often when I am programming or trying to read some
instructional material online I get stressed or tired. I find that playing
some lame game like solitaire relaxes me enough so that I can get on with
my 36 hr programming nightmare.  thanks you for xsol and xtrek :)
        \_ xsol.
        \_ get a fucking life.
        \_ No games on instructional machines.  Leave them for people
           who need to get work done.
           \_ Yeah whatever, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol!!!
              Take *that*!!  What's wrong with you kids today?  Used to be that
              the whole point of being a lab assistant was to get an account to
              play xtrek with/on.  And now uptight thought police bullies are
              censoring the answer from the motd.  If you need a box and some
              clown is playing solitaire just politely ask him to leave.  My
              God.  And "sheesh!" as well.  xsol!
              \_ your sheesh makes me proud
        \_ Use policy prohibits games.  Read the sticker on the monitor.
           - paolo (a.k.a one of the root@cory people who is tired of cleaning
             up after people race their chairs down the hall because they
             are lame and don't have lives.)
             \_down which halls and why? are they speed contests between 2
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17026 Activity:nil
12/7    What is the best FREE search engine cgi script to search a small
        to mid size website?  and where can I get it?  thankx boy/gals.
        \_ actually there are probably more boys than gals it's
           correct to say boys/gal.
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17027 Activity:moderate
12/7    Hi what is the Unix command line utility or is there such an utility
        that can invoke a command process on a remote machine (Lets say a
        NT system)
        \_ you were doing fine until you mentioned NT...
          \_ I know it's almost impossible but it's probable.
                \_ It isn't anything even close to impossible.  It just
                   matters what you're trying to actually do and how important
                   security is and a few other things.  Keep reading.  This is
                   all covered below.  Why reply until you've read what others
                   have to say?
        \_ you can invoke remote processes on other unix machines  with rsh
           or ssh.  If you want to invoke processes on NT with something
           command-line-ish, install a telnet daemon on the NT machine and
           activate the commands through an expect script.  Or see if you can
           find unix-like rsh commands for NT. -ERic
                \_ MKS makes unix tools for NT.
        \_ Or you can run perl and have it listen on a socket and then... oh
           it makes me shudder.  I've considered this but never actually done
           due to the annoyance, security issues, etc.
        \_ Exceed comes with a telnet server.  It works on 95, probably for NT,
           also.  It gives you a dos prompt, and will even launch a GUI on
           the remote machine (but you won't be able to interact with the
           GUI, unless there's a trick).
           \_ It's no better than a million other NT telnet servers.  It's
              just telnet, people.  It isn't hard.  It *is* insecure.
           \_ Exceed telnetd is a ridiculously broken hack. For one thing,
              it can't even do terminal control properly, so occasionally
              ends up disallowing more than 25 lines of input in one telnet
              session.   -pissed off
                \_ Slnet from seatle labs is ok but still not perfect.  Much
                   better than the exceed crap.
        \_ BO.
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:17028 Activity:kinda low
12/7    Can I somehow force Netscape and IE to use my one and only JDK1.2.2?
        I'm trying to consolidate my 5-6 JVMs to save disk space. Thanks.
        \_ the vm is tiny
        \_ Delete one of your browsers and you'll save a helluva lot more.
        \_ 13.6 GB for $99.  Why delete?
           \_ $99 >> $0.00.
              \_ Thanks for the math lesson.  Here's another: $99 is about the
                 price of two textbooks.  You'll probably use the drive more.
                 \_ I doubt it.  I haven't touched a textbook in years.  The
                    time I'd spend buying and installing a new drive is better
                    spent not being lazy and cleaning out a few gigs every few
                    months from the 10 I've got.  I'm not doing graphics,
                    video, music, or anything else that truly eats big disk so
                    dropping $100 every year due to laziness seems silly.  It
                    just becomes that much more crap to search through to find
                    what I need.  That's also a waste of time.
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW, Recreation/Humor] UID:17029 Activity:nil
        \_ A not quite interesting article about Burning Man, in that
         detached "above it all" tone taken by P.J. O'Rourke (one of my
         favorites) and many of my friends.  Except that it isn't funny.
         I don't see why anyone would be interested in reading it.
        \_ An unusually clear-headed account, read it if you haven't
           yet.   -not the original poster
1999/12/8-19 [Uncategorized] UID:17030 Activity:nil
12/08   Cogeneration Plant Test scheduled for 6:00am-12:00pm, Sat, Dec. 18.
        If soda goes down during this time, power is out.  -root
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17032 Activity:high
12/7    I am looking for a graphical solitaire to use on the EECS solaris
        x86 machines. Does anyone know a good place to find such a game?
        \_ Look this message wasn't meant to cause so much controversy.
           Yes it is true you are not supposed to play games on the
           instructional PCs.  But, quite often when I am programming
           or trying to read some instructional material online I
           get stressed or tired. I find that playing some lame game
           like solitaire relaxes me enough so that I can get on with
           my 36 hr programming nightmare.  thanks for xsol and xtrek :)
        \_ xsol.
         \_haven't been able to find this on solaris x86 or HP
        \_ get a fucking life.
        \_ No games on instructional machines.  Leave them for people
           who need to get work done.
           \_ Yeah whatever, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol!!!
              Take *that*!!  What's wrong with you kids today?  Used to be that
              the whole point of being a lab assistant was to get an account to
              play xtrek with/on.  And now uptight thought police bullies are
              censoring the answer from the motd.  If you need a box and some
              clown is playing solitaire just politely ask him to leave.  My
              God.  And "sheesh!" as well.  xsol!
