Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:October:21 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/10/21-22 [Industry/Startup] UID:16744 Activity:nil
10/21   Startup Jobs Fair 4-6pm this Thursday in Woz Lounge.
        20 Startups, $700 of Free Pizza, and you!
1999/10/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16745 Activity:nil
10/20   Why the csua, and xcf haven't had any cool things/projects come out
        them.  It occurs to me that people keep talking about the myth of
        the good old days, and that everything was cooler then.  Well, you're
        partially right.  You would find hot-shit coders sitting around the
        web and talkig long into the night about this or that thing about
        computer science.  But that doesn't happen anymore.  Why?  Because
        people have better computers at home than any student org can ever
        have.  And so the hot-shit people stay at home.  Look at all the people
        who are brilliant in class.  They certainly don't hang around student
        groups much often, because they're at their reshall/home working on the
        next patch of thread support for linux at their home on their much
        faster computer (than anything we have).  This is why, for some reason
        people you never hear about are the people who do kick ass work at
          mystery solved.  You want to bring back the old days?  Make the cost
        of buying a pentium 666 intensely prohibitive.
1999/10/21-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:16746 Activity:very high
10/21   Hypothetical question:

        If you replaced /etc/motd.public with a core file can you
        get sorried?

                   /f=r/~_-~ _-_ --_.^-~--\=b\
                 4fF / */  .o  ._-__.__/~-. \*R\
                /fF./  . /- /' /|/|  \_  * *\ *\R\
               (iC.I+ '| - *-/00  |-  \  )  ) )|RB
               (I| (  [  / -|/^^\ |   )  /_/ | *)B
               (I(. \ `` \   \m_m_|~__/ )_ .-~ F/
                \b\\=_.\_b`-+-~x-_/ .. ,._/ , F/
                 ~\_\= =  =-*###%#x==-#  *=- =/
                    ~\**U/~  | i i | ~~~\===~
                            | I I \\
                           / // i\ \\
                      (   [ (( I@) )))  )
                             || * |
                             | *  *\
                            /* /I\ *~~\
                          /~-/*  / \ \ ~~M~\
                ____----=~ // /WVW\* \|\ ***===--___
                \_ Nuclear launch detected.
                \_ Is there a way to replace segmentation fault message with
                   this ascii pic?
                   \_ yes.
        \_ Ask yourself: is a core file a useful and informative message of
           the day?  Does it add value to anyone's soda experience?  Or is it
           just a desperate act of a squishable little prick?  This isn't a
           hypothetical question.  It's a rhetorical question.
           \_ By that definition, everyone should've been squished by now.
              Of course, some things are more squishable than others.
                \_ There's a huge difference between someone adding content
                   you think has zero quality and someone linking a binary
                   which has zero quality for everyone including the poster.
                   Only someone far too stupid to edit the motd would believe
                   a binary has content value to anyone.  It's rhetorical.

                   /f=r/~_-~ _-_ --_.^-~--\=b\
                 4fF / */  .o  ._-__.__/~-. \*R\
                /fF./  . /- /' /|/|  \_  * *\ *\R\
                    ~\**U/~  | i i | ~~~\===~
                            | I I \\
               (iC.I+ '| - *-/00  |-  \  )  ) )|RB
               (I| (  [  / -|/^^\ |   )  /_/ | *)B
               (I(. \ `` \   \m_m_|~__/ )_ .-~ F/
                \b\\=_.\_b`-+-~x-_/ .. ,._/ , F/
                             | *  *\
                            /* /I\ *~~\
                 ~\_\= =  =-*###%#x==-#  *=- =/
                ____----=~ // /WVW\* \|\ ***===--___
                    ~\**U/~  | i i | ~~~\===~          You know, wee totoro
                            | I I \\                   do not appreciate this.
                           / // i\ \\
                      (   [ (( I@) )))  )                   /
                             || * |                   |\|\
                            /* /I\ *~~\               |  OO\
                          /~-/*  / \ \ ~~M~\          | /^^\|
                ____----=~ // /WVW\* \|\ ***===--___  |_m_m/
                \_ Nuclear launch detected.
                \_ Is there a way to replace segmentation fault message with
                   this ascii pic?
                   \_ yes.
                   \_ signal(SIGSEGV, printnuke());
1999/10/21-25 [Uncategorized] UID:16747 Activity:nil
10/21   Can any contractors (or otherwise) recommend sources for disability
        insurance?  -jor
        \_ Prayer.  Send snail mail to The Vatican, 1 Vatican Way, Rome, Italy
        \_ State Fund is quite popular.
1999/10/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:16748 Activity:high 66%like:16758
10/21   Any suggestion for (mail-order) source of photographic archival
        \_ B&H,
1999/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16749 Activity:nil
10/21   Can someone recommend an easy/free way to download an entire
        web-tree for off-line viewing?
        \_ Yes.
        \_ wget is your friend.
1999/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:16750 Activity:nil
10/21   where does lynx store its cookies, and why can't I get a
        yahoo login cookie to persist? I go into my yahoo portfolio manually,
        log in and set "remember my password", but if I restart lynx, or
        quit it and do a lynx -dump, the cookie is gone and I get the
        login page  again.
        \_ man lynx, read about cookies.  don't forget to make sure your
           cookie file is world readable so i can see how much money you've
           lost in the market recently.  -oj
            \_ Hmm, i'm that obvious?  Anyway thanks, "RTFM" was
               sufficiently helpful
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:October:21 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>