1999/11/23-26 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16942 Activity:high |
11/23 In linux, how do you prevent non-wheel users from su'ing to root. This seems to be default in most unixes. \_ If you want the fascist BSD behavior, hack the GNU 'su' source; GNU 'su' from sh-utils doesn't support 'wheel' because RMS doesn't believe in group 'wheel'. (Read the documentation if you don't believe me...) Or, install the shadow password suite from ftp://ftp.ists.pwr.wroc.pl/pub/linux/shadow/, which may be more your style. -brg \_ RMS is a freak. The spread of the internet worm in the late 80s was partly a result of his idiotic rms:rms account:pw bullshit. \_ Geeze.. install a real unix, not a "unix-like" OS. If you want unix power, install it. Don't try to pervert your toy into it. Or you could do what all the fanatics are talking about: you have the source; rewrite it. That's the point of Linux, isn't it? \_ http://www.openbsd.org says .. The OpenBSD project produces a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. So *BSD is not real unix either. ^^^^^^^^^ We all should get a copy of sysvr4 to run real unix :p \_ That's only a legalism. openbsd is the real thing. Linux is a wannabe. \_ What defines something a real UNIX and something not a real UNIX? \_ OpenBSD has to say that because legally, only an OS certified by The Open Group (http://www.opengroup.org can be called UNIX(tm). \_ But OpenBSD, like all BSD's, actually have a real ancestral roots in ATT Unix. Even though they now are now unencumbered from ATT source (gogo USL lawsuit) the heritage is there. Notice that you can buy a personal Unix license which lets you get a copy of all the Unix source including earlier BSD's from McKusick. \_ Many real UNIX'es don't restrict who can su root - it's a BSDism that SysV didn't pick up. The real answer - don't give them the root password and they can't su. \_ Fuck SysV. I always hated SysV. SysV is lamer unix. \_ "chgrp wheel /bin/su;chmod 4750 /bin/su"? \_ Hey, an answer to the question, amazing. As for the guy who said "don't giv them the password," Remind me not to put you in charge of security on my network. Brute force works awfully well on these new uber-fast computers. \_ If you think su blocking will keep them out, you shouldn't be in charge of security anywhere. If you ignore the thousands of "su failed" messages that a brute force would display, it's your fault. \_ not to mention if you pick a real root password noone is going to brute force it. Especially because su almost definatly includes a delay if the person typed in the password wrong. \_ That delay is really going to slow me down with my N su's all running in parallel. \_ yes it is. Are you really this dumb? \_ Process limits are easy to get around. Or did you have somthing else in mind? What protects you is chosing a strong password, not some silly one-second delay. \_ 1) What part of "real root password" don't you understand? \_ No such thing. Anything can be brute forced. \_ Assume the root password changes once every 5 years. Remember the assumption is the root password is not one that a nice crack heuristic can guess. The problem. password space is BIG. 2) Running out of machine resources on the other hand is not easy to get around. \_ You know that the pw failed as soon as su doesn't give you a prompt. So SIGKILL it then. No delay, no resource limit, no problem. The point is that su's delay doesn't get you any benefit in and of itself. You can get it down to where it takes hardly any more resources than it would without the delay. \_ actually they do the delay even if you choose the right password. But even if they didn't you would a significant amount of time (compared to the amount of time a crack takes) just to know the test had failed. Even if it was a few mircoseconds that adds up QUICK. OH and umm, starting up that new su process is EXPENSIVE compared to the password check. Do you have any idea how many attempts you need to do to brute force a password? \_ Doesn't matter. Got time. Some OS's even let me read the pw file. I can copy it elsewhere. If I have physical access to anything, you're totally doomed. \_ this person wasn't asking about shadow passwords. The issue was su being a security hole. Not /etc/passwd. And a few more points... If you are so stupid you think anyone being able to su as root is a security hole cause they can use it to crack root by a brute force attack, well guess what, they can jsut brute force the account of someone who has wheel and then brute force the root password from that account. You obviously are some pathetic fool who knows only enough to be dangerous. The dangers of letting anyone su to root are along the lines of person x knows the root password somehow. (Either was told, looked over someone's shoulder, sniffed it cause some fool used the root password over an insecure net, etc.) It gives you a minor level of security in those cases. However there are much more dangerous things to worry about. \_ If someone can brute force the password, why would he even bother to su to root? He'll just simply login as root. \_ not if remote root logins are disabled. \_ I don't let my users login. \_ *cheer*! --BOFH \_ I figure it's safest that way. I print their email and leave it in their inbox via in-house courier/mailboy. They use the phone to call anyone back. WebTV for browsing. \_ Take it to a fucking security newsgroup. |
1999/11/23-25 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:16943 Activity:low |
11/23 Is there a cross-compiler installed on soda? What do I have to do or install to compile a standard ANSI C program on soda and have it run under MS-DOS? Just a very simple C program that manipulates files, nothing graphical and nothing windows or unix specific. \_ _why_ bother with setting up a cross compiler on soda when you can download a precompiled for dos, working version of gcc from http://www.delorie.com/djgpp ? \_ thank you! that will work too. I thought there was a simple way to do this on soda. But gcc on dos will work. \_ In case there's no better answer, http://www.metaware.com used to sell a cross compiler called High C. I've used its Sparc/SunOS4.1 --> x86/DOS version. -- yuen |
