1999/10/26-27 [Finance] UID:16771 Activity:high |
10/26 Is there a correlation between the state of economy and the birth-rate of the population? \_ Yes. \_ History 161 sez: "Increasing population provides markets that allow for mass production without recession, more jobs, blah blah..." \_ That's why the Indian and Chinese economies rule the world, right? And Africa! Don't forget Africa! \_ they have a very different kinds of economies. \_ There is no linear correlation. Certainly if the economy is so bad that people are starving there will be no population increase. On the other hand, if the economy is so good that a large portion of the population has a lot of money and leisure time on their hands fewer couples opt for child-rearing. By the way, some experts believe the world population is scheduled for a decrease in the next century. -- ilyas \_ when children become a child-raising/educating liability instead of a free farm-labor asset, of course the population growth rate is going to decrease. \_ Hooray for selfish people! With out us, the world would have even more resource sucking consumers like your soccer mommy in her SUV who add absolutely no value to the planet or the human gene pool. |
1999/10/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:16772 Activity:high |
10/26 Useful URL on morning after pill, please. (usage, indication, side effect...) Thanks. \_ Well, it's already the morning after, obviously. Doesn't that make it a little too late? \_ No. It's good for 72 hours. I hope you're just being "haha silly" and don't actually believe what you said. \_ http://www.plannedparenthood.org/bc/EC.HTM#01How Also there are other options at simply http://www.plannedparenthood.org/bc \_ If you're a student, talk to Tang's hotline. \_ Geez, just go into alta vista emergency room and tell them what you want. They'll give you an incredible amount of shit, but will usually give it to you (especially if you have a good reason for needing it). Go early in the morning to avoid an incredibly long wait. \_ Alta Vista? Or did you mean Alta Bates? -- yuen \_ Have her talk to her physician. He can prescribe it in advance, warn about side effects and interactions and explain usage. Then it's there for emergencies. |
1999/10/26-27 [Computer/Networking] UID:16773 Activity:nil |
10/26 I have a linux box with a cable modem setup as a gateway for my local LAN. Recently I see a lot of messages like the following appeared in the /var/log/messages file. What the heck is that? Sep 11 20:07:28 <mygateway> portmap[4502]: connect from <unknown host> to callit(390109): request from unauthorized host \_ you're getting scanned \_ I'm on cable. I get scanned almost every day. Sometimes multiple times per day from different people. My favorite is the people who scan my bsd box for back orifice. They hit my telnet port. My ftp port. They ping me. Traceroute me. Try icmp redirects. I don't even know what half the >1024 ports are they're trying to exploit. Block it all and forget about it. \_ How can you tell that you were tracerouted? Is all this info logged to /var/log/messages or is there something more i should be doing to monitor my system (I'm using DSL as a gateway for my LAN and have not been getting scanned as far as i can tell.) \_ I've got a kernel level packet filter setup and I log most of the garbage to it's own file which gets rotated every so often and by size. I only log it for personal amusement. openbsd. |
1999/10/26-27 [Transportation/Bicycle, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:16774 Activity:nil |
10/25 I just spent $500 on a nasty car scratch I got in Oakland and realized that I could've spent that money on many years of BART or bike-ride. FUCK CARS!!! \_ Go away, troll. If BART was a useful form of transport for you, you'd have been using it for years already. Go away. You're full of shit. This never happened. Sign your name. \_ Troll or not, $500 would only get you 100 days on BART. You'd get a pretty kick-ass bike for it though. --PeterM \_ Yeah but if you're riding a $500 bike in oakland, its likely it would get stolen. \_ Hell you could be walking for FREE!!!!!!!!!111 \_ You could just not fix the scratch. Go see Fight Club. It's inspired me to live in a slum and forsake all my worldly possessions and become a terrorist Siddharta. \_ wow, you lived with arvin too? \_ And then you could RIDE BIKE! up to a federal building with a few tons of explosives on the back. |