1999/12/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:17010 Activity:low 66%like:17015 |
12/5 When are class accounts turned off? \_ The day after finals. \_ Why the _FUCK_ are you asking this on the Soda motd? Cripes, get a cl00. --sowings \_ Have you tried reading the login messages on your class account or <DEAD>www-inst.eecs<DEAD> ? |
1999/12/6-7 [Health/Disease/General, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17011 Activity:high |
12/5 Got LOTS of old books (comic books, 1991 text books, etc) and an old computer monitor to get rid of. Can I simply dump these things into the trashcan? \_ throw them in my room! - danh \_ it is illegal to dump industrial waste. you need to dispose them properly. \_ monitors qualify as "industrial waste"? \_ no, silly. comic books do! \_ this is as useful as "Ride bike" and "use linux", troller! \_ No it isn't. Everyone needs to RIBE BIKE! and USE LINUX! but not "read comix!" or "eat industrial waste!" \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6 THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L \_ I even run Linux under windows. \_ trashcan. You will not live long enough to see the ecological disaster that we gen-X created. \_ Moron. The current 20-30s folks have done next to nothing. You're not old enough and most of the crap you have will bio degrade in under 10 years anyway. The real damage was done in the 60's and 70's when all sorts of chemical waste was dumped straight into the food chain and it's still there today. Check the cancer rates going up and the fertility rates going down over the last 30 years. Idiot child, you'll be lucky to live long enough to understand the ecological disaster created before you were even born that you're living in today. Don't worry about your grandkids. If you're not sterile, your children will be. \_ Nothing you throw away biodegrades. Modern landfills are designed to be so sanitary and disease free, they're sterile - especially parts declared full and sealed off. \_ I was specifically thinking of the waste from fast food. Anyway, after the Coming Event, there won't be anyone to keep nature from running her course. |
1999/12/6 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:17012 Activity:insanely high |
12/6 Is anyone speaking at the GM? 12/7(?) Can anyone point me to a good CISC vs. RISC article / paper? Thanx. \_ Patterson & Hennessey \_ something like "A case for RISC" from Computer Architecture News" by David Patterson (1980). There's also a very famous dissertation from a Berkeley student. If you give me some time I'll look it up. |
1999/12/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:17013 Activity:moderate |
12/6 2 Q's. Just found a bottle of T-Max, fix powder, and stop bath. They are approx 6 years old. Are they still usable? 2nd Q. What is a good on-line darkroom supply store? Thx. \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! On-Line Darkroom Supply Store. \_ Almost certainly not. Don't be cheap. Buy new chemicals. \_ http://www.bhphotovideo.com -- yuen |
1999/12/6-7 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:17014 Activity:very high |
12/6 Is anyone speaking at the GM? \_ Yes. \_ 1'|| SP34|<, d00d! -B1FF 12/7(?) Can anyone point me to a good CISC vs. RISC article / paper? Thanx. \_ Wasn't the consensus that the argument is meaningless? Most chips today have the best qualities of both. \_ No, most designers avoid CISC if at all possible. Intel chips allow for their legacy CISC ISA to run on their modern chips but that's just a hack (CISC instructions are decoded into micro-RISC ops). Basically, many things will not work unless what you execute are RISC instructions (pipelining, Tomasulo dynamic execution, etc...). Intel chips suffer in that all instructions must pass through one extra level of decoding which could effect branch prediction recovery and because variable length instructions can cross cache block boundries instruction causing miss penalties and rates to go up. \_ Patterson & Hennessey \_ something like "A case for RISC" from Computer Architecture News" by David Patterson (1980). There's also a very famous dissertation from a Berkeley student. If you give me some time I'll look it up. \_ - D. Patterson & D. Ditzel, "The Case for the Reduce Instruction Set Computer," Computer Architecture News 8,6 (Oct 15, 1980) - Manoils Katevenis, "Reduced Instruction Set Computer Architecture for VLSI," PhD Dissertation, EECS, UC Berkeley, 1982. --jeff \_ Are what they said still more or less valid, now that it's been two decades and the industry has been moving fast? \_ kubi seemed to have recommended the reading to us. he didn't recommend anything more recent but probably because more recent work in architecture isn't focused on ISA as much as it was in the 80's --jeff \_ "Why my x86 r00lz y0r powermac!!!11", Dudester69!11 |
1999/12/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:17015 Activity:high 66%like:17010 |
12/5 When are soda accounts turned off? \_ The day after finals. \_ Why the _FUCK_ are you asking this on the Soda motd? Cripes, get a cl00. --sowings \_ Have you tried reading the login messages on your class account or <DEAD>www-inst.eecs<DEAD> ? \_ never if you mean "csua.soda" ones, but i think you mean "class" accts. see above. \_ Correction: your soda account can be shut down for various reasons, all of which are in the various policy docs under /csua/share and /csua/adm -- but soda accounts do not have any built-in time limits. -brg \_ You mean my account isn't automatically shutoff when I get enough Twink Points from the Twink God???? \_ No, but Your English sure soundsdumb. Maybe you should English Classes and learn how to writeit??? \_ You're hypocrticalness iz shownig everyne that Your just stupid and my english wuz better then You'rez so you just shutup. In fact, my English was perfect. Please check with your 3rd grade teacher before posting on the motd about someone else's spelling, grammar, or syntax. Thanks. Play again, Yes/no? Insert coin to continue.... |