Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:November:29 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/11/29-12/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:16962 Activity:kinda low
11/28   In pine, how do I add an attachment so that my parents can see
        in-line JPG picture in their AOL mail (instead of them having to press
        that download button)?  -kid with newbie parents
        \_ not sure, but let me tell ya somethin' about PCs. After my
           parents worked their butt off to pay for my tuition, I decided
           to be a good kid and got them a new sub $899 computer w/net.
           On the first attempt to teach them Win95 and AOL, AOL for some
           reason took up all the VM (200 meg) and the computer swapped
                                  \_ another luser who thinks virtual
                                     memory is about using your hard disk
                                     as memory.
           like hell. After a while, the computer hozed and I had to reboot.
           My parents looked confused, and I had to explain what happened
           and why I had to reboot. They looked even more confused. I guess
           this whole "user-friendly" shit isn't very friendly for the
           older generation who don't understand the difference between
           Windows, Office, internet, email, Start/Start Programs.
           \_ I'm sure my parents are older than yours and they weren't that
              stupid about it.  I think you just have dumb parents.  It has
              nothing to do with age.  Nothing about being over 30 makes
              anyone innately anti-technology or technophobic.  It's a gene
              pool problem, not an age problem.
           \_ why is it that there exists this generalization that if
              you're an older person, you automatically are a complete
              dumbshit who no longer has the ability to read and
              learn new material?  it's not like computers come from
              outer space or anything.  for the most part, i hate computers,
              so i do the bare minimum to set-up and run my own computer.
              even that type of lazy, unconcerted effort give me a running
              unit.   anyhow, the kind of stereotype doesn't make any
           \_ got one word for you, dude: iMac
        \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved.
           \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6
              THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L
        \_ Get LINUX for parents.
        \_ LINUX!
1999/11/29 [Uncategorized] UID:16963 Activity:kinda low
11/28   % fortune
        Kerr's Three Rules for a Successful College:
                Have plenty of football for the alumni, sex for the students,
        and parking for the faculty.
        Hm, so Cal scores an excellent 0.5/3 on the last point alone.
        \_ There was plenty of sex for the students.  -alum
           \_ not for the hopeless geeks who run "fortune"
              \_ or to people who write to the motd.
1999/11/29-12/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:16964 Activity:moderate
11/28   Where can I find archives of the motd?
        \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved.
           \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6
              THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L
        \_ ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v
          \_ of course you need to know how to use RCS to read it.  check
              out 'man co', and 'man rlog'. -mehlhaff
                \_ Nah.  I usually read it with less.  But then I also usually
                   read the Solaris source by using less to view the SCCS
                   history files too.  -alan-
1999/11/29 [Uncategorized] UID:16965 Activity:high
11/28   damn, what happened to the amusing relationship post?
        \_ I guess poster boy felt that he was being made a mockery of.
           poor guy.
           \_ no really, I didn't erase it.
1999/11/29-30 [Reference/BayArea] UID:16966 Activity:moderate
11/30   If anyone who works  or will be in the santa clara area can pick up
        a briefcase being held at the Santa Clara police station for me,
        and can get it to SF/berkeley, I will compensate you for your
        trouble.  It's legit.  --
        \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved.
           \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6
              THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L
        \_ Smells fishy.
        \_ damn furners
        \_ The one with the bloody hand and the crack?  Or the other one?
           \_ Or the one that has the tag "T. Kaczynski"?
1999/11/29-12/1 [Reference/Celebration] UID:16967 Activity:high 66%like:17007 66%like:17999
        \_ Sign yer name, twink.  -geordan
                \_ Someone wishes you well and you call them a twink?  What do
                   you call people who don't like you?
        \_ or else!  --PeterM
        \_ Sign yer name, twink.  -geordan
                \_ Someone wishes you well and you call them a twink?  What do
                   you call people who don't like you?
        \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved.
           \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6
              THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L
                   \_ Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole
                   \_ Geordan Rosario was never called an asshole
                      \_ he was only 5'3, girls could not resist his stare!
                         \_ yeah, when he drove down the street in his eldorado.
1999/11/29-12/1 [Recreation/Food, Reference/Military] UID:16968 Activity:nil
11/30   Click and feed the hungry. Verified
        as legit from urban legends and through UN friends.  -nivra
        \_ Do they use linux?  The hungry, I mean.
        \_ Do they ride bike?
1999/11/29-12/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16969 Activity:nil
11/30   Are there digital cameras that have both serial and
        USB interface? I have $500 to waste. Thanks.
        \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved.
           \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6
              THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L
        \_ ED!  ED!  ED is the STANDARD!  Digital Camera.
        \_ Give it to me.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:November:29 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>