Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:September:17 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
1999/9/17 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:16536 Activity:nil
9.16    Does anyone know about the way synchronous send and receives between
        threads are implemented in the (1) Mach kernel, (2) the BSD Kernel,
        so HTTPS should work now.  Bugs to mconst.
1999/9/17-19 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:16537 Activity:moderate
9/16    lynx 2.8.3dev.9 installed: URLs like telnet://-n.rhosts will no
        longer actually start a telnet session logging to your .rhosts
        file.  I installed the SSL patch from too,
        so HTTPS should work now.  Bugs to mconst.
        \_ Winnt?  Source code?  You're grasping.
        \_ Bless you! Lynx with SSL rocks.
        \_ I have a Motorola Advisor Gold FLX.
        \_ SSL != HTTPS
1999/9/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:16538 Activity:nil 61%like:16546
9/16    Thinking about getting a text pager (one where I can forward from
        Soda .procmailrc->text pager.) I don't really care about the
        voice->text translation. What is a good brand, and how much do
        these pagers and service cost? Thanks.
        \_ I have a Motorola Advisor Gold FLX.
           I like it. But whatever kind you get, just look out for Kchang.
1999/9/17-18 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:16539 Activity:nil
9/16    Stumbled across this great site for searching prices on camcorders,
        cameras and etc.
1999/9/17-18 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:16540 Activity:very high
9/16    What's the best way to lose the fat that accumulates around your
        lower abdomen? (results of a desk job)  I've been doing a lot of
        sit-ups but they don't seem to be working.  Except for this ring of
        fat, I'm pretty fit otherwise.  I heard that after a man reaches
        a certain age, there is just no way to get rid of that through
        exercise, no liposuction.  Is that true?  Thanks.
        \_ Use ssh instead of rsh.
           energy, fat from all over your body gets used, not just in
        \_ You can't spot train fat like you can muscle.  If you expend
           the area where your muscles are working.  Doing situps will
           \_ so your answer is?  Just do plain exercise and hope that the
              fat around your abs goes away?
           just increase the muscle density in your abs.
        \_ a lot of it collects around the sides. So you have to do things
            that work the "obliques", I guess. eg: twisty situps?
           diligently. Do a lot of crunches, but don't only do crunches.
           Watch your diet as well. I've seen people get rid of it, but
           you must be patient. It seems to take 1-2 years of serious
           training to be rid of it. By that time, the rest of you is
        \_ You can get rid of it, but it's difficult. You need to work out
        \_ How much is your ref. bonus?
           very lean and muscular, too. Consider it an added bonus. --dim
        \_If you train seriously, it won't take 1-2 years. Probably 12-16
          weeks. But it also means keeping a pretty strict diet. I.e. no
        \_If you train seriously, it won't take 1-2 years. Probably 12-16
                \-resistance training buiilding muscles + protein fuel
          donuts, chips, soda, jack-in-the-box, etc
                builds muscles. you lose fat by extercising and dieting.
                these are two different programs. --psb
          donuts, chips, soda, jack-in-the-box, etc
          \_ I guess it depends on how fat the person is to begin with. I
             \_ I guess my wife is a man then. her thighs are fine, but
                she has a tractor tire around her gut.
             I know two people who did it. The
             think 12-16 weeks is very optimistic, though. That is the
             hardest place for many men to lose weight. It's akin to
             thighs/hips for women. I know two people who did it. The
             first one did it in one year by working out rigorously. The
             thighs/hips for women.
             other person adopted a less rigorous approach and it took
             think 12-16 weeks is very optimistic, though. That is the
        \_ Wanna get rid of 20 lbs of ugly fat real fast?  Go in for a
        \_ Fat Whacker!
             longer. It's anecdotal evidence, of course, so YMMV. --dim
        \_ RIDE BIKE
        \_ Bless you! Lynx with SSL rocks.
           \_ SMACK!!!!!!
1999/9/17-18 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:16541 Activity:high 66%like:15848 53%like:17542 61%like:17733
9/16    Software jobs available at Intel.  See /csua/pub/jobs/intel
        \_ How much is your ref. bonus?
        \_ Emailed received from Intel upper middle manager signed off with
           the phrase, "Have a productive day, Joe".  No thanks.
           \_ What does this even mean?  If you're trying to make a
              statement, it would help if you constructed a valid
              sentence.  I'm in the group that's hiring.  I like the
              group, and put the job listing up as a favor.  We're
              looking to extend several job offers before the end of the
              year.  If you send a decent resume, you'll probably get an
              interview (though I recommend using correct or at least
              reasonably decipherable English on your resume). -emarkp
              \_ A bit touchy?  Check with your HS english teacher.  That
                        \_ only if the e-mail signed off, not the manager
                           try "manager who signed off..."
                 is a valid sentence.
                 \_ only if the e-mail signed off, not the manager try
                           you're totally on target about the grammar, that's
                           entirely unrelated to the point, namely that Intel
                           is a slave ship.  ROW!... ROW!... ROW!  When you hit
                           your early 30s and they fire you to make way for 5
                           NCG's, don't come crying to the motd about it.
                    "manager who signed off..."
                    \_ That's incorrect.  "manager" is the object of the
                       VP "signed off".  Don't make me get my grammar
                       books out and go balistic on your slave ass.
                       -Straight A English Major
                 \_ "Emailed received"? I don't think do.
                     \_ Sure is.  You're simply wrong.  Sorry.  Even if
                        you're totally on target about the grammar,
                        that's entirely unrelated to the point, namely
                        that Intel is a slave ship.  ROW!... ROW!...
                        ROW!  When you hit your early 30s and they fire
                        you to make way for 5 NCG's, don't come crying
                        to the motd about it.
                        \_ That's a lovely myth.  Come back when you can
                           think for yourself. -emarkp
                           \_  Some time soon you might want
                              to start thinking for yourself instead of letting
                              your manager do it for you.  Or maybe these
                              people are *all* just liars and nincompoops.
                              Yeah, that's it.
                              \_ Actually, the stuff in faceintel reads
                                 like tabloid.  I've never seen or heard
                                 of anything like this in my department.
                                 Obviously I can only speak for my
                                 department, but it's remarkable this
                                 nut feels like he can speak for the
                                 entire company. -emarkp
                 ... The second sentence is accepted slang.
                 I have a decent resume but don't need an Intel slave job.  I
                 suppose having Intel on your resume as a NCG is good but I'm
                 too old for that crap.  I don't need it.  Thanks.
                       start thinking for yourself instead of letting
                       your manager do it for you.  Or maybe these people are
                       *all* just liars and nincompoops.  Yeah, that's it.
                 \_ What is it with the "corporate slave" stuff?  I get
                    paid well, I develop software I'm proud of, I go
                    home at 5pm, and I get regular raises, bonuses, and
                    stock options.  Furthermore, the belief that Intel
                    will fire you after a few years for a recent college
                    grad is a myth, at least in my department. -emarkp
                           \_  Some time soon you might want
                              to start thinking for yourself instead of letting
                              your manager do it for you.  Or maybe these
                              people are *all* just liars and nincompoops.
                              Yeah, that's it.
                              \_ I don't trust Intel, but I don't trust a site
1999/9/17 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:16542 Activity:nil
9.17    Ahh, beautiful, all these 61c people using winnt dual p 200s to run
        pc spim much faster than any unix box in soda.  Glorious. It is
        the beginning of a new age brothers and sisters!
        \_ shaddup paolo. #1 xspim fan.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:1999:September:17 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>