1999/11/20-22 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:16926 Activity:nil |
11/19 Anyone know of an easy way to use perl to query an SQL server? (If so, then the follow up question is how.) -emarkp \_ Use the DBI module. \_ Use the DBD modules. \_ If this is an M$ SQL 7.0 server, you can try the FreeTDS stuff which is at http://freetds.org or .com or .net or something. |
1999/11/20-22 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16927 Activity:moderate |
11/18 /var/mail at 100%. Got mail? Get rid of it.. \_ Root is evil! Buy more disk! Ride bike! Linux wouldn't have run out of disk with the new beta3 of the mail compressing file system, mcfs!!! \_ we need philfs \_ We already have philcompress. root can just use that on /var/mail. -- ilyas \_ philfs would use philcompress automatically though, and there's no telling what other nifty features Phillip would include. |
1999/11/20-24 [Industry/Startup] UID:16928 Activity:high |
11/19 What's the difference between stock warrants and stock options? \_ You can think of warrants as buying stock on margin. Sort of. Options you get as an employee/slave. Ask your broker for details on warrants and why you can't afford to risk buying them. \_ Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: warrants have an expiration date. You must exercise them by that date or they simply expire and then have zero value. \_ You make no sense. Options have expiration dates too. Options are not only for employee/slave/consultant-types. You can buy them on the open market as well. The difference between options and warrants is rather fine. \_ The expiration date on your options is different because you didn't shell out big bucks for the options. They have no value at any point until you vest and then exercise them. You paid real cash out of your pocket for warrants and then get X many months to call them in which might possibly be at a huge loss. The difference between options and warrants is huge. People, *please* get a broker. Don't ask for this sort of advice on the motd. You're likely as not to be told the wrong thing or get invited on a bike ride or linux install party. \_ You contnue to make no sense. If you bought your options on the open market you still can lose big. Like I said the line is fine. Talk to your accountant. (Not your broker.) \_ Your open market purchase is not the same as employee options. Talk to your own broker or accountant then come back and you can educate us all and explain how warrants and options are the same thing. \_ Man, at least the other guy has some clue. You just keep shoving your foot in your mouth up to your ankles. keep shoving your feet in your mouth up to your ankles. Last I checked, SHARES are bought on the open market. Stock OPTIONS are usually issued by a company at a price which is fixed or discounted at no cost to the employee. They are usually vested (made available to the employee) at a some rate which varies from company to company. Once they are available, you have the OPTION (hence the name, fuckwit) of exercising them at the agreed upon cost IF the current market value is such that it would be profitable to do so. Reminds me of something my dad used to say to me: "If you don't know what you're talking about, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I think the other guy (the one you insist makes no sense you freaking moron) has a good point when he says you should be speaking with professionals rather than listening to idiots like youself blather like the ESL students that they are. \_ there are also different tax implications --oj \_ http://www.invest-faq.com \_ My employer offers me ISOs as well as warrants as part of compensation. He said warrants are almost the same as ISOs, and I will vest them just like I vest ISOs. motd chopped from here on down. \_ Good riddance! \_ Have you looked into doing circumcisions as a business venture? \_ oh stop. you're getting me all hot and bothered. \_ yeah but it was low pay, dirty work, no real IPO chances, and the market is already flooded with others doing the same work for near nothing. \_ ohmygod. OHMYGOD. OH...OHHHHH!!! *gasp, pant* See? Now lookit what you've gone an made me do.... |
1999/11/20-22 [Industry/Startup] UID:16929 Activity:high |
11/19 Base Pay? Stock Options? Big Bonuses? What's your top priority? \_ good management, pleasant co-workers, respect... \_ This goes without saying. Wouldn't work under any other conditions. Once those basic conditions are met, it depends. \_ happiness+intellectual wealth. DOWN WITH INDUSTRY AND MATERIALISM! GO ACADEMIA AND THE ABSTRACT HAPPINESS!!! INDUSRY SUCKS AND ACADEMIA GOOD!!!!!!! B1FF R3WLS!!! \_ Can I get any Cal stock options? Is there an IPO planned for Cal anytime soon? If you can get me at least 25k options over 3-4 years, I'm in! GO BEARS IPO! \_ <DEAD>Stanford.com<DEAD> seems more likely the <DEAD>cal.com<DEAD> |
