1999/11/9 [Academia/Berkeley/DailyCal] UID:16849 Activity:high |
11.8 Is it possible to be a DailyCal editor/cartonist even though I'm no longer a student? \_ Yes. The DailyCal is independent of the University and can hire whoever they want. (The University will only give them journalism training funds for current students though.) \_ what is a "training fund"? \_ Money from your tuition & fees. \_ So are you saying that if I'm not a student and I want to do something for DailyCal, I wouldn't get paid??? \_ better question, if the daily cal gets "training funds", exactly what happens to them? I'd've never guessed from looking at it.... \_ Computers, other capital, and funds to hire workers. |
1999/11/9 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:16850 Activity:kinda low |
11.8 When I invoke Netscape View Document option, how do I make it so that it will launch emacs or notepad.exe instead of the lame-o-slow-n-big Netscape viewer? \_ Edit the registry. |
1999/11/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:16851 Activity:nil |
11.8 What kind of free Windows registry editor do experts use? \_ ed for Windows. Only a sexual deviant or a pinko commie symp would even possibly consider using anything else. \_ I use the default regedit on bot 95/98 and NT. regedit32 is really annoying with all those god damned windows for each hive and make searching impossible. It might be nice to have a more advanced tool with better searches, drag'n'drop, cut'n'paste, etc, but it's not like you need an emacs/vi quality editor for tweaking the registry. |
1999/11/9 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:16852 Activity:very high |
11/8 Hello how do I use Select statement in mysql to find and display the most current pollID, given a table called vbooth_desc from mydb. Basically I want $newpoll to always be the greatest pollID #. I have tried defining variables with Select that don't work: $newpoll=mysql_query("SELECT max(pollID) FROM vbooth_desc") & $newpoll=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vbooth_desc WHERE GREATEST(pollID) from mydb.vbooth_desc; +-----------+-----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------+-----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | pollID | int(11) | | PRI | 0 | auto_increment | | pollTitle | char(100) | | | | | | timeStamp | int(11) | | | 0 | | +-----------+-----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ \_ "select pollID from vbooth_desc order by desc" maybe... --peterl \_ "SELECT * FROM vbooth_desc WHERE pollID=(SELECT MAX(pollID) FROM vbooth_desc);" \_ What sort of interface are you using? Your lang looks like perl, but the Perl MySQL DBI interface I've seen has you doing stuff more like: $sth = $dbh->prepare('select max(pollID) from vbooth_desc'); $sth->execute; while ($hash = $sth->fetchrow_hash) { ... } |
1999/11/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:16853 Activity:high |
11/8 According to BeOS at: http://www-classic.be.com/support/qandas/faqs/faq-0408.html they claim that they can't port BeOS to Mac G3s. How is it that the linux guys can get linux to run on G3s and the BeOS guys can't? \_ As I understand, Apple did stuff that makes doing MP on G3's nearly impossible. (But then I haven't been following them for a while) --dbushong \_ Because Linux doesn't do 1/10th the shit BeOS does so they didn't need any technical help from Apple. Before anyone mouths off and pulls a knee jerk LINUX RULEZ, YEW DR00LZ!, I've installed and used both. If you haven't tried BeOS, don't bother flaming. I don't RIDE BIKE! either. |
1999/11/9 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:16854 Activity:high |
8/11 you konw, you americans are strange. why is the it the month first then the day? confusing since the month changes only 12 times, but the day everyday.. wouldn't it make more sense this way? \_ You French people are strange using military time rather than twelve hour clocks. \_ military time makes SO MUCH more sense. DST is also the dumbest thing this country has... that and GWB running for prez \_ MTF! The only thing wrong with DST is that we end it in OcT. We should be tacking on more hours until we can eat dinner at 10pm and still watch the sun set. You don't understand this because your freakish Euro sun doesn't set till 10pm in the summer already. BTW, I'd hate it if my files were dated by day and then month. \_ Military time makes sense if YOU'RE IN THE MILITARY! I'm not and quite happy with my AM/PM. Thanks for the chance to convert to a different yet still completely arbitrary 'standard' for marking time. If you knew anything about this country, you'd know why DST makes perfect sense. \_ I dunno about this one, but some of th US's bizarre habits date from right after the Revolution. Supposedly, we were trying to be different from the British. \_ No. We continued to follow British standards such as feet and pounds and which side of the road. The British changed later. Why do completely ignorant people try to answer simple questions on the motd? Oh yes, it's the motd. Silly of me. As far as the original question: We don't say "12th of November, 1999". We say, "November 12th, 1999". This turns into months first. So, no, you foreign fuck. It doesn't make more sense to use your ill conceived notions of what makes sense. I suppose you might think it makes sense to appease terrorists too. |