10/16 It seems that PacBell charges differently for business and home
DSL. My company of 2 people (located in a rental office in Berkeley)
would like connectivity via PacBell DSL. Can I just tell the PacBell
people that we use it for home, and get charged less? Is that
possible? Has anyone had any experience with this?
16OCT anyone know what the STAR WAGGONS parked along bancroft
were about on friday? ==ahm.
\-if a business is payingthe bill you probably cant opt for the
home option. it is the same for phone lines. in theory i suppose
there is a tax issue too should you or the business get audited.
if the is a sole-proprietorship it might be hard to tell however.--psb
\_ Similar question to the above... if I get DSL, will I still be
qualified for Universal Lifeline Plan? It's really a $ saver.
\_ D'you have the income qualifications for it? Household
yearly income less than $20k or so? If you satisfy that
it's perfectly fine to spend your money on DSL. PacBell
wouldn't care if you spent your money on drugs or cigarettes,
would they? So why would they mind if you got net? --PeterM
\_ Because addiction is considered a disability and they can be
sued for discriminating against someone based on their
disability. They can not be sued for discriminating
against someone based on their bandwidth. That's why.
\_ see: http://www.pacbell.com/products/residential/basic/dialtone/uni-life/features.html#qualify
\_ If you're enough of a hotshot to pay for/have your company
pay for DSL, what the fuck are you doing on the Universal
Lifeline plan? I'd rather the hidden charges inflating my
phone bill go to subsidizing some poor person who actually
*needs* that cheap access, not a "golly, it's really a $
saver!" weenie brat like yourself.
\_ Well, I'm just a poor student TRYING to startup a company
\_ Then you'll need to get someone to invest more money
in you instead of trying to abuse the system.
\_ Whoa! I actually totally agree with another motd poster
that isn't me.
\_ Thanks, man. I try. -- not you
16OCT anyone know what the STAR WAGGONS parked along bancroft
were about on friday? ==ahm.
\_ they were filming a movie. they wil be filming today.
\_ http://www.dailycal.org/article.asp?id=629
\_ Movies suck, man. If the plot they describe in that article was
concerned with being anywhere near true-to-life, the "straight-
laced, anal retentive" engineering student would have a lonely
four years of masturbation at home while watching his "happy-go-
lucky spirit" friend date a series of increasingly larger
assholes (while whining to the engineering student about what an
asshole each guy was). Then, at the end, instead of the two
realizing they're the only people for each other, they'd fail to
hook up, and the movie would end with the chick marrying the
biggest asshole of all, and with the geek dying at 1 AM in his
shiny-new-silicon-valley-job-after-graduation cramped cubicle
from a heart attack brought on by overwork (and it takes a few
days for anyone to notice the body -- he came in to work the
weekend, since he didn't have a life or anywhere else to go).
Now *that* would be a Berkeley film I could identify with!!
\_ Hahhahahhahha... a bit bitter? I doubt your more accurate
version would do as well in the movies. I especially like
the part about dating bigger and bigger assholes and whining
to him about each one. The problem? Engineer boy didn't
treat his so-called friend the way she wanted to be treated.
She wanted him to treat her like crap, he never did, so she
dumped on him for four years and would have driven her new
mini-van to his funeral but she was busy and his parents,
(the only people who know he's dead), didn't know he even
knew a female during college, much less lived with one. Dad
thought he was a poofster. These parts were probably cut to
reduce the screen time to 92 minutes.
\_ The "Christmas Theory" explains this. --sowings
\_ What is the "Christmas Theory"? Please explain.
\_ I'm guessing he's talking about nice happy Hollywood
endings but may be completely wrong. IANAL. YMMV.
\_ I believe (but I'm not sowings) that it's
likening relationships to a little kid's desire
for Christmas morning to come . . . it'll be this
BIG GREAT THING, better than *ANYTHING* in the
WORLD -- and then when Christmas does come, it's
a disappointment, 'cause it wasn't so great.
So female holds a similar attitude towards snaring
third or fourth time he beats her up, she gets his home
number through information (since she didn't need to keep in
touch since she as 'happily' married now and didn't need him
to whine at), calls it and gets the "number is no longer in
service" message and says something about "he was just an
asshole anyway, like all men, and who needs him? He was
never really there for me".
asshole guys (to the extent that she has blinders
on towards other more righteous eligible guys like
our geek friend) -- and once she gets them, finds
out that it wasn't as great as she thought it'd
\_ Ah yes. That's more like it. There's also
usually a touch of, "I can change him and make
him into a better person!" soon followed by,
"I hate all men, all men are evil" followed
by either an even bigger asshole or some
ridiculous lesbian experiment because "women
are evil like men are!" HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
\_ I can see the ending -- "happy-go-lucky spirit" and asshole
husband, sitting in a car . . . "I don't know, Todd -- I mean
I *think* I should go to the funeral, because he was, like,
sorta a friend to me, almost, at school -- we talked and
stuff . . . " Asshole husband: "Just relax and forget about
it, Buffy -- let's go SNOWBOARDING!!" Happy couple drive off
into the sunset in their teal VW Jetta with two $2,500
mountain bikes strapped to the top.
\_ Nah, she wouldn't even know about it. More like, after the
third or fourth time her husband beats her up, she gets geek
boys' home number through information (since she didn't
need to keep in touch since she as 'happily' married now
and didn't need him to whine at), calls it and gets the
"number is no longer in service" message and says
something about "he was just an asshole anyway, like all
men, and who needs him? He was never really there for me".
\_ Berkely Engineer student, eh? Will there actually be Asian
people in this movie?
\_ Yeah. They'll be the pimply uber-geeks with coke-bottle
glasses who're *REALLY* good at math. They'll also pep up
Our Hero with comments like "Well, at least you've *had*
a date! You know guys like me never have any luck with
\_ Because all the Asian chicks are going out with white
frat boys.
\_ Funny. I don't recall joining a fraternity. -dans
\_ Too much alcohol induced homosexual activity has
shorted out your mind.
\_ good, that will leave me their white women! @$1@N P0w3|Z |