Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:October:05 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/10/5 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:16661 Activity:very high
10/4    So I need a haircut, and I decided not to forgive the place I
        usually go for screwing up my last haircut.  What's a place in
        Berkeley that y'all have found satisfactory?  --PeterM
        \_ Narcissus - Ask For Kim.
        \_ Scissors/mirror.  Alternative: female companion/scissors.
           \_ what's wrong w/ a guy cutting a guy's hair?  homophobe...
                   THUS *MUST* BE A HOMOPHOBE!!!!  QUICK!  SMEAR THEM!!!!  The
                   answer to your pre-biased question is: nothing.  Why don't
                   you suggest it yourself instead of slinging mud?  Or maybe
                   you'd be happier and feel like more of a Victim if I said,
                   "I'd never ask another guy to cut my hair, only faggots cut
                    other guy's hair and I don't want AIDS from some scissor
                    wielding faggot!".  Feel more victimized now?  Happier?
                    \_ I don't care about the race, sex, sexual orientation,
                       or religious creed of my haircutter, so long as
                       they're good at their job, don't charge too much, and
                       don't believe in sacrificing customers to their God.
                       Could someone please recommend a satisfactory
                       haircutter?  --PeterM
                       \_ How'bout that place by $1.11 Chinese food near Un3
1999/10/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16662 Activity:high
10/4    Where can I get a list of interesting interview/thinking/logic
        questions? (i.e. "you have n balls, sort it by...") Thx.
        \_ Try rec.puzzles or alt.brain.teasers
        \_ You're going to throw ranom puzzle questions at interviewees?  What
           are you thiking?  Unless you work at Puzzle Magazine Inc. this is
           a lame idea.  You work for Catbert?
           \_ Maybe it's for self-preparation.
                \_ Oh God... you're applying for the wrong job unless it's at
                   Puzzle Mag.
        \_ Notwithstanding the "wrong job" idea, I've heard of and have been
           asked several puzzle questions.  You have a game.  There are two
           players.  One player places a quarter down on a circular table;
           the next player does the same.  This repeats until someone can't
           put a quarter on the table anymore -- that person loses.  No
           overlapping of quarters, placing it on its side, overlapping the
           edge of the table, etc.  What is your strategy to guarantee a win?
           (Do you want to go first or second?)
           Here's another.  You have a fog-covered bridge and a flashlight.
           You have 4 people, and need to get all over the bridge in minimum
           time.  The bridge can only carry two people at a time.  The people
           all walk at different paces:  10 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, and
           1 minute.  What's the most efficient solution?
1999/10/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:16663 Activity:kinda low 75%like:16667
        \_ Which websites have you designed already?
           \_      :)
        \_ D00D, U R TH3 M0ST K-RAD W3B D3S1GN3R 1"V3 3V3R S33N!!!!!1!!!1!!!
           CUM W3RK 4 MY K0MPANY, B1FF 3L3CTR0N1KS!!!111   1 D0N"T HAV MUCH
           F00D (1 L1V 0FF UV D13T K0K3, T0P RAM3N, AND H0-HOZ), BUT U KAN
           HAV TH3 F1RST M0D3L UV TH3 N3W K0MPUT3R 1"M D3S1GN1NG, TH3
           B1FFMASTUR-3000!!11!  1T'S A SUP3RK0MPUT3R BAS3D 0N TH3 DEP3NDABUL
           V1C-20 ARK1TECTUR!!1!!  1T'LL B3 A VALUBL K0LL3CTUR"Z 1T3M!!1!
                \_ You're way back, boy.  I've already got an SMP Vic-20 in
                   manufacturing.  Compaq is going to sell it as soon as the
                   new Amiga takes off.
1999/10/5 [Industry/Jobs] UID:16664 Activity:nil
10/4    Where can I find the average salary for a Software engineer who has
1999/10/5 [Industry/Jobs] UID:16665 Activity:nil
        2-3 years of working experience by UC? (BA degree from all UCs)
        \_ You can't.  There's no such thing.  You get what you negotiate for.
           Average salaries are a hiring manager and HR scam.  -hiring mgr
1999/10/5 [Uncategorized] UID:16666 Activity:nil
10/4    Thanks ERic. -original poster
1999/10/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:16667 Activity:low 75%like:16663
        \_ That's not a good habit.
        \_ Which websites have you designed already?
           \_      :)
        \_ D00D, U R TH3 M0ST K-RAD W3B D3S1GN3R 1"V3 3V3R S33N!!!!!1!!!1!!!
           CUM W3RK 4 MY K0MPANY, B1FF 3L3CTR0N1KS!!!111   1 D0N"T HAV MUCH
           F00D (1 L1V 0FF UV D13T K0K3, T0P RAM3N, AND H0-HOZ), BUT U KAN
           HAV TH3 F1RST M0D3L UV TH3 N3W K0MPUT3R 1"M D3S1GN1NG, TH3
           B1FFMASTUR-3000!!11!  1T'S A SUP3RK0MPUT3R BAS3D 0N TH3 DEP3NDABUL
           V1C-20 ARK1TECTUR!!1!!  1T'LL B3 A VALUBL K0LL3CTUR"Z 1T3M!!1!
                \_ You're way back, boy.  I've already got an SMP Vic-20 in
                   manufacturing.  Compaq is going to sell it as soon as the
                   new Amiga takes off.
1999/10/5-8 [Consumer/Camera] UID:16668 Activity:low
10/5    Does anyone have experience shopping for cameras at
        \_ Do yourself a favor and go to
           They are rude, but cheap, efficient and honest.
           \_ Imagine a world where honesty, value an efficiency in a
              retail sales industry was parallelled by politeness and
              respect for the customer... oh, wait... I must be asking for
              too much. God forbid should anyone be polite. -(fucker)
           \_ I saw the price on is considerably
                lower but if you have or have heard of bad experience with
                it please post it.  Thanks.
                \_ Try Adorama or Smile Photo.  B&H is known to have
                   good stuff, but higher prices.  Never heard of this
                   photographicphoto place, but their prices don't seem that
                   low to me.
           \_ I've always had good experience with mail-ordering at B&H
              and CWO (  I think they are not rude,
              but they are not the cheapest either.  If you're buying
              popular items, CWO usually has lower prices than B&H.
              Otherwise it's the other way around.  Haven't tried any
              mail-order stores other than these two because I heard
              most others like to cheat.  -- yuen
           \_ I am the one who said B&H are rude but honest...
              I STRONGLY recommend you look at this informal survey:
              good luck                 -serious snapshooter
              \_ Another survey can be found at
                 This one lists the number of satisfied/dissatisfied customers
                 at each mail-order store.  -- yuen
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:October:05 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>