                \_ it has nothing to do with policing, it has to do with
                   solitaire being a fucking stupid thing to use computers
                   \_ That's a matter of opinion and I strongly disagree with
                      yours.  xsol all the way, baby!
                \_ your sheesh makes me proud
        \_ Use policy prohibits games.  Read the sticker on the monitor.
           - paolo (a.k.a one of the root@cory people who is tired of cleaning
             up after people race their chairs down the hall because they
             are lame and don't have lives.)
             \_ Uh oh!  A "policy"!  Uh huh.  I used the "no food and drink"
                signs in e260 as a food mat to keep the tables from getting
                sticky.  Lighten up.  -not John but agrees with him.
                (and oh yeah, if you don't like your lame job, quit)
             \_down which halls and why? are they speed contests between 2
                \_ You know, I vaguely seem to recall at least a few people
                   with a sense of humor when I was at Cal.  Have they all
                   graduated?  -John
                   \_this question was meant to be humorous... oh well.
                     \_ humour?  College is the culmination of a lifetime of
                        self sacrifice and hard work for some of us.  We
                        dont' take it lightly.
                        \_considering that most college students are
                             twenty something, lifetime really doesn't
                             mean all that much...
                        \_ And some of us did that hard work and self-
                           sacrifice and still managed to maintain a sense
                           of humor.
        \_ I 'member good ol' xtrek and griljor in e260! I sucked
          at xtrek, except on that one server that had souped-up
          galaxy-class ships. Griljor was much better. -nick
          \_ Griljor was cute but had this "I know the map and you don't"
             thing going which made it hard for new players to get into it.
             I left the lab many a morning with xtrek claw though.
             \_couldn't find any of these games either.
                \_ Griljor was a home grown project.  Maybe someone here knows
                   where the source is?  xtrek is now Netrek.  Clients are
                   available to contact publicly available servers around the
                   world.  Read <DEAD><DEAD>rek for more info and current
1999/12/8-19 [Politics/Domestic, Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:17033 Activity:nil
12.09   Spring 2K officers:
        Dan Silverstein         (President)
        Mike Howard             (Vice President)
        Paolo Soto              (Secretary)
        Paul Twohey             (Treasurer)
        Elle Yoko Suzuki        (Librarian)
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17034 Activity:high
12/8    In NT, is there a way to run a command-line program without displaying
        a command prompt window, or leave a command-line program running after
        closing the command prompt window?  Thanks.  -- yuen
        \_ Check out the 'start' command for the latter.  For the former, you
           can telnet in and use an expect script so you're technically not
           _displaying_ a command prompt but you are of course opening one.
           What are you trying to do?  Maybe there's another way.  Why does
           it matter that a command prompt isn't displayed?
           \_ I want to run some background processes without associated
              windows, similar to "foo >& /dev/null" in Unix.
                \_ See if NT's "start" command does what you want.
        \_ You might also find the 'srvany' program useful. -brg
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17035 Activity:high
12/9    Has anyone used C2config.exe on their nt boxes?
        \_ There's no such thing as c2 compliant NT.  The box isn't functional
           after you follow all the c2 guidelines.  Forget it.  It's a cruel
           marketing joke.  And yes, I've done it.  It's pointless.
                \_ To make NT C2 compliant, you must take it off the network.
                   NT with no net is useless.
                   \_ That's for 3.51.  For 4.0, you have to set the registry
                      to only be writable by admin users which is enough to
                      cripple most apps, especially M$ apps.  Any box with no
                      net is useless.  NT isn't an exception.  Just curious,
                      does the original poster have some pointy haired moron
                      for a boss that wants everything c2 compliant because he
                      read how cool that is in a glossy quarterly trade rag?
                        \_ Win 98 retains some of it's usefulness without net
                           since it's only useful for playing games that won't
                           run on NT.
                           \_ I haven't read the c2 reqs recently but I doubt
                              that taking 98 off the net is enough.
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:17036 Activity:high
12/8    Does anyone know of a good Calendaring solution for a small,
        growing company?  Currently we are about 30, looking to be
        around 80-100 in a year or so.  I'd like something
        cross-platform if possible.  Thanks... -brianm
        \_ you mean like MS outlook?  Or maybe even <DEAD><DEAD>
          \_ Cross-Platform!  Win95, 98, AND NT!
        \_ Haven't tried it, but there's one I saw a reference to recently
           that's cross platform. See <DEAD><DEAD>
           They have Windows, Mac, Web, and Motif clients, and Palm, CE,
           and Psion syncs.   --cdaveb
        \_ <DEAD><DEAD>
        \_ Exchange
        \_ Is netscape calendar server any good? It is certainly cross-platform.
        \_ got a really good one hanging on my wall. completely
                \-i dont actually use the netscape calendar but they use it
                at lbl. it seems to require a lot of horsepower ... but maybe
                that is only if you are doing a lot of stuff with LDAP. it
                does a hell of a lot of ldap lookups. --psb
1999/12/8 [Uncategorized] UID:17037 Activity:nil
12.09   Spring 2K officers:
        Dan Silverstein (President)
            Mike Howard (Vice President)
             Paolo Soto (Secretary)
            Paul Twohey (Treasurer)
            Elle Suzuki (Librarian)
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:December:08 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>