1999/11/20-22 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:16930 Activity:moderate |
11/19 Anyone have a link to a description of where the cache is on the celeron vs. where it is on the pentium ][? A friend of mine is trying to argue that the celeron's is not on the CPU, but is for the pentium. That's just wrong, but I want definitive proof to fuck him up. \_ I believe in early editions of the celeron, your friend is right. However, in later editions of the celeron, they added a cache. So perhaps you can both be right. \_ perhaps this helps one of you: http://developer.intel.com/design/celeron \_ That's it: You're both right! http://www.anandtech.com/html/articledisplay.cfm?document=277 Happy Days for Everyone! Now if only the Bears win the Big Game. \_ not bloody likely. go trees! \_ Well, L1 or L2 cache? \_ The original Celeron processor had no L2 cache. It was essentially a crippled Pentium II. The 300A version and later (originally named Mendocino) has an integrated 128KB L2 cache on die. The Pentium II processor has a 512KB L2 cache on the backside, and runs at half processor speed (if chip is 400 MHz, cache speed is 200MHz). The Celeron processor cache runs at full speed since it's on die. The new Pentium IIIs (Coppermine) have a front-side cache of 256KB (I'm pretty sure). -emarkp (Intel employee) \_ Can you get me Intel chips for less than wholesale? \_ yes. as long as you don't need them to be working. \_ No fan is ok. Working is prefered. You can't even get older stuff for cheap (and working)? |
1999/11/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:16931 Activity:moderate |
11/20 Proposed letter: "Dear Mr. Buckingham - we in the CSUA have noticed your extremely adept use of the english language and the usenet forum. We would like to invite you to join the CSUA, so that you can impart your wisdom directly to us on our highly esteemed public forum, the motd. Please stop by XXX Soda, and take advantage of this honor." \_ Yes! I simply must have more Wisdom From Da H00d! \_ Oh no. Another kchang?? \_ you guys are giving this guy way too much mind share |
1999/11/20-24 [Computer/HW/Display, Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:16932 Activity:low |
11/20 the ATI AGP Rage Mobility M-1 doesn't seem to be supported by the xfree86 stuff on: http://www.xfree86.org/cardlist.html correct me if i'm wrong. \_ It's not, yet. Most of Dells new laptop chips aren't. \_ USE LINUX! Windows supports my video card right outta the box. RIDE BIKE! So Windows must be a better OS. \_ damn straight!1!! \_ Check out these two pages: http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~steveh/inspiron http://www.coralys.com/linux/dell7500.shtml The Dell Inspiron uses the Mobility, and the first page lists other laptops that also have that chip. Apparently it's supported reasonably well. When you get it working, please mail me to let me know how well your X runs on it as I'm interested in getting a Mobility-based laptop. -mogul |
1999/11/20-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:16933 Activity:kinda low |
11/20 How can I redirect stderr in a dos shell in Windows9x? (I *have* to find the answer for Windows--installing Linux isn't a solution). \_ Install a real shell. Better yet, perl. \_ That was useful. Sheesh. At least provide the answer. Go to http://jpsoft.com and check out the various 4dos 4nt 4blah products. I love perl but my toolbox has more than just one hammer in it. I don't ride bike! either. \_ I love my hammer but I don't use it to drill holes. perl is a better tool. \_ He wants a dos shell that can properly redirect. 4dos is *exactly* that and more and he can just do a drop in replacement for the msdos http://command.com and continue doing what he was doing without changing anything at all but hit command line shell. Perl is not the right tool for his command line shell. Perl is not the right tool for this job. 4dos is the right tool. http://jpsoft.com. You're trying to get him to RIDE BIKE! and USE LINUX! when all he needs is a better dos shell. --doesn't BIKE!/LINUX! \_ Get bash for dos/win32 along with perl, emacs, gcc and all GNU tools at http://www.delorie.com/djgpp \_ You can try this which works in NT: foo.exe 2> myerr.txt But I don't know if it works in Win9x. --- yuen |
1999/11/20 [Uncategorized] UID:16934 Activity:nil |
11/20 Just finished the latest Trevor thread. God, I love that guy. He provides almost as much entertainment as Tom, although not nearly as skilled, he sure has heart and certainly Tom has had far more experience in the field. |