10/5 Is GIF pronounced as "jif" or "ghif"?
\_ my officemate says "jif" is east coast while "ghif" is s west coast
\_ Depends. Are you a retard or a normal person?
\_ You are retard
\_ You are retard, me am not retard, you am big dummyheaded!!
\_ You are a retard.
\_ Yes.
\_ don't know how to answer a question?
\_ The answer is valid. To go back to second grade and
answer in a complete sentence, "Yes, GIF is pronounced
as either 'jif' or 'ghif'. Some people say it the first
way, others the second, neither is 'more correct' than the
\_ say jif. ghif sounds gay.
to steal other people's work.
\_ no, it's just the opposite.
\_ I usually pronounce it as "that obsolete, poorly-compressed,
limited colormap, patent encumbered, joke of a format that
should be avoided whenever possible"
\_ That's pretty long-winded for a three-letter word.
\_ It is not patent encumbered. Unisys is not going to sue your
soda home page into bankruptcy for violating their patent or
send you a bill for $5000. And in general, there's nothing
to steal other people's wor
wrong with patents. 99% of the anti-patent crowd never did a
god damned thing worthy of one, so no shit they want the right
to steal other people's work.
\_ Second that
\_ I am staunchly anti-software-patent, and I have done
several things that were patentable. In fact my newest
invention is called "Device Enabling Pro-Software-Patent
Motd Posters to Bite Me". -blojo
\_ If you didn't get a patent, how do you know it was
patentable? You wouldn't be the first to think he was
a Eureka! super genius but turn out to be just another
MOTD editing fool.
\_ "If you have to ask, you don't know." I am a
research programmer in the field of 3D graphics
and computational geometry. I spend 100% of my
time thinking up systems that are new, and then
trying them out. When you're In The Zone of
knowing all the current research, and adding to it,
it is generally easy to know what is patentable
and what is lame. -blojo
\_ I know you're Mr. Graphics. That doesn't make you
super foo. You're still not a lawyer.
a patent lawyer. I easily grant your graphics
super fu. You're still not a lawyer.
\_ The point was, that if you're aware of the
state of the art, and you know what was patented
in the past given the state of the art at that
time, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to
figure out roughly what has a good chance of
far superior math skills to you".
being a defendable patent. Sure, you
might be a little off here and there, but you
pretty much know. -blojo
\_ You're not a lawyer, but you play one on
the motd. If it was that easy, why are
all those engineers bothering to go to law
school to retrain as patent lawyers? They
should just go take the bar exam right off
since it doesn't take a rocket scientist.
It does take a lawyer, though.
\_ well if they had a bar exam to become a
patent lawyer in that narrow field, maybe.
but they dont, you have to be a full
lawyer to be a patent lawyer, and so you
have to take the full bar exam. Hence
the need to waste time with law school.
\_ I think you're a little confused about
the patent process. Patent lawyers
do not come up with ideas of what to
patent. The engineers come to them, and
they say "Help me patent this." It
costs significant dollars to see a
patent through, so you don't do it unless
you're pretty sure it's viable. Also,
who are these armies of engineers
retraining as patent lawyers of whom
you speak? I don't know any of them.
Sounds anecdotal to me. -blojo
\_ I thought Compuserve came up with the format?
\_ You people have gif and jpeg confused.
\_ Compuserve developed the GIF format using the LZW
compression method Unisys developed & patented.
(Note to pro-patent-mongers above: Unisys only did
the W in LZW - the original LZ work was done elsewhere
and merely extended by Unisys, but their patent allows
them to profit off the work of others.)
\_ "allows them to profit off the work of others": Hello?
Know ye nothing, young jedi knight? They're only allowed
to profit from their useful and original extensions to
another's work, aka "their own work". I see nothing
wrong with that. Anyone not using their extension owes
them nothing and no one is required to do so. In any
event, a patent doesn't last forever. Old patents are
17 years from the time of issue. New patents are 20
years from the time of first application filing.
\_ What is the W in LZW? I know how Lempel-Ziv
compression works, but I never learned about W. -emin
\_ The "W" is (W)oman. As in "Woman of Power with
far superior math skills than you".
\_ The "W" is (W)1MM1N!!1! As in "D00D, 1 G0TTA
\_ Oh yeah, you're right. Tpyo, sorry.
\_ Getting back to the original post, "gif" is pronounced
"jif." The "g" before "i" grammar rule says that the
"g" picks up a "j" sound. Yup..."ghif" sounds kinda
gay, please don't use that in public. -- swings
\_ I wonder who's getting me gifts (pronounced "jifts"
according to the above post) for my birthday this month? I
use (ghift) in public all the time and I sound way too cool.
\_ Also "giant" vs "giddy". Both common English words that
somehow violate this mysterious "g before i rule". There
are numerous counter examples to this so called rule. But
really what can one expect from the motd anyway?
\_"g" before "i" generally applies when in doubt. my goodness
EECS people always have to have the last word, eh?
\_ i think words with "g" pronounced as a soft "j" sound
before "i" are few and far between. there is no such rule.
it makes sense intuitively to me to pronounce it as a hard
"g". i can't understand why you'd want to pronounce gif
like jif. it's not a peanut butter for god's sake. -lila
\_ It really doesn't matter! People who pronounce it
"ghif" are probably used to the "gift" idea; people who
pronounce it "jif" either think there's that rule to
pronunciation, or just like the alliteration that you'd
get with "jif" and "jaypeg".
\_ well of course it doesn't matter. since when
did we debate anything of import on the motd? -lila |