1999/11/30 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16970 Activity:moderate |
11/30 how do program a matrix? (use a sparse matrix) ie: i want to track and keep track of a person as to where they are in solving something (like following an specified path)- where they are at in a path, the path can have many entry points to the main road (or trunk of a tree). any ideas? thanks \_ Learn English and pick on an assignment your own size. -- ilyas \_ Well, this is such an unclear question, I can't even begin to answer it (I could guess what you mean, but why?). Try asking the question using more words in a newsgroup. \_ Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is, they must see it for themself... \_ Batman. \_ I did that once and all that happened was they made this weird movie that bugged mothers because it had trench coats in it. Dunno. |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:16971 Activity:high |
11/31 Right. So basically I went to the ASUC meeting. I'm suppoesd to inform any active csua members that if they are suspicsious of any cult activity of this student group, then there is a Cult Awerness Officer which the CAL/SAS has that will investigate any Cult Activity. There. I've told you. - paolo \_ Dude, my cousin's wedding was in a Clam building. \_ does anyone else see the irony of Sodans talking about cults? \_ No. Please explain. \_ I am a Sodan of the Third Wheel. Are you in need of a Squishing? \_ What is the definition of a cult? Aren't pretty much all religions cults? For example, what would you call a group of people who get together and pretend to drink their ex-leaders blood and eat his body? The same group also think that their current leader talks directly to their God. Would you call this group a Cult or would you call them Catholics? Are the ASUC going to investigate all the religious groups on campus? \_ I would call them orthodox catholic and therefore not a cult. \_ If it's big then it must be true. If it's small it must be a Satan spawned cult until it grows big at which point it must be true. \_ There's one on the corner of Dana and Haste. They call themselves a religious co-op. Co-op my ass. I got invited to dinner by them. They were preaching to me to join their fucked up little world. Damn fools need a beating. They keep following me around on campus. \_ Why would you go to a free dinner at a bible meeting? What the fuck did you think was going to happen? Free sex and drugs? I have zero sympathy for your dumb ass. \_ who said i accepted the dinner you dumbshit? \_ maybe you should with that curse'd tongue of yours-Ma Teresa \_ i used to have a couple freinds there. if you ignore their crazy religious crap, it is actually a very functional co-op. after living in the USCA, i would have to say that except for the religion, the usca could learn alot from them about how to run good student housing at reasonable prices and have everyone actually do their share. this pattern can be seen throughout history: the only people who can make crazy experiments in communal living actually work are religious nuts. eg amana, oneida, the shakers etc. \_ also no hazing. I don't know if a requirement of a knowledge of unix can be classified as hazing (I mean they had some pretty broad definitions in the packet (yes there's a 15 pg packet) all of which are completely subjective (with words like "personal" "degredation" "humiliation"). I suppose then it's good that most people turn off the motd and don't wall because i think that may be classified as hazing. So people, don't haze! \_ I want to be the first to go on record that I tihnk the csua has definate cult activity. Hell, I'll even go so far as to call it Cult Activity. IS the Cult Awareness Officer required to justify his or her capital letters and investigate now? -aspo \_ Arrgghh. Look, I'm _required_ to report to the CAO if any current member suspects cult activity. I don't want to do that. \_ all those capitals! Think of it! What exactly happens if they investigate? -aspo \_ They execute obnoxious assholes like you I think. It was somewhere in the back of the 15 pages. \_ even better -aspo \_ alas no, remember this is berkeley, home of the PC and the "convenience free" zone. So if anything, they'll just make life hard for the csua, alums and undergrads alike, something i don't think anyone here wants. - paolo \_ Nov 31? Nov 30? Are we getting ahead of ourselves? (its Nov 29) \_ When they say, "The plane is on fire, the engine is dead, we're all going to die!" Do you say, "What color is my luggage?" - alum \_ Yes. I like to know that I'm going out in style. \_ Not to mention there is no Nov 31. \_ CalLUG is definitely a cult. I insist you report them immediately Paolo. Maybe that will keep your moronic ass out of our hair. World-Wide Web Access Statistics for the Unification Home Page at <DEAD>www.cais.com<DEAD> [deleted for being totally pointless and context free] |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:16972 Activity:high |