1999/11/23-25 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:16944 Activity:moderate |
11/23 Agate is down? Is it short term or long term? \_ read ucb.news.announce \_ cute. And how would I do this without being able to read news? \_ Use the Force, Luke. \_ Will someone with access to the ucb.* hierarchy please summarize? --dim \_ The point is that agate is the official news server. Hence you won't be able to see any messages to ucb.* newsgroups if it's down. (They *do* go to http://deja.com, but I didn't see any new ones.) -emarkp \_ Sorry. I thought maybe the downtime was scheduled and someone had read about it beforehand. --dim \_ It's back up now (Tue Nov 23 16:47:41 PST 1999). --dim \_ planning for this motd to be around a while? |
1999/11/23-26 [Finance/CC] UID:16945 Activity:high |
11/23 Are there any online brokerages in the US that allow you to deposit cash from your credit card, rather than bank transfer/check/wire? -John \_ Jesus, you sure you want to do this? I think margin rates are lower than most credit card rates. And this is a way quick way to lose your shirt. \_ No you misunderstand; I don't want to invest on credit (I always pay my full balance anyway.) It's just that a credit card is a very easy way to transfer money from Switzerland to the US without going through difficult Swiss banks and stupid American banks. Plus, the concept of a check doesn't really exist here (so outdated!) -John \_ Finance charges accrue from day 1 on cash transfers. \_ So now you're funneling all those ill gotten Swiss bank held gains into our God Fearing Peace Loving country? Go home ya Euro-Mafia criminal! We don't want your blood money! \_ Fear the day when I try to _avoid_ anything by moving it to the US. Maybe I'll just invest here. -John \_ In the blazing hot Swiss market? A bastion of competition and capitalism making millions for all the little guys. \_ Do I care if I make x% return in the US or x% here? Not really, plus my income & capital gains taxes are way lower. -John \_ Your return in the US = Swiss Return +5000. \_ BTW, Visa charges 3% service charge for a credit card transaction. Depends on the amount,the service charge may be more or less. Thus you lose 3% in the market already even if you can do a credit card transfer. Besides, I don't know if your Swiss Visa card is US $ based. You may be charged another round for currency conversion. \_ No, it's a Swiss Mastercard and I have never been charged any fees except ATM withdrawal and my annual charge. -John \_ That's because the merchant actually pays the credit card transaction fee. I doubt , however, that your Swiss bank will be willing to pay the 3% or so. (Ideally, the merchant always pays the transaction fee, but people have found ways to get around it. That's way you can get a cheaper price if you pay cash instead of by credit for big purchases like cars). \_ Is it a Eurocard? Most European "credit cards" are technically debit cards. -muchandr \_ there's no "conversion", it ain't cash. \_ well, Visa charged me conversion fee when I bought stuff in Tokyo. And I wasn't paying cash. \_ Because the Yen is yucky. \_ AH HAHH HAH YOU'RE ALL DOOMED! TAX-PAYING IMPERIALIST SLAVE PIG-DOG FOOLS! We own you! UBS owns you! ZOG owns you! We will snap the whip of control over all you drones' backs from within our invincible mountain fortresses full of ill-gotten laundered colombian nazi drug money gold bars! Bwahahaha! -John ("Hans") |
1999/11/23-24 [Recreation/Dating] UID:16946 Activity:kinda low |
11/23 That's the problem with polygamy--all those rings get expensive! \_ I thought the problem was prison? \_ If rings and prison are your biggest problem with having multiple wives around, you're probably in luck... \_ I don't hate women, have a problem with women, or think poorly of women. Legal issues are my only problem. What's wrong with multiple women if they're happy with it? \_ contrariwise, what's the problem with only LEGALLY marrying one? There's no law specifically against "infidelity". There's just grounds for divorce. \_ I want to marry them all. They all want to marry me. Who are you to tell me I can legally have only one wife and the rest must remain unacknowledged? How can I possibly tell the ones I don't marry that they'll just have to be my live in girlfriends and should hope my "real wife" doesn't bust us all for it? How would you choose which one to marry? The problem is nosy body clowns like you sticking your nose into other's business. Get out of my life and I'll stay far away from yours. The first thing I'll decide is you're not allowed to masturbate anymore... not legally. ahem. \_ I thought there is, at least in CA, but they're just not enforced. \_ I think its probably a civil issue. Which menas your wife woudl have to file it. Whereas for "bigamy" (from the viewpoint of legal marriage) I think the state can come after you reguardless of what your wives think. \_ This is precisely what polygamists do nowadays. Only marry one wife legally, and just live with the others. It's a difficult issue (there are reports of child abuse/young marriages in such communities). \_ As opposed to other communities where there are no reports of Child abuse/young marriages? \_ Get out of my life! I don't want to "just live with the others". I have the God given right to marry who I choose. |
1999/11/23-24 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:16947 Activity:nil |
11/22 Need URL on vi keyboard binding. Thanks. \_ file:/usr/share/doc/usd/12.vi |
1999/11/23-24 [Science/GlobalWarming, Recreation/Humor] UID:16948 Activity:low |
11/22 <DEAD>www.stanfordalumni.com/articles/99_1_microsoft_buys_su.html<DEAD> \_ Joke? \_ Okay, obviously there are complete and utter morons on soda. Apologies to the person flamed in the previous item. \_ Apology accepted. In today's world, I've learned not to make assumptions about anything. \_ Does someone want to mirror this? I can't get throught 8.-( |