11/30 In pre 1900 convention, we've always used 95, 98, etc to represent year. For example, 1/1/99, Winblows 98, Office 97, Norton Util 95. We use that convention even on check books and contracts. For year 2000, are we expected to write 2000, 2001, 2002? Is it acceptable to just write 0? For example, 1/1/0 instead of 1/1/2000? \_ just write 1/1/ instead of 1/1/00 or 1/1/0. The 0 is implied. \_Thanks :) \_ <DEAD>www.namethedecade.com<DEAD> \_ Vote "Naughties"!!! \_ And wear them like a jewel! \_ Don't be a twit. \_ You were around before 1900? I didn't think the CSUA had any members over 99 years old... \_ Look at the expiration date on your credit card moron. |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Reference/Celebration] UID:16973 Activity:low 66%like:17007 66%like:17999 |
11/30 Happy Birthday, dawne! \_ Is dawne now expected to call you a twink for not signing your name? \_ Dawn has strong motd-fu, and does not need signatures. She just knows... \_ isn't that "Happy Birthday, it!" |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Finance/Banking, Recreation/House, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:16974 Activity:kinda low |
11/30 Hi, I'm looking for a reference CD-ROM on trees and plants. I went to a couple of Frys stores and they didn't seem to have it. I'm wondering if encyclopedia CD-ROMs have that info. Stuff like temperature and water requirements for trees and plants, what kind of soil they need, etc. Thanks. \_ http://www.sunset.com/Books/cdroms/WesternGardenCD.html (Sunset Magazine's _Western Garden Book_ on CD-ROM.) -- kahogan \_ Thanks a lot kahogan! |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Transportation/Car] UID:16975 Activity:low |
11/30 Does anyone know what the steaming factory next to the West Oakland BART station does? During morning commute hours there's often a very strong alcohol-like smell near there, so strong that if I forget to turn off the A/C in my car when I drive by there, my car will be filled with that smell within seconds. \_ It's West Oakland's natural scent (the smell of gangs and cronies) \_ They produce cyanide ther for the medical industry. \_ They produce cyanide there for the medical industry. \_ alcohol-like smell? probably baking bread for the day... \_ They produce high-test malt liquor for the indigenous population. |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Uncategorized] UID:16976 Activity:kinda low |
11/30 how do program a matrix? (use a sparse matrix) ie: i want to track \_ See ucb.class.cs61a, thread "What is the Matrix?" and keep track of a person as to where they are in solving something (like following an specified path)- where they are at in a path, the path can have many entry points to the main road (or trunk of a tree). any ideas? thanks \_ Learn English and pick on an assignment your own size. -- ilyas \_ Well, this is such an unclear question, I can't even begin to answer it (I could guess what you mean, but why?). Try asking the question using more words in a newsgroup. \_ Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is, they must see it for themself... \_ Batman. \_ Genital Herpes. definitely. \_ I did that once and all that happened was they made this weird movie that bugged mothers because it had trench coats in it. Dunno. |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Uncategorized] UID:16977 Activity:nil |
11/30 Does anyone in Santa Clara want to be my mule? -sky |
1999/11/30-12/2 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:16978 Activity:moderate 52%like:17958 |
11/30 living room for rent: /csua/pub/housing/CollegeAveApt.99 \_ damn, im glad i dont live in berkeley anymore. thats twice what i pay for a whole floor of a house in a nice neighborhood. [chopped] \_ damn, i wish a 9.0 earthquake would hit, fuck up all of silicon valley, and get housing/rental costs back to normal. \_ That won't change anything. A huge stock market crash would put lots of housing on the market for cheap though. \_ how's that? A stock market crash doesn't really hurt the people who already have bought. -tom \_ Some of us secretly hope for even that. \_ Sure, as long as you're not affected by layoffs or in some similar fashion. --dim \_ Wouldn't matter. I can get a loan for a cheap house without IPO money. I'll never get enough money for a house as things are without it. Any job will get me a cheap house. Bring on the layoffs. |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Reference/Celebration] UID:16979 Activity:nil |
11/30 Happy Birthday, paolo! -suzuki |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Security] UID:16980 Activity:high |
11/30 Is there a way to use trn to connect to an NNTP server that requires a login and password? -brianm \_ trn4 supports NNTP authentication, and despite being in beta for the last 4 years is more stable than 3.6 \_ Right. Where in the man page or documentation is the explanation of how to actually authenticate? |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Recreation/Dating] UID:16981 Activity:moderate |
11/30 http://news.excite.com/news/r/991129/18/life-penis about man suing Starbucks for crushing his penis. $500,000 to his wife for loss of his services. \_ BANG! Judgment is in favor of the plaintiff, $500 for the price of one deluxe vibrator and a life-time's supply of batteries, in lieu of your husband's services. |
3/15 |